Eleonore Lily Snape

By laederedulcis

26.6K 457 54

The twin sister of Harry potter who is two hours younger than him. Eleonore has always wanted to feel being l... More

chapter one - life with the dursleys
chapter two - Diagon Alley
chapter three - Sorting
chapter four - breakfast at the great hall
chapter five - transfiguration class
chapter six - flying class
chapter seven - Potions class
chapter eight - detention
chapter ten - Christmas at Hogwarts
author's note
chapter eleven - Father daughter day out
chapter twelve - The Philosopher's stone
chapter thirteen - hospital wing
chapter fourteen - writing letters
chapter fifteen - ill on birthday
author's note 2

chapter nine - troll

1.6K 27 5
By laederedulcis

Eleonore's PoV

Two weeks have passed and Ron has apologized to me. He approached to me during breakfast 4 days later but I'm sure Harry probably made him to apologize. I've also gotten closer to Professor Snape and he's been like a father to me and sometimes, he would ask how's my day. I'm very grateful about it and I do trust him.

Ron invited me to Gryffindors common room today after dinner and it means he's alright about it. I'm eating in Gryffindors table and people including my friends are getting used to me being in Slytherin and Gryffindor's table. We made our way to the Gryffindors common room then suddenly the staircase moved.

"What's happening?" I asked

"Staircase changes, remember?" Hermione said

"Come on, let's go here before the staircase changes again" Harry told us as the stairs leading to the third floor. The third floor. It's forbidden.

There's a door and we entered. Ron feels like we shouldn't be there and Hermione replied to him that we're not supposed to be here. We're about to leave then suddenly Filch's cat, Mrs Norris comes in. They're always together so it means he's near.

"That's Filch's cat. Run!" Ron said

We ran fast and it led us to another door but it's locked.

"Oh move over. Alohomora" Hermione opens the door with a spell

"Standard books of spells chapter 7" She told us. I rolled my eyes.

Then suddenly we see a three headed dog that just wake up. We screamed and left. Three headed dog exist? Not to mention how big the dog is. Right, everything here is magical and sometimes questionable like that dog. We made our way to Gryffindors common room. It looks nothing like Slytherin. All red and gold, it looks so warm and welcoming.

"Now, if you two dont mind, I'm going to bed before either of you comes up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse expelled." Hermione told the boys as she enters her dormitory.

"Alright, I'll leave now. It's almost curfew and it's a long way to the dungeons so i better get going" I told the boys

"Okay, be careful not to see Filch. He'll find ways to make students be in detention." Harry said

I smiled at them and left their common room. On the way back to my common room, I saw Professor Quirrell pacing back and forth. Sometimes I wonder how he's the teacher of defence against dark arts. He's scared of his own shadows and he wants to teach how to fight against the dark art. Once back, I see my friends were talking and reading. They're letting me spend time with my brother which I'm glad about it. Other Slytherins were abit unhappy but they stood up for me.

"Hi" I greeted them

"I saw you with your brother and his friends to Gryffindors common room. How does it look like?" Pansy asked

"It's all red and gold. Nothing like Slytherin's." I could only said that as I wasn't really taking sides. They would think that I dislike their common room while what I mean is literally nothing like Slytherin's common room. It's all red and ours are all green and black.

"Ofcourse it is. Let's go to bed now... I'm getting tired" Daphne told us

For the next two weeks, Ron, Harry and Hermione were trying to find out what the three headed dog is guarding. I told them there's a door underneath the dog which means it's guarding something. They found out from Hagrid that the dog's name is fluffy. Draco also said to me that he saw them in Hagrid's hut. He explained that he saw them going the other direction from their common room when it's after hours. He managed to get 50 points taken each from Gryffindor which means 150 points taken. However, he was also out after hours too so it led him to be in detention with them. I was tired listening to his complains that it's a servant job and students shouldn't be doing in the dark forest. I agree with Draco only the last point, students shouldn't be in the forest.

Third class of today charms. Professor Flitwick is teaching us levitating spell today. He gave each one of us a feather to levitate. I sit between Daphne and Draco. Everyone seems to find difficulty in levitating the feather then Hermione's feather in levitated and Finnigan's feather exploded. I finally lifted my feather and just in time class dismissed. On my way out with my friends, I see Ron's making fun of Hermione for pointing out he's wrong during class. She heard him and ran while pushing him.

"Guys, I'll see you later." I told them

"Where are you going?" Pansy asked

"um- I need to go to the toilet"

"Okay. We'll be in the library" Daphne said

I chased Hermione and told Ron in the way "You never learn from your mistake, do you?"

Hermione has been crying for the whole afternoon. I soothed her but she didn't want to leave. I stayed there just so she knows I'm there if she needs anything. It's now dinner time and since today is Halloween, there's Halloween feast.

After another half an hour, she finally wants to leave but a troll suddenly appeared. Hermione pulled me back to the stall to hide but the troll hit the stall with its club so we duck down. Harry and Ron came in just in time to help.

