Protect Us || 3mix x Fem. Rea...

By twicejihyospecial

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"are you protecting us or are you just protecting yourself?" More



181 14 0
By twicejihyospecial

The maids were all having their break together when they heard a weird noise.

"what's that noise?" one of the maids asked.

"I'm not sure"

"good morning, here's the food"

"thank you, Ace"

Although he has been promoted to one of the guards, he still continued his morning routine of delivering food for the maids. As the saying goes, "never forget where you came from. It made the person you are today"


Here's a backstory, Ace was actually raised in this house since birth because his mom worked here as the head of the maids. How?

Ace's dad used to work here as one of the bodyguards but when Ace's mom was pregnant with him, it was soon revealed that he has been cheating for a long period of time. Mr Kim was furious and fired him on the spot and gave shelter for both the unborn child and his mom.

Ace then followed his mom everywhere she went and since young, he was a fast-learner so he picked up a thing or two and started helping his mom and other maids when he was around 4 years old.

He always got bullied by the kids at school for not being as strong as boys should be so eventually, he stopped going to school. Mr Kim finding out and decided to put him as homeschooled but taught by professional professors. Although Ace was weak in terms of strength, he was very strong in IQ.

And now, he is 23 years old. He has already done national service and he has a choice to go to university(in which his mom and him will stop working for Mr Kim but still under the care of him from time to time) but he refuses and decided to stay to repay by fully commiting to work for Mr Kim.

He swore that no matter what he will always protect his mom first above others. A sweet boy indeed.


"you're welcome, mom" Ace said and his mom gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Aye, Ace! Let's go!" one of the guards shouted from afar.

"I gotta go, mom. I love you" Ace gave his mom a hug before leaving.

"I love you too. Now go"

"such a sweet young boy" one of the old maids said.

"you're one lucky mother" the other old maid said.

"I really am blessed" the mother smiled, "now what were you talking about some noise?"

"ah right, the noi-",, "there it is again" one of the old maids continued.

"oh I see" the mother chuckled.

"it's so loud" the other old maid complained.

The mother couldn't help but smile. She can't get mad at them when they are that old.

"it's just the girls' snoring. They must have taken an all-nighter" the mother explained.

"youngsters nowadays" the old maid sighed.

Once the maids had their break, they went back to work while mother went to wake the girls up. She followed the sound and it lead to Nayeon's room. She opened the door slowly and saw the girls over one another in deep sleep. She decided to let them sleep for awhile longer so she closed back the door and continued with her work.

Not long after, a loud ring awoken the girls.

"yah!" Nayeon getting annoyed by the sound and pushed Jihyo (who was on top of her) away.

"unnie, your phone!" Jihyo pushed Jeongyeon's face.

"okay! okay!" Jeongyeon got up and walked to her phone annoyingly.

"EH!!" Jeongyeon shouted.

"JEONGYEON!" Nayeon shouted.

"it's dad" Jeongyeon replied.

"why would dad be calling?" Jihyo scratched her head.

The girls all sat up on Nayeon's bed as Jeongyeon sat in the middle and picked up their dad's call(video call).

Mr Kim: "hello my princesses- oh.. looks like my girls pulled an all nighter?"

Jihyo: "we were watching encanto :>"

Mr Kim: "*chuckles* I see. How was it?"

Nayeon: "happy-"

Jeongyeon: "and sad. It hit close to home"

Mr Kim: "I see. I should watch it soon"

Jihyo: "yesss, you should dad. It's really nice"

Mr Kim: "alright then. I'll try. I've been really busy"

Assistant: "ah... sir"

Mr Kim: "ah yes, right, sorry. Now, the new mission for you girls"

Jihyo: "oh.. we forgot about that"

Nayeon: "I think he can already tell"

Mr Kim: "you girls will be traveling right here-"

Nayeon: "LA?!"

Jeongyeon: "SHHHHH"

Mr Kim and Jihyo: "*chuckles*"

Mr Kim: "yes, where I am. There is this corporation that has been hunting us down for a few years now. I have been able to hide from them till this day. You girls are already big enough and I believe that you are able to fight by my side to stop them.

Me and Mr J has been tracking them down ever since and their main HQ is right here. We are right now attacking one of their HQ's where their leaders are currently located"

Jeongyeon: "and where is it?"

Mr Kim: "in Korea, somewhere near your location right now girls"

The girls were in shocked.

Mr Kim: "but it's okay. We are attacking them now. You'll be safe."

Jeongyeon: "okay.."

Mr Kim: "in the meantime, you girls get some rest and ready. I'll schedule you girls on 21 november which is in 2 days. When you girls reach, we will start the training. They have planned to attack on Nov 30th so we will ambushed them first"

Nayeon: "understand, dad"

Mr Kim: "oh and also, Ace will be coming along"

Jihyo: "we kinda figure"

Mr Kim: "where is Y/N?"

The girls titled their head.

Jeongyeon: "she told us that she has already informed you, dad"

Mr Kim: "strange.. I didn't get an update. Where has she gone to?"

Jeongyeon: "she said there was some business to attend to back at her HQ"

Nayeon: "something about the higher ups?"

Jihyo: "and she also said that she won't be back from quite some time"

Nayeon: "maybe she thought she told u but actually she didnt? or maybe you have just bad connection, dad"

Mr Kim: "I'll check up on that" he answered to Nayeon first before he looked to Mr J and said, "Mr J, please look up for Y/N's location"

Mr J: "yes sir"

Jihyo: "you have a tracker on Y/N too?"

Mr Kim: "of course, my dear. We can't just trust anyone. Even if you do, always be prepared because you never know who will betray you"

The girls then nodded in unison.

Mr Kim: "alright, i'll see you girls soon"

They waved goodbye to each other before ending the call.

"its been awhile since our last mission" Nayeon said.

"its gonna be fun" Jihyo said.

"and who knows, we might be free for the longest time after this" Jeongyeon said.

The girls were getting hyped up.

"alright then, let's start packing" Jeongyeon said and the girls nodded.

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