The Dragon King

By StromEyes

30.3K 549 276

Monkey D Kai was born in the land of Want along with a girl named Yamato. They both were mistreated alot as t... More

The Adventure Begins
Pirate Hunter Zoro
Cat Burglar Nami
Buggy The Clown
The Great Usopp
Black Foot Sanji
Fights to Remember
Arlong Park
Final Harem
Freeing Nami

The Dragon Boy and The Fox

4.1K 69 49
By StromEyes

I don't own anything but my oc enjoy.


3rd Person POV

Wano Country is a country in the New World that is not affiliated with the World Government. It is currently occupied by the Beasts Pirates as their territory, under Kaidou, one of the Four Emperors. Hundreds of years ago, Wano was known as the Country of Gold. Previously, it was ruled by the Kozuki Family, until the family's usurper, Kurozumi Orochi, conspired to overthrow and supersede their shogunate with the aid of the Beasts Pirates 26 years before the beginning of the story.

Upon his betrayal of the Kurozumi
Family, Kaido dubbed the island New Onigashima, as part of his ongoing project to transform Wano into a lawless pirate paradise. Kaido intends for his daughter Yamato and a young boy named Kai to take over as shoguns, though both has no desire to do so. As we then see inside a room we see two kids that are wrapped in chains. First is a Boy with Salmon hair, red with onyx eyes and a scarf around his neck.

The other is the biological daughter of Kaido. She had white hair with the end of he times were red. She had two horns sticking out her head.

They both were panting as they where tired and hungry.

Yamato: I'm going to starve to death.

Kai: I'm so tired.

We then see a two men looking at them. First is a man standing way above them he had long black hair. Two white horns and a mustache that passed his waist. He was strongest creature on earth, the captain if the beast pirates, Kaido.

Then there was the co-captain of the beats pirates. The man had long blue hair, he had dark skin and blue markings. He wears pants with similar markings as him and was shirtless with a cloak over him. His name is Acanologia and he was the strongest in the Beast Pirates.

Kaido:When will you two brats understand that this is the way is supposed to be. You two are the heirs of Wano and you both will rule of it with a iron fist.

Acnologia: Can't you understand Yamato this is for both of your own good. That's why we allowed this brat here to be with you and you both reject us. You will come to understand and eventually will accept it.

As they two men walk away as the two kids stay there just sitting there quietly. As the boy clenches his fist as he glares at the ground.

Yamato:I... I....I'm going to beat father!

Kai looked at her as he then looked on the floor as he smiled.

Kai:Well I'm going to defeat Acnologia!

Yamato:Kai, when we beat father and brother, do you think we can travel the world together!

Kai looked at her as he smiled at her.

Kai:Of course we can we will be together forever.

Thier stomachs then growled as they both sigh as they were hungry as Kai then remembered he had two fruits. He gave the orange one to Yamato as he kept the red on to himself.

As they both were eating after the finished eating. However, they were disgusting, but it was better than eating nothing.

Kai: Yamato?

Yamato:Yes, Kai?

Kai:We need to escape from here and go far away from wano.

Yamato looked surprised at the suggestion as she was about to be against it.

Kai:I understand it must be difficult, but we need to so we can get stronger. Even if we get strong here we can't beat Kaido and Acnologia as they all have a crew. We will need help in order to defeat them.

She looks at me as she just nods.

Yamato:Your right, Kai. How are we supposed to get out of here?

Kai:I think I have a plan, but we both will have to be very patient. For now we just have to go along what they tell us.

Yamato: Okay, Kai. Let's do this.


It's been a few months since that day as Yamato and Kai both have slowly planned everything. They learned everything about the beats pirate's routes as they know that the pirates sleep during they day.

Kai: You ready?

Yamato:Of course!

During this time Yamato found a journal that belong to Oden. After reading it she decided that she will follow Oden path and she calls herself Oden to most people. One person Kai admired was called Igneel and he was the co-captain of the Roger Pirates.

