Second Life

By Celeswind

113K 4.2K 2.6K

Jonathan is an average college student who is an introvert. His classmates and professors don't notice him wh... More

Chapter 2 Cursed you, monkey!
Chapter 3 You know what...I hate him.
Chapter 4 What are you planning...
Chapter 5 Bet & Deal
Chapter 6 All in the day work
Chapter 7 What a day
Chapter 8 Looking
Chapter 9 Camping
Update & Title Cover
Chapter 10 Banana Bus
Chapter 11 Name
Chapter 12 Party
Chapter 13 Morning after
A wonderful invitation
Chapter 14 Adventures much?
Chapter 15 Murphy's Law
Chapter 16 Why me
Facts about me
Chapter 17 Halloween
Chapter 18 Someone call me?
Chapter 19 Let's the chase begin
Chapter 20 I spy with my little eyes
Chapter 21 Is this a quest, really?

Chapter 1 New Professor

12.2K 270 316
By Celeswind

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. There's some cursing, and terrible grammar. 

I know that Delirious has a sister, but she'll be as his twin. There will be a lot of first names within the story.

Some of the people may be around similar, older, or younger age and OC.

Technology is more advanced than our time.


Jonathan POV:

Light seeps into my room basking it in brightness. I know the blinds were drawn down, pulled from another night game session, yet there was always some light penetrating my blinds. Go away light, no one wants you! I pull my covers over my head to block out those evil rays. I have this feeling that I have something important to do, but right now I don't really care. I just want to sleep.

The door automated slide open, and someone enters as I try to go back to my dream. Familiar shuffles of someone trying to be silent yet fail tiptoes to my bed. I smile under my cover anticipate it then begin a countdown.

3. There were some shuffles and soft curses.

2. More loud tiptoes.

1. A gentle grip of my covers.


"WAKE UP, YOU BASTARD!" Jennifer, (just making up a name) my fraternal twin, yells at me. She shakes me while she pulls my warm cover to wake me up. I tug back it from her as she grabs it turning into our daily game of tug-of-war, our somehow strange morning routine. We have some things in common except:

1.) Jennifer is a female, of course, and has softer features. Her eyes are gentle yet wild, and mine is cold.

2.) She, having longer hair than me, passed her shoulder and tied up to a low ponytail while my hair was a short boyish haircut.

3.) She is more expression and outgoing than me, the stoic one.

Because of number three, people like her more than me, but she knows me the best as I know her. Just because I don't like talking and expressing myself much at school doesn't mean I can't. Well, I'm a bit livelier at home than school, just our family's blood is more active on her. Our family blood, our delirious side gave us that kind of personality. It triggers by almost anything or by our personality, curse, or blessing, it has been in our bloodline for generations. Dad mentions it makes us, well, different, 'insane.' The lucky ones are the ones who married into the family. Jennifer and I got it from our dad. Though our mother can kind of wheel us back, man, she has that mean mother look that could almost repeal it.

Usually, I have strict control; sometimes, it is better to bottle it up until I go on another gaming spree to let it all out. I guess why some players call me crazy. But hey, it's better to be an emotionless and scary prick than insane sound one that people judge. That side... sometimes scares my family.

4.) I'm muscular than her, yet this woman can fight.

I'm not ready to face the world yet. Let me sleep. You crazy b!tch!

"C'mon, you always do this morning!" Jennifer whined, pulling the sheet. I tug back in response.

YOU'RE the one who applies for those classes. THEN you added those for me too because YOU want me to move this early.

"So," I reply. Don't wanna!

"I heard we have a new professor for our class this semester," Jennifer said she pulls my cover toward her. One day, my cover is going to tears from this abuse. Oh well. So what. Who wants to know about a new bastard teaching us this time?

"Don't care!" I yelled back; continue to pull back the covers toward me.

"...there's foo-WHOA!" From my sudden jump off of my bed, Jennifer lost momentum for a moment before gaining her balance. I cannot deny myself food.

"FOOD!" I yelled and ran past her to the kitchen to see a large pile of warm food on the table. It was just waiting to be eaten mainly by me.

"Hey! Save some for me!" Jennifer rushes toward the kitchen and grabs herself a plate. Often our parents are gone for a long period, mainly from their work and dates, so my sister took upon the cooking duty. I'm not completely heartless to assist and cook some meals too.



Our lovely daily morning together before school starts, hooray.


