โ€ข ๐•”๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•—๐•š๐••๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•”๐•– โ€ข ๐•Š.๏ฟฝ...

By _ghost5699_

30.7K 1K 129

"You know, optimistic fools die early but...I like your confidence so I'll let it slide." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~... More

~ introduction ~
~ friends ~
~ coffee ~
~ likeable ~
~ exams ~
~ quirks ~
~ worry ~
~ ramen ~
~ victory ~
~ fuckers ~
~ determination ~
~ first ~
~ lightning ~
~ fire ~
~ semifinals ~
~ winner ~
~ finish ~
~ progress ~
~ confusion ~
~ decisions ~
~ agency ~
~ call ~
~ patrol ~
~ Hosu ~
~ cute ~
~ grandpa ~
~ cupcakes ~
~ chess ~
~ kicks ~
~ cool ~
~ sunflowers ~
~ unexpected ~
~ Enji, Makoto, Renjiro ~
~ midterms ~

~ fear ~

1K 30 0
By _ghost5699_

~ 6 ~

Ryuka was peacefully sleeping in her seat. She was leaning back in her chair, her arms loosely hanging beside her and her head laying in her neck.

The whole class was just sitting in their seats, waiting for their teacher to arrive. Even when All Might came in, yelling stuff while doing so, Ryuka didn't bother to open her eyes.

Only when she heard the words 'combat training' coming out of All Mights mouth, she sprung up and sat straight in her seat, completely awake all of a sudden.

"Combat...training." She repeated, her and Bakugo suddenly having very creepy grinns on their faces. They seemed very exited about this.

"You seem to like combat training." Todoroki spoke from beside her, looking at her with his emotionless eyes. Ryuka turned to him, still having her creepy smile on her face.

"You got it, pretty boy, you got it."

- - - - -

Everyone had their hero costumes on now for the first time, Ryuka couldn't wipe the grin off her face as she was exited for this exercise.

Her hero costume wasn't really flashy, she had on loose black pants with bandages wrapped around her right leg. A blue top with wide black sleeves.

Over her bandaged hands where black fingerless gloves. She had two little pouches on the sides of her waist, they were filled with useful things like knifes, more bandages, smoke bombs and.....hand granades.

Her shoes where just plainly black, her hair was tied in a high ponytail and a headband was tied around her head. The outfit was practical, she could move easily in it, and that's what counts.

It had a cool ninja look to it.

Ryuka glanced at Izuku as he arrived in his hero suit, it looked hilarious. "You're killing me Greenie." She thought, turning away and making a face while trying to keep her laugher in.

She took a deep breath and put on the best proud smile she could, turning around again and giving Izuku a thumbs up, receiving a smile from the boy in return.

All Might was looking at the green haired boy aswell, before he directed his gaze to the blue eyed girl, his eyes widening the slightest bit. "Her hero costume is based on her fathers costume, she looks a lot like him." He though, his frown turning into a little smile.

All the students were now standing infront of All Might, listening to his explanation on how they're supposed to do this exercise.

There will be two teams, the villain team needs to protect the nuclear weapon or catch the heroes. The heroes need to get the weapon back or catch the villains. Pretty easy.

The teams will be decided randomly. All Might began to announce the people that would form a team together.

"Team D: Bakugo and Tanaka!" He loudly told them. That caused Bakugo to scowl heavily and Ryuka to smirk slightly.

They didn't get along quite well but in the bottom of their hearts they felt a mutual respect for each other. Especially for the great strength they both held, they could be a menace to everyone if they're put together.

Ryuka walked over to Bakugo, putting a band on his shoulder from behind to get his attention.

"Listen Katsuki-chan, I know you don't like this but I also know that you wanna win. And I want that too. Be honest, who here could be a more powerful duo than us two, huh?" She said, smirking at him while looking deep into his red eyes.

Bakugo wasn't happy with the teams at all, but if he'd be honest, he wouldn't be happy with any partner, regardless of who it was.

So he guessed it's maybe not that bad to be in a team with her. She was strong, and probably more clever that most of this class, he knew that well. Pulling her hand away from him, he turned around, still having an annoyed expression on his face.

"Damn right I want to win, so better not mess up!" He spoke, looking at her face with a scowl.

