Sonic Legacy: Volume 2 (Statu...

By Projectcobra72

242 11 0

Three years ago, Mobians and Demons fought side by side to save their worlds from a threat unlike any other... More

Act I Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: A Friend In Need
Chapter 3: Escalation
Chapter 4: Arcadia
Chapter 5: Checkmate
Chapter 7: A Different World.
Chapter 8: Inversion
Chapter 9: Dark and light

Act 2 Chapter 6: The Hunter

16 1 0
By Projectcobra72

A/N: This first part of the chapter shows some content that may make some uncomfortable. It's not gore, but... Feel free to skip to the next section if you need to.

-Anti-Demon Realm, 10 years before the Battle of Avalon-

A young wolf that looked like Arnec but with blue eyes was standing out behind a house, another resembling Fayn there as well and a demon knight, resembling the late Szakala but with dark blue eyes instead of red. The timber wolf stood hunched over with his sword in his hand.
"Wrong form again, Hikari. Let's see if your brother knows what he's doing." Alastor, the demon, said with an Australian accent and an unimpressed look on his face. Hikari looked over at his brother
"He's even angrier than usual, Kurai... Try not to make him mad because he'll probably snap this time." Hikari whispered. Kurai smirked before assuming his fighting position with his sword. Alastor smirked
"Correct form. Look Hikari, you stand all hunched over and you'll be hit off balance easily. Try again, I've got even less time and patience than usual for you two today." Alastor said as Hikari walked back, Kurai moving by him
"Don't worry, you got this."
Alastor huffed
"Could be leading my own army but instead I'm raising children... I guess I now know how my father felt." Alastor thought to himself.
"Well, maybe I won't have to for much longer, they pass this..."
Hikari went to assume his fighting stance and looked fine.
"Wrong position, damnit," Alastor yelled.
"Why can't you be more like Kurai!?."
"I'm sorry, I'm trying!" Hikari yelled, Alastor slapping him
"So you think your enemy will accept an apology or will they behead you!?"
Kurai clenched his fist as he heard the sounds of slaps and Hikari's yelps of pain. Kurai looked down at the table next to him and noticed a katana there. He could hear a voice calling to him.
"Barbatos..." Kurai said to himself before grabbing the sword and unsheathing it, rushing at Alastor. The demon knight turned his attention to the gray wolf and raised his sword, blocking it.
"Defending your brother, how honorable. But he should have learned..." Alastor said as he put his talons on Hikari's throat, the young wolf looking up at his brother before Kurai heard the sound of bones snapping, Hikari eyes closing. Kurai looked up at Alastor, his eyes glowing a furious magenta before he started swinging the blade wildly, Alastor kicking Hikari's lifeless body at Kurai to try and stop him, which worked as he tripped, Alastor slicing upwards and cutting Kurai's right eye socket before jamming his blade through the young wolf's stomach. Kurai looked up, his blade being in Alastor's stomach as well. Both breathed heavily as they looked at each other, Kurai's eye twitching as he heard his father's voice
"Impressive... I taught you well. Maybe he'd be alive if he had listened as well as you did..." Alastor said as the blade dug deeper into Kurai's stomach before he pulled it out and snapped Kurai's sword in half! Kurai's body twitched as something resembling a demon form took over his body, similar to Arnec's first form. The broken blade of the sword suddenly ignited with magenta colored energy as Kurai hovered in the air, wings spread. Alastor looked shocked as the wolf slung his body into the demon, knocking him back before flying away. Alastor smirked as he rubbed his beak
"Hmph, he would've made a damn fine soldier. Especially with that form..." he said to himself before getting on his radio, breathing heavily
"This is Alastor, a Mobian strike team infiltrated my home and killed one of my sons! Kurai is missing and I need everyone to assemble for an immediate invasion!" he said before switching his radio off. He looked over at Hikari's body
"Maybe I can make the most out of this... He should have been better, he has my DNA!" he thought to himself.
"Maybe that other is still alive..."

