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BแปŸi -euph0riaa

39.6K 1.2K 237

"peter, you can't save everyone." ๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ some things just aren't meant to last forever. (civil war... Xem Thรชm

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797 39 8
BแปŸi -euph0riaa


After Peter had left, Gwen had let MJ know that their suspicions were right. Ned came along just to prove he knew for longer. Now since the three of are some of the only people who know who Spider-Man actually is, they now have a target on their back by Mysterio.

The group of Midtown students are now in London. "Okay, the company set up a city tour, and then we'll grab a bite and head to the airport." Mr. Harrington announces to them all. "Is no one else going to acknowledge how crazy this is?" Brad randomly shouts out, making everyone stop and turn around to look at him.

"Oh, yeah, I get it. There's been nothing scientific about this science tour at all." Mr. Dell tells Brad, thinking that's what he was talking about. Brad takes a huge breath before replying, shaking his hands around.

"No, I'm talking about Peter. Has no one noticed how shady he is? Because I saw him in the back room of a rest stop with some woman in his underwear, and he's always sneaking away, like back at the opera, huh? Now he's suddenly off the trip, with his family in Berlin? Is no one else interested in the truth?"

Gwen just looks at him with raised eyebrows, before looking over at MJ with a smirk. MJ begins with saying. "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world." Brad notices this as a quote. "George Orwell. Thank you, MJ."

This is when Gwen decides to join in. "Since Peter isn't here to tell his truth, how about you share yours, Brad." Gwen just states staring at the boy who is in the front of their class. "Yeah dude, what's that about?" Flash also asks holding up his phone where he was live streaming on.

"No, no, no, it wasn't like that. It was I was trying to take a-" Brad starts mumbling trying to think of a excuse before Mr. Harrington interrupts him. "Let's just put all this craziness behind us and have a nice, peaceful afternoon." MJ gives him a smile, and Gwen does a little finger wave to him before the two, plus Ned, walk away with the class.

They all walk towards a bus, where a man was waiting outside of it holding a sign with their school logo on it. Mr. Harrington calls for the students to come over. Gwen just admires the city from where she was standing, she's always wanted to come to London. They all carry their bags on, finding a seat on the top deck before the bus begins to move.

After a little while MJ, Gwen, and Ned all stand up at the front of the deck, looking over the traffic on the road. "I don't like this. Something's definitely up." MJ declares, making Gwen nod along. "You're an FOS now. 'Friend of Spider-Man'." Ned quickly adds the last part before continuing. "And you have to remember, just stay calm."

They all just keep looking around until a noise makes them all whip their heads around. Smoke comes out of a building, making Gwen's eyebrows furrow with confusion. "That doesn't look go." MJ tells the two of her friends. "But it's fake, there's nothing to worry about." Ned tries to reassure them to stay calm, mainly telling himself.

"That doesn't look too fake to me..." Gwen adds on, a bit unsure about this. 

Meanwhile, Peter and Happy are flying over to London. Peter is just waiting for his suit to be finished, when Happy comes walking towards him. "Fury's got the coded message. Your friends are at the Tower Bridge." Peter turns around and nods. "Okay."

"Boy called it London Bridge, but I figured it out." Happy adds on, Peter agreeing none the less. "I'll scoop them up, okay?" The older man goes through his plan with the teenager. "Yeah." Peter thinks for a moment. "We're close." Peter just repeats what Happy just said.

"How's the suit coming?" The man asks. "Almost done." Peter let's him know. "Wait, wait, whoa, whoa. Before you go..." Peter reaches in his pocket and takes out the aquamarine necklace he got for Gwen. "if something happens to me, could you please give this to Gwen?" He asks as he hands it over.

"You'll make it back. You'll give it to her yourself. Okay? You got this." Happy tries to make the boy much more relaxed about all of this. "Yeah." Peter agrees. "So, walk me through it." Happy states before Peter goes into explaining what he's doing to do, to stop Beck.

MJ, Ned, and Gwen are standing on the top deck of the bus, seeing lightning strike making Gwen jump. She holds onto the two of her friends, before another one strikes making the teenagers turn their heads towards the sound. Gwen is having a hard time believing this is all fake, while it looks all so real.

They all keep looking up until they hear Mr. Dell speak. "What did the bus driver say?" He asks Mr. Harrington, who has a anxious look on his face. "Bus driver's gone." Everyone goes quiet for a second before they all yell. "What!"

"It's okay. Mr. Dell and I have it under control!" Hr. Harrington shifts it also onto the over teacher. "Oh, no. Don't drag me into this, Roger." Mr. Dell points his fingers at him. "I'm doing my best, Julius!" Mr. Harrington yells at him.

