Frisk x Asriel- Beauty and th...

By jacobtpg

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This story takes place 3 years after completing the true pacifist run, Frisk and Asriel are living out their... More

Chapter 1-Freedom Rings
Chapter 2-Chara Scores First Blood
Chapter 3-Death Crisis Averted
Chapter 5: the Grim Reaper
Chapter 6-the Grim Reaper (part two baby)
Chapter 7: the Beginning of the End
Chapter 8: The End

Chapter 4-Beauty and the Goat-the School Dance

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By jacobtpg

It was a beautiful winter morning when I heard a soft knock on my door, "Come in," I said, lazily. The figure walked up to my bed and sat on my legs.

"Alright, lazybones, it's time for school," said the voice I soon recognized as Asriel's.

"Is Kris awake?" I asked, not wanting to get up for something as pointless and dull as school.

"Yes, he's been awake," said Asriel. So I took off my robe and dressed into my hoodie, that somehow fit perfectly, grabbed my dagger and sword and walked briskly down the stairs.

(Chara's POV) 

I arose to the morning sun shining brightly into my eyes, I tumbled out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs where everyone else was waiting for me.

(Jacob's POV)

I saw Chara gracefully walking down the stairs, I had to admit, she looked really pretty in her yellow stripped hoodie. As we all walked out the door to school, I felt that bringing my weapons to school might bring a bit too much attention to myself. As we walked into the living hell that was Untertale High School, I felt dull again. 

"O-Ok c-class, j-just a-a f-friendly r-reminder, t-today is t-the w-winter s-school d-d-dance, t-tickets a-are c-completely f-f-free, a-and i-it l-lasts f-from f-five t-to e-eight p-p.m.," stammered Alphys. 

"Huh, no wonder the atmosphere felt so tense when I walked in," I whispered silently to myself. As Alphys stammered through his lessons, I began to fall asleep midway through, but somehow kept myself awake. When dismissal finally arrived, I walked near the back of the group with Kris. "Um, Kris?" I asked.

"Yes?" he replied.

"Will...will you go to the dance with me?" I asked, praying he would say yes.

"Sure, I'd love to!" he said, somewhat enthusiastically. As Kris and I entered the house, I decided that I was going to take a nap that I would soon regret. As I flopped into my bed and pulled my blanket on top of me, I felt a weird lump rise in my throat, I simply shrugged it off and quickly fell asleep. 

(Jacob's dream)

It was the night of January Eighth as I sat on the couch with my parents, only half paying attention to the TV.  

"Alright," I yawned, "I think I'm going to turn in for the night."

"Goodnight, Jacob," said Gingka, my father.

"Goodnight, my son, sleep well," said Madoka, my mother. I went up the stairs and slid into bed. I was only half asleep when I heard a scream from downstairs, I quickly ran to where the scream had come from, only to find my parents lying there...dead. The supposed assassin had already left. For some reason, I decided to check for a pulse, as if this was all just some cruel pulse. Traumatized and defeated, I sat there, crying and cursing the world. When I had finished my little fit, I went upstairs to pack my things and leave. When I had finished packing, I saw my scythe just lying there, I remembered when I had first made it, I remember how I had convinced dad to make me one. 

"Why do you want a scythe?" he asked, "Why not a sword?" 

"Swords are easy to make, and even easier to learn," I said cockily, "Scythes are much harder to learn." Defeated, my dad decided to make me a scythe for my 12th birthday. I remember how my eyes lit up like lightbulbs, how I endlessly begged my dad to teach me how to use it. I even modified it to be a scythe and a sniper, and how it would eventually break. I smiled and decided that I would indeed bring it with me. I was just sitting around downstairs when I heard the door open, I jumped off the couch, scythe in hand, ready to attack whoever the hell decided to walk through the door. The figure that walked through the door was a girl. She seemed about my age, was about five foot ten, had red eyes, and short brown hair. She was wearing a green, long-sleeved shirt with a yellow stripe in the middle, brown shorts, and brown boots. I was mesmerized by her beauty. She walked up to me and went to pat my head, I jumped back away from her, and stared at her with a determined glare. 

"Child, I do not wish to harm you," she said, her voice as soft as silk. 

"My Jacob, and I'm not a child," I said, my voice slightly shaking.

"I see your parents have been murdered," she said, looking at me empathetically, "Such a shame Gingka and Madoka died the way they did, they had so much to live for." My left eye twitched at the mention of their names.

