Deathly Consequences to Livel...

By Battle_life_14

98 1 13

Alastair Aphelion is childhood best friend to one Remus Lupin. Both Alastair and Remus are ready to go to Hog... More

Important Info & Character Intro
Year One


7 0 2
By Battle_life_14

"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language." 

- Martin Buber 

- - - -

Alastair's POV

I scrambled out of the Hospital Wing, heading to the secret hallway I had found a couple of weeks ago. I ran into the hallway and almost ran into a redhead boy. I stopped in my tracks, about 1 foot away from the boy. 

I took two steps back as the redhead did the same thing. He said, "Wow, there. Yeh alright, mate?" I shook my head and he asked, "What's wrong?" I vaguely answered, "Me best friend's in the Hospital Wing and it's me fault." 

He asked, "Do yeh want to talk about it or do yeh want to get yer mind off it?" I answered, "I want to get me mind off of it." The boy nodded and held out his hand to me. He said, "I'm Caspar Acker, but everybody calls me Cas. I'm a seventh year Gryffindor. Yeh are?"

I said, "Alastair Aphelion, but me friends call me Alek. First year Gryffindor," as I shook his hand. We let go of each other's hands, dropping them to our sides. Caspar said, "Are yeh supposed to be anywhere?" I answered, "Only the Hospital Wing." 

Caspar nodded and said, "Follow me then." I nodded and Caspar turned around, sneakily walking away. I followed him, and we got outside. I asked, "Where are we going?" 

Caspar answered, "Hagrid's. He's Hogwarts' Groundskeeper and Keeper of Keys. He's really nice and has lots of magical creatures. We might even see a unicorn or hippogriff." I nodded and we got to Hargid's hut. 

Caspar knocked on the door and it was opened within a couple of seconds, revealing a tall man with shaggy black hair and a shaggy black beard. Caspar said, "Hullo Hagrid. Mind if Alek and I come in?" The man—Hagrid—questioned, "Alek?" 

I said, "That's me." Hagrid looked at me and said, "Oh, well hullo Alek." I stated, "Hi." Hagrid looked back at Caspar and nodded, pulling the door open even more as he walked away from the door. He said, "Come on in, guys."

Caspar looked at me and nodded. I smiled as Caspar looked away from me as he walked into Hagrid's hut. I walked into the hut, closing the door behind me. Hagrid asked, "Why 're yeh 'ere, Caspar?" 

Caspar answered, "Well, I ran into Alek in the halls and he seemed like he likes magical creatures, so I brought him here." Hagrid looked at me and asked, "Do yeh really like magical creatures?" 

I nod and say, "Yes, I do. I can't wait to learn about hippogriffs and unicorns! As well as Thestrals! Thestrals seem really interesting!" Caspar asked, "Yeh do know that in order to see Thestrals, yeh have to have seen death, right?" 

I nodded and Caspar tilted his head to the side in confusion as he asked, "Have yeh seen death?" I answered, "I had to watch my grandmother die when I was 7." Hagrid asked, "And yeh understood, accepted, and internalised the concept of her death?" 

I shrugged and said, "I was 7. Plus, she never really liked me, so there was no point in not accepting her death." Caspar nodded and said, "Anyway. Hagrid," Hagrid looked at Caspar and Caspar continued, asking Hagrid a question.

"Do yeh think we could see Buckbeak?"

Hagrid nodded and said, "Of course," his voice filled with excitement. I asked, "Who's Buckbeak?" Caspar turned to me and explained, "Buckbeak is a hippogriff that Hagrid's been raising," as Hagrid walked out of the hut. 

Caspar beckoned me to follow him as he walked out of the hut. I went after him, following him and Hagrid into the forest. Hagrid and Caspar stopped after we had walked for about 10 minutes. We all stood in a clearing and I stood next to Caspar, looking for Buckbeak. 

Hagrid whistled and a hippogriff came flying into the clearing about 2 minutes later. Hagrid turned to me and said, "Come meet Buckbeak, Alek." I nodded and asked, "What do I do?" Hagrid stated, "Well hippogriffs are very proud creatures and they're easily offended." 

Doesn't really answer my question. Caspar answered, "Slowly walk up to him, make eye contact with him, and when yeh're a couple of feet away from him, give him a bow." I nodded and slowly walked towards Buckbeak, making eye contact with him. 