"Oh, the witches are back." Mr. Dell points to wear water was now coming up higher than the bridge. "Oh, my God, get off the bus!" Mr. Harrington screams, as all the kids run down the stairs. Lightning strikes everywhere making a few people scream.

Just as soon as, MJ, Ned, Betty, and Gwen get off the bus. Lightning strikes it, before it explodes. Mr. Harrington is yelling at the kids to follow him, away from the big storm-like-monster. Flash is still doing his live stream, stopping in the middle of the road. Causing both Gwen and MJ to tug him along so he doesn't get hurt.

"It's not real, it's not real!" Ned begins shouting to MJ and Gwen. "It looks really real to me!" Gwen yells over the commotion to the boy. They all stop by the railing looking over at the monster. "Earth, wind, fire, water. Oh, no. They joined forces like the Power Rangers." Mr. Dell says as Flash just records the whole thing.

"You're thinking of Voltron." Mr. Harrington adds. "Who?" Mr. Dell just looks over at the other teacher. "Voltron! You're thinking of Voltron!" Suddenly, Brad points over at something flying in. "Hey, look, it's Mysterio! He's gonna save us!"

This makes Gwen, MJ, and Ned look at each other in shock. "If Mysterio knows we know.." MJ starts before Ned continues. "Then we're in danger." This makes Gwen's eyes widen in realization. "And so is everyone else, we should go!" Gwen yells at them grabbing onto MJ's hand before running away.

Ned, Betty, MJ, and Gwen begin running. Flash who is still live streaming, sees the four of them running away, and chooses to follow them. Leaving the rest of the Midtown group watching Mysterio take down the monster.

The group of five having been running for a little while now, until a man comes up to them. "Ned!" The boy is glad he found a familar face. "Happy!" He points back to the jet. "I gotta get you guys out of here! Get on the jet!" Gwen and MJ just look at him.

"Who are you?" MJ asks the man, Gwen latched onto her best friends arm, trying to catch her breath. "Who are you? I work with Spider-Man, okay? Get on that jet." He tells the group, making Gwen relax a bit knowing he works with Peter.

"You work for Spider-Man?!" Flash asks in excitement. "I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man." Happy tells the boy. In that exact moment the jet behind them blows up, which means they can't get on the jet obviously.

"New plan! Into the tower." Happy points over to the building next to them, as they all start running there. "Into the Crown Jewels vault! Yeah, go, go, go! Come on. Go! Into the vault! The walls are 8 feet thick. Go into the vault!" Happy keeps yelling at the group as they are running into the building, panicked expressions on their face.

Something starts shooting into the room where the group of them are, making them yelp in shock and fear. They begin trying to find a place to take cover. MJ and Gwen stick together behind a wall. The blonde tries to focus on her breathing and not to panic, as MJ thinks of a plan.

Both Gwen and MJ find two weapons right in front of them. One is a mace, and the other is a axe. They look at each other grabbing the weapons. Luckily for Gwen the axe is lighter than what she though, but MJ almost drops the mace on the ground. Making Gwen silently wince.

Betty and Ned see what they are doing and they decide to push over a knight. Causing the drone to shoot at it, giving a chance to let MJ and Gwen come out of their corner. They both lift up their weapons before smashing it down on top of the drone.

The drone continues shooting making MJ shout at everyone to get out of their corners and get into the vault. Happy grabs onto a shield, and throws it at the drone before they close the doors to the vault. The shield goes nowhere near the drone. "How does Cap do that?!" He yells.

The drone begins to shoot a lazer at the door making the other side, where they are, begin to spark. Gwen stares at it with shock, she begins the panic. They stand staring at the door holding their weapons in their hands.

"Are we gonna die?" Ned asks them. "Nobody dies on my watch." Happy admits to them. Then room shakes making Ned panic. "I wasted my life playing video games, and we're gonna die." It shakes again, now Betty cutting in. "I have a fake ID, and I've never even used it."

The room shakes again. "I post stupid videos daily for people to like me." Flash admits this now. "Hey, if it wasn't for those stupid videos, Spider-Man would've never found you." Happy tells the boy. "Spider-Man? Spider-Man follows me? I saved us, guys!" He yells over the noise.

"If you saved us, why are we about to die?" MJ tells them, making them all panic again, and yell at MJ to shut up. "I'm sorry, okay! I'm obsessed with telling the truth even if it hurts people's feelings." MJ confesses to the group.

