Changed (DeltaruneXReader)

By DoctorBlu5

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You were just another human like Kris, but you would always get bullied by them for some reason, but would th... More

One more day | Chapter 1
A New World | Chapter 2
The Boss | Chapter 3
The Damage | Chapter 4
Battle of the Bosses | Chapter 5
Reunited | Chapter 6
The Mansion | Chapter 7
Seal the Fountain | Chapter 8
Home | Chapter 9
Another World | Chapter 10
The Train Chase | Chapter 11
To The Mountain | Chapter 12
Climb The Mountain | Chapter 13
A Good Night | Chapter 14
The Next Morning | Chapter 15
The Titan Inside You | Chapter 16
A Week Later | Chapter 17
Reunited | Chapter 18
Fountain Fantasies | Chapter 19
The Next Day | Chapter 21
The demigod's power | Chapter 22
When light and Dark mix | Chapter 23
The End | Chapter 24

A False Fountain | Chapter 20

87 1 1
By DoctorBlu5

You woke up tied to a chair and your head throbbing, you tried to rub it but found your hands tied to a chair.

Y/n: My head... the hell happened?

Y/n opened her eyes and saw darkness around her, a small light then turned on in the room revealing some figures but her eyes were too fuzzy and her ears were ringing so when one of the figures tried to talk it was just static.

Y/n: What? I didn't not understand a single word you just said, it was just static.

Kris: Why'd you hit her so damn hard!?

Susie: I didn't know she was THIS tired!

Ralsei: Well I think she was, if she's been sealing fountains by herself then it must have been really draining.

Eirene: It must have been, fountain sealing takes tons of energy out of you.

Y/n: Fountain? Yeah... totally, I agree, yep, mhm, of course.

Susie: Now she's just being rude.

Ralsei: I don't think she is, she seems really tired and her head must really hurt.

Susie: Oi nerd, can you hear us now?

Y/n: Hear? Hear what?

Susie: Us!

Y/n: Bus?

Susie: US!

(Y/n: We do a little bit of trollin'.)

Y/n: Guss? Who's Guss? does he drive the bus?

Susie: Where did you hear Guss from!?

Ralsei: Hehe! Maybe we should let her get used to her surroundings.

Y/n: Nah i'm fine, just trolling ya.

Susie: You- i'm gonna kill you!

Y/n: Mhm, heard that plenty of times before, but you did deserve that for knocking me out. Well, seeing how you've finally got me, what do you want to know?

Susie: Where did you go? And you said something about 1 year ago.

Y/n: Ah, remember a couple days ago when I died, but then got brought back to life? Well before this I was asleep for 1 year, and when I woke up and left the house the world had been covered in darkness. I then came down here and everyone had turned to stone, so I left and went to Olympus, climbed the mountain, went into the dark fountain there and reversed time.

Susie: Could you dumb it down?

Y/n: *sigh* I just reversed time to save the world from darkness.

Eirene: You can do that?

Y/n: Of course, I just used the pocket watch.

Ralsei: Have you been sealing fountains?

Y/n: Mhm, that's why Gaster is here, and why Casper is, sure they were really strong but I managed it.

Ralsei: Why didn't you tell us?

Y/n:.. Too risky... that mysterious figure seems to not be affected by time... so I have to be careful with how many times I rewind time... as it could all end badly and the pocket watch could burn up.

Ralsei: Did you reverse the entrance?

Y/n: Yep, nothing will harm this world, not as long as i'm around.

Eirene: But how did you seal multiple fountains without passing out?

Y/n: All thanks to my new SOUL, and because it has already been a year for me then it already is stable.

Susie: Does that mean you're one year older?

Y/n: I have no idea, I think it does, but i'm not counting it.

Ralsei: Just out of curiosity, what were the dark worlds?

Y/n: The first one was the bunker, and when I landed I was in this class room with Gaster teaching other students about time and space. I left the school at noon but before I walked to the fountain a robot gave me a picture, I have no idea what it was but maybe you do, it'll be in my right pocket.

Eirene walked over and took the picture out of Y/n's pocket and when she opened it she fell silent with a concerned look on her face.

Eirene:.. Where did you get this?

Y/n: A robot gave it to me, he might be here, you can ask him what it means.

Eirene: I know what it means, what did the robot look like?

Y/n: Well he was definitely a darkner, and he was wearing a black and crimson suit with a white tie, and what do you mean you know what it means?

Eirene: What gave you the drawing was called a "Fate Robot", they scan you and draw your fate in very high detail, but this is just... scribbles, I could try to figure out what it is, and if it gives you a drawing that is scribbled out then it means you're not of this world.

Y/n:.. Can I go now? There are probably like 10 fountains already open.

Susie: We're coming with you.

Y/n: No! You need to stay here! Listen... I have a strange feeling that once all the bad guys have been trapped in jail and when I go to Olympus, ALONE, that the mysterious figure will break them all out and cause chaos down here. You have to be here to fight them or to prevent it while i'm gone.

Susie: Fine.

Ralsei: Are you sure you can seal the fountains alone?

Y/n: I've already sealed 3, how bad can it be?

Ralsei: But didn't you nearly die while fighting Gaster? What were his stats?

Y/n: His attack was 200, defence was 200 and HP was 500. He got tired after using his attacks.

Ralsei: What were his attacks?

