AMBIVALENCE : "I Love Hating...

By Taevya369

2M 78.9K 70.6K

His naked chest pressed against her exposed bosoms as he leaned his face dangerously closer to her and spread... More

đź–¤I Love Loving Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Wanting Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Hating Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Deserving Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Having Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Tearing Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Wrecking Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Wanting Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Hating Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Hoping Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Choosing Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Loving Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Healing Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Desiring Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Needing Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Troubling Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Trusting Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Paining Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Feeling Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Believing Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Embracing Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Hurting Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Living Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Breaking Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Detesting Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Enchanting Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Comprehending Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Forgiving Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Regretting Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Desperating Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Waring Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Promising Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Betraying Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Disheartening Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Leaving Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Worthing Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Hate Losing Youđź–¤
đź–¤I Love Loving Youđź–¤

đź–¤I Hate Hating Youđź–¤

42K 1.7K 1.9K
By Taevya369

Author's Pov

"And what if this time, I won't let you to take my love and my child away from me... Jeon Y/n.....?"

As soon as that voice penetrated her ear, Y/n felt like her heart beat dropped, the land under her feets got shivered . She slowly tossed her head around and felt like her body turn numb by watching the person standing at the door who was staring at her with his dark brown orbs which now seem too broken to even look at...

Her heart clutched in extreme amount of pain by watching him to stand in front of her eyes, that person..whom every ounce of her entity was aching to see, feel, touch and hold in her embrace but wasn't capable of...

Y/n's teary amber orbs continued to stare at him who also didn't blink his lashes even for once and stared at her like a sinner at his redemption, a pain at its cure and a lifeless body at its soul..

Hazel, who was standing beside Y/n, got also shocked by watching him there but she exhaled a breath of relief where as even after having tears in her eyes, a small smile crept on her face by witnessing him there.

She got a glimpse of Y/n who was still staring at him and then Hazel trailed her gaze at him and then walked towards him..

She stood beside him whose gaze continued to bore at Y/n's teary orbs which made Hazel to softly squeeze his hand and uttered loud enough to make both of them to hear her words..

"Your Ambivalence for her has finally taken out the best from you, Jungkook.... "

Jungkook's ear heard her those words where as his eyes continued to gape at her amber orbs which escaped a lone tear hearing those words of Hazel..

Hazel smiled with tears in her eyes and then looked at Y/n one last time and finally turned around and left that room, leaving both of them, totally alone..

Not a single word came out from both of their mouths where as their eyes never dared to leave each other until she saw Jungkook to start taking his steps closer to her but her words halted him..

"Don't.... "

His feets stopped hearing her and by watching more tears to fall from her eyes which she immediately wiped and turned her back on him for the first time in his life..

"Go away from here, Jungkook.... "

His heart clenched painfully at her words where as her those words of her own, pierced her heart more cruelly but she still stated them to him because now the fear of something would happen to him and his life, just because of her, started to make her petrified.. So she decided to even part her shadow away from him..

"Leave from h.... "

Her words got stucked into her throat when she felt him to hold her arm and then turned her around with a little force and her eyes came in contact with his.

Jungkook's chest tightened by witnessing her gaze to turn red with the sharp intensity of her tears which she was trying to hide from him and then he found her trying to snatch her arm from his grip.

"Leave me alone, go away from here... "

Her those words hurted him terribly but angered him too because now he completely started to understand her tears rather than her words and he could clearly see it in her tears that how badly she was in need of him ,just exactly like him ,who was now begging his fate to just let her to be with him..

"Jungk... "

"Shut the hell up.... " He roared a little loudly making her to completely stir and just gaped into his eyes with her glossy one..

He glared at her and then wrapped his one arm around her waist and with a soft tug, pulled her fragile self on his chest..

"How dare you to even thought about hiding yourself from me...? "

His that question made her to tear up badly and again started to push him away with her palms..

"Because I don't want to be with you anymore... Now leave me... " She lied while shedding her tears and protested in his embrace which made him more angry because he knew she was lying, not just to him but to her own self..

"Leave me, let me go. You begged me to leave you right then now I am leaving you. I'll never come in front of you.. Never... Leave me... "

She uttered in between her sobs while still whining in his arms like a kid.

"Your eyes will never have to see my face again.. Even if my own eyes gets closed for forever. I will not come in front of you .. Never.. Leave me... "

She broken down into tears while pushing him away from her but his grip didn't loosen which made her eyes blurry with tears. She started hitting his chest with her little fists..