With that it was finally became Sun rises as the beast pirates were all doing the usual routines. With that Kai and Yamato get up as they run out from where they were. As they kept in the alleys and shadows hiding from everyone. As they finally arrived on a side of Wano were there was no one. They got a small boat as they began to row as fast as they could.

Yamato: Finally our first step to freeing Wano and exploring the world.

Kai:Yeah! Just you watch Acanalogia and Kaido were coming back to beat you.

As they kept rowing the water start to get crazy as the boat start to move on it's own. They all began to scream as they couldn't stop the boat.

Scene Change

Monkey D. Garp stood at the bow of his marine warship. His most recent trip around the New World had been... interesting, to say the least. Nothing had really shaken the now 56-year-old Hero of the Marines, he continued to dominate rookie and veteran pirates alike without so much as breaking a sweat. Ever since that moronic rivals of his went and got themself executed, he has been forced to clean up the mess that was this new age of pirates. And being the only marine really capable of doing anything, sans the admirals, he became the defacto head of taking down New World pirates.

He hated admitting it, but the man once known around the world as the King of the Pirates and The King of Dragons was the only men who really made the job fun. Excluding a certain other man and a woman, that is. But they were dead, and so was Roger and Igneel, and even his closest friend Sengoku had become a boring old man.

Sure he was the Fleet Admiral, but that didn't mean he shouldn't have rice cake parties and eat donuts with his old friend! Garp would have to harass him the next time he'd go to HQ with his most recent report. He'd get a kick out of making the "calm and collected" leader of the marines scream his face red, and maybe get him to have a drink or three.

Speaking of his most recent report, Garp looked back towards the interior of the ship. He collected some potentially vital information while sailing, but he honestly wasn't sure what to do about it. He picked his nose and shrugged to himself, deciding that it was a later problem. He turned back forwards, staring out in the distance.

A small island was finally coming into view, and a big smile appeared on his face. It had been a week since his most recent incident, and he was ready to return, even more a moment. As much as they were a pain in his ass, Garp missed those damn grandkids of his. Sure, one wasn't actually his blood, but who cares?! The kid was tough as nails, and soft at heart. He just hoped he could get the two of them thinking right for once.

Garp:Pirates! You both plan to be pirates?!

Kid:What's wrong with that gramps? My father was a pirate, why can't I?

Kid 2:Yeah grandpa! And I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!

Garp:What?! That's it, the both of you are gonna get a taste of my Fist of Love, and then I'm sending you into that bear cave!

Garp smiled to himself. He was a good grandpa.

Dawn Island/Goa Kingdom Coast

Garp had docked the ship right outside of the Foosha Village, and was instantly greated by the local barkeep Makino, and the mayor Woop Slap. Their conversation was uneventful, with a simple check-in on how his grandsons were doing, hoping that they finally smartened up and listened to him. Makino was a sweet girl, and almost like a mother to his two grandkids, though she had a bad taste in men. Red Hair, really? Guy was trouble, and Garp still grumbled about him giving that so called "dream" of his to his grandson. Woop Slap was a grumpy geezer, but always had a soft spot for the two kids.

Turning back to the ship, he sensed something amiss, and a few moments later a scream was belted out from the deck. A marine called out, requesting assistance, and he sighed. He hoped he wouldn't have to deal with this now, and maybe the higher ups could handle it, but nooooooo. Now he had to make a decision. Monkeys weren't good at making that, including that damn son of his!

Garp slowly made his way up the ramp, intently listening in to the sudden rampage and yells heard on deck. He focused in, and sighed hard, knowing full well that the guest they were so unceremoniously being knocked out by was much more powerful than they were letting on, or maybe even realized. Great. More trouble.

Upon reaching the deck, a marine collapsed in front of him, and Garp picked his nose. His new "adversaries" saw him, and immediately came straight on, full-sprint, probably intending to hit him. They were holding a blackened, yet dulled massive mace, almost as big as them, and swung it wildly, intending to do some real damage. Along with his other trying to attack him with thier fist engulf in flamws. Garp simply held up one hand, caught them, and held his "enemies" in the air. Enough grip was used to hold them in place, but otherwise he wasn't planning on hurting them. He scratched his head and sighed again.

