𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐚...

By dovahdrabbles

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Tom Hiddleston is one of the most popular guys in school. He's on the school's rugby team as the star player... More



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By dovahdrabbles

    After another few hours of eating the plate of danishes, playing video games, and cuddling, Thomas' mother finally arrived at home. Loki was going to have dinner with them and meet Tom's mother before they went to the beach tomorrow by James' orders.

Loki wasn't too intimidated by Diana. She seemed really sweet, and almost like his own mother.

"Dinner's ready twat." Sarah teased, poking her head in the door. Tom had been mouthing at Loki's wrist when she did so.

Tom rolled his eyes, "Go kiss your Harry Styles body pillow and leave me alone."

Sarah stuck her tongue out and Tom returned the gesture before she closed the door and went down the stairs. Loki chuckled at his joke and continued working on a hickey he had started to make on the underside of his jaw.

"How in the world are we going to keep our hands off of each other downstairs." Tom groaned, feeling Loki's tongue swirl on his skin.

Loki hummed against his neck, "No idea."

They mouthed at each other for a bit longer and then finally went downstairs. Loki's marks from Tom were hidden by the hoodie Thomas had given him earlier, and Tom simply didn't care if the marks on his neck were visible. His mum and dad didn't know he was into the same sex so he wouldn't have to worry about that.

"Hi Loki. It's wonderful to meet you sweetheart." Diana said as they entered the kitchen.

The smell of something barbecue like filled his nose and he hummed in approval without realizing it. Diana chuckled, "Hungry?"

Loki nodded bashfully and returned the smile. "It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Hiddleston. I hope I am not intruding."

Tom's mother chuckled, "Not at all Loki. Tom's friends are always welcome here."

Tom nudged his hand and Loki bit back a grin.

"Thank you, dinner smells wonderful." Loki said politely. He wanted to make sure they liked him so he could start coming over here more often. It was comfortable here- even with the strictness of Tom's father.

Diana smiled, "You are too sweet! Are you on the rugby team with Thomas?"

"I'm not." Loki admitted shyly, "I mainly do theatre at the school."

Tom's mum seemed to perk up at this much to his delight.

"Oh that's wonderful! Have you been in any of the plays?" Diana asked, adding a spice into the pan of searing meat. Loki relaxed slightly and stepped a little closer to her. "I haven't been in a play yet but there are auditions when school starts back."

She grinned, "You should audition. I'd love to come see."

Loki definitely liked Tom's mother.

"I will."

Diana shooed Tom away to speak with Loki privately and he grew nervous. Were they figured out? Did she know? Were the marks on Thomas' neck a dead giveaway?

"Don't be shy, I'd just like to get to know you without my son being a thorn in the side." She said, chuckling. Loki smiled as she continued, "So, what are your plans after school sweetie?"

Loki perked up a little, "I'm going to try and get into the New York Film Academy or perhaps a college in London. I want to be a director or a screenwriter when I'm older."

"That sounds lovely! Believe it or not, I used to be the same way."

Loki's eyebrows raised and Diana chuckled, "That's actually how I met Thomas' father. He was a rugby player and had seen me in a play. Said I was pretty and took me on a date. Now here we are all these years later."

That gave Loki hope. He wanted to grow old with Tom just like his parents.

"Is Thomas being nice? You don't seem like the type to horse around and wrestle dear." She joked. Loki laughed softly, "I'm not, and he has been. He's..really the only friend I have."

Diana frowned, "I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart. I hope you know you can come over here whenever you'd like okay? Tom told me you have it a bit rough at home."

Loki gulped. What had he told her? He trusted Tom with the secret of Thor and knew he wouldn't have told her, but what exactly did he say?

"I-I do, but I don't want to be a bother."

Diana placed a hand on his shoulder, "Loki, you wouldn't be a bother here. Thomas told me you go through a bit of emotional abuse at home, right?"

Loki nodded glumly.

She pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. "Then you are always welcome here. Make yourself comfortable and stay as long as you'd like to. If you need anything at all you tell me and I'll make it happen."

"Thank you." Loki whispered, feeling tears threaten to spill over. Diana smiled, "You're welcome. James may be a bit of a hard-arse, but he's here if you need him too."