Y/n: "Acid Floor" which turned the floor to acid, "Blood Burner" which summoned a giant bunsen burner that could burn blood, "Gravity Govern" which made gravity disappear, "Lab Assistants" which summoned two black gooey figures, and lastly "Electric Entities" which ran at lightning speed. He can also summon acid rain so look out for that, and those lab assistants can use his powers as well and let Gaster use another attack of his, basically allowing him to use 4 attacks in 1 turn.

Susie: What!?

Ralsei: You survived all that!?

Y/n: Mhm, but if you want to use ACT, then just "Ego Booster", just tell him how dumb you are and he'll agree or compliment his powers. But if you do attack him then combine your powers, or push his attacks back on him, once they hit him he'll stop and do damage to him.

Ralsei: What was the next fountain?

Y/n: It was inside the police station, and when I landed I had to go through this police academy obstacle course to leave and Undyne was the trainer. After getting past the obstacle course and cleaned my outfit from the mud I got to the fountain after nearly being robbed and-

Ralsei: You nearly got robbed!?

Y/n: Yeah, I had to walk through a crime ridden city to get to it, but I just hit them on the head with my shovel and it worked. But as I was saying, when I got to the fountain I saw a biker gang of 5 in front of it, so I paid them 600D$ to move and they did.

Ralsei: How did you get that much money?

Y/n: Got it from Gaster, when I spared him it gave me 1000D$.

Susie: 1000!? That's more than Kris has!

Y/n: Yeah, but I guess the harder the boss the higher the reward.

Ralsei: What about the 3rd one?

Y/n: It was in Toriel's classroom and when I landed I was in this pink city, and when I tried to get to the fountain it was in the other city but the problem was there was nothing connecting it so I had no way to get there. There was also a war between the cities thanks to Casper who was controlling the fountain. And after building a bridge I went over to the fountain and had to battle Casper.

Susie: And who's that?

Y/n: A real pain in the ass, he really gave me a run for my money.

Ralsei: What did he do?

Y/n: Used some sort of machine to fire a part of the dark fountain at me, I summoned a train in front of me of course, but that instantly disintegrated. Then he tried to damage me mentaly by telling me how bad I was at school, but I was too tired to care. After he was done with that he then used my own powers against me, even going into that damn robot form.

Ralsei: That's horrible! What about his stats?

Y/n: His attack was 672, his defence was 798, and his HP was 20.

Susie: 20?

Y/n: Yep. I couldn't land a hit on him, he didn't care who's turn it was, he just used his powers, tiring both of us out.

Susie: So like Jevil, great. Wait, are those two just the easy ones?

Y/n: I think so, Gaster said he was just a mini boss.

Susie: How do you expect us to win against them!? And we have that damn flower as well!

Y/n: Do you need a refresher? You're the delta warriors for god's sake, AND i'm pretty sure those army men and police men would help, you don't have to do it alone.

Ralsei: And neither do you.

Y/n: Yes I do, if ONE of you came with me then it would all end badly, and plus... this mysterious figure seems only interested in me, why not distract him. But I would warm up your armies, if you have one, you'll definitely need the help.

Eirene: I could call the rebels over, they'd be happy to help.

Ralsei: And i'll get the hathys and rudinns.

Susie: But who are we actually gonna be up against?

Y/n: I have no idea, but you'll definity be up against King, Godo, Gaster, and Casper. And they'll probably combine their powers as well.

Susie: What about you?

Y/n: Well when all the fountains here are sealed I will probably have to go to Olympus to seal the one on Mount Olympus. I would also ask Asriel, Toriel, Hera, and Morpheus for help, and any more lightners that know about this place. Can I go now? I've wasted enough time as it is.

Ralsei: Oh, sorry.

Ralsei untied Y/n from the chair and she stood up while rubbing her wrists, she took her pocket watch out her pocket and checked the time, she shrugged and put it back in.

Y/n: Oh, Kris and Susie, get some sleep please, you both look very tired and can't fight while feeling sleepy.

Ralsei: They didn't sleep?

Y/n: Probably waiting for me so they could knock me out.

Ralsei: Wait, when you reversed time and got back to the town, where did you sleep?

Y/n: Oh, I just came down here.

Ralsei: But the gate was up.

Y/n: I know, I just climbed over and slept in Kris' bed.

Ralsei: O-Oh, would you like a room of your own?

Y/n: I don't mind, but you can worry about that later, right now you have to worry about those bad guys.

They left the room and Y/n walked over to the entrance, and as she was about to leave someone grabbed her wrist, she turned around and saw Kris standing there.

Y/n: Don't worry, if I can survive Casper then i'm sure I could survive worse. And I know you'll survive because you're stronger than you think.

Kris hugged Y/n and she hugged back, they grew silent and swayed side to side gentilly. And when they finally stopped, Y/n kissed Kris on the lips gentilly with them returning the kiss, they stopped and Y/n went back up to the light world with Kris walking back to the castle to sleep.

Y/n got back up to the light world and left the school, she then noticed the sky was much darker so she ran over to one of the smoke and when she got to it she saw it was coming out of the church tower. She opened the big wooden doors and jumped into the darkness with the doors slamming shut behind her.

And when she landed she found herself in a hot yet brown and dirty place, she just looked around by turning her head and then she saw tons of SOULs flying above her with some sort of man watching them as well.

The man looked down at her and tilted his head in confusion, and Y/n just just stood there not knowing what to do.

Y/n: U-Umm, h-hi, w-what are you doing with those SOULs?


