Save Me From The Stars- a mir...

بواسطة HyruleAtWar

32.8K 879 653

This is a soulmate AU where you have to find your soulmate before you turn eighteen. If you fail to do so, we... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

1.3K 35 34
بواسطة HyruleAtWar

~Warning. Underage drinking. I don't condone such a thing, I just write about it. You've been warned.~


"Thanks for agreeing to talk to me Nino."

He was sprawled out over a park bench, no longer caring about whether or not someone saw him. Nino shrugged, kicking the bench lightly with his foot.

"I still want to be your friend Adrien. We've been bros for too long to let this fall apart over one little thing."

Adrien shifted into a sitting position, rubbing his face.

"But I need a better understanding. I know you like Marinette. But, I don't understand what happened. Are you two actually dating?"

"No. She's my soulmate. But she doesn't love me."

He glanced at Nino to see his reaction, unfortunately the boy didn't really have one. He was just staring blankly at him.

"Thing is, her soulmate is Chat Noir. Not Adrien."

Another blank stare. He sat down next to him, and Adrien held his breath. He had wanted to tell someone for so long.

"Chat Noir huh?"

"Funny isn't it? That she's supposed to be with my alter ego?"

Nino hummed, leaning his head back to look at the sky.

"So you're saying you're Chat Noir?"


"And I'm supposed to believe that?"

Nino rolled his eyes, and Adrien bit the inside of his lip. Of course Nino wouldn't believe him.

"Plagg, make sure only he sees you."

His kwami huffed, moving from Adrien's shirt to the bench between them. Nino looked down at him, then back up to Adrien, and back and forth.

"Holy shit."

"That's not all. Marinette and I aren't on the same page. So we're both going to die. I need you to take my roll."

Nino stood, pacing back and forth in front of the bench, constantly glancing at the black kwami sitting next to Adrien.

"You... you want me to be Chat Noir?"

"Obviously you'll have to pick a new name. That one was mine."

Nino stopped, slowly turning to Adrien.

"I... can't."

"What? Of course you can. You'd do great I'm sure of it."

Nino shook his head as Adrien stood up, frowning. He had to. Nino was his only option.

"You're Chat. I can't just replace you like that. We'll figure something out. You and Marinette can work things out I'm sure of it. Besides, I thought she was in l-"

"She cheated on me. Chance of reconciliation is zero."

Nino stared at him flabbergasted. Yeah, Adrien agreed. Never in his life had he thought Marinette would do something like that.

"Maybe it wasn't what you thought."

"She told me herself. She admitted to cheating."

Nino sighed, running his fingers along the brim of his hat.

"Do you love her?"


Nino looked up at him, crossing his arms. Adrien wasn't even sure why he had asked that. Did he love her? She was all he thought about. She invaded his dreams. His heart raced when he saw her. Was that love? It felt different than his love for Ladybug. It was calmer. Quieter.

"I...I don't know."

Nino took off his cap, running his fingers through his hair before ceremoniously tugging it back on.

"Here's the deal bro. Either you love her, or you don't. You're soulmates. So you need to decide now. Do you want to fix things with her, or are you going down without a fight?"

Adrien gulped, plopping back down onto the bench. Could he? Could he move past what happened? Could he forgive her? He closed his eyes at the realization that he would. He would be able to. And he hated himself for that. He deserved so much better than being someone's second choice. But for her? For her he would do anything. No matter how degrading. No matter how embarrassing, how destroying. She definitely wasn't healthy for him.

"I love her." He admitted, and Nino clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Then put a hold on writing your will. Because I'll be dammed if I let this happen. You and Marinette belong together. We've got what, two days?"

"Three, if you count today. Tonight will be our first night up... there."

He glanced at the sky, a chill running through him. It still terrified him.

"There's a party tonight. You're gonna go up to Marinette, and you're gonna make up."

Adrien scoffed, twisting his ring on his finger.

"And just how do you expect me to do that? She said it was my fault she cheated."

