Legend of the Sixteen Crystals

By Trent_Merquise

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A story about a young man named Sorakaji, who meets a girl named Midori who seems to have lost her memory und... More

Chapter One: The Journey Begins
Chapter 2: Blanco Nada Under Siege!
Chapter 3: Forest Of Illusion!
Chapter 4: The Priest And The Biker Gang!
Chapter 5: Qualifying for Azul River!
Chapter 6: The Azul River Tournament Begins!
Chapter 7: Sorakaji Vs Marc Marvellous
Chapter 8: Ryuuichi vs Blackburn!
Chapter 9: Sorakaji Vs Marvin Marvellous!
Chapter 10: The Final Begins!
Chapter 11: Goodbye Azul River!
Chapter 12: Hunting for the Crystal!
Chapter 13: Return to Rojas Plains!
Chapter 14: Training Begins!
Chapter 15: Demolition!
Chapter 16: Training Continues!
Chapter 17: Memories of Sorakaji!
Chapter 18: Verdeville!
Chapter 19: Round One, Fight!
Chapter 20: Ryuuichi Vs Marc, Marvin Vs Ginkou!
Chapter 21: Sorakaji Vs Blackburn- A Fight For The Ages!
Chapter 22: Ryuuichi vs Ginkou, the Fight To Face Sorakaji!
Chapter 23: Last Man Standing!
Chapter 24: Back To Fuego Heights and Then...
Chapter 25: Declaration of War
Chapter 27: Fight Against Seven!
Chapter 28: The History of the Crystal Cult!
Chapter 29: A Religious Experience!
Chapter 30: Demolition Followed By A Throwdown!
Chapter 31: Triple Header!
Chapter 32: An All-Out Brawl!
Chapter 33: Learn To Fly!
Chapter 34: A Rough Construction!
Chapter 35: Faith Lost, Faith Regained
Chapter 36: The Dude With The Dojo
Chapter 36.5: A Gift For A Friend
Chapter 37: Intuition Proven Correct!

Chapter 26: Reunion With An Old Friend!

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By Trent_Merquise

Narrator: Last time on Legend of the Sixteen Crystals, after recovering two of the Crystals, The Neo Crystal Cult was in a celebrating mood! One gathered his cult and delivered a rousing speech, telling his followers that now was the time to spring into action and take what he believed was theirs. With that, Seven was sent to gather information and try to find a crystal located within the Oro Beso region. After a long and intense sparring session with Ryuuichi, Sorakaji and the crew met up at Dr. Shibata's clinic. After getting his nose reset by the doctor, Sorakaji was contacted by Tensai, who had discovered the exact same thing the Neo Crystal Cult had! With Sorakaji and co heading to the same area as the Neo Crystal Cult, what will happen if the two groups come face- to-face? The quest continues today on Legend of the Sixteen Crystals!

*We pan over a setting sun in the night sky, then (somewhat ironically) look at a sign saying "Cielo Amarillo: Skies brightened by a beautiful sun." We see Sorakaji, Midori and Ryuuichi walking through the town.*

Midori: I know I keep saying it, but the towns we visit are so lovely.

*Sorakaji sighs and looks at the lights illuminating the street the group is walking along.*

Sorakaji: The more we walk around, the more I wish I'd taken the time to actually travel.

Ryuuichi: In your defense, man, it takes forever to get anywhere by foot. Without Sai, it took us how long to get here?

Midori: 4 days.

Ryuuichi: There ya go, four days. Plus it's about 8 o 'clock, so we should probably find somewhere to crash before it's too late.

Sorakaji: I know, it's late and I know it took ages to get here, but it's worth it. *Turns and gestures with his arms.* It's taken 19 years to get out and enjoy places like this. *Starts to turn back around.* Look at what I've missed!

Midori: Watch out!

*Sorakaji continues to turn around and accidentally slams into a woman walking in the opposite direction, knocking her down. Sorakaji looks aghast.*

Woman: Ow! Watch where you're going, jerk!

Sorakaji: Oh crap! I'm so sorry!

*Sorakaji helps the young lady up. She still looks really annoyed.*

Woman: What kind of klutz randomly...*The woman locks eyes with Sorakaji for a second, then looks him up and down.* Hey... your name wouldn't be Sorakaji Shibata, would it?

*Ryuuichi and Midori look at each other, then look at Sorakaji, who looks at the young woman, confused.*

Ryuuichi and Midori: Huh?

Sorakaji: Um, yeah...?

*The woman's expression changes to one of total elation.*

Woman: OH MY GOD! Sora, it is you!

*And the woman almost knocks Sorakaji off of his feet with a massive tackle hug. Ryuuichi and Midori look really confused at this point, as does Sorakaji once he regains his bearings.*

Ryuuichi: Dude, I thought you said you've never been here before!