Loki nodded and she pulled away, wiping his tears with her apron.

"Thomas! Come set the table with your friend darling!"

Tom was in the room not a moment later and smiled at Loki, showing him where the plate cabinet was. 

Thomas had subconsciously placed his hand on Loki's lower back as they faced the cabinet and Diana smiled knowingly as Tom rubbed circles with the pad of his thumb there. She knew. She had known since Tom gushed about him earlier that morning before leaving for summer school.

"Make sure you also grab the spare dining chair from the pantry Thomas." Diana said, her smile growing when Tom squeezed Loki's hip and scurried off to the pantry. Loki grabbed enough plates and turned around, "How would you like me to set them Mrs. Hiddleston?"

Diana turned the stove off and grabbed three of the plates, "I'll show you sweetheart, and call me Diana. No need for formalities here, okay?"

"Okay." Loki said softly. He already loved this woman.

They set the table and Tom came back with a chair for Loki, setting it beside his own. He noticed Loki and Diana smiling at each other and felt a rush of giddiness in his chest. This was what he hoped would happen, and it was happening.

"James, dinner!"


Dinner was absolutely delicious. Loki had to refrain from scarfing it all down in one go.

His own mother was a decent cook, but she rarely did. They had been living off of pizza and fast food for as long as he could remember. Some nights they wouldn't even have dinner because Loki's mother didn't feel like cooking or grabbing something. He usually ended up eating a sandwich.

"So Loki, what are your plans after high school?" James asked, flashing him a smile. 

Loki swallowed his bite and hesitantly met his gaze. "I'm going to film school to become a director."

James nodded approvingly, "Do you have any schools in mind?"

"I thought of going to the New York Film Academy or University of Essex." Loki replied, trying hard not to blush when he felt Tom grasp the underside of his knee and drape his leg over top of Tom's.

"Very prestigious schools. Diana tells me you're in the school's drama program?"

Loki gulped, "I am. Although I mainly work backstage."

James nodded and dinner was silent after that save for a few more questions and whispered jokes from Tom. His leg had stayed draped over Tom's the entire dinner.

Once everyone was finished, Sarah stood up and took everyone's plates. They apparently took turns doing dishes every night. At Loki's house they would pile up until someone finally did them days to weeks later.

Tom and Loki began to walk to his bedroom when Diana pulled Loki aside and whispered to him. "If my son does not treat you right, you tell me and I'll skin him alive."

Loki blushed and she smiled, "I know love when I see it sweetie. I'm not angry or upset at all. You're a wonderful young man and I hope Thomas will heal whatever your parents have broken inside of you. If you ever need a motherly figure or anything at all, I will always be right here or at my shop, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you Diana." Loki whispered back, smiling.

She smiled back and let him catch up with a confused looking Tom.


"What did my mum say to you?" Tom asked, closing his door softly. Loki grinned and flopped back onto his bed, "Nothing."

Tom laid down beside of him and raised a brow, "It didn't look like nothing."

"Okay fine, she said if I ever needed anything to come to her and that if you treated me wrong she's going to skin you alive."

Tom's eyes widened and Loki laughed until he had tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Tom soon joined in and rolled on top of him, burying his face into his neck.

"I'm going to treat you like a king." Tom said, smiling against the warm skin of Loki's neck. Loki grimaced at the word 'king.' He preferred more feminine words of that nature like 'goddess' and 'queen.'

He closed his eyes and let out a soft moan as Tom bit down on him gently, "Can you treat me like a queen instead?"

"Do you prefer the feminine terms for those?" Tom asked, leaving a fresh mark on his pulse point. Loki nodded and Tom smiled, "Okay. Then yes, I will treat you like a queen."

Loki grinned and snuggled into him.

They cuddled and gently mouthed at each other for a while until Tom's hand slithered down to Loki's jeans and unbuttoned them.

"Thomas, we-"

"Shhhh. We can if they don't hear us." Tom whispered back, grinning mischievously. Loki bit back a grin and nodded, showing Tom he could continue what he was about to start. 