Buckbeak looked at me cautiously and when I was about 4 feet away from Buckbeak, I bowed to him. I kept my eyes on the ground, not daring to look up. Hagrid clapped and said, "Nice job, Alek! Yeh can touch him, now! Try ter pet him, now!" 

I nodded and stood up, seeing Buckbeak in an unmistakable bow. I held my hand out to him and Buckbeak walked towards me, pressing his nose against my hand. I let out a soft laugh and brushed my hand against Buckbeak's feathers. 

Hagrid suggested, "How about he gives yeh a ride, now?" I nodded and Hagrid picked me up by my torso, setting me on Buckbeak's back. Hagrid said, "Make sure yeh have a good grip, so yeh don't fall." 

I nodded and Caspar said, "But make sure yeh don't pull on his feathers. He wouldn't like that," as Buckbeak started to get ready to take off and I nodded. I grabbed some of Buckbeak's feathers, careful not to hurt Buckbeak or pull on his feathers and Buckbeak took off. 

Buckbeak took into the air and I laughed as he flew upward. Buckbeak flew towards the Black Lake, skimming over it. I let go of his feathers, holding my arms out to the side. Water splayed up into my face and I laughed as I cheered in success.

"Woohoo!" left my mouth. My chin length black hair was blown back from the wind and I smiled. I laughed and Buckbeak left the water, flying high into the sky once again. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he flew up. 

Buckbeak flipped through the air and dived, heading towards the water. I screamed, shouting, "Holy shit! This is amazing!" right as Buckbeak swooped up, his feet splashing water into my face, soaking my hair. I laughed, a wide smile on my face. 

I let go of Buckbeak's neck, stretching my arms outward. Wind blew past me, whistling in my ears. I closed my eyes, letting the rest of my senses take over. I could smell the Black Lake, the salt in the lake burning my nose. 

I could hear Buckbeak's wings flapping, as well as feel his wings hitting the side of my legs. I felt Buckbeak start to fly upward and I opened my eyes, wrapping my arms around Buckbeak's neck. Buckbeak flew back to the clearing and he landed close to Hagrid. 

Hagrid helped me off of Buckbeak and I exclaimed, "That was so cool! Can I do that again sometime?!" as I shook my head, trying to dry off my hair a little bit.  Caspar lightly laughed as Hagrid said, "Of course!" 

I exclaimed, "Thank yeh so much!" facing Hagrid as I ruffled my hair, getting some water out of my hair. I turned to Caspar and said, "Thanks for bringing me here, Cas." Caspar nodded and said, "Yeh're welcome, Alek." I nodded and turned to Buckbeak. 

Buckbeak trilled happily as I ran my fingers through his feathers. I smiled and said, "Thanks for the ride, Buckbeak." Caspar suggested, "We should probably head back to the castle. It'll probably be dinner soon." 

That much time passed? Wow. Wait-shit! Moony's gonna kill me! I nodded as I pulled my hand away from Beakbuck's feathers and turned to Caspar. I said, "Let's go then." Caspar nodded and the two of us headed back into the castle.

I asked, "Do yeh have a job in mind for after yeh graduate?" Caspar nodded and answered, "I'm thinking about working with Newt Scamander in Romania with dragons." I asked, "Dragons? Do yeh think I could meet some dragons if yeh tame them?" 

Caspar chuckled and said, "Sure, Alek." I looked around, seeing the Hospital Wing doors. I let out a slow breath and Caspar said, "Yeh can talk to me whenever yeh want, Alek. After all, we are in the same house." I nodded and looked at Caspar. I said, "Thank yeh." 

Caspar nodded and said, "Yeh're welcome. Now, go. Yeh have to get back to yer friend, don't yeh?" I nodded and Caspar turned around, walking away. I let out a quiet breath as I slowly walked towards the Hospital Wing doors. 

Breathe, Alek. We're fine, I told myself. I pushed the Hospital Wing doors open and walked into the wing. I saw Sirius sitting in the same spot as before with Peter across from him and James sitting next to Peter. Oh thank god, Moony isn't alone

James caught sight of me and he exclaimed, "Alek! Welcome back!" I nodded, "Hey, guys," as I walked toward the bed Moony was sitting in. I sat down in the empty chair and Sirius asked, "Where were you?" 