Sorakaji: I haven't!

Midori: She definitely seems to know you from somewhere!

*Sorakaji looks back and shrugs. The young woman lets go and frowns.*

Woman: Don't tell me you've forgotten me already!

Sorakaji: I'm sorry, I have no idea... *Sorakaji looks at her for a second* Wait... *his eyes go wide.* No way... You're... Trinity? *She nods.* Oh my God, Trinity! No way! *Sorakaji lets out a gleeful laugh before he lifts her up, spins her around and hugs her.* Wow, you look fantastic!

Trinity: And you... *Looks at Sorakaji's hair.* Need a haircut! *She giggles.*

Sorakaji: Aww, come on!

Trinity: *Punches Sorakaji in the shoulder lightly.* I'm just messin' with ya! You look great! So what're you doing all the way out here?

Sorakaji: We're out here looking for an ancient crystal.

*Trinity looks at Sorakaji with a raised eyebrow, a little puzzled.*

Trinity: A crystal?

*Sorakaji smirks back.*

Sorakaji: It's a long story! *Sorakaji looks up at Ryuuichi and Midori. Ryuuichi stands there, looking skyward, whistling.* Oh yeah, Trinity, these are my friends Ryuu and Midori! We're travelling together.

Ryuuichi: Yo, how's it goin'?

Midori: Hi! I take it you two know each other pretty well then?

Sorakaji: Yeah. Trinity was the first friend I ever made in Fuego Heights. She's the one who gave me my nickname in the first place.

Trinity: Heya! This is the first time I've seen Sora in something like 5 years! Wow, who would have thought I'd run into you again all the way out here? I still can't believe it!

Sorakaji: This is incredible!

Trinity: We really need to catch up! *Trinity thinks for a second.* Hey, you aren't going anywhere tonight, are you?

Ryuuichi: Nope, we just got here.

Trinity: *snaps her fingers.* That settles it! You're staying with me tonight!

Ryuuichi: That was fast.

Midori: I love the Box House as much as anyone, but I won't say no to not having to have Sora pay for accommodation!

*Trinity picks up the shopping she had before Sorakaji bumped into her.*

Trinity: Walk this way, people!

*The group continues walking until they get to a nice, comfortable looking house. Trinity unlocks the door and turns on a light.*

Ryuuichi: Sweet place you've got.

Trinity: Eh, it's alright I guess. Make yourselves comfortable.

*The group sits around a coffee table in Trinity's lounge. Trinity opens her fridge, pulls out a drink and opens it.*

Trinity: Alright, what'll you guys have?

Midori: Do you have any Shichi-Ue?

Trinity: You bet! Same deal for you guys?*Ryuuichi and Sorakaji nod.* Alright! Heads up!

*Trinity flings two cans at Sorakaji and Ryuuichi. Ryuuichi leans back slightly to catch his. Sorakaji grabs his out of the sky without moving his head.*

Ryuuichi: Nice catch!

*Sorakaji pulls the tab back, takes a sip and puts the can on the table.*

Sorakaji: Thanks!

Trinity: Still got some fast hands! *Walks over, hands Midori a can and sits down.* Here you go, Midori!

Midori: Thank you!

Trinity: You're welcome! *Trinity looks at Midori and Ryuuichi and chuckles softly.*

Ryuuichi: Am I missing something here? What's so funny?

Trinity: Oh, nothing. It's just the more things change, the more they stay the same. Growing up, we had our own 3 person group. us two and our friend Shiro were inseparable. You found one of us, the other two probably weren't far behind.

Midori: I guess that's pretty accurate with us, too!

Ryuuichi: It is.

Midori: So how did you guys meet, Trinity?

Trinity: We met when we were only little kids.

*We flashback and see Dr. Shibata's clinic and Trinity begins narrating.*


Trinity: It was a sunny day, about 12 years ago. My mom had taken me into Dr. Shibata's clinic for my yearly check-up. Dr. Shibata had this little boy with dark hair and sad eyes who I'd never seen before in his clinic walking around. *We see a young Trinity sitting in on a bed in Dr. Shibata's clinic as Dr. Shibata goes about his business. He pats Sorakaji on his shoulder.*

Dr. Shibata: Hey, kiddo. You mind getting a tongue depressor from over there? *Points Sorakaji in the direction of his drawers.*

Young Sorakaji: OK.

*Sorakaji does as asked.*

Dr. Shibata: Thanks a lot. Alright, Trinity, say "AHH!"

Young Trinity: AHH!

