Crimson Storms // A Hiroto Am...

Autorstwa rainaugustus

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Burdened by her troubled past, Nakamura Suki returns to the chaotic world of Sannoh Region. In her search for... Więcej

Chapter Two: Echoes of the Past
Chapter Three: The Morning After
Chapter Four: Unexpected Allies
Chapter Five: Itokan Diner
Chapter Six: The First Night
Chapter Seven: Itokan, 6 AM
Chapter Eight: Blood in the Corner
Chapter Nine: Saving Grace
Chapter Ten: Breakfast Noise
Chapter Eleven: Agreement
Chapter Twelve: Beauty of Sannoh Region
Chapter Thirteen: Late Shift
Chapter Fourteen: The Man
Chapter Fifteen: Unlocked
Chapter Sixteen: A Child's Game
Chapter Seventeen: Regrets and Realizations
Chapter Eighteen: The Invitation
Chapter Nineteen: The Race
Chapter Twenty: The Winner
Chapter Twenty-One: I Want You

Chapter One: A Night of Lies and Tears

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Autorstwa rainaugustus

• Suki Nakamura •

   My mother carried her bitterness like a shield. The identity of my father remained a mystery, locked away in the depths of her silence. From a tender age, I found myself assuming the role of caregiver, tending to her inebriated state long before I could even learn how to write. Her job involved drinking with wealthy men, dressed provocatively and with heavy make-up.

When she woke up, she'd pretend to love me and thank me for being her daughter. Next, she would release promises that she will never do.

"Mommy won't drink again."

"Mommy will look for a decent job."

"Mommy loves you."

But she's a liar.

I would always have this battle with myself on the way home from school, would my mother even realize if I didn't come home? Should I go home at all? Or should I just run away?

And I would always choose to come home, not because it was my best choice but because I worried about my mother coming home drunk and no one to drag her to bed. Or that I had this small hope in my heart that her promises may come true this time.

The woman doesn't even remember her own daughter's birthday but I still chose her every day.

Until one day, when my choice to be there for her turned into a haunting experience. I arrived home to find my mother unconscious on the floor, and our usual routine of helping her to bed and changing her clothes took a horrifying turn. This time, blood was gushing from her neck.

At the tender age of nine, I witnessed the lifeless body of my own mother. The police took me into their care, eventually placing me with relatives who had no desire to welcome me. I became a burden, passed from one relative to another like unwanted trash, and as a result, I was forced out of Sannoh.

I lost all connection with Takeru. He was the only boy who made life seem worth living, he cared for me like an older brother would and he was more like a family to me than my own mother.

"I won't ever leave you," but he too was a liar.

I stood before Takeru's grave with the feeling of heaviness weighing my heart and emptiness at the same time. How can one be so full yet empty at the same time? Overloaded with problems and grief yet alone in the battle.

"How dare you?" I spoke heavily, "How dare you leave me too? How dare you lie to me? How dare you, Takeru-senpai?"

I pull out a lighter from my jacket along with a stick of cigarette, I put it on my lips before lighting it up.

A sigh left my lips as I let myself consume that satisfying deadly smoke, it felt like escaping but I remained in the same place.

"What am I even doing here?" I mumbled to myself as I look down at my boots then looked up, "I'll visit you again, senpai."

I bowed my head then I walked away.

As darkness settled in, an intense desire washed over me—to drown my sorrows and temporarily escape the pain. Just for tonight, I longed to be liberated from the harsh reality that I am utterly alone in this world, and the only two individuals I once held dear were mercilessly taken from me. Their murders remain untouched, a case the police seem reluctant to pursue.

My mother's death was unjustly labeled as suicide, while Takeru's involvement with the Kuryu Group ensured the police turned a blind eye. Fortunately, S.W.O.R.D. stepped in and took them down. I heard Mugen played a part, along with the assistance of the Amamiya Brothers. It's a relief to know that justice found its way, even if the authorities failed to act.

Word spread far beyond the boundaries of Sannoh, and it reached my ears that there were now three brothers where previously there had been only two. Takeru had a single brother named Masaki, who, to be honest, was quite an annoyance. The identity of this mysterious third brother remains a mystery to me.

