Sorry (ON HOLD)

By cuddlymxndes

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Being best friends with William Singe can be hard when he becomes famous, but what will happen when Maddy mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 12

516 10 0
By cuddlymxndes

Backstage was really fun. We all just mostly hung out.

A lot of selfies were taken.

They were all practising they’re songs for tonight.

I watched as the boys all got their makeup and hair done. I watched them as they scrunched up their faces in disgust as they were caked in make-up.

Will picked up some eyeliner.

‘Why is there a pencil in here? Hey Trent, pass me some paper.’ Before Trent could pass it to Will, the make-up artist had snatched the eyeliner out of Will’s hands. Sammy and I started laughing

‘That’s eyeliner idiot,’ Sam laughed.

Next were the outfits. All the boys went into their change room and the girls went into theirs. I was left there by myself.

I decided to have a nice chat with the make-up artist.

‘You’re Maddy right? I’ve heard so much about you. It’s great to finally meet you.’

‘Sorry I didn’t catch your name.’ Awkward moment.

‘I’m Jill,’ she smiled.

‘Nice to meet you Jill. Your job must be hard, trying to get all those boys to get make-up on.’ Jill laughed and nodded.

‘Yeah, but then it’s fun doing the girls.’

‘That’s true, it must just feel like you’re at a sleep over sometimes.’

Just then Julian and the rest of the boys came out. They were dressed in casual clothes.

‘We’re going to be first on, so we gotta go soon. You can come side stage if you promise not to talk.’

‘I promise,’ I said looking up to him, smiling.

‘My mum and Nonna prefer to sit in the audience because they feel it has a better energy about it, but don’t worry, side stage is amazing. I stand there and watch Bella sometimes,’ he said smiling at Bella.

‘Do they come backstage afterwards?’

‘Unfortunately they can’t tonight. You’ll have to meet them some other time.’

That was fine by me.

‘Alright, we gotta go now, the show’s about to start, come on.’ He took my hand and led me out of the room and into a long hallway.

There were lots of doors into different change rooms and such. I could tell Julian and the rest of the boys were nervous.

They were all shaking and quiet. They’re never quiet!

We arrived in a dark, black room. All of a sudden lights came on on the stage and the show started.

Luke walked on to the stage. He welcomed the audience and the judges as they walked to their seats.  

‘Up first we have The Collective singing Swim Good by Frank Ocean,’ Ronan welcomed.

The lights went dim and the boys walked on stage, into their positions. As the lights came on and the band started, they each grabbed their microphones and started singing.

Will started off with a solo. I was standing in left the wing and just watched them as my jaw dropped.

Julian had told me last night through texting that he had a big solo.

I could tell that he was nervous. Anyone would be, but I knew he would be amazing.

As they kept on singing along with the music, the crowd went crazy.

A few times they went and touched the hands that out stretched from the crowd.

I could tell that Julian’s solo was coming up, he started looking a little bit nervous.

He looked over to me for a split second and his eyes lit up and he smiled.

The other boys went quiet and he sang his heart out for the solo.

This was his first ever solo for the live performances, and he was killing it! It was amazing! He threw in a few dance moves and the others harmonised here and there. It honestly sounded like golden baby Jesus made of silk! Amazing doesn’t even compare.

I started clapping and whistling from side stage.

As the song ended, the boys met in the middle for the judge’s opinion on the performance.

The crowd was going crazy, I can’t blame them! It took a while for the judge’s to get them to settle down and to be quiet, but finally, everyone sat back down and listened.

‘Well boys,’ Ronan said in his thick accent, ‘you’ve done me proud. That performance was perfect. Julian, when it was coming closer and closer to your solo, you started to lose it a bit, but when it came, WOW! You guys were born superstars.’ All the boys started grinning at the amazing compliment. The crowd went crazy.

‘Thank-you Ronan,’ Jayden replied.

‘Guys, when I first found out that Ronan gave you guys Swim Good, I didn’t know what to think. You guys haven’t done a song like that yet. And when I heard Julian had the big solo, I was a bit cautious. I mean, you haven’t had any solos yet, and it’s hard to go from none to the big one. But that was a great song choice and you guys really bought it this week,’ Mel complimented.

She rarely gives compliments to people that aren’t in her group, so getting feedback like that from her was a big thing.

‘Actually, I can’t get the credit for the song choice Mel. A fan actually tweeted Will saying that they should sing it. He told me and I thought it was a good idea, and it’s what the fans wanted so I allowed it,’ Ronan replied.

‘That fan must know what they’re talkin’ ‘bout because you guys just blew the roof off in here,’ Mel replied. The crowd started yelling and screaming to show that they totally agreed.

‘I’m actually scared. You guys are the biggest threat. I think that your moves could have been a bit more up to scratch and Julian you started looking a bit nervous but then I don’t know, you looked side stage, and then you were just glowing,’ Natalie said, ‘Is there someone supporting you tonight?’

Julian lifted the microphone to his mouth. ‘Yeah, Maddy’s side stage,’ Julian smiled

‘Wait, THE Maddy? For people at home, Will and Julian don’t stop talking about this girl. Would she be willing to come out?’ Ronan asked.

Oh wow, and I thought that having the other contestants talking about it was bad, now the whole country was going to be talking about it.

Someone dressed from head to toe in black with a headset on asked me if I was alright to go on stage.

I looked towards the stage where Julian was standing looking over to me. He is the definition of perfection. The way he stood there, just looking at me. I forgot that there were thousands of people waiting for me to walk on stage. I stood there for a few seconds just marvelling at Julian.

‘Well?’ The person asked urgently, snapping me out of my day dream.

‘Why not?’ I walked out onto the stage as everyone clapped and cheered. That wasn’t embarrassing! I walked over to Julian and he slung his arm around my shoulder.

‘Hey there,’ he smiled.

‘You were amazing,’ I replied, trying to take my mind off the fact that there were about 20 thousand or so people watching me right now. But unfortunately, I couldn’t avoid it forever.

I turned towards the judge’s.

‘Hi there,’ Ronan exclaimed.

‘Hi.’ The boys laughed and Julian passed me the microphone.

Oh god, way to make a fool of yourself in front of thousands of people Maddy! Good one, I mentally kicked myself.

I lifted the microphone to my mouth and once again said ‘hi.’

‘So tell me, what’s been going on between you and Julian, he won’t stop talking about you.’

‘Well I met him a few days ago because I’m actually Will’s best friend,’ I started to explain.

‘I wouldn’t say best friend,’ he laughed. Everyone laughed. ‘Nah, nah, I’m joking, Maddy’s great.’

‘Shut-up Will,’ I laughed, ‘and Julian was such a charmer, and so now we’re going out.’ I smiled.

‘Aww, what a cute story, hopefully the fans don’t get too jealous!’ Natalie laughed.

We all walked of stage. I couldn’t believe that thousands of people had just

watched me on that stage.

I was a bit scared as to what the fans would think.

‘We have to go to the Xstream with Johnny now,’ Jayden reminded me.

‘Oh yeah that’s cool,’ I responded faintly, still trying to get my head around what had just happened.

Julian grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked up to him and he smiled. I squeezed his hand back. 

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