Tom removed Loki's jeans and then his own, leaving them in their briefs. Loki moaned softly as Tom's clothed bulge pressed against his and slowly began to grind, their shafts rubbing together through the silk fabric.

"Tom.." Loki moaned, voice muffling as Tom quickly clamped a hand over his mouth. They giggled eeee zat each other through their lust filled haze and Tom bent down until their noses brushed.

"Shhh kitten."

Loki could definitely get used to that.

He began to rock their hips together after a few more moments and Loki's face contorted in pleasure when Thomas slipped his underwear off and then Loki's, their bare cocks now rubbing against one another.

Tom gasped softly in surprise and lined their cocks up, rocking his hips against Loki's and groaning when Loki wrapped a pale hand around them, pumping both at the same time.

"Oh god.." Tom groaned, rocking his hips into Loki's fist and against his cock. 

Loki's brows furrowed, mouth falling agape as he could feel every detail of Tom's cock. Every vein, every ridge- the smoothness, the silkiness of his tip- Loki could go on for ages just describing how amazing it felt. 

He had never expected a week ago to be here, in Tom Hiddleston's bed, with his hand wrapped around both of their cocks as they ground against one another. He'd think he was crazy.

An idea popped into Loki's head and he grabbed Tom's hand, taking one of his slender fingers into his mouth and sucking on it until it was coated in his saliva.

Tom moaned at the sight and rocked his hips faster. The suction on his finger reminded him of what they had done earlier and it made his balls pull tight, orgasm right on the mend. Loki swirled his tongue around the tip of his finger and fluttered his lashes and it was so erotic to Thomas that he came hard, seed spurting onto Loki's chest and his pale hand.

Loki still hadn't come yet and Tom felt bad, so he slipped another digit in beside of the one already in his mouth and hesitantly licked a stripe across the rosy pink tip of Loki's cock.

A muffled moan left his lips around Tom's fingers and he arched his hips upwards when Tom's mouth wrapped around the tip and slowly took as much as he could. 

Loki took the hand that wasn't in his mouth and wrapped it around his cock, showing him what to do. Tom knew he needed to suck, but he was afraid he'd scrape his teeth too hard or his mouth would be too loose or-


He lifted his gaze up to Loki and the raven smiled, "Don't think too much about it. Just do what feels right."

Tom took a deep breath and sank his head lower until he felt the tip press against the back of his throat. Loki moaned at this and slipped Tom's fingers into his mouth, laving and sucking at them as Tom began to suck on his rod and bob his head.

"Yes, just like that." Loki breathed, a whimper escaping his lips when Tom flicked his tongue over the slit.

After a few more drags of his mouth, Loki came, spilling his load into Thomas' mouth and moaning around his fingers. Thankfully his noises were muffled by them. He wouldn't have been able to stop them if they weren't.

Tom pulled off of his softening cock and grinned up at him, some of Loki's juices running down his chin. 

Loki giggled and watched from the bed as Tom slipped his briefs, a fresh pair of sweatpants, and a tight grey shirt on, walking out of the room and returning a few moments later with a wet towel.

His heart warmed. Thomas wanted to clean him up.

Tom carefully wiped his chest and hand clean before cleaning his mouth and grabbing a pair of Loki's boxers from his overnight bag, slipping them over his legs with kisses to both of his inner thighs.

Then he grabbed the navy hoodie and went to put it on him when he stopped, a smile slowly curling onto his lips.

"Your neck is covered with bite marks." Tom said, laughing softly. 

Loki grinned, "Good, you could use a few more though."

"Definitely." Tom replied, smiling so hard his cheeks hurt. He grabbed a pair of his sweatpants out of the drawer and Loki laughed, "You're going to run out of clothes at this point."

Tom pulled them over his legs and grinned, "I don't care."

They giggled together and moved to lay properly on his bed, Tom immediately pulling Loki into his arms.

The two snuggled up for what felt like hours. Tom stroked his hair soothingly and held him as close as possible, Loki's face nuzzled against his neck. 

"I can never seem to get close enough to you." Tom said, snuggling even closer and tangling their legs together. Loki smiled against his neck as he continued, "Like I think I won't be close enough unless I can live in your skin with you."