The room, once again, shakes. "I used to pay people to let me to do their homework." Gwen shares to the group, making Flash snort a little. "I'm in love with Spider-Man's aunt." Happy reveal's, making them all go dead quiet, and turn to look at him. "We're sharing, right?"

They wait a few moments, everything goes quiet. "Give me the spear." Happy asks Betty who is holding it. "That's a halberd." Ned cuts in quickly correcting the man. They all begin leaving the room seeing the drones are gone. They walk out of the room very weary. Just then Gwen feels a tap on her shoulder, she looks over to see Happy holding something out to her.

It's a aquamarine necklace. Gwen gently smiles at it, before Happy hands it to her. "From Peter." He whispers, Gwen just smiles down at it. The necklace was missing a bit of the gem since it got broken from the hassle they just went through, but that didn't make her love it any less.

When they're all out of the vault. Gwen runs off quickly to find Peter. "Where you going!" Happy yells to the girl. She just ignores him and keeps running back to the tower bridge, where she's guessing Peter will be.

Holding onto the axe she didn't take out of her hand, she walks until she sees a boy in the Spider-Man suit limping. "Gwen?" He asks, when he notices the blonde. Gwen throws the axe away running towards Peter, bringing him into a huge hug.

Her eyes begin watering a little bit, in the state he is in. "Are you okay?" She asks him still holding on. "I'm okay, are you okay?" He holds onto her just as tight. "Yeah, I'm okay." Gwen tells the boy. "Argh, Is everybody else okay?" Peter groans in pain at the start before mumbling the next part into the blondes shoulder.

"Yeah, everyone else is okay." Gwen reassures the boy. Both of them still embraced in their hug, not wanting to let go yet. "What happened?" Peter asks with worry in his voice. "There was just the drones, and they were following us, and then they just stopped." Gwen tells Peter. She breathes out quickly. "Was that you?"

She feels him nod against her head, into her shoulder. "Yeah." They break apart looking at each other. "Did you manage to get him?" She asks him slowly lifting up her hand to push the short hair behind his ear. "Yeah.." He repeats again breathing out.

"Well, I brought the axe, if you needed some back up." She shows a small grin to the boy, which he returns. "Thanks." they both breathe out a laugh. "Um, there was also this guy in a tuxedo in the tower with us. He said he works with you." She nods to Peter, he just shows a confused face for a second before remembering who it is.

"He gave me this." Bringing out the necklace that was a bit cracked. "No, no..." Peter starts saying touching her hand to see the necklace. The contact sends a nice tingle through her body, yet she is confused on way he was upset over the necklace, yes it was cracked but it's no problem, she loves it just as much.

"Oh, Gwen, I'm so sorry. I had this stupid plan." He begins to ramble, Gwen tries to make him stop but he doesn't. The blonde suddenly has a burst of confidence, as she begins to lean in. "I wrote it down, I was gonna buy you this and give it to you in Paris at the top-"

Just then, she did something she'd never, ever thought she'd do in her life. Make the first move on a boy. She gently pecks her lips against his, before pulling away. Peter is left in shock, he starts feeling a tingle, that wasn't his spider-sense. It was a warm one, it made him feel happy and not worried, like he could never have a care in the world as long as he has that feeling.

They just stared at each other for a moment. "You just kissed me." Peter states. "Wh-what." Peter says before a smile appears on his face, the same as Gwen's. "I don't have too much luck when it comes to getting close with people that's not MJ. I'm sorry, I lied to you back in Prague." Peter just nods letting her go on seeing she has more to say.

"You're Spider-Man, and I like that. But, I like Peter Parker more."

Peter just looks at her with a huge grin. "That's great.." He is lost for words. "Also the necklace.. Aquamarine stone, like my birthstone." They say the last part at the same time before a huge smile appears on both of their faces. "I'm sorry it's broken."

"No, it's okay. I like it either way." She says looking down at it before looking back at the boy. He just grins at the girl. "I really like you, Gwen." Peter says, making Gwen break into another smile. "I really like you too, Peter." They stare at each other for a moment.

Peter steps closer to her bringing her in for a small peck. They break away for a second before they kiss each other again, Gwen puts her hand on his cheek, smiling into it. They break away smiling at each other. "Hey, I-uh, I better get back to the class." Gwen and Peter step away from each other, still showing smiles on their face.

They both smile at each other, mumbling some words and sharing a small laughter. Gwen goes and grabs her axe. "Better take this, you know, just incase." This makes Peter laugh a bit. "Yeah." They smiles at each other before going in the opposite direction, smiles on both of their faces.

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Bแบกn Cลฉng Sแบฝ Thรญch

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