Once we arrive in our classroom, Jennifer heads toward her friends while I head to an empty desk by the window, away from everyone. She knows I hate interacting with people at school. As much as I hate them, they tend to give the latest gossip and news across campus.

"I heard that virtual game is coming, later on, today."

"Yea, Second Life."

"Those in beta say it's awesome."

"Have you seen our new professor?"

"I heard him graduate really early because he's a genius and hot!"

I tuned them out while I mess around my desk, waiting for the professor to arrive and for the class to start. comes out today and available after school? YES! I'm jumping for joy mentally, of course. The day that I, physically, do that in class would be the day I'll give practically everyone a heart attack. Emotionless Johnathan is acting like his hyperactive twin that would be today's headline. Heh, it would be annoying but amusing at the same time. That game was said to be the best modern technical game, EVER! To have you mind transport to a virtual world, and select a range of species and classes. Man, I can't believe I forgot about that!

I remember how it started...



I was eating my lunch before my sister burst from her room and ran toward smiling at me.

"The game is going to come out soon!" Jennifer squealing then thrusts a magazine in front of my face.

"Sis, I'm eating!" I yelled at her to get that damn magazine away from my face and food. "Get it away from my food!"

"Look! The game, Second Life, is coming out soon!" She shoved that damn magazine at my face until I took it from her.

The pages contain flashy pictures and info. A virtual world! Experienced and played from a selection of races and classes. Explore the vast world, trade, live, and more come and join us in Second Life! More info on page xx!' I toss the magazine back to my sister. She quickly grabbed it and glared at me.

" what," I said and resumed eating. Jennifer continues that pouting look. Don't care! Let me eat in peace!

"So what! You're going to play with me. You always play on your console and computer by yourself. Don't you see how awesome this product is?!" She huffs, "Once it comes out we will get it."

"Bu-" I didn't agree to this!

"No! Once it comes, we will buy and you will find friends!" Jennifer interrupted and scowled at me.


"No!" She did again. I'll not let her win!


"No, BUTT! Now, finish your food, look, and deal with it!" She yelled at me and sat across the table, sliding the magazine in front of me to look at it while I eat. Both of us glared at each other for a moment before we laughed at each other. The house echoes with both normal and insane laughter.

She didn't stop pestering me until I looked up everything Second Life related. Later on, I somehow become hooked just not as obsessive as Jennifer.



A large slam echoes the classroom, it silences everyone and interrupts my daydream. "Hey, settle down everyone!" A tall male person spoke who was holding a large book in his hand. He's Caucasian, Asian, standing behind the plastic podium with a large book on his hand. Looking closer at his appearance, he seems to be around our age. His hair was black. It was styled as a short Mohawk and dressed in a red dress shirt and black tie and pants. The shirt tightens around his buff muscle in the right places, and he's standing in front of the room looking at us. He has that idiotic smile beaming toward the entire class. I can hear some girls squeal at his looks. People could say he's a heart dropper or handsome, but meh don't care.

I can't wait for class to be over just so I can buy the game. C'mon start the class!

"You're the professor?" A random student couple desk ahead of me questions him.

"Of course I'm the professor! What? Expect someone older?" He smirks. Almost all the girls and some boys shake their heads in denial, I guess they didn't want him to leave.

"Good." The professor walked toward the board, grabbed a marker, wrote his name on the board, and faced the class "Now, class. I'm Evan Fong and I'll be your professor for this class. I like to be called Evan, AND yes before you ask I'm a genius. I graduated from college when I'm a teen, I'm about the same age as you, I'm Canadian, blah, blah, and blah." People chuckle at that part.

"Since I introduced myself, now it's your turn. I need to see if everyone here and what-not. Just stand up, say your name, and something about yourself."

One by one, each student stood up from their seat and talked about themselves. Evan pinched in their discussion once awhile. He seems to always have something funny to say to keep the class laughing and smiling. He wanted us to know each other. I noticed he was glancing at me because I wasn't laughing with the class. Definitely, he looks back to Jennifer and me when she introduced herself, mentioning we're twins.

"Ok, the last guy who was sitting in the back, looking all cool, what's your name?"

"....Jonathan Denis." Evan walks closer to me, only a few desks separate us now. Everyone looks at us.

"Alright. Anything you would like to tell the class about yourself?" Really? You already know something from my own sister.