Loki laughed, "Live in my skin?"

"Yes. I'll wriggle my way in and just curl right up in your ribcage."

They giggled and Loki grinned teasingly, "Well there certainly is a way to be inside of me."

Tom smirked. "Oh? And what would we need for that?"

Loki giggled, "We'll need lube darling, and probably condoms."

"Okay. I'll get them." Tom said happily, snuggling into Loki deeper. 


They had accidentally fallen asleep in that exact position, Loki draped across Tom's chest with his face buried in his chest, arms around his torso. Tom had his arms around Loki's waist securely and his nose nuzzled into his hair, snoring softly.

Diana opened Tom's door to check on them and smiled at the sight before her.

She felt awful for Loki. Tom had told her that his father was an absent presence in his life, his mother was overworked and more of a friend rather than a motherly figure, and that his brother didn't even consider him to be family. It made her heart hurt for the raven-haired boy. 

That was why she wanted Loki to hang around their house a lot more. He could use good role models in his life and she knew her son would make him happy.

She walked over and flicked his lamp off, leaving the telly screen on so they'd have a little bit of light. She also noticed an empty plate with danish crumbs and chuckled, grabbing it on her way out.

Right as she went to leave the room, Loki's eyes fluttered open and she noticed a flicker of panic in his eyes.

"Oh don't mind me, I just came up to make sure you two were okay and didn't need anything. You're fine sweetheart." Diana cooed, shutting the door softly and making sure James didn't go up there either. She knew her husband wouldn't be okay with it.

Tom stirred and rubbed his eyes, tightening his hold on Loki and flipping them over to where Tom laid on top of him, nose buried in his neck.

"Did we fall asleep?" Tom asked, yawning and snuggling deeper into the warmth of Loki's neck. The raven smiled and giggled softly. "We did I'm afraid, but not for long."

"M'kay. Love you." Tom said sleepily, already feeling himself drift back off. Loki's smile widened and he blushed when Thomas moved to lay between his legs, the side of his face resting on his lower abdomen with an arm hooked around his thigh.

Loki carded a hand through his curls, "I love you too."

He felt Tom smile and bury his face into the thigh he hooked an arm around, falling asleep in a matter of minutes.


Tom woke a few hours later to the sight of Loki sitting up against his headboard. He had managed to wriggle his way up to lay on Loki's chest with the raven's arms wrapped around him, video game controller in his hands.

He tucked his head underneath Loki's jaw and moved to curl up against his side, watching as Loki was furnishing a house on his sims game.

"I made us on this game." Loki said, a grin curling onto his lips. "You're in the navy blue sweater."

Tom also noticed at least three cats and a dog and giggled. "Do we need that many pets?"

"Of course we do Thomas. You can never have too many cats." Loki replied, squeezing his hip before placing his hand back on the controller to finish what looked like the kitchen. Tom pointed at the biggest bedroom, "I want that room to be our sex dungeon."

Loki threw his head back and laughed heartily, placing the stove in between two counters before going to the build mode screen and adding dark red wallpaper to the walls.

They giggled together and Loki added a four poster bed into the room with dark colored sheets, placing a tall wardrobe beside of it.

"That's where we keep the ropes."

Tom grinned up at him, "And the whips."

Loki laughed even harder and added another wardrobe right beside the other one. 

"What's that one for? Our dildo collection?"

"No you pervert! That's where we keep our butt plugs." Loki said matter-of-factly before bursting into laughter with Tom. 

Once they calmed down, Tom slipped an arm across Loki's stomach and watched as he finished making their house, even adding in a little nursery with a baby crib and all. It made Tom's heart practically explode with happiness that Loki thought similarly to him for his future. He knew he wanted Loki in it. He wanted Loki to be it. 

"Should we adopt a boy or a girl?" Tom asked, smiling up at him.

Loki's face flushed a shade of red. "I actually made the settings to where my sim can get..um..pregnant."

Tom's smile grew and he giggled, "Off to the sex dungeon we go then."

Loki laughed with him and they immediately sent the little pixel versions of themselves into the room, clicking the 'Try for Baby' option.