???:I am Oden! Kozuki Oden!

They screamed, as though this warrior call would cause Garp to crumble.

???:And I'm the strongest!

???:Haha! Oden huh? I fought the man, and I can tell you right now, you are not him. I can't seem to remember him being an 8-year-old girl. I don't think your close to being the strongest boy. Maybe one day, but you have a long journey before even becoming a contender.

Garp continued his laughter, even as he was glared upon with the most upmost anger.

???:I'm 9 and I am Kozuki Oden! You cannot laugh at me! I will be the one to destroy Kaido and free Wano!

???:I'm 8 and I'm Kai! I will be the strongest in all the world! I will beat Acanalogia and help free Wano!

Garp:That so? Well, I think you'll need to be much stronger than you are now if you even want to make it a challenge.

Garp pointed back towards the ship, at the many currently unconscious marines. Some were foaming at the mouth, others had a lump on the head, courtesy of the girl in his massive hand.

Garp:You did all that, huh?

Kai and Yamato shrugged, or at least attempted to, given the circumstance. Garp scratched the back of his head, trying to make a final decision. Well, he was already hiding a couple dirty secrets. What's the worst that could happen if he added another. And these feisty ones might be another good recruits for the navy. He'd get all 4, even if it killed them!

Garp:Listen here. I got some grandkids I've been taking care of, they could use a tough kid like you. They lost a brother, and having you both around might cheer em up. How about you stick around, I help train you a bit, that way you can do my job for me and kill Kaido! I don't feel like working hard these days, and this means I don't have to file paperwork!

Garp began heartily laughing to himself at the thought. One day he'd tell Sengoku what he did, if not just to laugh at his reaction. It'll be priceless.

The Kai and Yamato stared at him, confused. Wait a minute...

Kai:Are we not close to Wano?!

Garp:Course not. This is the East Blue, possibly the farthest sea from Wano.

The both finally settled down in his massive hand and looked around in awe. No prison cell, no Flower Capital. Just a tiny village full of non-samurais. They yelled out in joy and fainted from excitement.

Scene Change

When they both finally awoke, they were lying in a bed of a small room. This was definitely not part of the ship. No smells of the ocean, no sailors cursing and no calls to man the positions, whatever that meant. They sat up, and assessed thier surroundings.

For a 9-year-old girl and 8-year-old boy, that meant look around and make sure no one was waiting in the shadows. Determining they were safe enough, they made thier way downstairs, to come upon a bar. A green haired woman, no older than 21, was standing behind the table, cleaning up and organizing.

Woman:Hi there! My name's Makino! What's both of yours?

Kai and Yamato stared blankly at the woman before her, she wasn't a massive spider, or some physically strong warrior. She was just a tiny lady.

Yamato:I'm Kozuki Oden!

Kai:I'm Kai!

Makino pouted ever so much, before putting on another warm smile.

Making:Garp told me you'd say that, but that's not your real name is it. C'mon, you can tell me.

Yamato hesitated. She was strong-willed, and nearly wanted to yell out her hero again. But something in the smile and eyes of this woman told her that she might just be okay telling the truth.


Makino:What was that? You gotta speak up.

Yamato:Yamato! My name is Yamato.

Makino:Well Yamato and Kai,Garp is taking care of some business in town, unloading some cargo and talking to the Mayor. But he wanted me to bring you over to a friend of ours' home in the woods to meet his grandkids.

She smiled again, and beckoned the girl forward. She left her hand out, hoping Yamato and Kai would take it.

Yamato and Kai were tempted to just run away, maybe out into the woods of the island to find some food. They were asleep for the quite some time, and they really needed food. Samurai weren't supposed to be hungry, but Yamato still did. She had more training to do if she wanted to become Oden.