   The lights in the budget motel I had chosen flickered incessantly, but I didn't mind too much given the affordable price. The walls were paper-thin, and the lack of soundproofing made me quite uncomfortable. But it was a temporary situation anyway, just until I could secure a job and find a more suitable place to call home.

With swift motions, I applied my makeup and slipped into my black satin dress. Its short length, delicate spaghetti straps, and backless design revealed the red dragon tattoo that adorned my back. A constant reminder, the dragon symbolized the darkness within me, urging me to keep it under control at any cost, for what lies ahead will bring no good. Just as Takeru had warned.

With my suitcase in tow, I hailed a taxi and made my way to Club Heaven, a renowned establishment under the control of the White Rascals.

After a short ride, I entered the club and left my suitcase with the receptionist, assuring him that I would retrieve it in the morning.

The thumping bass of the pulsating EDM music reverberated through the floors, inducing a sense of nausea even before I had a chance to take a sip of alcohol. Taking a seat on a barstool, I adopted a nonchalant posture, and it didn't take long before someone ordered a drink on my behalf.

"I believe it's from the gentleman over there," the bartender informed me, pointing towards a figure in the distance. I turned my gaze and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when I recognized the familiar face.

What was a member of Sannoh Rengokai doing in the territory controlled by the White Rascals? Initially, I had been contemplating leaving, not in the mood to witness a potential gang conflict. However, my curiosity got the better of me as I noticed Rocky seated next to Cobra.

"Which gentleman?" I inquired, taking a sip of the drink that had been sent my way.

"The one with the bleached hair," the bartender replied and pointed—Cobra? I couldn't help but feel surprised, considering the rumors I had heard about him always being preoccupied with his own gang.

Shrugging off the thoughts, I decided to carry on with my evening. More men approached me, offering different drinks, and I graciously accepted them. Some attempted to engage in conversation, while others lingered in their seats, waiting for me to make a move.

Nevertheless, I rejected their advances, solely here to indulge in the complimentary beverages.

I owe my mother gratitude for blessing me with a pretty face, but it comes with its own set of challenges. At times, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I can't help but see echoes of my mother in my features.

After a few minutes, I observed as the members of Sannoh Rengokai exited the club, with Cobra's lingering gaze fixed upon me before he departed. I had no desire to entangle myself with a gangster, especially one as notorious as him. So, I focused my attention on my drink, waiting for him to disappear from sight.

In Sannoh, everyone knew better than to lock eyes with a gangster. Merely staring could ignite a conflict. Gangs have held sway over the Sannoh Region for as long as I can recall.

It didn't take long for the alcohol to take effect, and I found myself stumbling aimlessly, attempting to reach the dance floor. My vision blurred, and amidst the haze, I spotted a staircase bathed in an ethereal glow. Though my intention was to rest upon its steps, my unsteady movements led me to crawl my way upward until I stumbled upon a lounge occupied by men dressed in white attire.

"Oh, it's the White Rascals!" I slurred, stumbling towards them. One of the men stood up and caught me in his arms.

"Is she drunk, Koo?" I heard Rocky inquire.

The man who caught me nodded. "She's wasted."

"W-Wasted? Who? Me? I'm not drunk, mister!" I pushed him away, attempting to regain my balance, but the world spun around me.

"Go find her friends," Rocky commanded.

"Friends? Friends?!" I let out a laugh, finding the notion amusing. "Fine, let's call Takeru Amamiya!"

"What did she say?" Rocky approached me and asked his friend Koo.

"Something about Amamiya."

"I have their number. Let's take her outside for some fresh air." I was guided out of the door until we reached the streets. Koo assisted me in sitting down on the club's steps and asked me questions that I could barely comprehend.

"He's calling Takeru?" I mumbled to myself, looking up at Rocky who was engaged in a conversation on his phone. "Takeru Amamiya, you jerk!"

"Oi, you're outside," Koo hushed me, but I pushed him away.

"You're such a liar! I hate you, Takeru-senpai!" I yelled towards Rocky's phone, but Koo gently pulled me away.

"Come and pick up this lady. She's a mess," he sighed.

My lips quivered, and I sat down on the step, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Takeru is not coming."

Rocky turned back to me after ending the call, removing his jacket and covering my exposed legs.

"He's on his way."

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