"How do you know my parents?" I asked, angrily.

"Calm down child, I am a friend of your parents," she said, kneeling in front of me.

"Who are you? And why have you come here?" I asked, my dark brown eyes filled with rage.

"My name is Chara. Your parents requested that, should anything happen to them, I would be your caretaker," she said, gently. I didn't want to believe her at first, but something about her made her seem trustworthy. I moved a step closer to her. She asked me if I would like to stay with her, not having any other choice, I followed behind her with my scythe and other belongings. When we had arrived at Mount Ebott, we slid down the hollowed-out slope inside the mountain and landed into a bed of yellow flowers.

"Hello, Chara," said the goat, "Who's your friend?"

"My name's Jacob, Jacob Fuller, nice to meet you," I said, extending a hand.

"I'm Asriel, Asriel Dreemurr," he said, hesitantly shaking my hand. The boy had floppy, goat-like ears, black eyes, and was at least five foot eight. He was wearing a green t-shirt with yellow stripes and an insignia I recognized as the Delta Rune. 

"Follow me to our house," said Asriel. As we walked through the dark underground with nothing but crystals lighting the way...I heard someone yelling my name, begging me to go back to reality...

(End of the dream...for now.)

"Jacob! Wake up!" screamed the voice.

"What! What is it?" I asked it.

"I really want to go to the dance with Frisk, but I don't know how to dance," said Asriel. I reluctantly climbed out of bed to teach Asriel how to dance. By the time we had finished, it was time to leave for the dance. I went to my bedroom to grab my sword and dagger, then went downstairs. When we were all ready to leave, I noticed that something was off with Kris, he wasn't normally this quiet whenever we would walk to school. 

"Hey, Kris, you seem a little off today, is something wrong?" I asked. He quickly pulled me aside, muttered something to himself, then turned to face me.

"Jacob, do you miss your old scythe?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Well, while you were asleep, I made you a new one with the same modifications and everything," he said, pulling out a pitch-black scythe.

"What about my sword and dagger?" I asked.

"Since Asriel and Frisk don't have any special weapons, they can have them," said Kris, calmly. 

"Alright," I said, taking the scythe from Kris. I decided to test it on Asriel, I quickly shifted it into sniper-mode and shot a bullet at Asriel's feet, an audible yelp could be heard from across the neighborhood. "Well, the sniper part works, but what about the Scythe itself?" I asked myself. I quickly changed the scythe back to normal and began to spin it around and around, faster and faster, doing lots of really cool tricks with it. "The Grim Reaper is back, baby!" I proclaimed. Kris smiled at me, and I smiled back, "Thanks again, Kris."

"Anytime," he said. As we continued our walk to school, I felt excited and nervous at the same time, I mean, how many other people get to dance with Kris Dreemurr? 

(Frisk POV)

As Asriel and I were walking to school, I heard Asriel yelp. I saw a black bullet in the pavement, I smiled, "Asriel, the Grim Reaper's come for your soul."

"W-WHAT?! B-BUT I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG!" he screamed, clearly scared out of his wits.

"I don't know, the Grim Reaper has his reasons. Even if you didn't do anything wrong, you might be his new test subject," I said, jokingly. Asriel ran behind a trash can.

"Is-is he gone?" he asked.

"Idiot, he's not even here, it was just a joke," I said. I suddenly heard a really loud shout, then footsteps pounding the pavement, it seemed to be Jacob and Kris. 

"RAAAR!" Jacob roared, scaring the living hell out of Asriel. If it had been any louder, Asriel would've been on a one-way trip to the moon. 

"THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" screamed Asriel, practically waking the whole damn neighborhood.

"I heard you were scared of the Grim Reaper," Jacob said, smiling menacingly.

"I-I'm not scared. I could easily beat the Grim Reaper," lied Asriel.

"Well, what if I told you that I was the Grim Reaper?" asked Jacob, smiling sadistically. Asriel sprinted toward the school, with Jacob following closely behind, along with everyone else in our group. When we had finally arrived at the school, I could see that Kris and Jacob were already dancing together, having the time of their lives. 

"Shall we dance, Lady Frisk?" asked Asriel, using a funny accent.