Yamato turned back and ran back up the stairs, searching for her weapon, and sprinted back down, club in tow. Kai was hesitant as well they last people besides Yamato were cruel. However, Kai knew he couldn't free Want with out help and he knows he no where near to be able to beat Acanalogia. They took the woman's hand with a big smile and followed her direction.

Makino wasn't sure what to make of this tiny monster-like girl and dragon boy, but they were absolutely adorable. She just knew the duo will be cute together.

A few minutes later, they had made their way to a forest clearing, which held a house, as well as some interesting add-ons to the side. Two shacks stood side-by-side, one read Ace, the other in a much messier handwriting read Luffy. They hadn't been used in some time, but apparently had been hosting two individuals.

The pair stopped in front of the door, before Makino gave a quiet knock. A moment later the door swung open, and a massive woman with curly orange hair and a cigarette angrily appeared.

Woman:Who the hell is it?

The woman questioned. She seemed hell-bent on a fight, until she recognized Makino.

Woman:Oh it's you Makino. The boys aren't home right now, said they went hunting.

Makino smiled, before she properly introduced the two.

Makino:Dadan, this is Kai and Yamato. They'll be staying with us for a while.

Dadan stared down at the little boy and girl, with a look of absolute confusion on her face.

Dadan:Not again!

Dadan complained. She was finally getting used to two more mouths to feed, one of which ate all of their food. Bringing yet another child in, especially whatever this girl and boys was, would just throw everything off again.

Dadan:Tell Garp I ain't raising another one of his idiotic grandkids.

Yamato:I'm Kozuki Oden!

Kai:Yo, I'm Kai!

Yamato glared up at the older woman, ready to smack her with her club. This lady looked tough, but she'd faced much worse in Wano.

Makino sighed, placing her hand on Yamato's head, ruffling her hair a little.

Makino:But Dadan, look how cute they are! They got nowhere else to go!

She gave her patented puppy dog eyes to the mountain bandit, who tried her damndest to ignore them. Just as they began to take effect, 3 monsters entered her peripheral. Two kids and one old man. Dadan quickly slammed the door shut, hoping to avoid the inevitable clash. Too bad. The door busted back open, a fist laying in its wake. Garp had arrived on the scene, a wide smile playing on his face.

Garp:Good to see you Dadan! I got a present for you. Two more kids.

Her glare gave him all the response he needed, and he busted out laughing. Behind him, the two boys looked on in confusion. The older one had dark black hair, and an orange shirt, with a bandage over his eye. He held a pipe over his shoulder, and a look of annoyance.

The other boy carried his pipe on his back, and was adorned by a straw hat much too large for his small head. He had a scar under his left eye, and was sporting a few lumps. What was most interesting was the big smile he had upon seeing Yamato, whilst the other looked aggravated at the scene playing out.

Dadan:We can't take any more of these monsters Garp! You've cursed us enough with these two, have you no shame?

Garp continued laughing, tears welling up at the corners of his eyes as he couldn't contain himself. Makino giggled, knowing full-well the outcome before anything was even said.

Garp:It'll be fine. She's a good girl. Her dad is Kaido. The other brat has been with her also he's also the son of my son.

He was instantly dropped, with Dadan's mouth now agape. The commotion drew the attention of other bandits inside, who, upon hearing the news, began packing bags intending to run away, Dadan included.

Garp:Where do you think you're going?

Dadan:Away from here! First you have me take Rogers kid. Then Dragons. Now Kaido's?! Then Dragons other son. No way, not gonna happen. I'll be killed!

She was crying massive tears, praying to any gods that heard her for a chance to escape with her life. Garp just laughed again.

Garp:You'll be fine. I'll be back in a couple weeks to train these brats anyways.

He turned to the two boys.

Garo:Ace. Luffy. This is Yamato and Kai. They'll be staying with you now. Treat them well, or I'll beat you both bloody.

He gave them his classic smile and showed them his fist, already ready to smack them. Ace blinked, and turned away frowning. Luffy smiled a wide smile, excited at the prospect of some new friends. After what happened to his other brother, he needed someone to replace the void.

Luffy:Hi I'm Luffy! I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!