Y/n: C-Cool, s-same, w-well, I-I would like to get to the fountain, do you know where that is?

??????: Treachery.

Y/n: T-Treachery? What does- oh! Wait! This is inside a church! A christian one! Not a Greek one, but- no, I mustn't Question a god, how WOULD one get to Treachery?

??????: Lust.

Y/n: Rightttt, well i've done my fair share of it, do I get dragged down or? Use a door?


Y/n: Ugh, gods are so painful to talk to, i'll um, just leave, wherever that is.

??????: Think... lust...

Y/n: Oh, well thank you, y'know, for an evil god you're actually pretty nice, welp, cya.

Y/n just thought lustful thoughts and when she blinked she found herself in violent and endless winds, she quickly took her pocket watch out and lassoed it around a rock and tugged herself in freeing herself from the winds.

Y/n: I guess i'm making my way down the rings of hell, never thought they would actually exist. But how would I get to Glutton? I do have my bagels, I guess eat one of those.

Y/n took her bagel out and ate it before it had time to blow out of her hand, and when she finished eating it she blinked again and found herself in Gluttony. She was then bombarded with rain, hail and black snow. She quickly lifted her coat up and readjusted her hat from the wind.

Y/n: That hurts so much! But how would I get to Greed? Umm, do I talk about how much I like money? Or count my money?

Y/n took her money and started to count it loudly and when she was done she blinked again and she found herself in greed. She saw many boulders and then a big man standing there, he just tilted his head as well like the man did in Limbo.

Y/n: Hi, don't mind me, just passing by, hmm, but how to get to Anger?

Plutus: Why do you want to go there?

Y/n: Umm, wait! You're Plutus! Well, i'm sort of on a mission to prevent the world from being covered in darkness.

Plutus: The world is being covered in darkness? Wish I could help.

Y/n: Well don't worry, you're doing a good job at guarding this. But how would I get to Anger?

Plutus: Just swear, that usually works, or just punch something. But please be careful when you get to, you look like a very sweet girl and I would hate for something to happen to you.

Y/n: Really? Well thank you, and don't worry, I have a shovel.

Y/n then swore silently (*gasp*) and when she blacked she found herself on a boat on the river Styx, and with Phlegyas rowing the boat across it. She looked over the edge of the boat and saw bodies floating in it.

Y/n: Well, this is horrible, man, hell really sucks.

Phlegyas: It really does, but what a pretty girl like you doing here?

Y/n: I'm just on a mission, I just need to get to Treachery as fast as possible. How would one get to Heresy?

Phlegyas: No idea, doubt christain faith?

Y/n: Right, well this place is really creeping me out so ima head out.

Y/n just disappeared after doing the peace sign. And when Y/n arrived she saw closed burning stone coffins.

Y/n: I'm no expert but shouldn't they be open?

??????: I did not think you would have been scarred.

Y/n turned around to see the same man that was in Limbo standing behind her.

Y/n: Oh, well thank you, how would I get to Violence?

??????: You shall not go there, a sweet girl like you shall never go there, I know a shortcut to Treachery.

Y/n: Oh, ok.

The man clicked his fingers and they found themselves standing on ice with the devil stuck in the ice watching the fountain next to him, and there were also two figures standing in front of it. The devil turned his head to face you and he gave you an evil grin, the most evil one you had ever seen.

The two figures turned around and faced you while standing in front of the fountain, the man walked in the middle of all of you and bowed to the devil.

??????: She is here your highness.

Satan: Thank you Hades.


Satan: What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

Y/n: I... um... w-would like to seal the fountain...

Satan: So much fear! I like it! Well in order to seal it you must defeat those two.


Satan: Why don't you bow to me mortal?

Y/n: I will never bow to you, I will never bow to a broken king.

Satan: Such confidence! Well I hope you have a lot of it as this battle will end for an eternity!


Satan: Go on! Entertain me!

The battle begins!

Y/n: I... don't want to fight...

Hades: What's wrong? I thought you liked not listening to gods?

Y/n: W-What? Oh... he's no god... I just... feel... powerless? Lonely? Maybe I should have brought them...

Nyx: Giving up so easily sweetie?

Y/n:... You know what!? No! He's just playing mind games! If I can get past Gaster and Casper then I can get past anything!

The REAL battle begins!

Hades: Don't you fear Nyx? Even Zues is scared of her.

Y/n: Oh I am, and sure Zues was brave... but he had no love in his heart. And if you're the real Hades then you know that to be true.

Nyx: Convince me... to join your side.

Y/n:... You're the goddess of night, right? So surely you have some power over the fountains that will cover the world in darkness. There was a prophecy that a human, a monster, and a prince of darkness would seal these fountains. But after seeing the world covered in darkness once... I have dedicated my life and SOUL to sealing these fountains. Sure I nearly died... but it's better to die doing the right thing than live doing the wrong thing.

Nyx:... Your SOUL?

Y/n: Yes, I used to have 4 but a thing happened and now I have a new one, a new trait. Why do you think i'm doing this? LOVE of course.

Hell finally grew silent.

Y/n: What? Did I say something?

Nyx: It is clear you are not mortal.

The battle ends!

Hades: Yes... you are something else...

Y/n:... Well I don't care what I am, all I care about is sealing these fountains.

Nyx and Moros looked at each other and nodded their heads, they moved away from the fountain and kept Satan busy so he wouldn't steal Y/n's SOUL. But this seemed easy... too easy, but she didn't care about that at the moment she just wanted to get out of H E L L.