"I hope it's a girl so we can make her a cute nursery." Loki sighed dreamily. He had always longed for a pink room and princess dresses and frilly little dolls to play with, but his mother hadn't let him, saying those were 'for girls only.'

Thomas kissed his jaw and snuggled closer, "Me too. We need a name for her if it does end up being a girl."

Loki thought for a moment and then grinned to himself.

"What about Norah? I heard it means something with light.." He said shyly. Loki had secretly been looking at girl names that he liked and would love to have for himself. He was very confused with his own gender in all honesty. Some days he wanted to be a boy and others he wanted to be a girl, even days where he wanted to be both.

Tom smiled at his shyness. He still found that shade of pink absolutely gorgeous on Loki.

"That's perfect baby, I just hope we don't end up having a boy now."

They giggled and Loki smirked as he watched the little animated bed bounce and move. "If your sim keeps that up we might need two names."

Tom laughed, "Just wait until we do it."

"Oh really?" Loki teased, biting back a small laugh when Tom nipped at his throat.

"Mhm.." Tom hummed. The vibrations made Loki laugh softly and Tom joined in, snuggling into the crook of his neck.

Then Thomas' stomach growled and they laughed again before deciding to go downstairs for a snack. He checked the time on his phone and saw that it was twenty minutes until two in the morning, so they'd have to be quiet.

The stairwell was pitch dark. All the lights were shut off except for a few of the lights underneath the kitchen cabinets.

Tom took Loki's hand and led him carefully down the stairs. Loki was so glad they had left their socks on- the hardwood floors were squeaky. 

"Mom left cookies out!"

"Thomas! Shh!"

"You shh!"

"You shh!"

They broke into a fit of giggles and Tom went to say something else until the sound of music coming from upstairs interrupted him.

His mom must be watching that show that had children doing dances for competitions. He had sat through an episode once and was surprised at how much drama went on over the smallest things.

Then, as the music continued to play, Tom got an idea.

He smiled and grabbed both of Loki's hands, pulling him close and wrapping his arms around his waist. Loki raised a brow questioningly and then squeaked when Tom spun him outwards at arms length before pulling him back in.

Loki's face lit up and he giggled quietly as they began to dance in their sock feet in Thomas' kitchen, the music from upstairs providing them with a beat.

"Diana, tell those boys to hush that laughing. I have work early."

She nodded and got up from the bed, opening their bedroom door and making her way to Tom's bedroom. 

The door was wide open and her brows furrowed in confusion as she found it empty. Then, she heard hushed giggles and a quiet 'don't spin me so close to the table you idiot!' come from the direction of the kitchen.

Diana quietly crept down the stairs and what she saw in the kitchen made her heart soar so much she grinned, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

Tom spun Loki at arms length and then pulled him back in again, this time with Loki giggling as Tom peppered his cheek with kisses and lifted him up, wrapping his legs around his waist and spinning him around.

Loki threw his head back with quiet laughter and kissed Tom, cupping his face.

Diana watched them a moment longer before wiping her eye and quietly going back upstairs, telling James that they would be quiet.

"I love you." Tom said softly as they broke apart for air.

Loki grinned and pecked his forehead, "I love you too puppy."

"I love you more."


"I made it possible darling."

"And I made it impossible again."

Tom grinned, "You're never going to let me win are you?"

"Never." Loki whispered, leaning in for another kiss.


"I can't wait to finally wake up next to you." Tom said softly, gazing oh so lovingly into those soft green irises that had stolen his heart.

Loki smiled and nuzzled Tom's nose with his own, "Me either love."

Tom returned the gesture and captured his lips in a sweet kiss before the pull of sleep tugged at the back of his mind. He held Loki close to him and slipped his hand underneath the navy blue hoodie, trailing his hand slowly up and down his back.

"I love you Thomas." Loki whispered, almost asleep himself.

Tom smiled sleepily and buried his nose in his hair. "I love you too."


The next morning, Loki was awake before Tom. Their cuddling position had changed during the night into Thomas spooning him from behind with his face buried in Loki's neck, legs tangled.

