Broken Secrets• JJK

By _Side_Dish_

3.7K 134 0

Y/n returned to college after her parents death in hope to maintain her life there normal so the secret of he... More

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By _Side_Dish_

~ Crime Scene ~
• Jeon Jungkook •
Chapter 18

"Why wouldn't she just tell us that she's the daughter?" Officer Yang whispered.

I stayed silent, flipping through Y/n file. How was I unable to realize that it's her? Y/n was standing right in front of me all day and I had no idea it was her.


"Don't alert anyone about this." I order

Officer Yang looks at me weird "May I ask why?"

"There is a reason she didn't come out and say who she was, especially knowing we were looking for her."

"You're not saying, she's one of the unsubs? Why would she murder her own parents?" Officer Yang questioned.

"Think about it, in all the murders that the unsubs committed, her parents case is the only one where the child didn't get any kind of harm. Cause supposedly she wasn't home."

I hate how this is what I'm thinking, Y/n killing her parents? It's impossible, well I wish it was impossible.


| Y/n |

How long will it take them to realize I'm the daughter? For Jungkook to realize I'm Y/n.

"Agent Y/n, You ready?" My boss knocks on my hotel door.

"JUST A MINUTE" I quickly run to the bed and put on a black skirt with a white button up.

We arrive at the station and go to the conference room.

"They killed again last night" Jungkook marched in and said.

He placed pictured on the board "This time, it was a missing kid, And two missing teenagers"

"He's being sloppy, why not just find another family?" I state

Jungkook gives me a side eye "How old was the kid?" Juyuri asked

"3 years old." Jungkook said. You didn't even have to look at his face to see the sadness all over it.

"Okay, why would he make his own family instead of just killing another?" My boss asked

I glanced at the photos of the new crime and the old crime.

"He's getting closer." I state

I jump up and start putting the photo next to each other.

"Y/n, care to explain what you're doing?" Agent Nari asked me.

"Look at the teens. They were both 18. The child was 3."

"I'm still lost"

I roll my eyes "Killing random family's aren't doing it for them anymore. If what I'm guessing it right, the next murder there will be 2 kids."

"You're saying this murder is.... Is what?" Jungkook asked

"His real reason. Some kids are able to remember stuff from the womb. What if this unsub remembers trauma from when he was 3."

"His parents must have been teenagers."

"The old victims were as close as he could get." Jungkook states.

I nod and place down the marker. We're finally getting somewhere in this case. All we need is for one of the unsubs to leave behind one piece of evidence, just one.

"Good work, talk to Officer Yang to alert him on the new information" my boss says to me.

I nod and walk out the room and into Officer Yang office. He turned to see me walking in and his face changed. He got scared.

His body tensed up, he was now in defense mode. He was ready to fight, but why?

"Um, we have some new information" I hesitatingly say.

"Where's the chief?" He asked

"In the room. What's going on?" I asked

He faces away from me "What's the information"

I tell him everything "Who was smart enough to think of this?" He asked

"Me" I said proudly.

He stayed silent, making me feel unwanted. I quickly left the room and returned to the other one.

"So where did you go to college Y/n?" Jungkook asked me randomly.

"No where special" I smiled.

He leaned forward in his chair "This your first time in Seoul?"

"No, I went to college here." I replied

He clicked his tongue "Oh! We probably went to college together" he said happily

"Maybe not, I left through my 2nd year." I told him, giving him the most subtly hints that I am his y/n.

He nodded and leaned back in his chair.

"Always good to know who you're working with, right?"

"Right" I said very suspicious.

Why was he just questioning me like I'm the unsub?

Or does he finally know? He kept asking me about college, which was where me and him met.


Soon night fell and we all went back to our hotel rooms. I laid peacefully in my bed with my eyes closed and a dim light shining through the window.

A knock on the door jumped me out of my sleep. I slowly walked to the door and looked through the peep hole.

There stood Jungkook.

"Sorry to wake you" he said as I opened the door.

He walked in the room, taking off his shoes

"Is everything okay?" I asked "Did something-"

My sentence got cut off by him slamming his lips against mine. I lifted myself onto the table as he pushed my gown over my head.

"So you do remember?" I pulled away from the kiss.

"How could I not remember you, y/n" he said.

I took off his jacket and shirt, revealing his abs. He's only gotten more fit since college. His body's more hot.

"I see these got bigger" he smiled as she shoved my boob into his mouth, swirling his tongue around my nipple.

My head swung back. "Oh fuck Jungkook" I moaned.


"Y/N! WAKE UP!" My boss banged on the door.

It was a dream?

I jumped up and opened the door "It's 12."

"I'm so sorry sir, my alarms didn't go off" I said

He sighed "Hurry up and get ready. We have to head to the crime scene"

"Wait, crime scene?" I asked

"The unsubs murdered again. You were right, 2 teenagers and 2 kids. 3 year old and 4 year old."

He walked away and I closed the door.

They're getting closer to finally killing the reason that they are killing.

Their trigger.

I quickly got ready and we headed to the crime scene. A nice house that seemed vacant.

"This is where the parents body were found" Jungkook showed us to the living room where two wooden chairs sat with ropes that were covered in blood laid.

We moved to a smaller bedroom upstairs "This is where the kids were found"

Two blood marks stained the carpet.

"They only murder at night" I stated.

"Seems to be when they are most active" my boss added on.

We all observed every part of that house, nothing. Not even a single hair strand.

"We need to find the daughter." Juyuri spoke up. "She could remember something."

The room got silent. Usually I'm the one who breaks the silence but I couldn't, not when it's about me.

"We found her." Jungkook spoke up.

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