"Go away, leave me alone... I... I . .. "

She stopped herself from completing her words and then looked at him through her wet lashes where her soul got shrugged in pain by watching his eyes to get pricked with tears by witnessing her that state..

Their watery gazes got stucked into each other and then she grabbed his collar tightly into her fists and stated that thing to him..

"I Hate Loving You.... "

A lone tear escaped from his eyes hearing her words which made her to loose her sanity in pain and anger and all those emotions and feelings, which she was enduring right at that moment and wasn't capable of controlling..

She shrugged his collar using her full strength and started chanting that thing over and over again..

"I hate loving you... I hate... " She continued to hammer her fists on his chest, shrugged his collar, every single thing she was capable of doing to him where as he didn't stop her, even for once and let her to take out her every emotion on him..

Y/n constantly did all those things which her irrationality made her to do with him .. She hitted him, tried to push him away, yanked him, every single thing and then finally giving up to her own self, she surrounded her both arms around his neck and bursted out into crying while tightly burying her entire self into him..

"I... I.. Hate you... I hate you so much.." She whimpered against his chest while tightening her grip around him which made more tears to fall from his eyes and then caged her back tightly in his embrace .

She cried loudly where as he softly sobbed in each other's arms and then her body gave up to even to stand which made her to fall but this time, she didn't fall alone because this time he fell with her and caught her in his arms so that this time, he could gather her broken pieces and then fixed her again..

He let himself to get shattered with her and then they both submitted in front of their pain finally but this time, together. They both lost to their fate again but the only difference was that, this time they were together ...

They both shedded their tears in one another embrace and caged each other which felt like a painful yet beautiful eternity and he slowly pulled back when he felt her to get calm down a little..

He looked at her and his eyes flamed up in more tears by watching her entirely vulnerable state where her face turned pale, her nose and eyes red and her lips to got moistened with her tears.

He immediately palmed her face and then wiped her tears and uttered while gazing into her eyes.

"Please forgive me.. I am so sorry.. Mi sorry for hurting you with my actions, my words.. I am so sorry.. Please forgive me... Please" He pleaded to her who just stared at him wordlessly..

"I never even tried to understand you but just blame you, never even thought about it even for once that you're in more pain than me .. I got blind in my own pain so much that I refused to see your tears... "

More and more tears rolled down from both of their eyes processing his every word.

"I.. I started blaming you for something which you were forced and threatened to do and you did it for me but still I didn't believe you instead I believed my own pain.. "

Y/n's eyes got widened hearing him, realising he knew the truth now which made him to cup her face more firmly.

"Yes.. Mi Casa... I know every single thing that how Mr Park... " He stopped because those words were even painful for him to state which turned her frozen in pain and hurt.

"And I.. I am so sorry that I wasn't there to save you from that pain instead I hurted you more.. I am so sorry.. So sorry... "

Their gazes got fastened with each other and then he pressed his temple against her and closed his eyes where his tears got collided on her cheeks.

"I Hate Hating You...... "

Y/n teared up like a child at his that statement which made him to slowly open his eyes and then look into her redden gaze..

"I... Hate Hating You.. Mi Casa... "

He whispered that thing again to her in his shivering voice making her to throw herself on his arms and sobbed her heart out which made him to hold her back and kissed her head ..

"I.. Am sorry... I am so sorry... " He uttered hugging her more tightly and then noticed her body abruptly shivering in his arms because of her aggressive sobbing which made him to pull back and cupped her face..

"Please calm down.. Please... " He stated wiping her eyes and then pulled her more closer to him..

"Please Mi Casa.. Don't cry.. Please for me, for us,... For our baby... "

Her heart clenched at the end of his words specially by watching him still falling his tears.. She cupped his cheeks and then delicately wiped his tears away and then just looked at him like she was looking at her everything..

And for a whole brief moment, they both just stared at each other like they were seeing their entire world in each other until

"I Love You.. Mi Casa.... "

Fresh wave of tears washed over her after processing his those words which her whole being was dying to hear from his mouth...

"I Love you and ... " He stopped and gently placed his palm over her belly and caressed it softly..

"I love our child more than anything and anyone ... "

She heard him speaking and then trailed his eyes upward at her which were still glistening with tears but this time, they were not out of his pain but out of his happiness and love for her and for his child..