"I wouldn't dream of it Katsuki-chan~"

"The first teams to fight will be..." All Might began, pulling two balls out of two boxes. "....these guys!" He finished, showing them the balls with the letter A for the heroes and letter D for the villains, meaning it would be Midoriya and Uraraka vs. Bakugo and Tanaka.

Ryuka already began to think of a plan to win, considering every possible outcome for them while Izuku had to gulp thickly.

He not only had to fight against the meanest and most rageful person he knew, but also against the smartest, most intimidating and most scary person he ever encountered, Ryuka Tanaka.

The others left to go to the monitor room, the only ones left where the four participants and All Might.

"Villain team, go in first and set up! In five minutes, the hero team will break in, and the battle will start!" All Might told them.


Bakugo and Ryuka were now inside the building, they had only a little time to plan, so they had to make this quick.

"...Okay, listen. Before I explain my well thought out, super brilliant and cunning plan, what are your ideas on winning against them?" The girl asked Bakugo, who seemed to not really listen.

Bakugo scowled at her. "I don't need your stupid plan, I will go find Deku and blast him into the ground!" He said shouting while letting little blasts come out of his hands. The girl just gave him an unimpressed look.

"Yeah right, that's what I thought, but that won't do it, so listen—" She commanded, trying to start explaining her plan to him.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! YOU CAN'T STOP ME FROM CRUSHING THAT STUPID DE--" A slap on his mouth stopped him from yelling more of his crap.

"Stop yelling for fucks sake! Do you want them to hear us from outside? Damnit, shut it for one minute, will ya?" She wisper yelled, while having her hand pressed against his mouth.

"My plan includes you fighting against Izuku-chan, but there's more to it." She told him, finally letting her hand fall from his mouth. To her surprise, he didn't start yelling at her put seemed a little curious now.

"And what's that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Alright, so this is the plan...."

- - - - -

"Now, let's start the indoor person-to-person combat training with Team A and Team D! Start!"

Uraraka and Izuku entered the building, Izuku was also thinking of something to win against these two monsters in this battle.

He turned to Uraraka. "Okay listen closely, Kacchan and Ryu-chan are complete opposites when it comes to battle. Kacchan attacks instinctively and forcefully, but he's not stupid, we shouldn't ever underestimate him. Ryu-chan on the other hand, always stays calm and collected, she has always a trick up her sleeve. She thinks of a way to fool you, and then she attacks with full force." He explained.

That made Uraraka gulp thickly, ever since she encountered Ryuka the first time, she felt intimidated by the girl. Now that they had to fight against each other didn't make it better, but she was determined to give it her best.

"They're both truly dangerous. If you want to have a chance against Ryu-chan, you need to surprise her, otherwise there's close to no chance any of us could win. Even though I know Ryu-chan is determined and won't show us mercy, she won't hurt us to an extreme extent. But I'm not so sure with Kacchan." Izuku told Uraraka as they stepped into the building.

Closely after he finished his explanation, they were already attacked by Bakugo, him sending an explosion their way.

A surprise attack.

"Come on Deku, don't dodge." He said, looking at them laying on the ground. "I won't do so much damage that this fight gets stopped, but I'm gonna get close!" He shouted.

But when he tried to punch Izuku, the boy dodged and grabbed his arm, reading Bakugo's moves easily and throwing him to the ground.

The hero team probably expected one of them to be watching the nuclear weapon. But that wasn't the case, Ryuka was standing behind a wall, hiding in the shadows watching everything closely. Especially the short brown haired girl.

She watched her every move.

"She doesn't even attempt to attack Bakugo even though she's standing behind him. ...Huh, probably a wise decision. I'm guessing she's planning on finding the nuclear weapon, leaving Katsuki to Izuku-chan." She thought, analysing the situation.

"Katsuki-chan is doing a good job so far but I can't talk to him right now over the headphone, they'll hear me." She thought, still standing in in an alleyway close to Uraraka.

"Uraraka, go!" Izuku shouted.

So she ran, her goal being to reach the room with the nuclear weapon in it. She needed to retrieve it as quick as possible.

She was determined. "I can do this, I just have to think of something to surprise Tanaka-" her thoughts were interrupted by a leg coming out from beside her.

It was too fast to predict, like in a flash, tripping her, causing her to fall face first to the ground. Before she could even register what happened, her ear piece, that the teams used to communicate was already taken out of her ear and stomped on.

