void | titans

By softgarfield

69.5K 2.1K 164

" i feel like there is a void in me. one that is going to stuck up everyone around me and ruin them. " " ther... More

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act one
act two


2.3K 83 7
By softgarfield

TW: Talk of needles, injections, child abuse, graphic descriptions of blood and violence.

               " IT'S OKAY. " DICK MUTTERED as his eyes met Ryan's. It was obvious her nerves were starting to get the best of her.

" We'll be fine, I promise. Just stay calm. " Was the last thing he said before he and Kory were escorted down an opposite hallway.

A group of eight guards surrounded Ryan as they lead her to an unknown location. Her blood starting to boil as the picture of Gar continued to flash in her head.

Consequentially, that same picture was the only thing keeping her from beating the shit out of all the guards. The doctor was still following close behind her, and Ryan knew that she would make the call to kill Gar with no hesitation.

After a few minutes of walking down dark and empty hallways Ryan was suddenly thrown into a random open doorway.

" Assholes! " She yelled out, as she stumbled into the room.

Well, what seemed like a room.

It was completely empty, with no windows. The walls were completely black, which made it almost impossible to see. Her eyes adjusted the best they could as she reached out to graze the wall in front of her. Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as her fingers slid across the wall.

It didn't feel like a normal plaster.

She pressed down on it, and nothing happened.

She pressed harder and still, nothing happened.

Typically, she could flick a normal wall hard enough and a tiny hole would appear. " What the fuck is this? " She muttered. It wasn't until pressed down almost as hard as she could that the material barely crumbled beneath her hands. She cursed at herself as she realized what the substance was. Promethium.

" You stupid motherfuckers! " She screamed out. " I know you all can hear and see me!" She adds, raising a middle finger to all corners of the room. " And I swear to god if you hurt any of them, I will smash this place to the ground! "

Another ten or so minutes passed of Ryan helplessly wandering in circles. She had never felt so trapped in her whole life.

She wasn't sure how it could get worst.

Almost on cue a large cloud of smoke started flooding in. It took several minutes till Ryan started to feel woozy and then several more minutes followed till Ryan's vision was blurred and she was knocked unconscious.

               " RYAN RADCLIFF, AGE FIVE, subject A125. " A male scientist said to his nurses as he laid out six syringes.

All six syringes were filled with a various amount and kinds of liquid. All differing between colors and thickness.

A scared Ryan laid strapped down to the hard metal table, tears starting to sting her eyes as fear overtook her whole body.  Her eyes frantically searched her surroundings. The room was cold and empty and the walls were all old brick.

It was clear the building was starting to fall apart.

The little girl also noticed how two cameras were placed in the highest corners of the room, the red blinking dot, let her know they were recording. " Please, Ryan, we ask that you stay calm. It will make it easier for all of us. " He warned.

" No, no. Please don't hurt me. " Ryan begged. "  I didn't do anything wrong. " The scientist and nurses simply ignored her pleas and one of them grabbed the first syringe. The liquid was a deep purple, almost black, and had the largest needle attached to it. " No, no, no. " She muttered, uselessly trying to flee.

Trying to save herself.

" Please don't fight it. " The nurse, softly, said and before Ryan could blink the large needle was pressed into her neck.

" Ah! " She cried out and she felt the liquid be inserted into her vein.

Soon it started to fell like her entire body was being lit on fire.

From her toes to her scalp, every inch of her, she was experiencing the worst pain she could imagine.

She squeezed her eyes together as her body continued to wither in pain. The nurses and doctor wordlessly watched, taking notes, as the little girl screamed in pain.

After several minutes had passed the pain slowly came to a stop. Ryan's heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. One of the nurses grabbed a scalpel and carefully walked over to Ryan. She pressed the scalpel hard into her skin.

The scalpel snapped under the pressure, while Ryan's skin remained unharmed.

" It worked, sir. " The women said. " We increased her durability. "

" Well, let's see just how durable she has become. "

               RYAN'S EYES SHOT OPEN, AND her body tried to sit up but she was unable to.

Her head, shoulders, wrists, thighs, calves, and ankles were strapped down to a metal table. She was left in confusion about what these straps were made out of because she wasn't able to break free of them. To make it worse, an intubation tube had been shoved down her throat.

She was, yet again, trapped.

" Ms. Radcliff. " Ryan's eyes dart in the direction of the sound. It was a woman, who was confidently approaching the table. " You are a hard person to trap. The amount of gas we put into your chamber was enough to knock out an army. I'm impressed, truly. " Her voice was smug as she looked down at teen.

She had guards posted in the four corners of the room and two at the door.

It was clear that she was scared of what Ryan was capable of, no matter how tough she wanted to act.

" We just need to do a few experiments on you. Find out how strong you really are. What you can handle. It will be great for our research. " Ryan felt the same fear wash over her that she had felt in her dream. She watched as the women went to grab a scalpel. " Let's see just how durable you are. " A sick smile grew on her face as she approached the helpless teen. 

Ryan's body started to shake. A wave of nausea passed through her. She had never felt this way before. It wasn't long till the scalpel touched her skin and in that moment she blacked out.

" Oh, god. " Was the first thing Ryan muttered when she became conscious once again.