She sealed the fountain and she found herself in the church basement, she got all the items except the one that looked like Satan and left the basement. She left the church and went to the dark world to drop everything off, but this time she actually went into the dark world, just in case something happened.

Y/n landed and saw Hades just looking at her, she just walked past him and saw Ralsei and Susie teaching Hera and Morpheus how to use their powers. And when she was watching she felt an ominous figure standing behind her and towering over her.

Ralsei: U-Umm, Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Ralsei: Could you come here quickly?

Y/n: Why?

Ralsei: There's a man standing behind you.

Y/n turned her head slowly and faced the man looking down at her, she punched him playfully and he just laughed while moving to stand next to Y/n.

Y/n: It's fine, he's fine, just another one I got from another dark world.

Ralsei: Oh, what was it this time?

Y/n: Hell.

Hera: What?

Y/n: I went to hell. The dark fountain was in the church and when I went in I found myself in limbo and I had to make my way down the rings.

Susie: You went to hell!?

Y/n: Mhm, met Hades, Nyx, Moros, and Satan himself.

Hera: You can't be serious, can you?

Y/n: Hades is right next to me, and Nyx and Moros are probably in jail.


Ralsei: What about?

Y/n: Left him, why would I want him here?

Hades: Nice place you have here, much nicer than hell.

Ralsei: O-Oh, well thank you.

Hera: Where are Nyx and Moros?

Y/n: Probably in jail.

They all went down to the basement and went over to the jail, and sure enough Nyx and Moros were there leaning against the wall. Nyx noticed Hera standing there and they just stared at each other.

Gaster: More friends ey?

Moros: Why are we in here? We helped you.

Y/n: You are the god of impending doom, and Nyx is the goddess of the night, both of you are very dangerous even if you did help.

Gaster: God? Yeah right.

Y/n: Don't you believe in gods?

Gaster: Nah, i'm not that crazy, i'll just stick with science.

Nyx: Then you're a fool, because 3 of them are right here.

King: 3?

Nyx: Yeah, Hades is right there.

Hades: Hello.

King: You on their side?

Hades: Hmm... yes.

Nyx: Where's Erebus?

Hades: I have no idea, he wasn't in hell like he normally is.

Ralsei: Who's that?

Y/n: He's the personification of darkness, and one of the primordial deities.

Susie: How many gods and goddesses are we gonna have?

Y/n: Well, seeing how that mysterious figure seems like a broken god themselves, they'll probably bring all of your children Nyx, and Erebus will probably be here as well.

Nyx: Ha, sounds like you know a lot about gods and goddesses.

Y/n: I do.

Nyx: Then tell me, who is this mysterious figure, because you know who it is, and because you're not mortal.

Y/n: I already told you, I don't care what I am, as long as i'm sealing those fountains, that's all that matters.

Hades:... How did you leave or get to the Lust ring?

Y/n: U-Umm, haha, Yeahhhhh, I um, mhm, totaly, yep, uh, yeah, umm... well gotta go seal those fountains, haha.

(Ayo? Seems sus to me.)


After avoiding that question you got up to the light world and walked over to the next dark fountain, and when you got over to the smoke you saw it coming out of Asgore's flower shop. And when she landed she couldn't believe her eyes, as it was the most colourful dark world she had ever seen.

Y/n: Yoooooooooo! This place is sick!

It was all happiness and rainbows, the floor was rainbows, the sky was blue, the buildings were rainbow as well, and it even smelt like [Your favourite sweet/candy].

Y/n: This is way better than hell, I kinda don't want to leave.

Rose: Oh ma gosh! Gurl! I love ya attitude!

(That's right, Rose is THAT type of girl.) (Is this? Y'know, sexist? I don't think it is, this is just how the character is. But if it is then... L.)

Y/n turned to see a girl in a red and white dress with red nail polish on her nails, she also had green eyes with blonde hair.

Y/n: Uhh, thank you.

Rose: But gurl! What is that outfit!? Too red! And blue! C'mon! Lets get some rainbows plastered onto ya!

Y/n: Umm, I am busy, but I guess it wouldn't take long. (Guess i'm doing this now)

(And then the world ended because they shopped for too long.)

Rose: Wait until you meet Danny and poppy! Oh ma god gurl! You will looooove their outfits!

Y/n: O-Ok? (Wtf is going on!?)

Rose grabbed your hands and dragged you to a clothing store that had a machine that would scan you and replace the clothes you were wearing to rainbow versions of them. Once they got into the shop Rose took you to the machine where Poppy and Danny were drinking their bubble teas.

Poppy: Hi gurl! Who's ya new amigo!?

Rose: What's ya name, sista!?

Y/n: Y/n.

Poppy: Oh ma gosh gurl! I'm sooo jealous! That's a great name!

Rose: Omg! I know right!

Y/n: (This is worse than hell.)

Poppy and Rose were sisters so they looked the same, while Danny had yellow hair with a green and white skirt with a pink t-shirt tucked into the top, he also had his nails painted red.

Danny: Go into that machine and it'll change your outfit.

Y/n: But I like my outfit as it is.

Rose: Gurl, that outfit is nice, but the red is too evil, add some colours! And that cape is nice, keep it.

Y/n: Ok, fine.

You went into the machine and when you came out a minute later the red had been changed to white while the blue stripes had been changed to gold, and her hat was still blue.