Jungkook placed his one palm over her face and then softly kissed her temple..

"And I promise, I am going to love you and our baby and is going to be with my heart and its beating till the last breath of my life.... "

Tears again escaped from her eyes hearing him but they were not painful this time because this time, they were her need, a need to show her love to him through them..

"I Love you... I love you so much...Kookie..." She whispered which made him to smile with tears in his eyes and then pressed his lips against her, softly and tenderly..

"I love you more.. Mi Casa... So much more.... "

Y/n hugged him tightly and then kissed him back and slowly and slowly their lips devoured each other which made their souls to get intertwined which were longing to be each other's for forever and they finally did and turned into one for their eternity after enduring against their each and every tear and fear..

After holding each other with their entire heart out, they both slowly tugged apart and then again gaped into one another's eyes but with beautiful smiles on their faces but then her eyes trailed above at his head which were still wrapping in white bandages which made her heart to clench.

She slowly raised her palm and gently grazed her fingers over it where as his chest ached by witnessing her orbs again turned glossy by seeing his wound...

"I am sorry " She whispered staring at his head as a tear fell from her eyes because she was still blaming herself for it which didn't go unnoticed by him..

He held her hand and took it away from his head and then placed it over his chest where his heart was support to be..

"Look at me.. Mi Casa... "

Y/n slowly darted her watery eyes at him which made him to press her palm more against his chest..

"What had happened until now is not your fault but what right now is happening is happening just because of you and for you... "

She stared at him a little confused after hearing his words which made him to smile and then pecked her lips..

"I am alive and my heart is still beating and it's just because of you and for you because me, my heart , my soul will always get back to you, no matter how far I went because

You Are My Only Home... Mi Casa.... "

A beautiful smile crept on her face hearing his alluring words, she again caged him in her arms and closed her eyes ..

"I... "

But her words got halted when her eyes trailed at the door and they fell on that person, who was standing at the door while gazing straight into her eyes which made her heart to shiver where as her smile to fade..

She unwrapped her arms around him and then slightly parted herself from him which made Jungkook confused, so he also tossed his head and looked at the direction, she was staring at.

And as soon as his eyes fell on that person standing at the door, his gaze turned darken where as his jaw got slightly clenched..

Jungkook gritted his teeth by staring at that person and groaned.

"What the hell you're doing here...? " He roared and then got up and was about to straddle towards him in anger but she stopped him by holding his palm..

Jungkook stopped in his feet and then turned his head to look at her who stopped him and there he saw her to slowly shrugging his head at him and then whispered..

"Please don't... "

Jungkook exhaled a heavy breath for calming himself down and then again turned around and gawked at that person who was still standing at the door like a statue.

Jungkook held back Y/n's palm in his tightly and then took her with him towards that person and then stood in front of him where as Y/n just stared at both the men numbly..

"I started considering and respecting you like my own father because I used to think that, you were there with me at that time when nobody was there but I never knew it ,you are the person who had made me alone in the first place... "

Y/n heard Jungkook venomously snapping at him and then clenched his jaw.

"And I am letting you go for what you did to me and her is just because my wife has promised to your late wife of your safety otherwise I would have made you pay for every single tear she has shedded and every fear she had to endured because of you.... "

Jungkook spat and tightened his grip around her hand.

"She is, she was and she'll forever be mine and is going to be with me and if you and anybody else even dare to think about parting her away from me again then trust me, I have a swear on my love for her, I'll give you or that person such a painful end that your soul will even shivered hearing my name .....Park Chi-Woon... "

Y/n wordlessly listened to his every word and then looked at Mr Park who didn't say a single word in return..

"You can take every single thing back, you have given to me... In these 3 years because I don't need and want anything which I have gotten at the cost of my love... So I will give you back your every single favour but never even in your dreams even think about taking her away from me because for my wife and my child, I am just not only capable of giving my own life but taking anyone's life too... "

Mr Park didn't part his lips to reply him a single word and then he trailed his eyes at Y/n which made her afraid a little when she saw him getting closer to her which made her to hold Jungkook's palm more tightly...

But Y/n felt like her heart clutched in pain when he stood in front of her and then joined his palms in front of her and then hung his head low..

"Please forgive me... Y/n...."