She only saw the foot, destroying the earpiece immediately.

Uraraka sprung up in an instant, trying to touch the person that tripped her with her fingers. Reaching for the persons shoulder, her fingers touched nothing but air.

Ryuka dodged easily to the side, grabbing Urarakas arm forcefully and twisting her arm behind her back, throwing her to the ground again. The shorter girl let out a yelp of pain, her other arm being grabbed now as well.

Both of her arms were now tied up behind her back with the capture tape. Ryuka was practically sitting ontop of her, making it impossible for her to move.

"Sup I guess." The blue eyed girl said with a light chuckle, standing up from her back and lifting Uraraka up by her back collar.

"DEKU-" but her cry for help was interrupted by Ryuka slapping a hand over her mouth, muffling her screams into silent mumbles.

Uraraka felt her heart race as she felt Ryukas fingertips press into her cheeks. Were they heating up, or was she just imagining that?

"What's with you all and yelling? Seriously, he can't hear you sweety, he's to busy listening to Katsuki-chan's screaming while trying to fight for his life." She spoke in an annoyed tone.

Uraraka tried to wiggle out of her grasp, even trying to touch her with her palms from behind, but the girl made sure to take a good distance to the shorter girl.

"Nuh uh, I don't quite like floating in the air, so let's take care of that, kay?" Ryuka said, taking out bandages from her pouch and bandaging Urarakas hands completely, making it impossible for her to use her Quirk.

"And sorry, but this has to be done too." She continued, also wrapping bandages over her mouth so Uraraka's voice would be muffled if she'd try to scream.

Yeah she wasn't actually sorry.

Uraraka was now sitting on the ground, tears forming in her eyes, she didn't know what to do, she was helpless right now.

"And?! Did you do it?!" A voice asked Ryuka over the headphone, whisper yelling while talking.

"Yep, now do what we planned before Izuku has time to figure out she's gone, hurry."

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! I DON'T WANT YOUR PLAN, I'LL CRUSH DEKU!" He yelled loudly, resulting in Izuku to hear everything clearly.

"So he stormed off on his own and won't listen to her. That's good for us, that means they're not working together." Izuku thought, still trying to run away from Bakugo to think of a plan.

Ryuka seemed unbothered, dusting herself off, standing on the other side of the building. "Fuck, that hurts my ear. Anyways, say 'fuck you' if you're on your way here." Ryuka calmly spoke, all the while covering Uraraka's ears with her hands, so she wouldn't hear their conversation.


"Unnecessary part at the end."

As Bakugo arrived at the place Ryuka and Uraraka were at, he had a big scowl on his face.

"I can't believe that useless nerd tricked me all this time! He had a flashy Quirk the whole damn time!" He angrily stated, looking at the black haired girl that was kneeling on the ground infront of Uraraka.

"Are you done?" The girl asked with an unimpressed look. "Did you get it?"

"Yeah, here." Bakugo answered, handing the girl a little green thing, Izukus headphone.

He stole it from him as Izuku though he was reading his moves, and he was in fact reading his moves, but he wasn't aware that this was a tactic to steal his little headphone from him.

Ryuka took it before using her electricity to burn it to ashes inside of her hand, letting the ashes fall to the ground.

"Hah!? Why should I even bring it to you if you were going to destroy it, I could've done that myself!" Bakugo said, trying to keep his voice as low as possible, even though he was clearly angry.

"Because you're gonna stay here and watch out that this one makes no trouble, while I continue the plan, got it?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Now they're not able to communicate anymore. Sure, they weren't able to do that the second I destroyed Urarakas earpiece, but now he won't get so suspicious that she got caught. He will think that he just lost his headphone in the fight, and that she is still trying to retrieve the nuclear weapon." Ryuka started to explain to Bakugo.

"So now he's thinking that you're chasing after him and won't expect me, so it'll be easy for me to capture him. And boom, we are the champions." She finished her explanation, standing up now and going past Bakugo.

"Oh and make sure to cover up her eyes and ears, and also tie up her legs, we don't want her escaping now do we?" She said, referring to Uraraka while making her way out the alleyway to find her green haired friend.

The brown haired girl was getting frustrated, not being able to do anything makes her want to cry. But that's just how it is, sometimes you're lucky, sometimes you're not.