Y/n: Happy?

Rose: Yasss! Now shoes!

Y/n: Listen, I have to go, I need to go, i'm really busy and I can't waste time shopping for clothes.

Poppy: Fine! But when we next see ya you're shoppin' with us!

Y/n: Fine, whatever.

Y/n checked the time on her pocket watch and left the shop after that weird encounter. Once she left the shop she saw the rainbow dark fountain in the distance and started to walk over to it. She walked through the colourful city with her just thinking about that weird encounter, and when she got to the fountain she saw a king with a flower trident and crown standing in front of it.

Y/n: Sup Asgore.

Asgore turned around and saw you standing there, he walked over to you and hugged you tightly.

Y/n: Ha, couldn't resist, could you?

Asgore: Of course not!

Y/n: But could you hug less tight and put me down, kinda running out of air here.

Asgore: Oh, sorry.

Asgore put you down and stopped hugging you so tightly.

Asgore: What are you doing here?

Y/n: This is a dream, I guess you just thought of me.

Asgore: Oh, well I guess I did.

Y/n: But I need to seal that fountain behind you.

Asgore: Why?

Y/n: It's too old, it needs to be replaced by a new one.

Asgore: Huh, well I guess that makes sense.

Asgore let you pass and you walked up to the rainbow fountain, you checked the time and sealed the fountain. They then found themselves in the flower shop with Asgore asleep on the mattress. You left him and you got the items needed which were all just flowers, you walked back to the school and jumped into the dark world with the items doing their usual things.

When you landed you instantly walked over to Ralsei, Eirene, Susie and Kris who seemed to be training some of the rebels.

Ralsei: Hi Y/n!

Susie: What was it this time? And why are you in different clothes?

Y/n: It was really weird, and it was in Asgore's flower shop this time. And when I landed it was all rainbows, except from the sky, that was blue. Then this girl came out of nowhere and let me tell you, she couldn't have been more feminine, she talked like "Oh ma gosh gurl!".

Susie: Ew.

Y/n: Then she took me to this clothes shop where two of her other friends were drinking bubble tea when we got to them. Then I went into this machine which changed my clothes even though I didn't want them changed. The three of them then insisted I shop with them, but I told them I was busy, so they said the next time we meet then i'm shopping with them. I do NOT want to shop with them.

Ralsei: What do they look like?

Y/n: The two girls were wearing red and white dresses with blonde hair and red nail polish. And the guy was wearing a green and white dress with red nail polish as well, he also had yellow hair. And Ralsei, they'll probably complain about it not being bright enough.

Ralsei: Oh.

Eirene: Well I can sort them out, i'm good at dealing with those types of girls, and boys.

Ralsei: Did you fight anyone?

Y/n: Nope, all happiness and rainbows. But when I got to the fountain, Asgore was there with a flower trident and crown, and I just told him it was a dream and he believed me.

Ralsei: Oh, well that's good!

Susie: Are there any more fountains?

Y/n: Yeah... when I left the flower shop the sky was... black... and there were no more fountains around me... soooooo, that must mean there's one on Mount Olympus.

Ralsei: Is that where you're heading next?

Y/n: Mhm, have to if I don't want the world covered in darkness, y'know.

Susie: How are you going to get there? Isn't it in the city?

Y/n: Yeah, but I have my ways of getting to places. Did you tell Toriel and Asriel about this?

Susie: Yeah, they're building their powers up with Hera and Morpheus.

Y/n: Cool, and I bid you adieu.

Y/n walked off and went up to the light world, she left the school and made her way to the mountain.


????: The field of hopes and dreams, a perfect place for your lives to end.

The mysterious figure, Gaster, King, Godo, Casper, Nyx and Moros were all standing the field of hopes and dreams facing Ralsei, Kris, Susie, Eirene, Toriel, Asriel, Hera, Morpheus, Hades, Queen, Rouxls, Lancer, and their army they had trained full of Rudinns, Hathys, and rebels.

King: Where's Y/n?

????: I'm keeping her busy, right now she's climbing a mountain that has no fountain, the black smoke was just a distraction.

Hera: Aren't you going to reveal yourself? Coward.

????:... Fine, but did you really think you could escape me?

The mysterious figure burnt the cloak off him revealing a man with a big white beard, medium sized wings, an hourglass, and a scythe.

Chronos: Time is running out.

Hera: I knew it! How dare you do that to our daughter!

Chronos: Oh you sad little mortal, do you think gods actually care about their offspring?

Hera: They do! But a broken one doesn't!

Chronos: Then I guess i'm a broken one.

Hades: You made Y/n go through hell.

Chronos: That I did! And she deserved it!

Hera: No she didn't! There is not one bad bone in that girl's body! You are just jealous! Jealous that she did not do as you said! Or what you made her to be! When will you realise that she's stronger than you?

Chronos: She is not stronger than me! I can control time freely! I don't need a pocket watch to tell me the time or to control time!

Hera: Yet she uses her powers wisely.

Chronos: I'm done talking to you.

All of them readied their weapons and the music that was playing in the fields stopped and a more slower and sinister one came on instead.

Susie: Plan?

Ralsei: Hold them off until Y/n gets back.

Susie: She better hurry then.

Eirene: Ready!

Everyone got their weapons charged up ready to attack, and with the bad guys summoning their weapons as well.



On Eirene's command, everyone charged at each other, it was now a battle between light and dark, like it always had been.

