The Barbarian's Bride

By AlyssaWonder

248K 6.7K 540


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Mother's Day Special Chapter

Chapter 1

31.2K 752 45
By AlyssaWonder

The door to my chambers swung open, rising me from my sleep. I opened my eyes and saw my mentor staring at me with a worried look. He pushes his bright red hair away from his face and motions for me to rise.

I jump out of my bed and rush to him. I had apprenticed under Saul to practice medicine and I travelled to his village often to practice my craft. Once my skill was of a certain level, I moved into Dilston Castle per orders from our Lord Walter of Peteonia to assist Saul as his personal practitioner.

"Come quickly child. Lord Walter's son was injured during combat training."

He took my hand and pulled me out of my room. We scampered down the winding halls and made it to the infirmary where Prince Lief lay clutching his arm where there was a rather large cut. Blood seeped from the wound and the color looked drained from Lief's normally tanned face.

"Your father warned you of the dangers of joining his army." Saul chastised the young man upon our entry to the room.

Lief looked to us and his eyes settled on me. I realized that I still had on my white nightgown which was the complete opposite of my honey colored skin.

"I must be dying for the angel Kaylein to pay me a visit." Lief mustered while scanning his eyes over my body, from head to toe.

I blushed lightly as his words while Saul let out a grunt. I watched the older man head to our inventory but not before telling me to examine Lief's injury. I walk to the prince and gently move his hand, which was clamped over the cut.

Even though the cut was large, it wasn't that deep. All he would need was some salve, maybe snitches.

"You big baby! You'll be fine in less than a day's time." I state and grab a cloth to wipe the blood off his arm and his hand.

Lief smiles up at me. "I needed an excuse to see you."

I lean forward to whisper to him. "No one can learn of us. It would only yield disatrous results." I then gently run my fingers through his dark blonde hair.

Lief scoffs. "I can't hide my feelings for you any longer. The men of Peteonia believe you to be maiden and I can't bear the thought of seeing you in another man's arm."

He reaches up his uninjured arm and caresses my cheek with his hand. I wish we could be open about our relationship but I knew his father would not only disapprove but he would banish me back to my home village, far away from his son.

I let the thoughts leave me as I finish cleaning his wound. Saul returns to my side with a frown on his face which displays some of the wrinkles he has incurred during his fifty years.

"Our inventory of salve has been depleted." he tells me. "You will have to travel to Froloin to replenish our stock."

He grabs my hand and places my palm up. He drops a few gold coins in my hand and closes my finger around the money.

"Go to your chambers and change. I will have one of the squires bring a horse around for you."

I nod at his order and steal one last look at Lief before I leave the infirmary. I go to my room and pull my gown over my head. I dress in a simple chemise and place an overcoat on since it is still cold out due to it only being a few hours after sunrise.

I leave the castle and see Saul standing near the gate with a large brown and white horse. I approach the animal and Saul helps me mount it.

"Safe travels." he tells me, a phrase that is said to anyone going on a lengthy trip.

Froloin was about a two hour horse ride but I wouldn't mind the scenery and fresh air. I see the gates being opened and Saul slaps the horse's butt which causes it to take off running out of the protection of the land.

I relax during the ride as I hear birds chirping and the fresh smell of flowers envelope me. About twenty minutes into the ride I see a man running in my direction. He looks spooked and he's breathing hard as if he's been running a long distance. I want to stop and help him but I don't recognize the man and since I'm alone I decide against it. I kick the horse's side urging him to run faster, which he does, and we pass the man.

As we get closer to Froloin I notice smoke up in the air. I pull on the reins in my hand, slowing the horse down. He cautiously trots closer to the entrance to the village. Once we are close enough I see a sight that makes my mouth drop. I cover it as my eyes take in the sight of burning houses and people scattering about.

The market has been ransacked and I look further into the center of the village and see three large men with sharp swords swing at men running past them, killing them with no mercy! I see another equally large man pulling three women who are struggling to get free but fail due to the strength of this man. He places them on the ground and chains them together.

I pull the reins and guide the horse into the woods to my left. I contemplate making a mad dash back to Peteonia but before I can snap the reins I see a large man standing a few feet away. He smirks at me and I see twin curved blades in his hands.

He looks like he weighs a ton, he has an ugly scar on his face and his clothes are tattered and dirty. I immediately conceive him to be a barbarian. I panic as he moves toward me and I attempt to get the horse, who is as frightened as I am, to run away.