Sometimes people are stronger than you, and you can't do anything about it.

She and her green haired teammate were unlucky to have these two as their opponents in the first place.

Bakugo just looked at her back angrily as Ryuka walked away, not being satisfied with this plan in the slightest. He didn't want to just capture Deku, he wanted to fight him and win, everything else wasn't important.

He looked over at the wiggling girl on the ground, rolling his eyes and letting out a loud groan of annoyance.

Ryuka was now walking through the halls of the building, listening to every sound that was made and being very cautious of her surroundings.

"There." She thought, hearing Izukus footsteps and his faint breathing. Turning to her left, she began to quietly go to his direction.

"I knew from the start that it wouldn't be too easy to go up against Izuku-chan. Sure, if we were to fight head to head then I would surely win, but he is smart, maybe even smart enough to compete with me, just maybe." Ryuka thought, quickly getting closer to Izuku.

"If I surprise attack him now, I can either knock him out or capture him right away. He won't expect me to be there one bit, he thinks I'm protecting the nuclear weapon. So I have only this one chance before he will know what's going on, and if Katsuki-chan doesn't screw up, we'll win for sure." She thought confidently, slowly walking closer to the location Izuku was at, making sure not to make a single sound while walking.

"Hello? Uraraka-- huh? where's my earpiece!?" Ryuka heared Izuku mumble to himself, slightly panicking because he lost his communication aid.


Many explosions started to light up all around Izuku, one after the other, creating thick layers of smoke to rise all around him.

"What?! Is Kacchan attacking again? But I didn't hear him coming at all-" but his thoughts were interrupted by a figure coming towards him with an enormous speed.

He could barely see anything because of the smoke, but he saw a fist coming his way, swinging at him with full force. "Kacchan is using his right swing again, I just have to dodge-" But as he tried to dodge to the side, the fist wasn't there anymore, but in exchange, there was something else.

It wasn't a fist that collided with him, it was a foot, hitting his face hard. And damn did that hurt.

"ARGH!..." he yelped, being thrown away several meters by the kick. His mind was racing, he could barely see from the tears forming in his eyes and the smoke surrounding him.

"What just happened?" He thought, trying to stand up while his nose was bleeding heavily.

All of a sudden, his foot was swept away from under him, letting him fall face first to the ground, making his nose bleed even more.

Jumping up, he tried to swing at the person that tripped him, but he only punched trough the air. The person was moving quickly but considered and was dodging swiftly, almost effortlessly.

"These movements are completely different from Kacchans, but...they're still familiar...." He thought, still trying to land a punch on the unknown person. As he saw another kick coming his way from the smoke, he ducked, finally recognising these moves.

"RYU-CHAN!" He shouted as loud as he could, the smoke began to fade as he tried to get a look at her.

But before he could even think of anything, his arms were twisted behind his back in an instant, as he was thrown to the ground.

"Well sorry but, I guess that's it now-" Ryuka started, but her sentence was interrupted by a loud bang coming from the wall beside them, resulting in stone bricks to fly her way. That forced her to let go of Izukus arms to protect her face with her arms.

"DEKU! COME ON DON'T RUN AWAY ANYMORE, LET'S FIGHT ALREADY! AND THIS TIME USE YOUR QUIRK!" Bakugo yelled with a creepy smile on his face.

Izuku proceeded to get away from Ryuka and create a good distance between them.

The black haired girl just looked at the blonde boy dumbfounded. "What the acual-- HAH?!" She thought, her face having an irritated expression on it as she stared at the explosion boy that was standing a few meters away from her.

Izuku looked between his two opponents. As he saw Ryuka, he knew she was indeed pissed.

"Are you mental!? Fuck! Are you stupid!? I mean are you completely dumb!? I already had him! We would've won!" She yelled at the blonde boy in anger, feeling frustrated that he completely ruined their chance to win.

"SHUT UP RYUKA! I FOLLOWED YOUR PLAN LONG ENOUGH! I'M GOING TO FIGHT THAT USELESS SHIT! THAT WAY WE WIN TOO!" He yelled back at her, before focusing his eyes on the green haired boy that was trying to regain his composure. He was still in shock from the previous events.

Ryuka let out a frustrated loud sigh, trying to refrain herself from attacking her own teammate. "And what about Uraraka, huh?" She called over to him.