Moony said, "Yeah, where were yeh? Seems like yeh were gone for an awful lot of time if yeh were just going to the loo. And why's yer hair wet?" Damn, his eyes.

I lied, "I went to the loo and then on the way back, I met Caspar Acker. Nice guy, by the way, and we got talking about magical creatures and I ended up losing track of time," playing with the silver ring on my left index finger, the one Lyall had given me for my tenth birthday.

Moony stated, "Liar." I looked at Moony and retorted, "I'm not lying!" Moony said, "Bullshit. The only truth in any of those sentences was yeh met Caspar Acker and that yeh talked about magical creatures." I glared at Moony and he glared back at me. He asked, "So what's the truth then?"

I sighed and reluctantly answered, "I went to the secret hallway I found a couple of weeks ago, and met Caspar there. He took me to meet Hagrid and we ended up going into the forest. I met the hippogriff that Hagrid's been raising and I gotta ride it. Once I got back from riding the hippogriff, Caspar suggested that we head back to the castle because it'd be dinner soon, and we did. Now I'm here and yeh know the rest."

Moony said, "Thank yeh for telling the truth, Alek." I scowled at Moony and sarcastically said, "Yeh're welcome," as I rolled my eyes. James asked, "How'd you know Alek was lying, Moony?" 

Moony shrugged, not saying anything and Sirius asked, "So do you know when you guys will be out?" I shrugged and Moony answered, "As soon as Madam Pomfrey comes ter check our injuries tonight. Then we can go back to the dorm room." 

The three of them nodded, taking in this new information. The five of us continued talking for a while, till about 30 minutes before dinner. Madam Pomfrey showed up and she looked at Sirius, James, and Peter. Madam Pomfrey said, "Out, I need to check their injuries!" 

Sirius and James nodded, standing up and walking out of the Hospital Wing with Peter following behind them. I pulled off my shirt and chest binder before Madam Pomfrey could tell me too. She looked at my back before telling me, "You're good to go." 

I nodded and put my chest binder on, then I pulled my shirt over my head. I stood up and looked at Moony. I told him, "I'll be outside." Moony nodded and I stood up, walking out of the Hospital Wing.

My eyes caught sight of Sirius, James, and Peter. I walked over to them, standing next to Sirius. Peter asked, "S-so yo-you're g-good to g-go?" I answered, "Yep, I'm all good. No need to worry about me." 

Moony walked out of the Hospital Wing and suggested, "Let's head to dinner?" We all nodded and started to head to the Great Hall for dinner. The five of us talked the entire time we walked to the Great Hall, as usual.

September 30th, 1971; Gryffindor Common Room

I laid my head against Moony as I read my book, tapping my finger against the back of my book. I heard, "Alek?" come from a slightly familiar voice. I looked up from my book and saw Caspar. I sat immediately and said, "Cas!" Caspar nodded and Moony asked, "So you're Caspar Acker?"

Caspar nodded and said, "'fraid I don't know who yeh are. Sorry." Moony shrugged and held his hand out to Caspar, saying, "Remus Lupin." Caspar took Moony's hand, shaking it for about two seconds before letting go of his hand. 

Caspar sat down on the couch, across me, sitting six feet away from me. I asked, "So do yeh know if yeh are gonna go ter Romania after yeh graduate?" Caspar answered, "Yeah, I've already talked ter Mr. Scamander about it. He told me that he was gonna talk ter me when he comes to visit during Christmas break."

I nodded and said, "That's so cool! Do yeh think yeh could introduce me to him?" Caspar nodded and said, "Of course." I said, "Thank yeh!" Moony stood up and said, "I'm gonna head up to the dorm and get ready for bed, alright Alek?" 

I looked at Moony and said, "Alright. I'll be up in a littl' bit." Moony nodded and walked up the stairs to the boys dormitory. I looked at Caspar and asked, "Can yeh tell me more about dragons?" Caspar said, "Of course!" 

Caspar started, "Well dragons are huge, winged, fire-breathing reptilian creatures, but everyone knows that. That's like the one thing muggles got right about dragons." I nodded, agreeing with what he said.

"They're widely regarded as terrifying beasts, but in my opinion, they're awe-inspiring. Dragons can be found all over the world. They're one of the most dangerous creatures and hardest to conceal in the wizarding world. Their heartstring can be used as the core for wands. Dragons can also be a possible but rare corporeal form for the Patronus charm," Caspar said.