I smiled, taking his hand, "We shall." He kissed my hand respectfully, then we began to dance. He was definitely a good dancer, though I doubted he knew how to dance before coming here. It seemed as though it was just me and Asriel there, as if everyone else decided not to show up. It came time for the singing contest. Jacob decided to sing "His theme" (Original by Toby Fox, lyrical remix by Man on the Internet) and did surprisingly well. Asriel sung "Our Hopes and Dreams" (Og by Toby Fox, Lyrical version by Cami-Cat) and did extremely well, he had such a lovely and clear voice, it was if an angel was up on that stage singing and not Asriel. He also had a surprisingly high range, along with an even more impressive low range. Chara sung "Megalo Strike Back," (Og by Toby Fox, lyrical remix by Zeebo) the crowd was in awe of her incredible singing skills, it seemed as though she couldn't miss a note if she tried. Frisk decided to sing "When It Falls" (by Jeff Williams). She sung beautifully; the crowd was once again starstruck. And last but definitely not least, Kris decided to sing "the Field of Hopes and Dreams" (Original by Toby Fox, lyrical remix by Man on the Internet). The judges had announced that Jacob was the winner of the solos, he would go on to win the duet singing competition as well. When the dance was over, we saw a random kid being jumped by three people that were twice his size.

(Jacob's Pov)

I was briskly walking down the street when I saw a kid being jumped by kids twice his size, I saw Asriel start to walk over toward the defenseless kid, but I quickly stopped him.

"Let me handle them," I said. 

"You sure you can handle them all by yourself?" he asked, doubting my abilities.

"I'm the Grim Reaper, remember? And besides, I have two of the best masters in the world," I said, winking at Chara and Kris as I walked across the street to deal with the shitbags that were bullying that poor defenseless kid, "Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?" they turned to face me.

"What're you gonna do about it?" asked the kid, who seemed to be the leader of the group.

"I'm going to give you two options," I said, moving in front of the kid that had just gotten bullied, "You can either let the kid go and live out your pathetic lives like normal, or you can continue to bully the kid and get yourself a one-way ticket to hell, what'll it be?" One of the kids tried to run, but Chara grabbed him by the throat.

"Going so soon?" she asked. The kid struggled against Chara's grip, but she was too strong for him, he eventually gave up. The other kids began to attack me, I skillfully defeated them all by killing them. 

"Chara, you take the shitbag, I'll take the victim," I said, seriously.

"Why do I get the shitbag?" she complained.

"You have him by the throat, I don't," I said, calmly. She rolled her eyes and began to walk back towards our house, "And Keep him in the bonus room until I get back," I called. She gave me a simple thumbs-up. I turned to face the kid that had been bullied, I knelt down in front of him, but he backed away in fear, bloodstains covered his entire body. "What's your name, kid?" I asked, noticing the genuine fear in his eyes.

"U-Um, M-Mr. Grim Reaper, sir, I haven't done anything wrong, and I would prefer to not spend the rest of my life in a test tube," said the kid, his little gray eyes looking at me in fear.

I laughed, "Please, call me Jacob. I'm one of the nice guys 'round here. I just need you to tell me your name and for you to follow me so we can get your wounds healed before we send you on home."

The kid stated, "I-I'm Toby, you had a very cute chick with you." 

"Well, Toby, if you would kindly follow me down the street, I shall take you to our humble abode. But first, I'm going to need you to show me where your house is. If you manage to do so successfully, I might consider introducing you to her." I said, chuckling at the kids sense of humor. Toby tried to stand up, but instantly grabbed his ribs and fell back down. I offered him a piggyback ride, he nodded vigorously. I turned around to let him climb onto my back and he did so without clutching his ribs, "Alright just point to the house in which you reside." He pointed to a two-story house with brick walls that were painted red, the only red house in the entire neighborhood. I walked down toward the red house and gently knocked on the door. A woman with straight black hair answered the door, "Oh my god! Toby, are you alright?" 

"I'm fine mom, just a little bruised up is all," he said.

"Did you get into a fight?" she asked, worriedly.

"He was jumped by three boys twice his size, luckily, my friends and I were walking down the street and managed to rescue him. Only one of the goons are alive," I said, straining underneath Toby's weight, "I was wondering if we could have him over for about a week to heal his wounds." 

"Sure, can I have your name?" she asked.

"I'm Jacob, Jacob Fuller," I said, looking back at Toby to make sure he was still awake.

"Alright, Toby, go grab your things," she said as Toby crawled weakly off of my back.

"His ribs are badly hurt; we have basic food and toothbrushes and all of that at my house," I stated, looking around the somewhat messy house.