It just felt so right. It felt so perfect- like this was how it was supposed to be every morning.

Loki frowned at the reminder that he'd be going home either tonight or sometime tomorrow. He couldn't bear the thought of Thor and going back to eating sandwiches for dinner or fast food if his mother felt like stopping for it.

He did need to relieve himself pretty bad though.

Tom had what felt like a death grip on Loki. He tried to wiggle out of his boyfriend's embrace but to no avail. 

"Thomassss." Loki cooed softly, turning around in his arms and smiling when his brows twitched. He reached forward and smoothed a hand through his curls, lightly peppering kisses on his cheek and jaw.

Tom's eyes finally fluttered open and a huge smile spread across his face as his eyes locked with mint green ones.

"Angel." Tom said, voice thick with sleep. 

Loki chuckled, "What did you say?"

Tom's eyes searched his face and his smile grew wider and wider with every passing second. 

"You look like an angel."

Loki's face softened and he fawned up at Tom, tears of happiness threatening to fill his eyes. "Oh Thomas," He cupped Tom's face and kissed him, "You are the angel in my eyes."

Tom grinned and slid a hand down from Loki's hip to cup the back of thigh, "Well you're the angel in my life."

"As you are to mine puppy." Loki sighed happily, kissing Thomas again before the need to relieve himself struck again. He pulled away, much to Tom's demise, and giggled at his pouting lips. "I need to pee before we do anything to each other."

"There's a bathroom in the hallway, two doors down from mine. We can shower together too. My parents are already gone for work."

Loki's heart fluttered at the thought of showering with Thomas. They had seen each other naked already of course, but the nerves were still there. "We can."

Tom scooped him up into his arms and Loki giggled as he was carried into the bathroom. 

He set Loki down and grabbed two towels from the storage cabinet, stealing glances at Loki every now and then as he undressed behind him. Tom set the towels on the marble countertop and made sure the water was warm enough before stripping himself.

Loki blushed darkly when Tom walked up to him and pulled their bodies flush against each other.

"You're so beautiful." Tom whispered, smiling when Loki tucked his head shyly. He hooked his index finger under Loki's chin and raised his head, tilting his own to the side as he kissed him.

Loki smiled against his lips and wrapped his arms around Thomas' neck.


"Oh god." Tom groaned, tangling his hand in Loki's hair as he bobbed his head.

They had been in the shower for only ten minutes before Loki had sunk down to his knees and taken Tom's cock into his mouth. 

He braced one hand on Tom's thigh for balance and curled the other around what didn't fit in his mouth, gyrating his wrist as he sucked him off. Tom was in absolute paradise.

Loki dipped his tongue into the precum drenched slit and swallowed the slightly bitter substance, swallowing his length back down and hallowing his cheeks.

Tom whined loudly as his seed spilled into Loki's mouth, every drop being swallowed by that perfect throat. His soft green eyes held Thomas' as he sucked him clean and grinned up at him, hand still pumping his shaft to let Tom ride out his high.

"You'll be the death of me kitten." Tom groaned, feeling Loki press a kiss to the sensitive tip before standing back up. 

Loki's knees would definitely bruise from the hard tile and his jaw hurt from sucking, but it was the best kind of pain imaginable. His knees would have reminders of this moment in the shower with Thomas.

His grin widened, "I want to try it."

"Try what darling?" Tom asked, shutting the water off and grabbing their towels. 

Loki had done a little research and found out that there were substitutes for lube that would work exactly the same. They could take the next step in intimacy with this new knowledge, and Loki really just wanted Tom to fuck him.

The raven wrapped his arms around Tom's neck and hooked a leg around his waist, taking his softening cock into his hand and pressing the tip against his hole.

Tom licked his lips hungrily and felt searing hot arousal pool in his lower abdomen as Loki spoke.

"This." Loki whispered. 

Tom's brows furrowed, "But we don't have any lube."

"We could use vaseline or coconut butter," Loki leant in and brushed their lips together, "Or we could go get some while your parents are gone."

Why hadn't Tom thought of that before? They could easily just go buy some and fuck to their hearts content while his parents were gone. His sister Sarah went to her dance rehearsal and Emma went out with her boyfriend too. That meant they had the house to themselves.