Her heart clutched more badly hearing him and then she found him to look upward at her with his glossy eyes and then crouched down on his knees in front of her..

"Forgive me my child for what I did to you.. I.. I know there's no forgiveness for what I had made you to do what just please forgive me... Because I did it.. I did it only because for my son because I got blinded in my son's pain.. I am sorry Y/n..I am so sorry... "

Her heart ached at his words and by watching his tears.

"I know what I did is beyond wrong but I did it because I wasn't capable of watching my son's pain and the father inside me had killed my inner human and made me to do that inhuman thing to both of you..

That I parted you both but I get my punishment, my own son hates me now and I got apart from my love, my life partner for forever and now I know how much it hurts when you have to get teared apart from your love and have to become so much helplessness that you're not even capable of watching your love's face.. even for once... I am sorry.. Please forgive me... "

Y/n's eyes turned heavy with tears processing his every word..

"Forgive me my child, just for once forgive me for my sins... Please... "

She slowly kneeled down in front of him and then wiped his eyes with her fingers where as Jungkook just stared at her.

"I have always considered you as my father ...uncle Park so I have to forgive you because when a child does a mistake, his parents forgive him and never turn their back on their child so how can a child turn his back against his parent.. when he needed his child the most.... "

Tears rolled down from Mr Park's eyes at her words which she again wiped until.

"You can forgive him Y/n but I won't.. I'll never... "

Y/n snapped her eyes at Jungkook's hearing him who was glaring at Mr Park with his wrathful gaze.

Both Mr Park and Y/n got up on their feets and she tried to speak

"Jung... "

"No Y/n..." He halted her words.

"You can forgive him but I can never, for what he had done because I can not be that selfless like you... Never.. " He stated and then held her palm in his and uttered..

"Let's go from here now...I don't want my family to be with this person..."

He said and tried to drag her with him but got halted when she didn't move..

"He too did all of that because of his family... Jungkook... "

Her those words stopped him and then made him to turn around and gazed at her..

"I know what he has done is wrong but he did it for his child, Jungkook and as you said, you're capable of not just only giving your own life but taking others life for me and your child then think about it just for once.. " She spoke to him but his anger didn't calm which made her to stand in front of him and then looked at his raging eyes..

"Try to look at him but not that person who had done all those things to us but at that father who had witnessed his own child trying to take his life in front of his own eyes...

Think about it even for once.. because we both know the pain of loosing our child.... Kookie.... "

Jungkook's gaze soften at her those words where as watching her eyes again started Shimmering with tears..

"I am not telling you to forgive him and I am definitely not trying to be selfless by forgiving him , I forgave him because I am selfish, a selfish child who is seeing her father in him and I know I need my father beside me, no matter what he had done ... "

A tear escaped from her eyes which made Jungkook to sigh and then look at Mr Park who was also staring at him with his teary eyes...

"I don't know that whether I will ever be able to forgive you or not but I will try not to regret, considering you as my father... Mr Park... "

Jungkook's those words made her to feel, someone had picked a heavy weight from her chest...

"Let's go now.. Y/n..."

Jungkook said to which she sigh and nodded at him and then she took her steps to follow him but not before secretly squeezing Mr Park's palm and then gave him a soft smile which made his eyes to gleam with happiness too who wiped his eyes and then nodded at her and then she left with Jungkook from that room..

After a couple of days

"You sit, I'll make the breakfast... "

"No.. You sit, I'll do it... "

She uttered giving him a glare who was frowning at her.

"No, I'll make it.. You need to rest Mi Casa... " Jungkook snapped getting up from the breakfast table.

"I'll make it.. Kook because you also need to rest to get healed faster .. " She retorted back while pointing at his head which still had a small bandage wrapping on it.

"No... Y/n...I'll do it... You and baby needs to rest." He uttered pointing at her tummy which made her to scoff.

"Jungkook, it's just my first month... "

"I don't care, just focus on your health and our baby so you're not even lifting a spoon till our baby didn't start getting to school.. "

Her eyes widened hearing his reply..