I asked, "What's the Patronus charm?" Caspar answered, "The Patronus charm is one of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizardkind. It's an immensely complicated and extremely difficult spell that evoked a partially tangible positive energy force that's also known as a Patronus. It's also the primary protection against Demetors and Lethifolds, and there are no other defences against them."

I nodded and Caspar continued, "There are two types," holding his hand up, making a peace sign, "of Patronuses: corporeal, which means a Patronus with a particular shape and form, and incorporeal Patronuses. Incorporeal Patronuses have no particular shape and don't protect against Dementors the way corporeal Patronuses do. However, some wizards choose to cast incorporeal Patronuses to hide their identity. I've heard that a lot of werewolves tend to do this. This ancient and mysterious charm conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all yer most positive feelings." Caspar waved his hands around as he continued to explain.

"As I have already said, it's a very difficult spell to do. Many witches and wizards are unable to produce a full, corporeal Patronus, a guardian which generally takes the shape of the animal with whom they share the deepest affinity. Yeh may suspect, but yeh will never truly know what form yer Patronus will take until yeh succeed in conjuring it. Well, when it works correctly, it conjures up a Patronus, which is a kind of anti-Dementor — a guardian which acts as a shield between yeh and the Dementor. The Patronus is a kind of positive force, a projection of the very things that the Dementor feeds upon — hope, happiness, the desire to survive — but it cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so the Dementors can't hurt it."

I nod and say, "That's cool! Can corporeal Patronuses change forms?" Caspar answered, "I don't believe so. Maybe over time, as a person changes?" I nodded and asked, "Can yeh do a Patronus?" Caspar said, "Yeah, a incorporeal Patronus. It's a very difficult spell to do in the first place, so corporeal Patronuses are a bit harder to do." 

I asked, "Can yeh teach me how to do a Patronus?" Caspar answered, "Sure. When do yeh want to try?" I shrugged and suggested, "Maybe next time we visit Buckbeak?" Caspar said, "Sure. When's the next time yeh want to visit Buckbeak?" 

I answered, "Maybe during lunch tomorrow?" Caspar said, "Sure. See yeh then." I nodded and Caspar stood up. He walked up the stairs, going to the boys dormitory. I laid my back against the couch and opened my book, reading it. 

October 1st, 1971; Gryffindor Common Room

I heard, "Alek, where are yeh?" come from Moony's voice. I said, "Down here," as I read the last page of my book. I heard, "What're yeh doing up?" come from Moony's familiar voice. I finished reading my book and closed it. 

I got off the couch and answered, "I was reading. It's not that late, is it?" I looked at Moony and Moony stated, "Alek, it's 5 am. Yeh've been awake all night." I asked, "Really?" before adding, "Well, I better go get ready for the day." 

Moony nodded and the two of us walked up to the dorm room. I grabbed my school uniform, a sports bra, one of my chest binders, as well as a pair of underwear and walked into the bathroom. 

I locked the door behind me and stripped out of my robes and uniform. I folded my clothes, setting it on the counter, before turning on the shower. I pulled off my uniform, dropping my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper. 

I took off my underwear and chest binder, tossing them in the hamper before pulling off my sports bra. I tossed my sports bra into the hamper and got into the shower. I let the scalding hot water hit my back, as I tilted my head back.

The water ran through my hair and I put shampoo in my hand, before putting it into my hair. I washed my pomegranate-scented shampoo out of my hair before getting some of my cinnamon-scented conditioner. 

I put my conditioner in my hair and turned around, my back against the wall of the shower. I sat down on the floor and grabbed my body wash. I got my razor and got some of my body wash, rubbing it on my legs and armpits. 

I ran my razor across my legs, shaving off my leg hair before moving onto my armpits. I shaved my armpits, and once I finished, I put my body wash and razor away. I stood up and stood under the shower head, letting the water wash off the excess body wash.

I ran my hands through my hair, washing out my conditioner. I let my hands drop to my sides and just stood there for a couple of minutes before turning off the shower and getting out.  I grabbed my towel and dried off my body. 

I put on my underwear and sports bra, then I put on my grey chest binder, before putting on my uniform trousers. 

