Revengence: 'Til death do us...

By Whois_Tink

30.4K 1.5K 176

this how it's supposed to be. More



1.6K 115 15
By Whois_Tink

Sincere Brewster

"I'm so damn tired. ," sighed Sincere. They were setting up and barbecuing for June and Izzy as a welcome home gift. Everyone decided to do it Sincere and Messiah's home since it was bigger.

"Sincere. ," scolded her mother, Erin.

"My bad mama. ," apologized Sincere.

"Ma here eat. ," running Kareem held a piece of chicken towards her face.

"Where you get that from Deuce? ," asked Erin.

"Poppy gave me it. ," said Kareem not knowing he just snitched on his grandpa.

"Thank you love. ," Sincere took a bite of his chicken watching him run of and Kairi ran towards her.

"Ma Noonie GG said come help put the food on the table. She said everybody gonna be here soon. Hey Grammy. ," said Kairi who was dropped off earlier by her mom. She was staying the weekend.

"Hey my lil ladybug  you done got so big. You ready for school?  ," asked Erin pulling her into a hug kissing her cheek.

"Yes I'm gonna be in pre-K I don't wanna leave my brother for too long. ," said Kairi not liking the idea of being away from Kareem for that much time and with other kids at that.

"It's not gone be long just a few hours. ," said Erin sipping from her wine cooler.

"That's still long I wish he can come with me. ," sighed Kairi.

"Kai come play! ," yelled Kareem.

"Okay! ," Kairi took off towards her brother pushing him on the swings Sincere has set up in the backyard.

"One.. Two.. Three! Welcome home! ," everyone shouted watching June and Izzy enter the home. They embraced everyone holding onto their partners longer. After the welcoming everybody started to fix their plates.

She wouldn't admit it but she was a little sad that Messiah didn't come home with them. Seeing her sister and best friend all happy made her happy. She fix her kids plate before going upstairs to lay down. Just as she egressed there was a knock at the door.


"Wassgood family. ," smiled Messiah entering his home seeing everyone.

"Daddy! Da da! ," both Kairi and Kareem attacked his legs hugging him as he scooped them into his arms kissing their faces.

"I missed y'all so much. ," Messiah held his children tightly.

"We missed you too. ," Kairi laid her head on his shoulder.

"Where's Noonie? ," asked Erin.

"She went to lay down. ," said Kairi.

"Mhm mommy said she tired.

"Y'all go tell her Grammy said come here. Welcome home Messiah come on in this kitchen and get you a plate. ," said Erin walking off as Messiah followed hugging people on the way.

"Mommy. ," knocked Deuce on the other side of the door.

"Come in. ," said Sincere sitting up watching her son and Kairi set foot inside the bedroom.

"Grammy said come here. ," said Kairi.

"What she need? ," asked Sincere not wanting to get up.

"Grammy said come here. ," repeated Kareem pulling his mama's arm making her get up.

Sincere sighed getting up allowing the kids to drag her downstairs to the kitchen. She started to fix herself something to eat not looking at anyone. After hearing her name relentlessly being called by Kareem she finally looked up taking a glance around the kitchen stopping what she was doing.

"Wassgood love. ," Messiah picked her up like a baby firmly holding her under her bottom. He buried his face into her neck inhaling her scent and hugging her body tight.

"I missed you. ," cried Sincere. She held his face looking over him making sure this moment was real.

"I missed you too. ," He rubbed her back.

"When y-you get out? ," hi cupped Sincere.

"Yesterday after June them. Everybody knew except you, your sisters, and Zi. ," said Messiah putting her down. He rubbed her hair down and grabbed her face kissing her lips.

"My eyes puffy? ," asked Sincere sniffling wiping her face.

"You good. I love you. ," Messiah kissed her again.

"I love you too. ," smiled Sincere.

"You okay now crybaby. Welcome home bro. ," meddled Serenity.

"Appreciate it sis. ," nodded Messiah.

"Mommy me and Kai go play? ," asked Kareem.

"Who gone be out there with y'all Deuce? ," asked Sincere.?

"Girl us old people bout to go out back and relax we'll watch them. You go enjoy your husband. ," said Patrice.

Messiah Brewster
"What y'all been up to since we been locked up? ," asked June.

"Working? ," yawned Sienna.

"Being a parent is a twenty four seven job also I been going to check on your shop everything's running as it should. ," said Sincere laying her head on his shoulder.

"We staying at Gigi and Pawpaw tonight. ," said Kairi running to her parents.

"How y'all gone volunteer to stay at somebody house? ," asked Sincere.

"Gigi said we stay. ," said Kareem.

"You heard my lil dude. ," said Messiah.

"You look good I like your hair Papa. ," Sincere touched one of his freshly done plaits.

"Thank you love. You look good too I like you natural with no makeup on. ," Messiah licked his lips staring in her face.

"We're bout to call it a night we'll see y'all in the morning. Come on Justice. ," said Xahkeia standing up. After they left everyone started to follow after.

"I love you both; and Kairi make sure y'all say your prayer before bed. ," said Sincere fixing the bonnet over Kairi's hair.

"Okay Love you too Ma Noonie. Love you too Daddy. ," said Kairi kidding their cheeks.

"I love y'all too Lil' butt and Deuce y'all be good for y'all og's. Have a goodnight. ," said Messiah returning the gesture along with his wife before sending them on their way.

"Goodnight everyone love y'all drive safely. ," waved Sincere.

"We will love y'all too. ," they replied before getting into their vehicles calling it a night.

I need to see y'all commenting for more chapters I know y'all reading it 😑......

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