-Anti-Mobius, two months after the battle of Avalon. Location: Spiral Hill-

The door to the museum opened, a biscotti wolf walking through
"Scar, you here?" the wolf asked before walking to another room where a lemur laid on the couch, asleep.
"Strangle's passed out again."
She could hear her pained groans as Strangle seemed to be having a nightmare as she tossed and turned.
"Trinket... I'll... Get them, promise..." she mumbled, the wolf shaking her head. Suddenly her radio went off and she heard an older man's voice
"Hello Team Scorpius, I am in need of you help! Is Scar there?"
Scream recognized the voice and smiled
"Negative Dr Kintober."
"Oh, hello Scream! Do you have any idea where he is?"
"No. What is it?"
"It's Scourge, he attacked the clinic again... I didn't want to bother you, but you're the only ones that I think can properly deal with him!"
Scream smirked, "I get a hold of him, I'll tell him and if he gives the go ahead, we'll take care of it."
"Thank you."
"Yeah, it's no problem..." Scream said as she hung up, letting out a sigh.

-Meanwhile, at a former Suppression Squad base-

A dark gray wolf with magenta eyes walked through the near pitch black hallways of the base, his eyes glowing.
"Scar, what do you think we'll find here?" a deep demonic voice spoke in his mind asked, him smirking before speaking with an accent similar to Alastor's.
"I dunno, Cerberus, but hopefully it'll lead us to Scourge."
"You and me both. After we take down that Hedgehog, will we be taking down Alastor as well?"
Scar hopped over a collapsed column
"Yeah, we'll take him down." he said as he continued through the base. He reached what looked like a command room, a padlock on the door. Scar reached behind his purple coat and gripped onto one of the revolvers on the gun harness that resided on his back. He twirled the revolver, it's nickel plating shimmering as he aimed it at the padlock before blasting it off. He kicked the door down and walked up to a desk, sliding open a drawer before pulling out some papers, one being a map.
"Just like the informant said..." Scar said as his eyes scanned over the map before seeing a red circle
"Found ya..." he said before getting on the radio
"Scream, you there?"
"I'm here. Just got a call about Scourge."
"Convient, I just found his main base. Strangle still asleep?"
"Aight, I'm headin' back." Scar said as he closed the desk and walked out the door. He heard Cerberus again
"I hope Strangle is okay. Her split personality has gotten more intense."
"I know, she can't help it. Neither can I..." he said to himself, looking down at the hilt of his sword...

-A few minutes later-

Scar dashed through the doorway, Strangle having just woken up. Her dark orange eyes looked up at Scar, her looking like she wouldn't hurt a fly.
"You're back." she said softly, Scar sitting down next to her
"I found him."
Scar chuckled
One of Strangle's eyes suddenly twrjchef and hef face twisted with a smile
"We get to kill him!?"
"Well, we can."
"Can I kill him!?" Strangle asked enthusiastically. Scar put his arm around her as he looked at her
"Yes Strangle, you get to kill him. Might want to get ready."
"Yay, I get to kill him!"
Strangle yelled as she hopped up, kissing Scar before she rushed upstairs, Scream entering the room
"So we're finally doing it?"
"Yep." Scar said as he cracked his back, Scream opening her jacket and pulling out a small carbine rifle
"About damn time!"
Scar chuckled as he pulled out his sword, the magenta half of the blade glowing as he slid his fingers across the side, his face reflecting in it's energy.
"What's the plan, Scar?" Scream asked. Scar looked up at her
"I'll wait for Strangle to get back, then I'll handle the plan." he said before sheathing the blade. Scream smirked, looking down at her gun before they heard footsteps coming from upstairs. Strangle rushed down the stairs, tripping and falling into Scar's arms, the wolf smiling as they looked at each other.
"S-sorry." the lemur said with a blush as he sat her down.
"So... We're going to kill him?" Strangle asked, Scar nodding
"Alright, just making sure because well... sometimes the other side of me..." Strangle said. Scar looked down at her outfit, her wearing some riot gear that matched his kevlar vest as well as a tan coat. Scream's outfit matched the military vibe as she wore an older military jumpsuit with a harness and some ammo pouches attached. Scar smiled as he looked at the two
"Let's go take care of him." he said before they ran out of the museum.