The horse instead jumps back, sending his front legs up in the air. I struggle to stay on the horse's back with the action. The barbarian is inches away and the horse jumps back one final time, throwing me off his back.

Once I hit the ground I see the horse take off running. Even though the fall hurt, I scamper to my feet since the barbarian is within arm's reach.

The barbarian stares at the retreating horse and then looks to me. He gives me another smirk. "Shame, I wanted ya both."

I scream out as I am able to fully get to my feet and run. I push my hair away from my face as it flew into my eyes, blocking my view. I ran around trees not knowing if the barbarian was behind me, I definitely wasn't going to look over my shoulder to find out.

As I ran I didn't notice the large man to my right until it was too late. He reached out, grabbing me as I passed him. He lifted me effortlessly off the ground and carried me to the other captured women, which was now four.

He sat me down on the ground and I felt metal being placed around my neck, ankles and wrists. My heart was pounding and tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at the women. I noticed they were of different ethnicities; one had my complexion, two had much darker skin and the last girl had fair skin, like Lief's.

Lief. I cried harder as I realized I would never see him again as I was being taken into captivity by these brutes! I noticed the man who scared off my horse grab the longer chain which connected all of us girls together.

He yanked on it and ordered us to stand up. I hissed in pain as the yank caused the metal to chaffe my skin. The six of us stood in unison and the barbarian pulled on the chain, leading us to God knows where. I cried the entire way.


I stared at the prince and shook my head. I knew the wound on his arm was self-inflicted, as it came from a swallow, and Lief was the only warrior to wield such a weapon. He had been infatuated with Kaylein the minute he laid eyes on her and I couldn't blame him, she was a stunning girl. But she had no future with him, Lord Walter wouldn't allow it.

I approach him and place some salve on his cut. He winces a bit and sits up when I walk away from him.

"I thought your inventory had been depleted.' he states to my back.

"I had to think of something to get her to leave. I want you to stay away from her. She'll only get hurt if you keep strumming on her heart strings. You know your father will never approve of you two being together."

I turn to Lief and his face holds a frown.

"How dare you speak to me this way? I could have you executed." he threatens.

I ignore it as I only speak the truth. I leave the infirmary and as soon as I round the corner, Rowan one of Lord Walter's messengers, runs into me. He is breathing rather hard and looks bewildered.

"Calm yourself Rowan. Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Rowan takes a minute to catch his breath. "Merek...attacking...Froloin."

Those three words are enough to make it seem like my world was crashing down. And then another thought came to me...I had just sent Kaylein to Froloin. Fear coursed through me as I imagined the chaos Merek was causing.

He was once apart of Peteonia as the most skilled member of Lord Walter's army. He had attempted a mutiny several years ago but when his small group of men were annihilated, Lord Walter banished him to a desolate land. Looks he had no plans to stay there.

I grab Rowan and literally drag him toward Lord Walter's chambers. I don't bother knocking, barging in and interrupting our King as he had a maid in his room, servicing him sexually with her hands. He immediately pushes the young woman away, covering himself as he turns to face me.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion?!" he shouts with his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.

I look at the girl and watch her as she scampers out of the room. I then look to Lord Walter and push Rowan forward, demanding he repeat what he told me. He does so and Lord Walter's eyes bug but then a moment later he straightens his posture and waves off the news.

"The people of Froloin decided not to accept me as their King, therefore they forfeited my protection."

I am appalled at his words. "But we barter with them! Some of your people have family in that village! We must do something."

Lord Walter waves me off. "Froloin is two hour's travel time from here, The village will be desolate by the time my men reach there. I see no gain in sending my men there."

I growl at him. "I sent Kaylein there. She is apart of your kingdom, If you won't send your men to find and protect her, then I will go!"

"So will I."

I turn and see Lief standing in the doorway of his father's chambers.

"No Lief. You'll be riding to your death. You remember Merek's ferocity! I was thankful that you weren't apart of my army then because many men lost their lives at his hands." Lord Walter says with panic laced in his voice.

Lief shook his head. "Father, I've been wanting to tell you this for awhile..."

I rush to Lief to silence him. "Now is not the time. If you want to ride out to Froloin with me, have two horses ready within the hour."

He nods his understanding and I leave the room. I hear Lord Walter shouting that I will regret it if I leave Petonia. I didn't care, I was going to rescue Kaylein.

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