"Woo her. Simple as that. Marinette loves you." Plagg mumbled next to him, and Adrien snapped his gaze to his kwami.

"Trying to make a good impression on Nino? You're never one with advice."

Plagg scowled, diving into Adrien's pocket.

"I give advice."

"Only bad advice."

Plagg snorted, and Adrien smiled. He knew Plagg was just trying to help. He knew his kwami actually cared about him.

"Don't worry Plagg. I'm going to set aside some money to make sure he can buy you cheese."

His kwami didn't respond, and he turned back to Nino, who wore an amused look.

"No need to set aside anything. You aren't dying. And neither is Marinette. Tonight, you're getting back together. It starts around nine. At Kim's. I'll make sure Alya invites Marinette."

Adrien nodded, sucking in a breath. He could do this. They could fix things.

"Thanks Nino."

"Of course. What are friends for?"

* * * * *

He paced back and forth, his heart racing.

What if she said no? What if she didn't care about getting back together? What if she didn't care at all? She had told him she wished they had never kissed. What if all of this was pointless?

"Relax dude. I'm right here with you. What's say we go find our ladies?"

Nino slung an arm over his shoulder, and Adrien took a deep breath. He could totally do this. He was a superhero. He didn't flinch at facing an acuma. So why was he terrified at the idea of facing Marinette?

"What am I supposed to say?"

"You'll figure it out."

He pulled him through the doors, glancing around the room.

"If I know Marinette, she'll be with Alya. And if I know Alya, she'll be with the booze." He drug him along as he spoke, Adrien glancing around the crowd for her.

Maybe she would start the conversation. He doubted it, because she seemed to hate him at the moment. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. They finally got to the kitchen, and sure enough Marinette was in there. She was sitting on the counter, wearing a sundress. One of the classiest girls at the party. He allowed himself to look around the room, taking in all of the people in it. Kim was with a group playing beer pong, Alya was also playing. It looked like she was winning. People passed by in blurs, and he returned his gaze to Marinette. She was smiling, but only slightly.

"You can do this."

Nino gave him a gentle shove towards Marinette, who finally looked at him. Her smile fell, and it broke his heart. Why did she have to look at him like that? Alya jumped in front of him with a forced smile. Why was she making that face?

"Come play a round of beer pong Adrien."

"Actually... I was going to talk to-"

Nino cut him off, giving Alya a grin.

"Hey baby, let's go dance."

She glanced from Adrien to him, before shaking her head.

"Adrien called next round!" She shouted, and the group at the table let out a small cheer.

What was she doing?

"Alya, I just need to-"

"Go on." Her tone was threatening, and he clenched his jaw.

He couldn't fight with her. She was Nino's girlfriend, and they were finally friends again. Fine. He could play a lousy game if it meant he could talk to Marinette after. He took a deep breath, heading to the table. They were pouring fresh cups, and he glanced at Marinette. She was staring at him with a blank look as Alya argued with Nino to the side of her. Why was Alya being so protective? She was the one that cheated. Not the other way around.

"Ladies first."

His opponent tossed a ping pong ball to him, and he glanced up to see Luka. Luka? Why was he here? Isn't he a little old for parties like this? He glanced back down at the cups, tossing the ball. First shot scored. Second one didn't.

"Beginner's luck?" He teased, and Adrien fought back a snarl.

What if it was him? What if the guy Mari liked was Luka? They dated a few years ago. It would make sense. Sort-of.

"Let's hope so. For your sake."

"Ohhh. Big talk. Let's see that follow through."

Both of his shots scored. Adrien poured them into the same cup, chugging it. He hated this. He just wanted to talk to her. He glanced back over at her, his heart hammering. Her gaze still hadn't left him. They locked eyes, and normally she would look away. But she didn't this time.

"It's your turn." Luka snapped, and Adrien turned back to look at him.

The guy was scowling at him. Jealous much?

* * * * *

So he had completely lost that game. Luka laughed, slapping him on the back.

