The Boys From Hell ( Sequel t...

By buffyleelovesnialler

253K 8.6K 2K

With Louisa gone and no one caring about her except the lovable Matt. She tries to forget her time with the b... More

The Boys From Hell ( Sequel to Boarding School from Hell )
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

5.8K 279 66
By buffyleelovesnialler

Louisa's POV

Laying on the bed of our hotel room was boring, Hunter was currently on the phone discussing something. I sighed watching birds flying past the window, I loved how they were free and they could fly anywhere. I wish I had something like that, I heard Hunter's footsteps approaching the bedroom. opening the door he smiled at me before joining me on the bed, he smiled kissing my lips before cuddling up to me.

"Who was that?" I asked him.
"An old friend, he wanted to hang out but I said no cause I'm spending it with my fiancé." he stated, tickling me. I giggled, moving away from him. I shrieked as I fell from the bed onto the floor. Hunter's laughter could be heard throughout the whole house by how loud he's laughing. I gave him a childish glare before laughing myself.
"You know we could go and see the sights of Hawaii," he smiled, "trust me their is some beautiful views here, that I need to show you." I nodded getting up and laying back on the bed. My stomach decided to join in on the talk and growl out. I groaned knowing I was hungry but couldn't be bothered to get food.
"You know I wish I was human so I could just eat a jar of Nutella and be full. But no I'm a vampire and I have to drink blood, I just want chocolate and maybe even Luke Hemmings knowing my name," Hunter looked at me as if I had two heads, "even if Ashton saw me that would be enough, I could offer to be his maid or anything!" I exclaimed.
"Jesus Louisa I did not expect that from your mouth, your acting like them girls that obsess over Niall and Louis' band."
"Yeah but directioners are awesome, so is 5sosfam." I stated proudly.
"Directioners and 5sosfam, really Louisa?"
"What? I am a girl what else are we supposed to do, anyway I just want one of Ashton's bandanas because I need something for bad hair days and plus his sweat has been on it!" I shrieked shoving my face into one of the pillows.
"Are you ok Louisa your hormones must be acting up," he chuckled, "you don't usually act like this are you in your period? Do I need to get pads or them stick things you shove up there?" He asked.
"No, I don't think we get periods do we? Because we're dead and all," I shrugged my shoulders, "maybe it's because I'm-" I was cut off but something crawling it's way up my throat. I felt bile rising in my throat, dashing for the bathroom, I emptied my stomach into the toilet and gasping as I saw blood.
"Louisa you okay." I heard hunters voice.
"Yeah, just feeling a tad sick, I'll be fine though." I said and I could feel rubbing circles on my back as I emptied my stomach again.
"No your not Louisa, your spewing up blood that's not normal, I'm gonna get someone that I know will help us." I heard him disappear before hearing his voice in another room.

Sitting next to the toilet for a few minutes I knew the sick feeling had subsided, I staggered my way towards the bed and collapsed on it falling asleep. The bed being an instant cloud for me.

I was awaken by someone shaking me awake, I opened my eyes for it to be Hunter and a stranger.
"Louisa, this is an old friend of mine called Greg. He's an old vampire, so he might have a clue on this." I nodded before Hunter moved out of the way for Greg to take a look at me.
"So tell me what's wrong with you Louisa?" he asked.
"I don't really know I was hungry, then I just felt the sudden Earle to puke and I did and it was blood. I don't know what it is. I haven't done anything I shouldn't of." I stated panicky.
"Hmm I actually might know what's wrong with you," Hunter urged him to go on, "well it seems like your body is dealing with heartbreak, is there someone you truly loved that you both split apart from?" he asked, I nodded immediately knowing who, "okay, well your body can't stand the distance from him and it's breaking from the inside out. Your not dying but you can get seriously weak from it."
"Greg use words that I will understand." Hunter demanded.
"Basically she's sired to someone else and her body can't live without them, they are mates." He replied.
"What! Why didn't you tell me you were sired to Louis huh?" he yelled in my face.
"I didn't know I was sired to him, I don't even know what it is." I replied getting upset.
"Hunter this is extremely rare, but fate can actually sire them together. Like the gods have said they are meant to be together." Greg rushed in.
"So your saying that the gods don't want us together but her and him, so if she doesn't be with him then she'll get weak?"
"Yes that's what I'm saying."
"Well you can die for all I care, go back to him see if I care." Hunger stated storming out of the hotel room.
"Hunter wait, please!" I shouted but he was already gone. I heard the door slam signalling he left, I told Greg he could leave. he told me he would try to find Hunter and I nodded thanking him.

It was getting late and Hunter still wasn't home, I heard a phone ring. knowing it wasn't mine I slowly walked to it and the caller ID said a Stacie. I picked up the phone answering it.

"Hello?" I asked and there was silence for a few seconds.
"Uh yes I'm looking for Hunter, is he around?" A voice asked.
"No he left hours ago and hasn't returned. Can I leave a message?" I asked.
"You must be the maid tell him his baby girl will meet him in his hotel room tonight." I felt the tears welling up and I muttered her a yes before hanging up the phone. I wasn't going to just sit here, I was going to find him and confront him about it. he was cheating on me, even though he told me he loved me. Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve this?

I walked out of the hotel room and immediate spotted a boy by himself. I needed to feed badly. I smiled at him as I approached him.
"Hi." I said and his face grew red.
"H-h- hi." he stuttered.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out, you're really cute and you're all alone?" I asked and he nodded before I grabbed his hand before taking him behind a building. "okay don't scream, everything's going to be fine." I said and he nodded before I bit into his neck and his blood filled my mouth. I moaned at the sweetness of it. I stopped and compelled him to forget and feeding him my blood. he walked away and I immediately felt satisfied. I walked down the streets looking for Hunter, you wouldn't know where he is.

Two hours had passed and no sign of him, I still couldn't get over the fact that he was cheating on me. I decided to forget about him and just walk back to the hotel room and just leave this place.

I sighed in relief once I found the hotel front doors, I walked into the elevator. walking to my room, I didn't notice that the door was unlocked, I did notice how the clothes strewn across the floor. I knew the dreadful fate I was about to see, I slowly walked closer to the bedroom. I could hear noises as I got closer and closer, hey became more clear. Moans to be exact.
"Fvck me harder Hunter." I heard the girls voice from the phone.
"Okay baby girl, god I love you so much." I heard him say the tears fell as I took off the engagement ring and pushing open the door. They both looked towards my direction and Hunter pulled out of her trying to explain. I threw the ring at his face and it fell to the floor, I went to my bags throwing some of my clothes in there and zipping it up.
"Louisa, please I can explain-"
"Explain what, that you've been cheating on me and you couldn't even have to balls and tell. How long have you been doing it?" I asked.
"I've been with her before I found you." he shamefully, I shook my head before turning around and leaving.
"Louisa wait pleas-"
"You can take that fvcking ring and shove it up your ass or better yet give it to her because she's more priority than me!"
"Louisa, no."
"I hate you Hunter I hope you die a horrible and lonely death, like you wished me!" I screamed slamming the door in his face, the tears flowed freely as I walked out of the hotel. I need to get back to Louis. I managed to steal some money off Hunter and had enough to get to London to see him, which was where he was currently at.

Sitting on my plane boarding to London I cried and cried rethinking of today's events. I shouldn't have trusted him, sometimes I swear I can't trust anyone.

A/N: hey guys I finally updated, yay. Sorry about not being active much, I've just been really busy. Louis picture for you guys, hope you liked this chapter.

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