I buttoned my trousers and grabbed my uniform top. I pulled my sleeves onto my arms and buttoned up my uniform top. I dried off my hair, and ruffled it, before looking at myself in the mirror.

My vitiligo was extremely easy to see, the crescent moon shaped spot under my left eye and the yin and yang shaped spot in the middle of my neck on the left side of my neck. 

Should I cover my vitiligo? I want to, but Moony wouldn't like it. He always hates when I cover my scars and vitiligo. Though, that makes him a hypocrite because he always tries to hide his scars. Memories played in my head from when Moony and I were 10.

- Flashback -

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, my hands clutching to the bathroom counter as my thoughts ran wild. What if someone misgenders me? What if they hate me? What if I have to dress out in PE next Monday? 

So many "what ifs" ran through my head as I stared at myself in the mirror. I ripped my hands off of the counter, putting them to my face, covering my face.

"Ugh!" left my mouth as I screamed in frustration. Why am I so ugly? Why do I look like this? Why can't I look like someone like Jason? Jason looks so much better than me

My hands moved from my face to my hair, as I pulled against my hair. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this! I heard, "Alek?" come from Moony's familiar voice. 

I let go of my hair as I looked over, looking at Moony. Moony asked, "What's wrong? Where's your shirt?" I shook my head, not answering as I looked at myself in the mirror and pointed to my shirt that was crumpled on the floor.

I put my right hand to the small crescent moon shaped spot on my face as my left hand touched the yin and yang shaped spot on my next. 

I looked at the small curved scar on my nose, the one I got when I was 6. I'm pretty sure that's the one from when I was messing around with a knife

I sighed and answered, "I'm just overthinking everything." Moony walked over to my side, looking at me in the mirror.

The bandages on his arms had light red spots that had bled through them from the last full moon, which was 2 days ago. 

Dammit! I'm so, so sorry, Moony. I'm so fucking sorry, I thought as I looked at the bandages. Moony said, "Alek, my eyes are up here," as he pointed to his eyes. 

I looked up, meeting Moony's amber-gold eyes. I muttered, "Sorry, Moony." Moony shrugged and stated, "You're not ugly, yeh know." 

I shook my head, my eyes trailing to my feet as I mumbled, "That's a bunch of bullshit." Moony said nothing about putting a dollar in the swear jar, instead he just said, "You're not. You're handsome as hell and anyone who doesn't believe that is blind." 

I questioned, "Even myself?" looking up and meeting Moony's eyes. Moony agreed, "Even yourself. You have glasses for a reason, yeh know, Alek." 

I lightly laughed and said, "Yeah, I know." My eyes trailed back to the mirror and Moony said, "They're a part of you. All of your vitiligo and your scars. They're all a part of you. They all make you, you. Do you understand?" 

I replied, "Then Faolan is a part of you as well. He helps make you who you are." Moony replied, "I know that." I nodded and said, "Good. because it would make you a hypocrite otherwise." 

Moony rolled his eyes as he held his arms out to me and I pulled my eyes away from the mirror, looking at Moony. He said, "Hug?" I smiled and let myself fall into Moony's arms. 

Moony wrapped his arms around me and his scent of chocolate engulfed me. I wrapped my arms around Moony and Moony said, "You're amazing just the way you are. No need to change who you are. But at the same time, if you say that you're a man, then you're a man." 

I lightly laughed and mumbled, "Thank you, Moony." Moony said, "Of course, Alek." I muttered, "You're the best." Moony replied, "I know." I lightly laughed and Moony joined me, lightly chuckling. 

Moony let go of me and I let go of Moony, pulling out of his embrace. I said, "Come on!" grabbing Moony's hand and pulling him out of the bathroom. 

I pulled him downstairs and yelled, "Well be back soon! See ya later, Mum!" I heard Hope say, "Be careful!" I replied, "Always am!" as I pulled Moony out of the house. 

I ran to the park, dragging Moony behind me. Moony said, "Slow down, Alek! I'm gonna trip and face plant if you don't!" I laughed, but complied, slowing my pace to a walk as we got to the park. 

- Flashback Ends -

I smiled and made my decision. I unlocked the bathroom door, walking out of the bathroom with my face free of any makeup. Moony looked at me and nodded with pride in his eyes. Why would he be proud because of my decision? That makes no sense

I left my robes in my trunk as I got all my school textbooks. We have Defense Against the Dark Arts today, and Transfiguration. Nice! Moony asked, "We have Defence Against the Dark Arts today, right?"