"I have never seen someone be that bad at beer pong. We should have bet on it. Wanna play another round?"

"Nah, I'll let someone else play."

He started to head back over to Marinette, his skin practically burning at the thought of touching her. He just wanted to hold her hand. But the urge was overwhelming.

"New game then. Winner gets the girl."

Adrien stopped, slowly turning to look at Luka. That bastard thought he could just use Marinette as a prize? Well tough luck. She was his. Fate had decided so.

"I don't think so."

"Fair enough. I win by default."

"No." Adrien snapped, and Luka smirked as he looked over his shoulder, presumably at Marinette.

Luckily she wasn't close enough to hear.

"First one to down ten... no. Fifteen shots gets to keep her."

Adrien swallowed hard, his chest burning. It didn't matter if he won or lost. Marinette was his one way or another. But if it was Luka... if he was the guy she loved, there was no way in hell he would lose. Not again. Not to him.

"I have a better idea. Why don't you go find us both a bottle. Whoever drinks the most in a minute wins. Better than your stupid shot idea."

"Well aren't you just the life of the party?"

Luka grinned as he walked off, and Adrien huffed. That prick was going down.

"What did you just agree to?" Nino snapped, yanking him to the side.

"I'm not losing to him."

"That's not why you came here."

"What if it was him? What if she cheated with him? I can't lose Nino. I won't."

Chanting started up behind him, the crowd telling someone to chug. He turned, looking at Luka. He wore a smug look, and Adrien was going to make damn sure he wiped that look off of his face.

"What's going on?" Alya piped up, and Nino cursed under his breath.

He pulled out his phone, setting a timer. Luka passed him a bottle, uncapping his own.

"Ready to lose Agreste?"

"You wish."

He didn't care about drinking. It had never been on his list of priorities. And this dare was close to risking alcohol poisoning, but he also, didn't care. He needed Luka to know that Marinette didn't belong with him. She had a soulmate.

"Three, two, one. Chug!" Nino shouted as he hit the timer, and Adrien drowned out the shouts of those around him as he tilted the bottle up.

It was awful. It made his stomach churn. It made his eyes water and his chest catch fire. But he didn't care. He focused on one thought. Her. He would win, for her. He took massive gulps, his lungs tightening from lack of air.

"Thirty seconds!" Nino called, and he took a small gasp of air before going back to chugging.

He could do this. He would. His thoughts drifted back to her balcony, of the night she told him. He almost choked. He forced his focus to the night previous to that one. The one where they spent an hour lost in kisses. Her grin. Her eyes. The giggles. All of that had been for him, and no one else. That outfit she wore the day after? Because he told her it would look good. Twister? He encouraged close quarters. He would bet his life that she wouldn't do all of that for anyone else. Not even Luka. He sucked in air suddenly, and he pulled the bottle away from his mouth as he choked. He opened his eyes, looking at it. Empty. Oh, oh that couldn't be good.

"We have a winner!" Nino shouted, and the crowd roared back to life.

He glanced at Luka, who only smirked, toasting his bottle. It was half full. Had he even been trying? Adrien turned, finding Marinette gone. Had he missed something? Why had Luka lost on purpose?

"I know you came to talk to her. Let's see how well that goes when you're plastered."

That smug bastard. He was right. Adrien was now nothing more than a ticking time bomb. He needed to talk to Marinette. Now. Before he got drunk enough to say something he'd regret.

"Where's Marinette?"

Important PSA ~ Drinking games such as the one the Characters just played are dangerous and a good way to get alcohol poisoning. If you're going to drink, be responsible and know your limits. Also, I would like to mention that  the portrayal of Luka in this is not how I view his character. I love him. I may not ship lukanette, but I still adore him as a character. Unfortunately I needed a douche, and he was convenient. He will also be this way in the next chapter and I am so sorry. It's just easier to write in a bad character that everyone already knows, rather than attempting to introduce your own. Nevertheless, I hope you're all enjoying and sorry I updated so late. See you next time. 💕

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