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After Peter had left, Gwen had let MJ know that their suspicions were right

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After Peter had left, Gwen had let MJ know that their suspicions were right. Ned came along just to prove he knew for longer. Now since the three of are some of the only people who know who Spider-Man actually is, they now have a target on their back by Mysterio.

The group of Midtown students are now in London. "Okay, the company set up a city tour, and then we'll grab a bite and head to the airport." Mr. Harrington announces to them all. "Is no one else going to acknowledge how crazy this is?" Brad randomly shouts out, making everyone stop and turn around to look at him.

"Oh, yeah, I get it. There's been nothing scientific about this science tour at all." Mr. Dell tells Brad, thinking that's what he was talking about. Brad takes a huge breath before replying, shaking his hands around.

"No, I'm talking about Peter. Has no one noticed how shady he is? Because I saw him in the back room of a rest stop with some woman in his underwear, and he's always sneaking away, like back at the opera, huh? Now he's suddenly off the trip, with his family in Berlin? Is no one else interested in the truth?"

Gwen just looks at him with raised eyebrows, before looking over at MJ with a smirk. MJ begins with saying. "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world." Brad notices this as a quote. "George Orwell. Thank you, MJ."

This is when Gwen decides to join in. "Since Peter isn't here to tell his truth, how about you share yours, Brad." Gwen just states staring at the boy who is in the front of their class. "Yeah dude, what's that about?" Flash also asks holding up his phone where he was live streaming on.

"No, no, no, it wasn't like that. It was I was trying to take a-" Brad starts mumbling trying to think of a excuse before Mr. Harrington interrupts him. "Let's just put all this craziness behind us and have a nice, peaceful afternoon." MJ gives him a smile, and Gwen does a little finger wave to him before the two, plus Ned, walk away with the class.

They all walk towards a bus, where a man was waiting outside of it holding a sign with their school logo on it. Mr. Harrington calls for the students to come over. Gwen just admires the city from where she was standing, she's always wanted to come to London. They all carry their bags on, finding a seat on the top deck before the bus begins to move.

After a little while MJ, Gwen, and Ned all stand up at the front of the deck, looking over the traffic on the road. "I don't like this. Something's definitely up." MJ declares, making Gwen nod along. "You're an FOS now. 'Friend of Spider-Man'." Ned quickly adds the last part before continuing. "And you have to remember, just stay calm."

They all just keep looking around until a noise makes them all whip their heads around. Smoke comes out of a building, making Gwen's eyebrows furrow with confusion. "That doesn't look go." MJ tells the two of her friends. "But it's fake, there's nothing to worry about." Ned tries to reassure them to stay calm, mainly telling himself.

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