"That girl is practically a mummy at this point! I already brought her out of the building!" He answered.

Ryuka had to take a deap breath at that. "Control yourself, keep your cool, we can still win." She tried to convince herself.

Preparing herself to send a sway of electricity in Izuku's way to knock him out completely, she took another deep breath, regaining her composure fully.

She lifted her hand up, sparks of electricity already coming out of it, ready to shock the green haired boy into unconsciousness. Then suddenly, she was thrown to the ground.

Realising what happened, Ryuka once again yelled. "FUCK! WHAT'S YOU'RE FUCKING DEAL!?" She yelled at the blonde boy that just knocked her over, her calmness flying out the window once again.

"WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING DEAL! YOU'RE NOT LISTENING! I SAID I WILL FIGHT HIM, SO GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Bakugo shouted, getting off of her and storming into the direction of their green haired opponent, ready to attack.

Izuku was having trouble deciding what he should do now, should he try to fight or run away and try to think of another plan. "No, the times running out, I have to fight now! The nuclear weapon has to be somewhere here above me." He thought, still having some hope left.

Ryuka brushed a hand through her hair, very annoyed of this situation. "Ugghh I want to go home damnit, this could've been over and done with already but nooo." She thought, her tired eyes closing for a moment before opening again and sharply fixating on the scene before her.

She pushed herself off the ground and fixed her stance, ready to attack at any moment.

"They're loaded." Bakugo spoke, holding up his arm, referring to the big blast machine on his arm.

"Why won't you use your Quirk? Are you saying you can win even if you don't use it? Are you underestimating me, Deku?" He asked, still having that creepy grin on his face.

"I'm not scared of you anymore!" Izuku retorted, looking at the boy with determination. That made Bakugo grit his teeth.

Ryuka was just standing at the sidelines, watching how Izuku finally found his voice. "Interesting. So you've finally decided to stop whining and finally do something, huh?" She thought, looking at him, a slight smirk forming on her lips.

"I could probably just send a strong wave of electricity at both of them to end this bullshit already, but I guess that's not possible. First, I want to see what that Greenie will do now and second, if I knock out my teammate, I'm not sure if I would still go out as the winner. And I want to win. And even if I just knock out Izuku, Katsuki will most definitely come at me so that would be the same outcome-" She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of Bakugo activating his little arm machine.

"I've made this the way I asked. And these gauntlets will store the nitroglycerin inside them." Bakugo stated, preparing to fire his attack.

"If I don't hit him, he won't die!" He shouted, aiming at the wall and firing his blast, destroying the walls and making the building shake.

THAT made Ryukas eyes go wide in an instant, her mouth felt dry and her hands began to slightly shake.

"Shit, no no no no the building can't crumble. It can't! Not with me in here!" She thought, her mind racing, panic crawling up at her. This couldn't be happening.

"HEY! DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! THE BUILDING COULD COLLAPSE!" The girl shouted at her teammate, who took her command as just another thing to annoy him and tell him what to do.

He walked over to Izuku, who was panting on the ground. While he was trying to bring the scared green haired boy to use his Quirk, his teammate was having completely different problems.

Ryuka was trying her best not to lose her shit right now. There was a problem with her and collapsing buildings. A big problem.

She was leaning on a wall, looking around frantically, searching for the fastest way to escape. The building was long not shaking anymore, but the girl was still in a state of panic.

She closed her eyes, breathing in and out heavily, her lidded eyes fixated on her teammate and their opponent once more, watching their every move closely.

Bakugo went to attack once again, remembering that Izuku could forsee his movements, changing them quickly and hitting the boy on the back with an explosion.

He hit him again and again before throwing him to the ground while screaming some bullshit about Izuku being below him. Izuku managed to stand up, walking over to a specific place near the windows.

In the meantime, Ryuka proceeded to get herself mostly under control, squinting her eyes at Izuku.

"Why won't you use you're Quirk? Are you underestimating me?" Bakugo asked, repeating his question once again. He walked towards the boy, ready to attack him again.

Ryuka finally found the strength to speak again. "Wait! Think before you act. Why is he running away the whole time? What do you think is his plan, huh? The nuclear bomb is placed somewhere above us, he's trying to retrieve it in some way. Don't act rash!" Ryuka loudly spoke from behind the blonde boy, pushing herself off of the wall and slowly going into a fighting position again.