I answered, "Yeah as well as Transfiguration." Moony said, "Alright. That's for remin'ing me." I said, "Of course, Moony. What are best friends for?" Moony nodded as he got off of his bed, started to get ready for the day. 

Siri woke up, shooting forward in shock. His eyes were wary, quickly checking his surroundings before he slightly relaxed. I assumed, "Nightmare?" Siri looked at me, wary of his surroundings, and asked, "How'd you know?"

I shrugged, "Have enough of 'em meself." Siri nodded and got out of his bed. I picked up my bag, slinging it across my shoulder. Moony asked, "Are yeh gonna let James' sleep in?" I shrugged, "He needs to learn to wake up without help." 

Moony sighed and asked, "Sirius, can yeh wake up James and Peter?" Siri nodded and woke up James, before moving to wake up Peter. I tapped my fingers against the side of my leg, as I barely bounced up and down on the balls of my feet. 

Moony walked to my side as I started to zone out. I looked out the window, everything else being drowned out as I looked at the birds in the trees that are on the grounds. I felt my shoulder get touched and I snapped back to reality. 

I looked around, seeing Moony and Moony's hand on my shoulder. He said, "Yeh alright?" I shrugged as I tapped my foot against the floor. Siri asked, "Are you alright, Alek?" I said, "Yeah. Why?" Siri motioned towards my foot and explained, "You seem to be really jumpy." 

I replied, "I'm like this a lot." James questioned, "Jumpy?" I shrugged and answered, "In a way. I prefer to call it being overly aware of my surroundings." Moony muttered, "I call it hyperactive." James nodded as Siri finally got Peter to wake up. 

The rest of them all got ready while Moony and I waited. Siri—somehow—was the first one getting dressed and ready for the day. That's a bit surprising. Siri is usually the last one done when he gets ready

Moony pulled his hand off of my shoulder and said, "Let's go," once both Peter and James finished getting ready. I nodded and bounded out of the dormitory, running down the stairs. I jumped off the stairs, skipping the last six stairs, and landed on my feet. 

Moony followed me, jumping off the stairs, skipping the last four stairs. I spun around, my hair whipping in my face as I paid no extra attention to my surroundings. I felt a body close to my back, and I stopped in my step, and spun back around, my back facing Moony. 

My eyes caught sight of Kohr and Lily. Kohr had a scowl on her face and so did Lily. Kohr snarled, "Pay attention to your fucking surroundings, idiot." I tilted my head to the side in confusion as I replied, "But I was." Kohr rolled her eyes and I grabbed Moony's wrist, dragging him.

I exclaimed, "Come on, Moony!" running towards the Great Hall. Moony sighed but let me drag him towards the Great Hall. Moony said, "Alek, I'm gonna face plant if yeh don't slow down!" I said, "That's a bit dramatic," as I let go of his wrist and slowed to a walk. 

James, and Siri caught up with us once we stopped walking, with Peter still running to catch up to us. Peter reached us after about 30 seconds, gasping for air. We waited for Peter to catch his breath before walking into the Great Hall. 

We walked into the Great Hall, walking to Gryffindor table. I caught sight of Caspar and waved to him with a smile wide across my face. Caspar saw me and waved back, giving me a small smile. Siri asked, "Who's that?" 

I answered, "Caspar Acker. He's the seventh year I met." Siri nodded as we sat down. I sat next to Moony with Siri sitting on his other side. James sat down across from me with Peter sitting across from Moony. 

I put my hands together and said, "Ευχαριστώ για το φαγητό," before pulling my hands a part. I started eating and Moony started eating as well while Siri and James started talking. I paid no attention to their conversations, as I continued to eat my breakfast.

- - - -

The five of us headed to our first class of the day, Defence Against the Dark Arts. We've already covered boggarts, Red Caps, kappas, and grindylows. And now, we're just about to cover hinkypunks. Or we're supposed to, but who knows. We don't really go in order of the curriculum.

We walked into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, and went to take our seats, except there were no desks. There was only empty space, just some room for duelling. Professor Ceallaigh walked into the classroom right as the bell rang. 