Luffy exclaimed to them, walking thier way with a hand out. The custom confused the both kids, Yamato who readied her club to strike and Kai got his fist ready. This was getting more and more confusing as the moments went on, they had no context to anything, and these people added absolutely nothing to work with. By the time he reached them, they had fully tensed up, expecting an attack. None came.

Luffy looked at them confused.

Luffy:Don't wanna shake my hand?

They looked at the hand in question, unsure what to do. She looked up at Makino, who smiled gently at her, and motioned with her hand what she should do. Understanding drew on Yamato's face, and she whacked the boy full force with her club. Luffy was launched a good 20 yards away, and smacked a tree. Everyone stared mouth agape except Garp who couldn't stop laughing. What a great day this turned out to be! Then some dust flew into Kai's nose as he sneeze.


Luffy bounced off the tree and flew back nearly to where he was hit from. The biggest smile she'd ever seen graced his face as he said the following

Luffy:That was awesome! You both gotta join my crew, we can be Pirates together! When I turn 17, I'm gonna go out to sea.

He looked at Kai and then Yamato.

Luffy: Kai wanna be co-captain and Yamato you can be my first crewmate? Ace told me no so you can be them instead!

His bombardment of questions and excitement frazzled her.

Garp:Hey brat, how many times have I told you! You're not gonna be a pirate!

Luffy stuck his tongue out at Garp.

Luffy:Says you!

Garp:That's it, it's time for my Fist of Love!

Garp swung downwards at the boy, causing him to yelp, and leaving a sizable lump on his head. He walked over to Ace as well, and gave him the same treatment.

Ace:Ow! What did I do?

Ace questioned angrily, while rubbing his head.

Garp:Nothing. Just felt like it.

Garp replied, smiling. He was always smiling. A frowning Garp meant trouble, and Yamato and Kai could tell that easily. If Yamato's swing couldn't hurt the boy, and his simple punch laid him out, they were worried he might actually be stronger than Yamato's father. Hopefully he didn't have the same attitude.

Luffy was back up and smiling again.

Luffy:Well? What do you both think. Wanna flip the world upside down with me? It's gonna be a blast!

Kai and Yamato looked at the boy up and down, and knew in that moment, there was something about him you just couldn't help but adore. You couldn't say no to him. His smile was too infectious, and the gleam in his eyes made you know he would stop at nothing in search of his dream.

They never really had anyone who called that called them friends. Sure, Kaido had servants, and there were those adopted kids he was raising, but they were otherwise besides each other no one. Especially after deciding to be Oden and Kai saying he'll defeat Acnologia. And yet this boy looked at them with anticipation, excited just at the prospect of being thier friend.

So they did the one thing that made sense.

Both:Yes!But we gotta beat Kaido and Acanalogia up too!

Luffy:'K! Works for me!

Luffy replied, happy to have his co-captain and very first crewmate. His very first Nakamas.

Luffy:This is awesome!

He called to the heavens, looking up to the sky with a somehow even larger smile than he previously wore.

Yamato and Kai smiled at that moment, fully and completely happy. Everyone sans Garp and Makino looked on in surprise and/or terror.

And the world would be forever shaken by this moment. The three that will change the world have meet watch thier adventure.


And done hope you enjoyed this chapter.

First off the gear 5 episode was amazing and I'm a long way before reaching it in this story. Can't wait for next week.

I've decided to add one more girl to the harem, but I won't say who she is. All I can say is she is a celestial dragon.

Also I've will be following the story, but somethings will change.

Like Kai will be the strongest in the crew right below him is Luffy and Yamato. Yamato is a part with him because of Kai's mate mark. Which boost his mates abilities and physical attributes.

Also I'm still debating whether Vivi joins the crew after Alabasta or the Two year time skip.

I thought of how both stories would go.

I'm leaning towards after Alabasta as her dynamic with Robin and their history will have them be interesting. To where Vivi distrust her to is willing to die to save her in Ennies Lobby to save her. I just like the strory a bit more interesting. But I'll let y'all decide.


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