I let out a sigh staring back at him, "...I have a twin, Jennifer, she over there" I gesture toward her. Instantly, students whispering around me, I hear them complaining. How we are not similar. Why I'm related to a friendly, nice, and outgoing person, and more. I grind my teeth in silence as my postures stiffen in anger. My expression stays neutral while I stare at the class. Jennifer frowns from the whisper as well. She was about to say something, but Evan quickly turns around-

"Ok, people! This is a learning environment! We may have some fun and jokes all-around, but I don't want to hear anyone badmouthing other students. I just HATE to kick anyone who can't behave." Evan continues looking at my classmates.

I couldn't see his expression, but from the way, people were shifting from their seats. It was a hidden message that they shouldn't do that again in his class. I'll give some props for that. The professors I know, they would let that slide as they didn't 'hear' anything. The other students, all, who favor Jennifer, hide all of this from her. The main reason, they don't want her to know and I don't want her to worry. These petty words and rumors I try not to get to me. If they annoy me enough, I can settle it with my fists that usually shut them up for a while before it comes back again.

"Now that we know each other. Let's start in Literature!" Evan walks toward the board and class begins.

I won't deny that he's smart, but he knows what he's talking about. Once he started, he drew everyone's attention including mine. I can't believe I'm starting to even like literature. Amazing. Time seems to pass too quickly while Evan was lecturing.

He pulls his sleeve to look at his watch, "Well, look at the time. The class had ended, people. You're free to go do whatever you want. No homework except reading chapter two for tomorrow. I'll see you guys later." Everyone slowly walks out of the classroom while Jennifer moves closer to me. FREEDOM!

"Johnathan, can I see you for a bit?" Fuck! What did I do? Evan gestures to me to come closer. Jennifer hesitates, she looks at me and I nod at her. I know she'll wait outside for me. Evan waits for everyone to leave before he focuses his attention on me.

"Doesn't that happen often?" Evan asks, watching me carefully. What the hell is he talking about? Oh, OH! I just look at him with a stoic expression, warily watch him in return.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I reply he frowns for a brief second before his usual happy idiotic emotion return.

"Alright, but when it does HAPPEN tell me." He pats my shoulder then gathers his belongings.

I guess I'm free to go. I left the room to find my sister leaning against the wall. When Jennifer notices me, she bounces and rushes toward my side. I waited for her to come closer before we fast-paced to our car.

"What happened?" Jennifer questions, she sends worry glances over me.

"Just the professor wanted to talk about the classmates," I replied. I can't lie to her to save my life and she will know if I did. Jennifer knows me too well sometimes.

"Oh." Also, she knows when to let it drop. Best sister.

"C'mon, slowpoke! Due to your dilly dally, we may not can't a copy of Second Life! Remember there's a limited amount of copying before the next batch will come!" Jennifer places her hands on my back and pushes me forward to hurry up.

"I'm moving!" We reach my car and rush toward the nearest Game store.


We're finally home and, man, I'm tired. We had dealt with long lines to get this game; once the last copy was sold, the store abruptly went into chaos. People were pleading and fighting to get it from the lucky ones. I wanted to join in the fight, but Jennifer could get hurt and there's a game calling my name.

"Really to play, big brother?" Jennifer asked she glanced at me while I was staring at the game box.

"Of course, I'm ready to play!" I reply and look at her confused at the sudden question. She faces me in a serious yet pleading matter on her face.

"One more thing... "Promise me to make some friends, ok?"

Slowly, I nod then look away. I hate how she holds my feelings hostage like that because I can't stand that look and she knows it. Dammit. If it came from someone other than her, maybe our parents, I wouldn't agree to do it. How can I do it? And I did... promise. FUCK! Now I have to find friends! We head to our room to test out the game. Someday, we will find each other.

Opening the box, the game only includes headgear, plugs, and a game, short and long, manual. The headgear covers your eyes and ears; it can be adjustable on the side with a plug to connect to a wall for a battery. The gear can work without charging, but it is recommended to plug it for long sessions with reasonable breaks. I skim over the long manual looking at the game pictures then focus the short manual; how-to-guide and skip over regarding the health issues then plug the device. Settle comfortably on my bed, I set the headgear onto my face and turn it on.

My vision swirls into darkness, my eyes open into the vast whiteness. I view my surroundings. Everything was covered in white tiles and squares in the surrounding area. Curious, I touch my face to see if the headgear was still there.

It wasn't.

"Welcome, player!"


 What's your thought on this? Who's going Delirious going to meet first, NPC or another member from the crew?

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