Y/n POV:

Y/n had finally reached the top of the mountain and when she got to the black smoke it was just a smoke stick. She picked it up and it stopped smoking, she looked at it in terror and collapsed on the floor starting to cry. After she had got off the floor she threw the smoke stick off the mountain and was about to start walking down until a voice called down to her.

"Young child, your sadness and anger intrigues me, please explain." It said in a deep echoey voice coming from the sky above her.

Y/n: I-It w-was my f-fault... they're going to d-die... Chronos is going to end them a-all...

"... Now now, whatever you're talking about is not your fault. What's your name?"

Y/n: Y-Y/n...

"... It's her. Well Y/n! it seems today is your lucky day! Why don't you come see us? We could always help a mortal.

Some big golden gates then appeared in front of Y/n, she walked up to them while wiping her tears away and they slowly opened up. She didn't know what to do or think, so a minute later she walked past the gates and with them closing behind her. She then saw a long narrow path leading to a temple.

You started to walk up the long narrow path slowly while still wiping her tears away, and when all her tears were gone and got to the temple, she walked into it to see a big man sitting on a golden throne with him holding a lightning bolt and he also had a big white beard.

Zeus: Welcome Y/n! To Mount Olympus!

Your draw dropped as you saw Zues sitting on his throne, you just looked around you by slowly spinning on the spot and you saw all the other gods looking at you with smiles on their faces.

Y/n: B-But h-how, y-you, I-I, what? D-do I bow?

Zeus: Nah! There's no need!

Y/n: O-Oh, o-ok. W-Well, h-hello.

Demeter: Poor girl, doesn't know what to do.

Athena: Are you ok darling?

Y/n: Huh? Yes, i-i'm fine, just a bit... overwhelming and fancy. Wait! You're Athena! *Gasp*

Athena: I am!

Zeus: Hahaha, you sound like a big fan of hers.

Y/n: I am! Well, all of you! I've... studied all of you! And the lesser known ones!

Zeus: Oh really? Well that's good to hear. But why were you crying? What was all that nonsense?

Y/n: Oh... well... there's this place called the dark world where I live... and there's these things called dark fountains that keep the balance between the light and dark in check, but more have popped up so we've had to seal them otherwise the world would be covered in darkness. And... right now there's a war between light and dark... a-and... C-Chronos is leading the dark...

Zeus: Oh... what's he done?

Y/n: He made more of the fountains... a-and... for one of them... h-he made me go through all the rings of hell...

Athena: He what!?

Y/n:... But... Hades was there... he took me to the fountain in the Treachery ring... but... Nyx and Moros were guarding it... w-with... t-the d-devil watching in the ice...

Ares: How'd you get out?

Y/n: I convinced Nyx and Moros that... I-I... had a new SOUL trait...

Zeus: What.

Y/n: You should all know, Chronos put 4 SOULs inside me, BRAVERY, DETERMINATION, PATIENCE, and JUSTICE. But after all of them combined to make me a new SOUL it gave me LOVE.

Heaven grew silent.

Zeus: That evil man, how did he get his hands on bravery?

Hera: Clearly he's been busy since his exile.

Y/n: E-Exile?

Hera: Yes, he got exiled and was forced to live with the mortals.

Y/n:... Then what does that make me?

Hera:... Do we tell her?

Zeus: She deserves to know. Y/n...

Y/n: Y-Yeah?

Zeus: You're a demigod.

Y/n: What.

Zeus: Chronos, your dad, is actually the god of time, while your mom is just a regular mortal woman.

Y/n:... My mom wasn't one of your lover's was she?

Y/n cracked a small smile while the others gods and goddesses laughed as Zeus just huffed angrily.

Zeus: No, no she wasn't.

Y/n: Good, but why can't you just stick to one?

Hera: Yeah, why?

Zeus: I'm not the only god that had lots of lovers!

Y/n: Mhm, so i'm a demigod?

Zeus: Yes.

Y/n: Cool.

Zeus: That's it?

Y/n: What? Did you want me to say "Gee willikers! Thank you for telling me that king of gods and ruler of Mount Olympus! I can't wait to tell my mommy!", i'm not saying that.

Ares: I like her, she's funny.

Hera: You said something about a war?

Y/n: Yes, it's a battle between light and dark. It's Chronos, Nyx, Moros, Gaster, King, Godo, and Casper, they're the bad guys.

Zeus: I know those first three, what about the other four?

Y/n: Gaster is a mad scientist and almost burned me and electrocuted me while battling him. King is just a corrupt king wanting darkness to fall on the world. Godo is a mind controlling flower using his vines. And Casper is a pain, he used a machine to use the dark fountain against me with me narrowly dodging. He then went onto metally damaging me, and after he was done with that he used my own powers against me.

Ares: You survived all that? Very impressive.

Zeus: Powers?

Y/n: Yeah, these dark worlds give you powers judging on your SOUL, and name... I think.

Zeus: Interesting, what are your powers?

Y/n: I'm a train conductor! I can summon trains to hit people or protect me from things! I even have a steam train robot that I can control. And in the dark world... i'm considered as the MVP or Boss, that's what i've been called.

Zeus: Boss?

Y/n: Yeah, everyone just listens to me! It's really nice! Oh and I can also choke people to death by filling their lungs with the steam from the steam engine, but I don't want to sound like the bad guy.

Ares: Nice.

Aphrodite: No! Not nice!