"Hermione, Eleonore" Harry called us

"Harry" Hermione and I called him in unison

The boys took the troll's attention and we left the stall to under the sink. However, it saw me grabbed me with its ginormous hand and squeezed me. It hurts and I screamed. Harry did something idiotic, he climbed on to the troll and stick his wand to the troll's nose while Ron used his wand to levitate the club to prevent any more damage. The club levitated and fell on its head.

Harry fell down and moved back to not be hit by the knocked out troll while I was still in the troll's grip but not long after, the grip loosened so I tried moving back but not fast enough causing me to be buried underneath the ogre's palm.

Severus PoV

McGonagall and Quirrell walking towards me saying the ogre is not in the dungeons. That means it's somewhere in the castle then we heard a scream coming from the girls lavatory so we ran fast to see Potter, Weasley and Granger with a knocked out troll.

"Mr Potter, Mr Weasley, Ms Granger please explain yourselves!" McGonagall asked for explanation

"We were-" Potter's then cut of by Granger

"It's my fault. I thought I could handle it myself because I read about them so I brought Eleonore with me to handle it myself but I was wrong. Eleonore and I would be dead if they haven't come

"Eleonore? Eleonore Potter?" I asked them

"Yes Professor" She replied

"Where's she?"

"She's there, under the troll's hand" Ron pointed

McGonagall lifted the ogre's palm to see fainted laying girl with blood surrounding it. This gave me a big shock. I went towards her and carry the passed out girl in my arms.

"20 points will be taken from Gryffindor for inviting other student to dangerous situations" I said to Granger

"For you two gentle men, 10 points will be awarded to each of you for sheer dumb luck." McGonagall awarded the boys

"I'm her head of house, I'll bring Ms Eleonore to the hospital wing" I left them

Once we're in the hospital wing, I layed her down on the nearest bed and Pomfrey came asking what happened.

"She was under the troll's hand" i told her

"Since you're her head of house, I need to tell you that she will have to rest here for a few days until she's fully fit" Pomfrey told me

Eleonore's PoV

I woke up seeing myself in the hospital wing and looking around me, I see Professor Snape reading a book.

"Professor?" I called him and trying to sit but he stopped me

"Eleonore, don't sit. That ogre just knocked you off with its hand. You need to rest" He pulled his chair closer

"How long have I been out sir?"

"5 hours. Now go back to sleep please, you're still weak. I've cleared your schedule for the next few days so you can fully rest" He told me me to go back to sleep in a gentle tone

I smiled at him and look at the ceiling. I played with my hand in the air then not long after I fell asleep. The next day, my friends came to visit me bringing sweets with them and touched me that they wanted to spare their time visiting me. My brother along with Hermione and Ron visits me later that day bringing letters wishing my full recovery. Hermione apologized for what happened but I told her that it's alright and I reassure her that we're still in good terms. Professor Snape stayed with me the whole day and control my meal times, reading and sleep time including naps. I wasn't allowed to get out of bed other than going to the toilet by him.

"Ms Eleonore, bed time" Professor Snape told me to sleep while closing the privacy curtains

"But sir, I'm nearly done"

"No buts Ms Eleonore, It's 21:30 now and you must get some rest. You can continue tomorrow" he took the book I'm reading from me

"Sir, won't you be needing some rest? You've been here for the whole day" I asked him while laying down

"No Eleonore, I'm alright. You in the other hand needs some rest so sleep"

I smiled at him and sleep afterwards. 3 days later, I feel alot better and really want to leave. I miss my bed and classes aswell. Professor Snape didn't leave me unless being called or one of my friend's visiting. He wasn't teaching his classes but he taught me the lessons I missed. Draco said all teachers had substituted for potions class while Professor Snape was with me. He does look scary and intimidating but he's been really caring towards me.

"Professor, when can I leave? I'm feeling alot better already"

"Madam Pomfrey said you're allowed to leave after you're done with your lunch"

"When can I return to classes?

"May I. You mary return tomorrow for classes. After you're done eating, I will escort you back to your common room"

I smiled at him at continue eating

Severus PoV

I escorted her back to her common room after she's done eating and I really hope she won't have to face herself in any dangerous situations. For the past few days, I stayed in the hospital wing accompanying Eleonore, thankfully she's very obidient so it's easier for me to tell her when it's time to eat or sleep and if she sleeps longer I wouldn't wake her up unless she's supposed to eat. I gave her the right proportion of meal she's supposed to have but sometimes she couldn't clean her plate that I had to persuade her and luckily she would finish her food.

Albus called me to his office so I flooed myself to his office.

"You called me Headmaster ?"

"Yes Severus. It came to my attention that the Dursleys do not want the potters back once the school year is over so I made some adjustments for Eleonore guardian"

"Who is it Albus?" I asked curiously

"I thought for you to know. She's close towards you Severus and you also care for the child so it's only right for you to adopt her"

"You know that I'm more than willing to take her under my care Albus but how are you going to tell her?"

"Oh, not me Severus. You're going to tell her"

"I managed to persuade them for Harry as you know it's for his safety" He added

My mind is only focused on how to tell her, will she want to accept me as her father? I suddenly doubt myself being a good father, fear I would be like my father. I shook my mind off from those thoughts. I must trust myself with my abilities that I can be a great father to Eleonore.

A/N : long chapter, hope you enjoy x

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