-Less than an hour later at Scourge's main base-

Inside the command room was a green Hedgehog with a black leather jacket and a red fox, another fox that was yellow next to them on a computer. They heard a thud, the green Hedgehog looking over at the yellow fox
"What the hell!?"
The yellow fox got onto the main computer, checking the cameras. There he saw Scream and Strangle pushing through the guards with minimum effort, Scream using one of the soldiers as a Mobian shield. He looked back
"Scar's inside."
"Maybe he just didn't show up?" the Hedgehog asked. The fox shook his head and groaned "You really think he'd just let them do all the fighting? Scourge, he's a goddamn psychopath!" the fox yelled before getting up and opening a large metal door. Inside was a mech suit, a large chaingun beside of it. The fox sighed as he hopped into it, the mech powering on and standing at over 4 meters tall, hulking over the Mobians.
"Usually I hate machines, limited by their creators... But Scar is immune to magic, so I have to use what I must."
"Wait Miles, Ain't he a demon?" Scourge asked, Miles smirking
"That's what I've heard. I've spent months designing this thing. Not for him, but... It should at least buy some time. Take Fiona and go!" he yelled as the mech attached the gun to it's arm. Scourge shook his head, stepping towards the mech
"What about you?"
Miles smirked
"That... Doesn't matter."
Scourge pulled out a pink crystal shard from his jacket
"I get those Emeralds, then I come back and stop Scar. It's that simple..." he said to himself as he looked at a console next to him. He slid the pink crystal into it and a portal opened, him looking over at Fiona before sighing
"Let's go." he said before they jumped through. Miles smirked as he used one of the hands of the mech to pick the shard up, grabbing it with his hand.
"Long as he doesn't have that, he can't activate the portal..." he said to himself, looking at the door.
"He wins, I self destruct." he whispered, hoping it wouldn't come down to that.