"School...? ... "

"Yes exactly school because I have made the entire schedule for our next 5 years.. So for the first..till your delivery, you're not even allowed to lift your own weight ,you will call me for your every work, even for going to toilet then after our baby came, you will take rest for one entire year and is just going to eat, sleep and feed our baby. I'll do the rest of your work include cleaning of our baby,helping it in sleeping and all the households work and is going to take care of you and our child and then in our baby's first birthday, if you want, you can join your office again but you're not allowed to do any house chores and I'll look after our baby and then when our baby starts going to school which probably might after it turns 4 years, you can do any work you wanted... "

Jungkook gave his entire 5 years of planning to her which made her stunned and looked at him frozen..

"When did you plan all of this...? "

"Me...? Ummm... Last night when you were sleeping and I have even its written document stored in my laptop.. Wait I'll show it you... "

Jungkook uttered and was ready to walk towards the room for getting his laptop but she held his arm and made him to turn around..

"That's enough for today, my beautiful hubby and the most adorable father in the world.. "

She uttered and then chuckled watching him pouting at her cutely. She pecked his pout and spoke..

"Just go and sit, I'll make the breakfast.. "

"No...I'll do it... "He said shrugging his head at her.

" No.. Me... "

"Me... "

"Me... "

"Me... "

"M.... "

"And they both are going to handle a kid after 9 months... "

They both got halted by hearing that voice and turned their head and looked at a frowning Taehyung standing at the door with Hazel who was smiling at both of them..

"You both are supposed to practice on how to handle a baby not to turn your own selves into babies... Mr and Mrs Jeon... " Taehyung remarked entering into the hall followed by a laughing Hazel..

"Exactly... We are here to meet with your baby not with you both babies... "
She chuckled making Taehyung to laughed..

"Okay but about what you both were fighting...? "

"She said, she is going to make the breakfast ... "

"And I told him that because he needs to rest... "

Taehyung sighed hearing the couple and uttered.

"Well for now, you both settle your a##es on the breakfast table because we have brought breakfast for you both so let's have it together.. Okay my little kiddos...? "

Everyone chuckled hearing Taehyung and then settled on the breakfast and then served each other and started having it.

"By the way, Y/n don't pull any heavy weighted thing. Your gyna has strictly told you to be careful with every thing.. " Hazel instructed Y/n while chewing on her food which made Jungkook to alert..

"Don't worry Hazel, I won't let her to even get up from bed now... "

Hazel laughed where as Y/n sighed hearing his quick response.

"That's like a perfect idol husband.. Mr Kook.. " Taehyung remarked chuckling making Jungkook to rolled his eyes at him..

"I am serious, I am not letting her to carry even her handbag... "

"Don't worry, Jungkook... We all are here for her and for the little mr or ms. Jeon... "

A blush crept on Y/n's face hearing Hazel which made everyone to laugh looking at her cute pink cheeks..

After getting done with the breakfast, both Hazel and Y/n were sitting on the sofa while talking about some random stuff where as Taehyung was talking with his employee on the call .

And for, Jungkook, he had went to the bedroom and nobody knew for what which caught Y/n's attention that he went to the bedroom and didn't return for more than 10 minutes..

"What is he doing inside...? " Y/n spoke gaping at the close door of their bedroom and then she sighed and got up.

"Haze, I'll be there in a minute... "

Hazel nodded at her which made Y/n to revolve around and took her step towards the door but she stopped when she found the door to start opening and then finally he came out..

But her brows arched in confusion when she saw a certain kind of emotion in his eyes which she wasn't capable of identifying..

"Jungkook, what happened...? " She asked him but he didn't reply but just stare at her which made her befuddled..

Both Hazel and Taehyung also gave their attention to him and found him started taking his steps towards Y/n, wordlessly which made all of them untidy with the sudden change in his entire behavior..

Y/n saw Jungkook to reach to her and then stood in front of her where as staring at her eyes without even blinking for once making her to swallow.

"Kook... "

But her words got stucked into her throat where as her eyes got bewildered when she found him to get on his knees and then opened his fist which he extended to her and she saw a shimmering silver ring placing on it and hearing his next words, her entire body got frozen..

"Jeon Y/n..Will you marry me again and became mine not only for our this life but for our eternity...? "

Hey babies , hope you all are doing fine.. So I guess the next chapter is going to be the last chapter of this book.. And I know, many of you might feel after reading this chapter that Y/n is trying to be too good, that how easily she could forgive him but I just want you all to try to think from every characters perspective .. That's it and again your each and every opinion is open heartedly welcome by me.. 😉

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please do vote and comment if you liked it.

Till then

Love you, Take care💜

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