Transport Into Detective Cona...

By Classya8

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Kaiya Matsuki finds herself in the Detective Conan world! Join her as she journeys through the world. More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Shopping With Yukiko
Chapter 3: Grocery Store Mystery
Chapter 4: Ding Dong Dash
Chapter 5: DJ and Eddie P
Chapter 6: Teitan High School
Chapter 7: Haido Central Hospital
Valentine's Day OVA! ❀️(filler episode)
Chapter 9: The Mysterious Packages
Chapter 10: Raiha Pass
Chapter 11: Celebration for Eisuke
Chapter 12: Subaru Okiya vs Shinichi Kudo: Deduction Match!
Chapter 13: Murderer, Shinichi Kudo!
Chapter 14: The Disappearing Fish on Ikkaku Rock
Chapter 15: Teito Bank
Chapter 16: The Department Store
Chapter 17: PB&J and Holmes' Revelation
Chapter 18: Akemi's Apartment
Chapter 18: Deduction Showdown At the Hotel
Chapter 19: The Crow's Talons
Chapter 20: The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret
Shuichi Akai's Birthday!
Chapter 21: The Mystery Train
Chapter 22: Bourbon Figures It Out!
Chapter 23: Enter Shukichi Haneda!
Chapter 24: The Scarlet Pursuit
Chapter 25: The Kyoto School Trip
Christmas OVA!
Chapter 26: The New Year's Heist
Chapter 27: Entangled in Spider
Chapter 27: The Tumultuous Science Fair
Chapter 28: Yusaku Kudo's TV Show Case
Chapter 29: The FBI Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: The Shoji Player Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: PSB vs Kaito Kid! Part I
Chapter 31: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part II
Chapter 32: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part III
Chapter 33: The Dango Adventure
OC Fanart ❀️
Chapter 34: Hatoyama Farm
Chapter 35: Sports Day
Chapter 36: Breakdancing and a Unexpected Visit
Chapter 37: The Notebook Promise
Chapter 38: Flying By The Crow's Nest - Part 1

Chapter 8: The Awakening

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By Classya8

Kiyomi POV

Interviewing the suspects was a similar process to the anime. Conan faked losing his phone and I pretended to help Conan search for it and apologized to the patients for his clumsiness. Conan and the others reviewed the footage and figured out the suspect, coming to the conclusion that Rikumichi Kusuda was the suspect. They noticed that he emptied the coffee cans in his room despite having a "broken" neck.


Later that night, I helped the FBI keep on the guard for the organization. It was then I saw a figure wearing a hospital gown walking down the corridor. Rikumichi Kusuda! 

I messaged Jodie since she and the other FBI agents were close to the reception area. I assume she tried to apprehend him because I heard a commotion. I ran to the exit to see Rikumichi about to get into his car so I burst a tire with my taser, forcing him to choose another car. 

"One sudden movement girl, and I'll trigger these bombs." he pointed to his neckpiece.

"Not if they are fake." I smirked and focused my tasers on him.

"But this isn't." he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me and I shot my tasers in him reflexively.

"Ouch!" I grabbed my shoulder in pain when Rikumichi's bullet grazed me. He took the opportunity to hijack a car. Shoot I reacted too slowly! I ran to the front of the hospital.

"Shuu!" Jodie shouted as she and the other FBI agents appeared. Shuichi (along with Conan) drove by and started chasing Rikimuchi, who eventually committed suicide.


"The organization knows that Rena is here! We can't stick around another minute!" an FBI agent declared.

"Well..." James said unsurely.

"How is this up for discussion?" another said.

"She's still in a coma. We need another hospital with staff we can trust. And if we move now, we'll ride into a hail of bullets." James noted.

"What?" Jodie asked.

"One of our agents noticed a suspicious person lurking on the rooftop of the building next door." Shuichi said. It must be a sniper... maybe Chianti or Korn?

"They're already here?!" Jodie gasped.

"It's time I came clean to the hospital director. Perhaps he'll have a plan." James started to leave.

"Not a good idea. If you drag him into this now, the organization will think that the hospital's been working against them all the time, and the director and the staff will be on their hit list." Shuichi reasoned.

James sighed. "You're right. As things have shaken out, it's the only way to protect the staff."