Zeus: Huh, what an interesting world.

Hera: Who are the good guys? The ones fighting for light.

Y/n: Ralsei, Kris, Susie, Eirene, Toriel, Asriel, my mom, my brother, Hades, Queen, Rouxls, Lancer, and their army they had trained full of Rudinns, Hathys, and rebels! Kris is a human as well! And Ralsei in the prince of the dark! Eirene is the princess of peace! And the others are monsters!

Zeus: Monsters huh? Well it's nice that they've changed.

Hera: Hades is helping? Not like him.

Y/n: When I met him in, y'know, hell, he didn't talk to me, but he took me to the fountain so I guess he's alright.

Hermes: Should I quickly message them?

Zeus: Yes, this sounds very important.

Hermes zoomed off and went into the dark world with ease. And when he arrived and got to the battlefield he saw many dead Rudinns and hathys on the ground, he then saw Hades battling Chronos one on one. Hermes quickly left the dark world and came back to them a few seconds later.

Zeus: What's the news?

Hermes: So much death, and Hades is battling Chronos one on one.

Zeus: He is!? What about Moros and Nyx?

Hermes: Nyx was battling a woman by herself, and Moros was battling a monster that used fire.

Y/n: That must be my mom! And Toriel! Toriel is Kris' mom!

Zeus: What's your mom's name? And your brothers.

Y/n: Well it's funny, they're both names after gods and goddesses. My mom is called Hera and my brother is called Morpheus.

Hera: Well if isn't that interesting.

Zeus: Morpheus? Huh, I haven't heard that name for a long time.

Y/n: What else was going on?

Hermes: A lot of one on one battles, but that human, a purple monster, and green robed person was fighting a big blue guy with a mouth in his stomach.

Y/n: Oh! That's the Delta Warriors! A human, a monster, and prince of darkness were meant to be sealing those fountains which was foretold by a prophecy, but I took over as they had to be ready for this day.

Zeus: Huh, interesting.

Apollo: What will happen when darkness falls?

Y/n: Then the world will fall into chaos, all the darkners will turn to stone which will leave the lightners to fend for themselves in an endless night. Then these things called titans will spawn from the fountains and cause chaos. But it's not the titans you guys battled, it's some other ones. And-

Zeus: Well I would hope so, I do not want to battle them again.

Hera: Wait wait wait, what were you going to say? And? And what?

Y/n: Oh... well... i'm said to be the boss of titans... I suppose it's where I got the nickname... I don't actually want that to happen... or be the boss of the titans that will cause chaos on the world... I just want to be human...

Hera: Of course, a sweet girl like you would never cause chaos on this world.

Poseidon: So stop the darkness and you stop the titans?

Y/n: Yeah... and the world being covered in darkness... but Chronos wants it to happen...

Hera: Well it won't. Not if we have anything to do with it.

Y/n: W-What?

Zeus: We're going to help you and your friends, and because we want to get rid of Chronos after all he's done.

Ares: Yeah! Let's go kick his butt!

Zeus: Places everyone! Prepare for the bolt!

Everyone walked over to Y/n who was confused and amazed at the same time, Zeus walked over to them and hit his lightning bolt against the ground making them all disappear in a flash.

Other POV:

By now everyone had gotten tired from the fighting and were all collapsed on the ground, and all the bad guys had come out victorious.

Chronos: That was fun! I should reverse time to do it again! But i'll let ya die so darkness can fall!

Susie: Where is she?

Ralsei: I don't know.

Chronos: Still waiting for her? Well she ain't coming!

Y/n: Think again.

The bad guys turned around and everyone on the ground faced Y/n who was standing there confidently.

Hera: Y-Y/n...

Y/n: Wow, look how big you are, does this make you feel happy?

Chronos: It does!

King: Bow down! Now!

Y/n: No, I will never bow to a broken king.

Gaster: You're alone! You can't win this! Even if you are the boss!

Y/n: I know... but if there's one thing you should know about humans...... it's that....... We like calling out for help.

A lightning strike hit next to Y/n and the 12 Olympians were standing there.

Zeus: Oh dear Chronos, it seems that exile didn't work.

Chronos: W-What!? H-How!?

Zeus: You really are stupid.

Y/n: Yeah, you really set this up to happen. You put a black smoke stick on the mountain thinking it would trick me and it did, but did you forget... that humans can cry?

Hera: You set it up for her, when she found out it wasn't real rivers of tears came pouring down her eyes, and as she was about to leave Zeus called out for her and let her in.

Chronos: But mortals can't go there!

Zeus: Did you forget? Y/n is a demigod, why do you think she could make a new SOUL? With a new SOUL trait. Now come over here and accept your death.

Chronos: Never! I will if Y/n beats me in battle! One on one!

Zeus: Fine, I believe in her, we all do.

Chronos: Get over here!

Y/n: No, you won't tell me what to do, I am the boss am I not? The thing you've been trying to make all these years.

Chronos: I said!-

Chronos got cut off by a train hitting him out of nowhere which made him fly to the side, he angrily got back up and walked back to his spot.

Y/n: Shut up.

Chronos: You hit me with a train!

Y/n: And i'll do it again if you don't listen.


Y/n: Good. Now, you're going to come over here and let them take you away, the same with all of you as well, even you King, there shall be no more dangers to this Earth.

Gaster: And why would we do that? We have the upper hand!

Y/n: Because you have no other choice... and you wouldn't like to see me with revenge in my eyes and heart.