Izuku just furrowed his eyebrows at her comment, looking like he just got exposed.

"Can't you shut up for one damn minute." Bakugo spoke in a low voice, clearly talking to Ryuka as he continued to walk towards Izuku.

And then it happened. The two of them ran at each other, preparing to use their Quirks to win. But this wasn't how Izuku planned it out.

Before he could punch Bakugo, he directed his fist to the ceiling, creating a strong gush of wind, breaking the ceiling and a big part of the building aswell. The windows broke, bricks were falling from the ceiling. The building was shaking again.

Way more than before.

Ryukas eyes went wide and her body went stiff. "Was his plan to destroy the nuclear weapon? Well he did it, it's destroyed. ...But that wasn't even the goal of the heroes?" That was all she could think of before she completely realised what was going on.

The building was shaking, the ceiling was threatening to collapse on top of them any minute and she seemed to be the only one to understand the situation they were in.

Izuku collapsed on the ground after his attack, but not before taking a look at the scared eyes of his blue eyed friend.

She wasn't ever scared, never ever.

But right now her eyes looked so full of fear that he was kinda glad that he lost consciousness. Just to not look at them anymore.

"HEY! RYUKA WE NEED TO GET OUT!" Bakugo shouted, just now turning around while trying to hold his balance on the shaking grounds of the building.

His eyes widened slightly as he saw her. He's seen the girl in many different emotions along the years they knew eachother, angry, happy, bored, excited.... But not once, not one time, did he see her look so.....terrified.

She was slowly walking towards him and the boy on the ground. Bakugo followed her steps as she muttered something, eyes wide and looking to the ground.

"If I don't do something now.... I have to do something. Do something. Do something. Do something. Do something...." She muttered while trying to get her breathing under control.

Bakugo just looked at her as if she lost her mind, but even he understood the situation well enough to see that they were screwed if one of them didn't do something, or if All Might didn't show up.

But there wasn't any time left for him to think. The building was already coming down on them.

All he saw was Ryuka having that determined look in her eyes again while she raised her hand. Then there was just light.

All Might, that already rushed out to the building, and the students watching from the camera, all stared in awe. There was light. Blue light to be exact. It looked like sparks.

A huge blast of blue electricity was formed from inside the building, ingulfing the whole upper part of it.

Almost like an explosion it destroyed the whole upper part of the building, only leaving small little bricks and dust behind.

Most of the students mouths were wide open, very shocked and impressed at the same time. Todoroki was also a little shocked at the previous events, he only mustered to hide it better.

He already assumed who might caused this, but when the dust cleared and he saw Ryuka standing there, still holding her arm in the air, he was absolutely sure.

The sight was definitely something. Izuku was still laying on the ground unconscious, while Bakugo was still standing, his face showing a look of pure shock.

Ryuka on the other hand was showing no expression on her face whatsoever. Her hair was covering her eyes as she slowly let her arm fall to her side.

All Might immediately rushed to them, picking up Izuku from the ground and looking at the two teenagers that were still standing.

"Is everything alright? Did you get hu-" but he stopped himself, taking a look at Ryuka's right arm that was now loosely hanging beside her.

The bandages were long gone and half of her arm was all bloodied up, full of scrapes and deep cuts, blood was dripping to the ground.

"Can you walk?" All Might asked the two of them, but he was mostly talking to Ryuka.

None of them gave an answer, Ryuka just walked past him, staring forwards with a dark look in her eyes.

"...This went out of hand, you should've stopped this earlier...tch." She mumbled darkly. It was faint, but All Might could still hear her.

He knew that this was directed at him, and she was right. She just walked away to the nurses office, not turning around to see Bakugo nearly having a panic attack.

He couldn't believe what he just witnessed. Firstly, Izuku managed to predict all his attacks and even proceeded to create such a powerful blow, that the building fell onto them.

And secondly, Ryuka had to save him from being crushed by the building, because he couldn't think fast enough. He's never seen such a strong attack from the girl. It scared him. It truly scared him that these two were so strong.

A voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Come back, Young Bakugo. It's time to review the results. Whether you win or lose, looking back and learning from your experience is a part of life." All Might told him, laying a hand on his shoulder from behind. The two of them went back to the other students.

- - - - -

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