"But we can't keep Rena here and endanger the other patients. I refuse to sit and wait for the organization to make their next move." Jodie exclaimed.

"We're not waiting. We're going to be ready. Why don't we fire back?" Shuichi smirked. He started to explain how Conan forced Rikimichi to give the FBI a lead by dumping Rikimichi's cellphone in water. "Anyways, let's rest up in shifts. At this rate, we are going to crack before the organization comes. I'll come back to report once I have a plan of attack." Shuichi said before leaving. He seems almost excited to meet the organization... most likely he revenge...

"Kaiya, where did Akai-san go?" Conan broke me out of my thoughts.

"On the roof." I replied and we went there together.

"Akai-san can we talk?" Conan began and Shuichi looked at us.

"If it's about the strategy, I'm still working on a plan of attack." Shuichi closed his phone shut.

"I've been watching you Akai-san. I've got a hunch that maybe we are thinking of the same plan." Conan said.

"Hmm.." was all Shuichi said.


"You never cease to amaze me boya." Shuichi said.

"I'm glad you're on my side." Conan chirped.

"Right back at you." Shuichi replied.

"The plan's a bit risky but I have faith it will work." I smiled.

"I'm willing to take the gamble." Shuichi said determinedly.


A few days ago, I noticed that someone had been frequenting a particular vending machine since the strawberry milk went out extremely quickly. I deduced it must be Eisuke because that was his favorite drink, so I decided to try my luck tonight and look for him there.

"Eisuke-kun? Why did you suddenly stop contacting everyone?" I asked. I saw him about to use the vending machine.

"Because you wouldn't let me find Rena Mizunashi. You don't understand how I feel!" Eisuke balled his fists.

"I do understand. If I had family I would find them too." I attempted to comfort him.

"Then tell me where Rena Mizunashi is!" Eisuke demanded.

"Fine.... follow me then." I motioned, and we snuck into Rena's room when the coast was "clear" as the FBI agents left for a strategy meeting.


"Wake up Rena Mizunashi. If you don't wake up I can't ask you where my sister Hidemi is now." Eisuke went to Rena Mizunashi's bedside. He started shaking her and I tried to stop him. "They are going to take you away again. Before that happens, open your eyes!"

"Don't be so rash!" I exclaimed as Eisuke pushed me aside and grabbed a pair of scissors from his pocket.

"Hey! I told you! Open your eyes!" Eisuke ordered.

Just as he was about to stab Rena, she grabbed his hand and chided, "Don't Ei-chan! Haven't I told you not to become man that would hurt other people?" She opened her eyes.

"Sis!" Eisuke exclaimed. 

"Rena-san." I greeted her.

"Now Ei-chan, that's reason enough for you to get out of this dangerous place without asking me anything else. Go with Kaiya-chan." Rena pleaded.

"You're lying! You have Type AB blood don't you? If you were my sister who gave me blood in the past you should have type O blood! That's because I'm your brother who can only get blood from others with type O blood!" Eisuke turned to me for an explanation. "I don't get it!"

Conan came into view. "Your blood became type AB due to the bone marrow transplant used to cure your leukemia. The reason your sister's bone marrow was used was the HLA. "

"Basically human antigens are easiest to match when the transplant is made between siblings." I explained.

"After they destroyed the leukemia in your blood, they transplanted bone marrow from your sister, who has type AB blood. And due to that, your blood type changed from type O to type AB." Conan continued.

"I have type AB?" Eisuke asked in shock. I nodded and Conan said a nurse confirmed that Eisuke had leukemia when he was younger.

"Why did you change your name and become an announcer? Sis!" Eisuke asked his sister.

"She's part of the CIA." I said softly after a moment of silence.

"The CIA? What are you saying? Why would my sister..." Eisuke refused to believe.

"And not just your sister. Your father was as well." Conan added. Rena looked at Conan in surprise.

"My father?" Eisuke asked.

"Yeah. She was trying to get information by infiltrating a certain organization. She ended up being an announcer to suit their purposes. She expected you to see her on TV and try to come meet her." Conan answered. "She didn't dare tell you about it so she pretended to be a different person. I guess that backfired since he's come to see you like this." Conan observed.

"I-I don't understand! What's the organization?" Eisuke said, still in shock.

"That's all you're permitted to know." Shuichi barged in. "Camel take care of him." he ordered.