She said, "Set your bags at the back of the classroom by the door. Today, we will be duelling. I will pair you up." I grabbed my wand and set my bag down on the floor next to the wall, setting it down next to Moony's bag. I stood by Moony and heard Professor Ceallaigh say, "Mr. Aphelion versus Mr. Snape," before continuing on. 

So I'm duelling a Slytherin. Siri stood next to me and commented, "You have to duel a snake? Make sure you beat his ass." I nodded, gripping my wand in my left hand. Professor Ceallaigh gave us duelling areas and assigned a pair to each area.

I stood in front of Snape, standing 5 metres away from him. Professor Ceallaigh said, "Begin." I brought my wand up and bowed to Snape. Snape bowed to me as I straightened my back. I raised my wand as Snape started to stand up. 

I said, "Stupefy," almost lazily and the spell blasted from my wand, almost hitting Snape. Snape deflected, "Protego!" as I shot another spell his way.


Snape's eyes filled with fear as he jumped out of the way, the spell cutting just a small part of his robes. I added, "Colloshoo," pointing my wand at Snape's feet. Snape didn't have enough time to deflect it and I shouted, "Furnunculus!" 

Snape yelled, "Protego!" as I shot another jinx his way, one he wouldn't have time to deflect.


The jinx hit Snape, forming a pumpkin around his head, and I heard, "That's enough, Mr. Aphelion," come from Professor Ceallaigh. Siri exclaimed, "Nice one, Alek!" I let my arm drop, but I kept my grip on my wand. 

The bell rang and Professor Ceallaigh said, "Class dismissed." I walked to the door and grabbed my bag before walking to Moony's side. James exclaimed, "Transfiguration, next!" I exclaimed, "Nice!"

I grabbed onto the edge of Moony's robe sleeve as we walked towards the Transfiguration classroom. Kohr and Lily were walking towards the Transfiguration classroom, about a metre behind us. Moony asked, "What'd you do to Snape?" 

I shrugged, "Professor Ceallaigh stopped our duel once I used a spell that put a pumpkin around his head." James and Siri snickered, as Peter asked, "Ooh, can you teach me that spell sometime?" I said, "Of course!" We walked into the Transfiguration classroom.

I sat down in a chair and Moony sat down next to me. Peter said, "But didn't you use a dangerous spell as well?" I shrugged, "Just a cutting spell that I saw Lyall use once." 

Moony said, "Dad also told us to never use that spell unless we were fighting criminals and high level criminals at that. Such as Greyback." Why'd Moony bring up Greyback? I shrugged and lied, "He also said to use it against Slytherins."

Moony stated, "Liar. Dad never said that." I shrugged, "Worth a shot." Moony rolled his eyes and commanded, "Use that spell sparsely." I agreed, "Alright, I will." Moony said, "Good. That spell could kill someone if used wrong." 

I replied, "I know that. Lyall told us that the same day he told us to only use high level criminals." Moony nodded, agreeing with what I said as we continued walking to our next class.

Friday, October 3th 1971; Hogwarts Grounds

I walked to Hagrid's hut, seeing Buckbeak chained to a wooden post. I smiled and carefully walked up to Buckbeak. I bowed to Buckbeak, who did the same to me after a second. I stood up straight, holding my hand out to Buckbeak, closing my eyes. 

I felt Buckbeak press his beak against my hand and I opened my eyes, a wide smile spreading across my face. Buckbeak's eyes were closed and I quietly asked, "Can you give me a ride around the school grounds, again?" 

Buckbeak opened his eyes and sat on the floor, nodding his head. I let my hand drop to my side and I stated, "I'm gonna go ask Hagrid if that's alright." Buckbeak didn't seem to care as I jogged over to Hagrid's hut. I knocked on the door, and a couple of seconds later, the door opened, revealing.

Hagrid exclaimed, "Alek? Wha' are yeh doin' here?" I explained, "I wanted to visit Buckbeak. And, I was wondering if it was alright if Buckbeak gave me a ride around the school again?" Hagrid replied, "Tha's perfectly fine! Go right ahead!" 

I exclaimed, "Thank you, Hagrid!" before turning around. I jogged back to Buckbeak. I carefully unchained him and got on his back. Buckbeak stood up and flapped his wings, stretching them. Buckbeak then took off running, flapping his wings and sending us flying into the air. 

