Loving my Solace | taekookff

By MiracleHappiness7

43.3K 1.4K 91

Jeon Jungkook, a feared and powerful mafia, handling business here and there. He doesn't care about relations... More



2.7K 104 6
By MiracleHappiness7

"Uh, fuck....why are you all like this? can't I have a night with my bestfriend alone?! in peace?!" Jungkook said irritatingly. Taehyung just chuckled looking at the mafia being so annoyed.

Everyone really thought that Jungkook's babydoll would probably be scared and hide behind the mafia's back, trembling in fear. But they were absolutely wrong. Taehyung just stood there being all giggly watching his bestfriend looked at the enimies with annoyed but deadly expression.

"Boss, I got cought....Hi Taehyungie! you look amazing today" Namjoon said luaghing while stating his words. "Hi hyung....yeah you got caught" Taehyung said nodding his head and hummed agreeing.

The people surrounded them were all thinking they must've made the wrong choice, 'following their boss, to only ended up seeing three psychos laughing at the situation they're at right now'.

"hmmm, what should I do?...I didn't bring any of my men right now, my right arm is held hostage, and worst I'm with my babydoll" Jungkook said obviously making his voice louder, so everyone could here.

"Yahhh, Mr. Mafia what are you doing? get me the hell out of here you fucker" Taehyung said whispering, but loud enough for only Jungkook to hear.

"don't wory, my men will arrive in....3...2..1" as soon as Jungkook said "one", more than 10 vans arrived. Many men in black suits and outfits came down from the car, and immediately shower their enimies with bullets. With their guns having silencers on, it almost felt like nothing is happening.

Jungkook was smirking looking at all of the bastards that ruined his night, being slaughtered to death by his men. One by one, getting soaked in the pool of their blood, being mixed together.

"alright babydoll, I had enough fun, let's go?....I'll take you home" Jungkook said hooking his arm around Taehyung's waist, as he gently pulled him away from the scene.

But before they could go and disappear, he stopped infront of his assassin, 'Min Yoongi' and said "I'll leave it up to you, see me in my office to report everything tonight at 11, got it?"

"Copy that Boss" Yoongi said and bowed a little at Jungkook and smiled at Taehyung acknowledging his presence. Taehyung smiled back at him and waving his hand, bidding goodbye as him and Jungkook proceeds to go to the Mafia's car, and drove off. While his underlings were left there cleaning up the mess.


After a few hours of driving towards Taehyung's mansion they finally arrived. "Here you are now babydoll...home sweet home" Jungkook looked at Taehyung then at the mansion, where he once lived before.

Taehyung looked at him and smiled softly. 'its not home without you though' he thought. This house is where Jungkook grew up, he grew up with him. It doesn't even feel like home anymore since Jungkook moved out, Taehyung felt empty and alone.

He can't pinpoint those feelings, but he knew what exactly he wanted. He wanted for the Kookie to come back home, to come back where he is, afterall Jungkook swore to his babydoll's father, that he would be loyal and stay by his side no matter what.


"Taehyungie!" Mr. Kim called his 5 year-old son. The boy looked at him and smiled, running towards him with pure joy plastered on his face "Papa!" the boy yelled, immediately jumping to Mr.Kim's embrace, as the man catches him and peppered the little boy with kisses after.

After the sweet moment of the father and son duo, Mr.Kim brought down the 5 year-old Taehyung, gently pushing him towards another boy who's 3 years older than him.

"Taehyungie, this is Jungkookie, starting today he's gonna live with us, so be nice to him okay?" Mr. Kim said, with gentle voice. Young Taehyung nodded in excitement, as he walks closer to the boy. "hyungieee!" Taehyungie said waving his little hand infront of Jungkook.

Jungkook on the other hand was still in shock, not knowing what to do or how to approach a cute little doll-like kid infront of him. In awkwardness he brought up his hand infront of the doll-like kid, waiting for him to accept and shake it.

Taehyung giggled, ignoring the hand, as he immediately embraced his 'hyungie' into a tight hug. Jungkook was surprised buy the sudden hug, but later on returned it and hugged the doll-like kid back. "Welcome home, hyungie" Taehyung yelled giddily.

At first Jungkook hesistated, shy, and anxious at his surroundings. He didn't know how to act infront of his boss' only son, he is a beautiful gem that needs the highest protection afterall. And so, to not get punished or worst get executed, he looked at the boss' reaction, looking for discomfort.

But fortunately he didn't have those kinds of look, instead Mr. Kim looked at them fondly, smiling so pure that it felt like no one would think he is a ruthless gang leader, his face's expression was soft, and comforting.

Mr. Kim saw how his son was fond with the kid he had brought already, he also sa how Jungkook wanted to be friends with his son. It brought him something in his mind, something that no one ever expected.

And so with a smile and a nod, indicating it's okay for Jungkook to take the hug, Jungkook hugged Taehyung back and said "Thankyou, babydoll."

Everyone in the room that time were shock, and surprised buy how a young kid called the boss' son, but seeing their boss so calm and seems like content and happy, they didn't bother middling with that, and continued doing their job.

Taehyung on the other hand just giggled, he pulled out from the hug, and turned to his father. With two palms on his cheeks, and with a boxy grin, Taehyung said "He called me 'babydoll papa...See I'm pretty!"

Mr. Kim chuckled, he kneeled down infront of his son, and kissed his forehead he then stated "ofcourse you are my Taehyungie, you are as beautiful as your dolls, or even more actually"

Taehyung happily hugged his father, kissing him on the cheeks mumbling a little "thankyou papa", Mr. Kim smiled softly and said "you're welcome my prince......now can you take Jungkookie with you, and tour him around the mansion? and after that you could play....will you do that for papa Taehyungie?"

"ofcourse papa! I'd love too!" Taehyung answered, and with that he turned to Jungkook and took his hand, holding it tight. "take care of my son, Jungkookie, I trust you fully" Mr. Kim said. "Ofcourse Mr. Kim, you can count on me....I promise to keep him safe, and to stay by his side, no matter what" Jungkook said full of determination with a hint of softness in him. And so both kids walked off, followed by 20 men, and 3 maids.

Mr. Kim smiled satisfied, feeling a bit at ease seeing that he made the right decision bringing Jungkook to his home. It felt like the kid wouldn't brake that promise, seeing him already liking his son, but being oblivious about it.


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