King: Pfft! What could a little girl do to us!

Y/n: Then this little girl is about to hit you with everything she has.

More trains then came out of nowhere at the speed of light hitting all of them, and the more they stopped, the more got summoned to hit the bad guys. The gods just moved away and let you do your thing as the others on the ground started to get up and heal while watching the fight.

Once all the trains had stopped it had done some damage to all of them but they healed up quickly as well.

King: That's it?

Y/n: That's just the starters, how would you like a buffet?

Food and drink then flew at them and it was all very hot so when it hit them it burnt them slowly damaging them. And after all of that was done they started to cough as their lungs started to fill with steam from the steam train.

Y/n: Should it be a slow and painful death? Or a fast and painless one?

Ralsei: She won't, will she?

Susie: I think she will, she has a lot of anger and revenge.

And as all of them were about to pass out she stopped the steam allowing them to fill their lungs with air again.

Chronos: Y-You!... n-nearly!... k-killed u-us!

Y/n: I know, but i'm not done with you yet.

Y/n clicked her fingers and the steam train robot appeared around her, she started to spin the pocket watch at the speed at light and ready the shovel. Chronos ran up to her and tried to hit her with his scythe, but her shovel blocked it; she then swept him off his feet with her robot leg and sent him flying with the shovel.

Gaster summoned the acid floor but it did nothing to the robots feet, not even melting it slightly. King threw his stomach tongue thing at her but it deflected as it hit her pocket watch making it fly back into him.

King: Who are you!?

Y/n: The Boss!

Godo tried to control her with his vines but she just cut them away with her shovel, and Casper used the dark fountain to disintegrate her but she repealed it with her pocket watch.

Casper: That's impossible! Nothing can survive it!

Y/n: Yet I can, Crapser.

Casper: How dare you!

Casper then tried to use her own powers against her but it didn't work, they kept attacking but nothing could hurt Y/n, even Gaster's gravity attack didn't work.

The air cackled with LOVE!

Y/n then got rid of the robot and got her pocket watch out still swinging it around.

Y/n: It's time we end this.

Chronos: You can't trap me in there!

Y/n: I know, but I can for 1 second and that's all it takes for your SOUL to be exposed.

Chronos: You wouldn't! You don't have the heart for that! Your SOUL won't allow that!


Y/n opened the pocket watch and it sucked all the bad guys inside leaving their SOULs exposed in the air. She dragged them closer to her using her pocket watch, she then put them into her and let the bad guys out again.

King: Y-You...

All of the bad guys were now grey and were dying out on the floor slowly, and Y/n just had a straight face with her hands behind her under her cape.

Chronos: Y-You.. C-can't...

Y/n: Who's going to stop me? You have caused so much pain on me and this world, and if people were to judge then remember this... as his child... as his daughter... after all he's changed me... don't you think... HE DESERVES TO DIE!? AND ISN'T THAT MY RULE AS A DEMIGOD!? IS TO KILL OR SEEK VENGEANCE ON THEIR PARENTS! JUST LIKE MANY GODS DID TO THE TITANS!

The battlefield grew silent with the music finally stopping.

Y/n: I don't care or love you anymore, I don't even know you.

And with those words, Chronos finally died with his body breaking into shards, and the other bad guys seconds later died as well. Y/n took the bad SOULs out her body and let them die by exploding in mini explosions.

YOU WON! 1,000,000D$ 1,000,000,000XP!

Everyone who had fallen on the ground was now fully healed and up on their feet, yet no one celebrated. Kris walked over to Y/n and when they got to her they just stared at her, and a minute later they walked back a bit before walking forward again and hugging Y/n with her hugging back.

Zeus: Well, that was impressive, but we should go, Hades, come on.

Hades: Ok, fine, I was actually going to ask if I could get a ride.

Hades walked up to the gods and walked past Y/n who was still hugging Kris, he patted her on the back and the slash on lightning made all the gods disappear. But Y/n fell asleep a minute later as using that much power at once used a lot of her energy. Kris picked her up in their arms and carried her back to the others.

Susie: So, she's a demigod.

Hera: Yeah, but we never told her, we couldn't risk it, I couldn't risk it.

Toriel: Was that the real Olympians?

Hera: Looked like it.

Ralsei: Was that her anger?

Hera: Yeah... when she's angry or seeks revenge she builds it up until she releases it on someone, and that was the first time she used it on someone, she would just use it on objects.

Toriel: Looked like Chronos was the right person then.

Hera: Oh he totally deserved it, after all he's done solitary wouldn't be enough for him.

Some rainbow particles then started to appear and Kris put her on the ground, they backed away and watched as Y/n stood up a minute later. The particles did what they did last time and flew into Y/n, and seconds later some rainbow coloured wings grew out of her back while ripping through the cape she was wearing.

Once all the particles disappeared she flapped the wings while looking at them and they glowed rainbow until it changed colour to yellow with her then collapsing on the floor falling asleep.

Susie: Wings?

Eirene: Emotion changing wings, they'll change colour to whatever emotion she's feeling, she can also use them to communicate by changing the colours to make certain patterns.

Susie: Cool.

(No, Y/n is no Cupid and never will be.)

Hera: I should get her home, she needs to rest.

Susie: We all do.

Hera walked over to Y/n and picked her up, all of them then went home after the very eventful day with Kris still staying at Y/n's as they wanted to make sure she was alright.

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