Just A Kiss

By ZimBob

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It was simple dare. Just kiss a stranger. I thought it was easy since I didn't know th guy or would ever see... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seveteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Nine

47.4K 1.1K 228
By ZimBob

Here's Chapter Nine! Please leave a comment about ANYTHING! AND THANK YOU FOR READING!

I sat on a log, my butt hurting. Sam was sitting beside me, talking about who knows what. All I know is that he talks a lot. No joke. This kid could go on for an eternity. I raked my finger through my hair and sighed. Across from me were Natalie and Jack cuddling. Who cuddles? I sunk my toes into the sand as the fire in the middle crackled. Some kids were wondering by the edge of the water and some were messing around their parents' cars. I, on the other hand, loved the bonfire portion of the night.

            "I'll be right back," Sam said into my ear. He got up and left and I wiped my ear. Ew, some of his spit got on me.

            "What the hell are you doing?" M&M settled beside me, eyes furious.

            "Sitting?" I responded innocently.

            She glanced at Jack, "You're supposed to be over there, under his arm. What the hell happened? And why are you hanging out with Sam West? I heard he clings on to his girlfriends like his balls."

            "He's not clingy. He's nice and obviously, Jack likes people with no necks."

            "He likes you," M&M stated bluntly, "It's an attraction game. Guys like to make girls jealous. And vice versa. But you couldn't have found anyone better?"

            I shook my head, "Most were taken. Anyway, Sam asked me so, I just went along. And I'm NOT jealous of Natalie."

            M&M rolled her eyes, "Dude, jealous is stamped on your forehead. Okay, here's the new plan. I lure Natalie away and drown her and Jack is all yours."

            "As tempting as that sounds, we're not going to kill anyone. Anyway, when I jumped on Sam in the coffee shop, I could tell he was pissed off. I don't even know if I like him. Spring Break should help me think straight,"

            "You'll be thinking in circles by the time Miss Heather is done with you,"

            I tucked my shorts down, "She's not that bad you know. The fact that she's letting me stay with her is an up compared to her extreme happiness,"

            She shrugged, "Just don't come back acting like her or I'll put you in a well to die,"

            "You know, you are being very aggressive today. What's wrong?"

            "Bryan is being a jerk," She muttered.

            "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked as a guy's voice screamed out, "EVERYONE LISTEN!"

            My head snapped back and my eyes widened. Fuck. Sam was standing on a log, guitar in hand, "I'm going to sing a song for the girl that's my rock," I'm a rock? He couldn't have compared me to a freaking mystic bird or something but an inanimate object. I wouldn't mind being compared to a freaking chair but a rock? "Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
...." He sang out of tone and just looked weird, rocking back and forth, eyes locked on mine. Someone please shot me. I think I'm going to go into the water and drown myself from this embarrassment. I love Bruno Mars and this song is just awesome when Bruno Mars is singing it but when other guys try, it sadly just doesn't work. There are just songs only one person can just sing. Like Whitney Huston or Madonna and Bruno Mars would go in that category. Any minute now, Bruno Mars would jump out of the sand and bitch slap Sam in the face for disgracing his beautiful song. At least, that's what I hoped for.

            Halfway through, Sam jumped off the log, stumbled over his feet and fall to the ground, accidently dropping his guitar in the fire. Thank you God, you just answered my prayer. Natalie was laughing her head off and Jack had a smirk on his face.

            Sam got up and smiled at me. I tried to smile back but it was too hard. Sam came and sat next to me, looping an arm around my waist, "Did you like that?"

            "You have no idea," I proclaimed, trying to hide my semi-horrified expression.

            M&M scowled him, "Who sings that song?"

            "Bruno Mars," Sam grinned, nuzzling his nose into my neck. Did I feel something wet? I swear if he sneezes on me, I blowing up this joint.

            "Then let the man sing, okay?" M&M snapped, "I'll see you later, Tedi."

            "She's weird," Sam stated.

            I grinned, "The weirder the better,"

            Sam pulled me toward him, "Do you want to go somewhere... private?" And do what? Sing some karaoke?

            "Where do you have in mind?"

            He grinned like I had agreed, which technically I didn't, "My parent's beach house is just up a couple blocks and I have the key," Suddenly; I felt his lips at the base of my neck, trailing slowly to my ear. My arms started to tingle and my body heated up. His singing might be awful but this was making it up. My fingers knotted in his hair and I was ready to take up his offer of going to his parent's beach house when, someone pulled Sam off me. I opened my eyes, which I hadn't noticed I had closed. Jack held a phone out to me and I scorned him. Sam scrambled off the ground and I took the phone, "Hello?"

            "Tedi! Good, Jack found you. I'm stuck at the house so let Jack drove you here, alright?"

            Of all people, why Jack? "Couldn't I just take the bus?"

            "The bus?" I heard her gasp, "No! You might get raped by an old man. I will not allow this. Don't worry, Jack will drive. And tell Jack, you and him need to be home but 12." I glanced at the time. 11:45. We might as well leave now. Wait. You and him need to be home.... I glanced at Jack. He had a mischievous smile on his face.

            "Uh... Miss Heather, are you and Jack related?" Please say no.

            "Of course not!" I heard her laugh. I sighed in relief, "He's my step-son,"

            You have got to be kidding me. No wonder she asked him to tutor me and gave him chicken noodle soup when he got sick. How did I NOT see this coming?

            I have to spend the rest of Spring Break with this jackass.







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