I muttered, "Alis volat propriis," as it was my immediate thought. Buckbeak flew to the Black Lake, just as he had done the first time he gave me a ride. I cheered, "Woohoo!" throwing my hands into the air, making a wide V with them, as Buckbeak's feet skimmed across the water. 

The water splayed into my face, soaking my uniform, and hair. I laughed as I let my hands drop back down, before leaning to the side and letting my left side skim the water. Buckbeak began flying upward and I immediately took hold of him, so I didn't fall off. 

But...what would happen if I did fall off? Testing my thought, I let go of Buckbeak, falling backwards, back down towards the water. Buckbeak whirled around, seeing me falling back towards the water. Buckbeak dived towards me, as I twisted, my feet now facing the water. My feet hit the water and I continued to quickly submerge into the water.

Right as my face had become fully submerged, I was yanked out of the water by the back of my robes. I looked around, coughing out water, as I saw Buckbeak carefully holding onto the back of my robes, trying to make sure they didn't rip. 

He saved me? Why would he do that? Buckbeak flew to the side of the lake, setting me down on the ground, before landing next to me. I went into a coughing fit, getting rid of all the water I had inhaled, as Buckbeak nudged me with his beak.

Once I stopped coughing, I threw my arms around Buckbeak, hugging him. I whispered, "Thank you Buckbeak. I'm sorry." Buckbeak obviously didn't reply, he just nudged me with his beak again. I pulled away from Buckbeak and suggested, "Back to Hagrid's?" 

Buckbeak nodded and I started walking back to Hagrid's hut, Buckbeak walking by my side while I kept my right hand on his left side, making sure he didn't leave me.

After about 5 minutes, we got to Hagrid's hut, and I immediately saw Hagrid, Professor McGonagall, Moony, James, Siri, and Peter. Professor McGonagall was talking to Hagrid and Moony's face was filled with worry and so was James', Siri's, and Peter's faces. 

Peter looked over to see me, and all worry left his face. Peter grabbed Moony's sleeve, grabbing Moony's attention before saying something to Moony and pointing to me. All six of them looked at me, all worry leaving their faces and Moony ran over to me. 

Moony engulfed me in a tight hug and I hugged him back. Moony mumbled, "I was worried." I replied, "Sorry, Moony." Moony pulled away from me and I let go of him as Moony kept his hands on my shoulders, his eyes looking over me for injury. 

Moony asked, "Why are yeh sopping wet?" I explained, "I fell off Buckbeak while he was flying upward and we were still over the Black Lake." Moony's eyes filled with worry again and I added, "No need to worry, Moony. I'm perfectly fine," as I put my hand back on Buckbeak's side. 

Moony asked, "Are you sure?" I replied, "Well, I might get a cold if I don't get a new change of clothes." Moony nodded and turned around, saying, "Let's go." I nodded, "Come on, Buckbeak," walking towards Hagrid. 

Buckbeak followed me, and once we got to Hagrid and Professor McGonagall, Professor McGonagall exclaimed, "What were you thinking, Hagrid?! Letting a first-year ride a hippogriff without supervision!"

I intervened, "Professor, I'm alright. Besides, it isn't Buckbeak's first time giving me a ride. Me hands just happened to slip this time and I fell into the Black Lake. And look where I am now, Buckbeak saved me." 

I turned to Hagrid and apologised, "Sorry, I didn't mean to get yeh in trouble." Hagrid replied, "No need to worry, Alek." I smiled and looked back at Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall asked, "Are you absolutely sure you aren't injured?"

I quickly nodded my head and Professor McGonagall sighed, "Just be careful next time." I replied, "I will!" Professor McGonagall said, "Alright. Go, get to dinner." I nodded, and grabbed Moony's hand. I exclaimed, "Come on, guys!" running towards the Great Hall. James, Siri, and Peter followed us as we all ran to the Great Hall.

- - - -

What do you guys think Alek meant when he said 'Me best friend's in the Hospital Wing and it's all me fault' (If you don't remember, it was at the beginning of the chapter, when he meets Caspar)?

BTW, Jason is one of my many characters, just one that will get mentioned occasionally. Anyways, Caspar will definitely be seen more often. What'd you guys think about him? Is he cool, and interesting or just... bleh? 

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter!

Have a nice day!


- Alasdair

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