"Very well then," she said, "Goodbye, Toby, see you in a week."

"Goodbye, mother, I love you," he said, already crawling onto my back again.

"Take good care of him," she said, looking like she was about to cry.

"I will, I promise," I said, leaving the house and closing the door gently behind me. When we arrived at my house, I carried Toby upstairs to my room. "Stay here, I'll be back soon," I said, already walking out of the room and closing the door behind me. I then walked the short distance to the bonus room where I saw the kid that I had previously spared, along with Chara standing next to him. 

"Alright, who are you and who do you work for?" I asked seriously.

"I'm not telling you anything," said the boy defiantly. Chara then proceeded to furiously stomp on the boy's balls, he cried out in pain.

"Answer...the question," she said, threateningly.

"Alright, Alright, I'll talk," he said, "My name is Jeremy, I work for a guy named Jerry." Chara then decided to grind her brown boot into the poor guy's balls.

"Now, who ordered you to beat up Toby?" I asked, calmly. 

"I-I did, I-I'm Jerry's second in command," said Jeremy through pained, desperate gasps of air.

"Alright, you are free to go," I said. I wanted him to leave so that we could focus our thoughts on healing Toby. Chara, however, had other plans. She continued to crush Jeremy's balls, until he practically begged her to stop, but even then, she still kept going. "Chara, we got what we needed, let him go," I said. Little did I know, Toby was standing in the doorway watching the whole interrogation. I also noticed that his mouth was watering, probably from watching Chara grind a guy's balls into oblivion. I walked over to Toby and whispered, "Do you still want me to introduce you to my 'hot chick'?" Even though she wasn't technically "my chick." As a matter a fact, she was no one's chick, at least not yet. He nodded, his head bobbing up and down like a cork. "Chara, I want you to meet someone," I said. She walked over to us, slowly and seductively swaying her hips with every step that she took. She knelt down in front of Toby.

"Hi, I'm Chara," she said with the voice of an angel.

"My names Toby, you look very pretty, by the way," he said, blushing a little.

"Awww, thank you," said Chara, gently nuzzling his neck, "How old are you, Toby?"

"I'm twelve," he said, smiling. Chara looked at me pleadingly.

I quoted, "No love-making and or pregnancy until marriage, understand? I promised his mother to return him in one piece." 

"But no one ever said I couldn't have a white Christmas," he said. We looked at him in utter surprise, where had he learned this language?

"Jacob, have you been teaching the kids naughty words again?" asked Toriel.

"I have not, mother; it was he who came up with it. It was from his own lips from which the words came," I said, showing off my fancy accents. With that, Toriel nodded and walked downstairs. 

"So, where will I be sleeping?" asked Toby, sex jokes aside.

"You will be sleeping in my room, in my bed," I said, "I'm going to go and retrieve the others, I will return soon." A few minutes later, I had successfully retrieved the...others.

"Frisk, Asriel, and Kris, meet...Toby," I said. 

"Hello, Toby, my name is Kris, I am Jacob's boyfriend," Kris said.

"Kris! He's twelve!" I blushed.

"Hi, Kris," said Toby, his voice rising an octave. 

"Howdy, Toby, my name is Asriel, I am a close friend of Jacob's," said Asriel, smiling.

"Hi, Asriel, what's that weird black and white thing in the middle of your shirt?" asked Toby, big question marks filling his light grey eyes.

"It's called a Delta Rune," said Asriel, "It depicts a special prophecy."

"Can you tell me the prophecy?" he asked, wonderingly.

"It basically depicts the end of the world," I said, "The true legend is a bit deep for a twelve-year-old." 

"Ok," agreed Toby.

"Hello, Toby," said Frisk, kneeling in front of him, "My name is Frisk, I am Asriel's girlfriend."

"F-Frisk! He's only twelve!" blushed Asriel.

"Hi, Frisk, you are very pretty," he said, smiling. Frisk gave him a kiss on the check then nuzzled his neck.

"As you can see, our females have some...interesting personalities," I said, getting a funny look from Frisk and Chara in return for my little joke.  Toriel then announced that, with introductions over, it was time for bed. Toby followed me into my room and decided to sleep with me that night, I didn't really mind, as long as he wasn't bothering anyone.

(End of chapter 4)

3360 words in a chapter, pretty amazing. I felt that, with all of this ice and snow and shit going on outside, why not include a school dance? Anyway, it's time for the fateful chapter number five, see ya on the flip side.

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