"Wait I'm not done talking!" Eisuke struggled against Camel's grip. "Kaiya-chan what's going on? You knew about this?" he asked. "Sis!" he turned to Rena as he was being dragged out. Sorry Eisuke...

"And now I wonder if you know about me?" Shuichi asked and closed the door.

"Yeah. Shuichi Akai. The FBI member the organization fears the most." Rena responded.

"That will speed things up. We can get to the main point now." Akai began.

"But first, how did you know that I was part of the CIA?" Rena interjected.

"The first was the tactic you used to see if I was lying when you interviewed Domon-san at the park. You were looking for irregularities in my pulse and breathing while watching the size of my pupils to determine if I was lying. That's a frequent tactic of the CIA." Conan said.

"You knew Conan and I were lying but you thanked us anyway. It's because you were able to get through it without killing Domon-san right?" I confirmed. "Actually, at that time, there was a transmitter and listening device on one of your shoes. It was meant to catch the culprit during the bell ringing case, but it got there by chance."

"So we were able to hear a phrase you said to Gin, 'Our success won't see the light of day, but our failures will become widely known.' That's a standard phrase of the CIA. It seems that Vermouth also became vaguely suspicious. That knocking was a play on words she used for non-official cover or NOC. She was saying you were a secret agent." Conan explained.

"I see now. But how did you know about my father?" Rena questioned.

"It wasn't easy only knowing that his last name was Hondou. But these two acquired information that led us to find out that he was from the Company." Shuichi looked at us. 

"But you didn't think I could do it could you?" Rena asked.

"No not at all." I said. Rena began to explain how her father sacrificed himself for her, and how she wanted to contact Kogoro for him to protect Eisuke.

"But it seems that that ones I should have confided in were you guys." Rena sighed. "You noticed didn't you, that I had regained consciousness."

Conan nodded and mentioned that he noticed it when he claimed he something behind and saw that the wrinkles on the bed had moved slightly.

"Yeah... and I knew that Eisuke-kun was in the hospital since I helped him search for you at some point." I said sheepishly.

"Also, a classmate of his, Nakamichi-niichan happened to be hospitalized here. When Kaiya-neechan asked him if he had seen Eisuke-niichan, he knew right away she was talking about Eisuke Hondou, not another classmate of theirs, Eisuke Aisuke. That's how I knew he was hiding Eisuke-niichan in his own room." Conan explained.

"You truly are amazing." Rena turned to Conan.

"To the point we FBI are speechless." Shuichi agreed and I flashed a thumbs up to Conan.

Rena then furrowed her eyebrows. "The organization is coming to get me, right?" Rena asked.

"Yes, and I have a proposal." Shuichi said.

"You aren't want me to go back to the organization are you?" Rena shifted in her covers.

"That's exactly it." Shuichi confirmed.

"Alright." Rena agreed. "But one condition. I want you to put my brother in the Witness Protection Program. You'll do that much won't you? You're having me to go back to them as a spy when they're already suspicious, after all."

"I'll make sure your brother is protected." Shuichi nodded.

"Then I'll write a letter to Ei-chan telling him to cooperate." Rena said.

"I can pass it along to him." I offered.

"One more thing, no matter the circumstances, my father's mission for the CIA takes priority. Even if I become inconvenient for the FBI don't think too badly of me." she stated.

"I was about to say just that. Right?" Shuichi looked at us. Of course, it's part of the nature of the job.


Conan POV

As we were about to leave Rena's room, Kaiya lingered behind, and I decided to eavesdrop onto their conversation.

"Rena-san if I may ask, has the organization ever been working on a project with a particle accelerator?" Kaiya questioned. Why is Kaiya interested in a particle accelerator?

"I have heard rumors, why?" Rena responded.

Kaiya struggled to find a reply, "It's just I can't go home without it... uh that is without defeating the organization I mean and.... it's related to how I got into this mess." What exactly is she hiding?

"I see, I'll let you know if I get more information." Rena told her.


Kaiya POV

James began to direct the FBI to prepare three separate vans to move Rena Mizunashi, should there be a need to evacuate immediately. I hid my surprise when Shuichi accidentally dropped his coffee can. His hands were probably slippery from coating it with the glue he borrowed from me... which may have given away our plan.

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