She was no longer attached to the table and was on the other side of the room. Her hands were covered in blood, along with her clothes.

She wouldn't be surprised if some had splattered on her face as well. The red crimson was all she could see, smell or taste.

It was all she could sense around her.

The women and the six guards were laid scattered across the room. Blood covering their bodies, the floor, and the walls.

It was a massacre.

It looked like parts of their bodies had exploded. She couldn't imagine how hard she must have hit them. The pain she caused them to go through. Maybe I didn't do this, but who else could have? But how could I not remember doing something like this? Those were just some of the thoughts running through her head. It terrified her to think about what other horrible acts she could have committed but not remembered. She couldn't hear a single heart beat in that room, besides her own.

She had killed them all, brutally.

Without skipping another beat, she sprinted out of the room. She couldn't dwell on this. She needed to find her friends.

Ryan crept through the asylum, aimlessly opening doors and praying that one of her friends were behind it. After what seemed like hours of searching, her eyes landed on a familiar blue haired girl.

Next to her was an unknown older women.

" Rachel! " She spoke, a wave of relief washing over her.

" Ryan! Oh my god. " Rachel responded, running towards her as the random women followed close behind. The younger teen opened up her arms, overjoyed to see her friend.

" Ah! " She cried out once they made contact. In only a moment Rachel had felt all the pain her friend had felt and had caused.

Rachel looked back up at Ryan, fear and sadness in her eyes.

" Are you okay? " Ryan asked, worry filling her voice. " Did I get the blood on you? Did I accidentally squeeze you too hard? I'm sorry. "

" Yeah, i-i'm fine. " She responded, shaking her head. " It's okay. I'm sorry you had go through all of this. Gar and I never should have gone here alone. We should have listened to you guys. "

" It's okay. " There was a sternness in Ryan's voice as she spoke, proving to Rachel that it really was okay and there was no hard feelings.

Rachel, simply, nodded her head at her.

" This is my mom. " She said, a small smile on her face as she did. " Angela. "

" Hi. " Was all the women said, giving an awkward wave.

" Hi, nice to meet you. "  Ryan responded, before bringing her attention back to Rachel. " Do you know where Gar, Dick, and Kory are? " Rachel nodded her head. " Thank god. "

" Gar is down this way. "

It wasn't long till the group reached the door that Rachel believed Gar was in.

" Wait. " Ryan said. " Rachel get behind me and Angela, go behind her. We don't know what we're walking into. " Rachel and Angela nodded their heads and followed Ryan's orders. She sucked in a breath, looking up at the ceiling for a moment. Please let him be okay. Ryan thought before swinging open the door, and was relieved to see there was no guards.

" Ryan. " Gar breathed out. " Rachel. " He added. Ryan's jaw tightened at the sight of him. He was completely naked and looked absolutely exhausted. He was locked inside a cage like some circus animal.

" Gar. " Ryan responded as she quickly approached him. " We have to get you out of here. " She added, grabbing his clothes off of the table next to her.  " Stay close to your mom, Rachel. Just in case. "  She said, giving the duo a quick look over her shoulder as she walked towards the cage.

" That's your mom? " Gar asked.

" Yeah. " Was all Rachel was able to respond, worry etched on her face.

" Awesome. " He replied, giving a weak chuckle.

Leave it to Gar to crack a smile in this kind of situation. Ryan yanked on the cage door, breaking the lock in the process. Once the door was open she placed his clothes on the floor and stepped away.

Ryan was hopeful that she was, one day, going to see Gar naked.

She never thought like this.

A frown appeared on his face once he took note of the state that Ryan was in. " Oh my god, what happened to you? "

" We don't have time to talk about that right now. " She immediately responded. " Can you walk? " Ryan asked, and Gar meekly nodded.

" Guys we have to hurry. " Rachel said, approaching the cage as she did.

Ryan opened her mouth to tell Rachel to go back by her mom but she was cut off.

" Rachel! " Angela cried out before weakly trying to fight off the male doctor.

" Mom! " She cried out, rushing to her side. The doctor grabbed the weapon on the table and swung around, pointing it at Rachel and her mom.

" You're coming with me girl, right now! " The man demanded, as Ryan ran towards him. Before she was able to make contact, someone beat her to it.

Gar had now transformed, and was attacking the doctor. Ryan was quick to jump out of the way and stand in front of Rachel and Angela. The women watched as Gar threw the man across the room, before dragging him in the cage.

Gar continued to relentlessly attack him, blood spouting out and covering the floors. It was only a few moments until the man was dead and Gar changed back in his human form. He stumbled to the ground, spitting out a clump of blood as he did.

He looked horrified.

Blood covered his mouth and had made a trail down his chest. He hopelessly stared at the deceased man, tears filling his eyes. Ryan slowly approached the cage, kneeling down in front of it. Her features had softened as she looked at how traumatized the boy was. He met her gaze, as he tried to wipe away some of the blood.

" I-I bit him. " Was all he was able to choke out. Ryan nodded her head at him, understanding the type of guilt he was feeling.

"  It's okay. " She said. " You aren't the only one covered in blood. " She added, hoping it would make him feel less alone. " But we have to find Dick and Kory now. "


Wow this was the biggest chapter yet!!!! We still liking the story??

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