-Meanwhile in one of the pitch black hallways of the base-

Scar smirked as he saw all the soldiers, their weapons raised as they hadn't seen him yet. He unsheathed his sword, a low crackle coming off of it's purple and red blade before a red glow cascaded throughout the hallway and onto Scar's face, a smile visible.
"Fire!!!" one of the soldiers yelled before the hallway was lit up. Scar easily deflected the bullets and pushed forward, unaffected by the hailstorm of bullets. One of the soldiers went to throw a grenade, Scar seemingly in an instant pulling out one of his revolvers and shooting it before it even left the soldier's hand and blowing up most of them. Scar moved up, slashing down three of the soldiers at once, just two remaining with one having their gun conviently jam. Scar chuckled as he ripped the rifle from his hands and headbutted him.
"What the hell are you!?" the other soldier yelled as he fell to the ground. Scar chuckled
"I'm what happens when you forget to pray before going to bed..." Scar said before cutting the soldiers down. He looked up, getting on his radio
"Strangle, Scream, status?"
"Strangle here, we're good!"
"Copy, I'm moving for Scourge, don't fall too far behind!"
Strangle looked at Scream as she held a soldier who's neck she had just twisted enough to snap the bones of.
"Don't die." Scream said with a sigh. Scar walked into the main command room of the base, Miles standing in front of him. The Wolf chuckled
"I ain't letting you through."
Scar rubbed his hand across his chin, laughing a little
"Mate, who are you to stop me? Stand aside. I want his head, not yours."
"Scar, I'm. Not. Letting you through!"
The mech stepped forward, Scar sighing.
"Fine, shall we dance?" he asked as he drew the blade of Barbatos, the magenta half of the blade igniting with a hiss. Miles growled, fangs extending as he activated the machine gun on the mech
"Scourge is my best friend and like hell am I'm gonna let you kill him!" he yelled as he fired the gun, Scar deflecting the bullets and laughing a little.
"Trinket was my friend too, didn't stop him from murdering her!"
"Trinket was collateral damage, we never intended for her to die!"
"Funny, that's what all warmongers say when they piss the wrong person off. 'it was just an accident!'"
Miles went to punch him, Scar dashing above him and shooting the machine gun, detonating it's ammo supply. The explosion blinded Miles for a second, him looking around
"Damn smoke, where is he!?"
"Right behind you."
Miles saw a magenta glow in the smoke and went to turn but the left arm of the suit was cut off, Scar landing and smiling as he twirled his sword
"So pup, how's it feel to be abandoned by those you call friends?"
"They didn't abandon me. I chose this!"
Scar laughed a little
"A very piss poor choice." Scar said, Miles snarling before a rocket launcher folded from the mech's right shoulder. Right as it opened though Scar had pulled out one of his revolvers, shooting one of the missiles and detonating the entire ammo supply. Alarms in the suit blared as Miles coughed from the smoke, a display in front of him showing a diagram where the damage was, the left arm and right shoulder flashing red as well as the area on top of the cockpit.
"Damnit... Can I even buy them time!?" he said to himself. The mech grabbed a sword from it's back and went to slam it down on the wolf, Scar blocking it. Sparks showered off of the meeting blades, Scar smiling as he began overpowering the mech.
"How are you this powerful!?" Miles yelled, Scar's smile growing before cutting the mech's blade off from it's hilt and jumping forward, cutting the large mech in half from it's waist! The mech fell over onto it's front, the cage of the cockpit saving Miles from being flattened. He was bleeding though, going in and out of consciousness. His eyes opened and he saw a pool of blood below him, his reflection visible as he saw a metal pole sticking from his lower abdomen, possibly part of the frame. He could hear Scar's footsteps before he let out a small chuckle
"Alright, I'll let you have a choice here. You tell me where Scourge went, I put you out of your misery. Or you don't tell me, and I let you bleed dry. Either way, I'll find him eventually."
Miles snarled
"I'm not... Telling you... Anything!"
Scar sighed
"Such dramatic nonsense. Oh well, you made your choice. Just know that when your life is slowly and painfully leaving you, you could've ended the pain." Scar said before he heard something hit the floor, a faint pink light visible in the pool of blood. Miles coughed as he muttered "Damnit..." with Scar picking up the shard and looking up at the fox
"Thanks for that." he said before twirling an ebony revolver and finishing the fox off. He looked over at the console and slid it in, the portal opening. He heard two pairs of footsteps and saw Strangle and Scream rush in, Strangle having some blood on her cheek that Scar gently wiped off.
"He went through here. You two go first, I'll make sure nobody follows us there!"
Strangle grabbed Scar and hugged him
"Don't be too far behind..." she whispered, Scar smiling
"I won't."
Scream put her hand on Strangle's shoulder, the lemur sighing before her and the wolf ran through the portal. Scar looked back, Miles being all that remained. He looked over at the crystal and smirked
"This is probably a one way trip anyways. May as well..." he said to himself before opening his coat and pulling out a hand grenade and pulling the pin, rolling it to the console and hopping through the portal. He counted to five and it closed, confirming it's detonation and that they were safe for now. Scar looked up and noticed that they were in a desert town, smoke plumes above it. Strangle smirked as she put her fists on her sides
"This city looks familiar..."
"I see it too." Scar said. He looked over and saw a sign. "Cahara" it said, Scar smirking before he realized that something was off... He looked over at the town's main street and saw several of Eggman's robots shooting up the place! He smirked as he twirled his revolvers, looking at his partners
"They resemble Kintober's. Let's try and save any civies!"
Strangle and Scream nodded before they rushed in, Strangle busting apart the machines with brutal punches and kicks, her tail crushing one bot before slamming another against the ground. Scream came from behind, blasting the bots that Strangle missed with her carbine and swapping to her pistol when the magazine ran dry. Meanwhile Scar searched the village for survivors, having no luck so far. He couldn't find any until he walked into a burning saloon where a dark brown husky, female, laid over the body of another that looked just like her except it was male. Suddenly a piece of wood fell from the ceiling and Scar had to dash to get there in time as he caught it, the husky looking up at him, seemingly recognizing him...
"Arnec..." she whispered, Scar growling
"Get out of here!" he yelled as he tossed the plank of wood. The husky grabbed the other husky's body, Scar helping them get out before he and the rest of Scorpius team seemingly disappeared...

-A few minutes later-

Scorpius Team were walking over a sand dune, Scar looking back at the town.
"I don't know who this Arnec is, but apparently one of the locals thinks that I'm him. Let's move out and try to figure out what the hell is going on..." he said as the three looked at the horizon. Scream smirked
"Kintober called, said Scourge attacked his clinic again."
Scar let out small exhale from his nose
"Not surprised. One of the few people on our world that is actually kind, so everyone pushes him around. Get any details of what happened?"
"Probably trying to steal more of his medicine. Greedy arses... Let's get moving, I hate sand." Scar said before the three headed off, Cahara continuing to burn behind them...

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