Tom pecked his lips, "Let's go buy some. I want to make sure we do this right so I don't hurt you."

"Okay." Loki replied, heart racing with a mixture of excitement and nerves as they dressed and grabbed the keys to Tom's jeep.


"Should we get condoms too?"

"I did research. We only need condoms if one of us has an STD."

Tom grinned, "I get tested for those regularly for rugby. I'm clean."

"Good. That means you can come inside me too." Loki whispered seductively, squeezing Tom's hand and giggling as he groaned, mumbling something along the lines of 'you're going to get me hard in public, darling.'

They reached the aisle that had what they needed and Loki was surprised to find that there were scented and flavored options as well.

"Edible lube." Tom said, chuckling as he examined a bottle of chocolate flavored lubricant. 

Loki blushed darkly, "Why would we need it to be edible?"

"So I can eat you out." Tom purred, smirking when Loki's eyes bugged out of his head. He grinned and kept moving down the aisle with a very flustered Loki clutching onto his arm.

He finally found the regular lube and grabbed two bottles of it.

"Two?" Loki asked, raising a brow. Tom grinned as Loki nuzzled his shoulder, reading the label.

"Just so we don't have to worry about running out for a while."

Loki nodded and Tom made sure to grab birthday cake flavored lube (much to Loki's embarrassment) before they moved to the next aisle in search of anything else they might need. Tom had grabbed a box of condoms just in case too.

The next aisle over was filled with makeup and nail polish. Loki squeezed Thomas' arm unknowingly and immediately walked over to the nail polish section, picking up a pretty black and admiring it.

Tom smiled as he watched Loki. He looked so beautiful when he was all giddy over things that made him happy.

"That would look absolutely stunning on you." Tom said softly, walking up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. 

Loki smiled at his compliment and went to put it back before Thomas stopped him.

"Loki, get it."

"I want to- but-"

"Baby. Get it."

Loki smiled and grabbed the black nail polish, giggling when Tom pulled him farther down the aisle towards the eye products.

Eyeshadow palettes, eyeliners, mascara- Loki was in heaven. He had wanted to try makeup for so long, but the fear of his father or his mother seeing was too great a risk. 

"Anything you want."

Loki looked up at Tom in confusion and the curly blonde chuckled. 

"Whatever you see that you like, I'll get it for you. You can hide them at my house and I'll bring them with me when I take you to summer school." Tom said, smiling when Loki teared up.

Oh he loved his Thomas, he loved him so much.

Loki threw his arms around Tom's neck and hugged him tightly, burying his face into the warm skin. "Thank you."

"Anything for you love. I can't wait to see you with makeup on." Tom said excitedly as Loki pulled away and immediately went for the liquid eyeliner. He had watched so many makeup tutorials on YouTube that he had somewhat of an idea of how to use it.

Loki grinned, "I can't either. My mum and dad would kill me if they saw me wearing it."

"Well your parents can kiss my ass." Tom replied, smirking at his next words. "And I can kiss yours."

Loki's face flushed red and he swatted at him, giggling. "Thomas!"

"Why do you think I grabbed a bottle of birthday cake flavored lube?"

"Birthday cake." Loki's brows furrowed, "Can I smell it?"

They opened the cap and the lubricant surprisingly smelled amazing. Just like cake. Tom had a bit of an unhealthy obsession with the dessert and hoped Loki would want to use it too.

"Mmm that does smell good, but what if it doesn't taste good?" Loki asked, taking the bottle from Tom's hand and sniffing it more. Tom shrugged, "Then we'll come back for the other one I saw that's flavored Strawberry Pound Cake."

Loki's eyes lit up, "Strawberry Pound Cake?"

"Want me to grab it too?" Tom asked, grinning when Loki eagerly nodded. He chuckled and scurried off to the aisle to grab it. 

While Tom went to grab the lubricant, Loki picked up another tube of liquid eyeliner and smiled to himself. He loved this boy so, so much. 

"Not surprised I would see you here."

Loki's eyes widened and he froze. He slowly set the tube down and turned around, chest tightening with fear.



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