*Dr. Shibata checks inside Trinity's mouth and then turns off his light.*

Dr. Shibata: Alright, Trinity, you're perfectly fine and healthy. You're good to go.

*Trinity hops down and walks over to Sorakaji, while Dr. Shibata talks to Trinity's mother.*

Young Trinity: Heya! I'm Trinity! Who are you?

Young Sorakaji: I'm Sorakaji.

Young Trinity: Sorakadi?

Young Sorakaji: No, Sorakaji...

*Trinity stops and thinks for a second.*

Young Trinity: I'm gonna call you Sora!

Young Sorakaji: OK...

Young Trinity: And I've already decided, we're gonna be friends!

*Trinity's mother comes over.*

Trinity's mother: Alright, Trinity, time to say goodbye!

Young Trinity: Bye Dr. Shibata! Bye Sora!

Young Sorakaji: Bye.

Trinity: So I started hanging around Dr. Shibata's clinic every day, coming over to see Sora. We made another friend, Shiro. I'd often watch the two sparring when we weren't learning from Tensai. Occasionally I'd join in. Sora wouldn't hit back so he and Shiro coached me through some moves instead.

*We see scenes of Sorakaji and Shiro throwing combos at each other while Trinity watches on. We see other scenes of Sorakaji, Shiro and Trinity standing side on, throwing jabs and kicks. The group looks truly happy.*


*Flashback ends.*

Midori: You learned school stuff from Tensai?

Trinity: Yeah. We didn't have a school proper in Fuego Heights, so Tensai taught us what he knew.

Ryuuichi: I could totally see that.

Trinity: He was stern, but he was good to learn from. We could be a lot to handle. Still, I never understood why Sora was so shy when we met. Dr. Shibata eventually told Shiro and I how Sora came to Fuego Heights and I understood why he was so quiet and shy. But as time went on, Sora grew more confident and by the time I left, it was hard to believe the timid little kid I met that day in Dr. Shibata's clinic was the same as this friendly, outgoing teenager.

Midori: I bet you guys helped him heaps!

Trinity: As I've said, we were inseparable. That is, until Shiro's dad had to leave. His dad got sick, so they moved back to his father's hometown.

Sorakaji: I've heard a few rumblings that Shiro got into politics or something.

Trinity: Really?

Sorakaji: I don't know how true they were, but it sounds about right.

Trinity: It really, really does. But as they say, nothing lasts forever...

*Another flashback to a 14 year old Trinity and a 14 year old Sorakaji.*


*Sorakaji and Trinity sit on the roof of Dr. Shibata's clinic.*

Teenage Trinity: Sora... I've got some bad news...

Teenage Sorakaji: What? You're not sick or...

*Trinity shakes her head.*

Teenage Trinity: No, no, nothing like that. *Trinity sighs* Sora... My parents are moving away. They got a new job that involves moving around a lot.

*Sorakaji looks devastated.*

Teenage Sorakaji: So you're going with them?

Teenage Trinity: Yeah.

Teenage Sorakaji: When are you moving?

Teenage Trinity: We're leaving in a week. I'm sorry, Sora.

Teenage Sorakaji: I'm happy for your parents. Really. I'm just gonna miss you a lot.

Teenage Trinity: I'm gonna miss you too. I had to tell you. I didn't want you to wonder why we just up and left.

Teenage Sorakaji: Thanks Trinity. *The two hug.*

*We then cut to a moving van leaving Fuego Heights. Trinity's father sits inside a car while Sorakaji and Trinity say their goodbyes.*

Teenage Trinity: I'll try to visit when I can.

Teenage Sorakaji: You promise?

*Trinity pauses for a second.*

Teenage Trinity: I can't make any promises, but if we're ever close, I'll definitely come say hi.

*Trinity's Mother walks over and pats her on the shoulder.*

Trinity's Mother: Sorry, hon. It's time to go.

*Trinity and Sorakaji look into each others eyes.*

Teenage Trinity: Goodbye, Sora.

*She kisses him on the cheek and waves goodbye. She gets into her parents' car and they drive off, leaving a devastated Sorakaji behind.*


*The flashback ends.*

Trinity: Eventually, my olds settled down here and I moved out.

Ryuuichi: And it's still a long way to travel from here to Fuego Heights.

Trinity: It is. *Sorakaji sits, thinking.* What's up, Sora? You've been pretty quiet this whole time.

Sorakaji: Nothing, you've been telling the story right, I haven't had anything to add.

Trinity: I'm glad you're a fan of my narration. *Laughs* Now then, I'm curious and I want to hear the story: What's up with this crystal you're looking for?

*Sorakaji looks at Midori who gives him a nod. Sorakaji pulls out the Crystal of Resurrection.*

Sorakaji: Here's one of them. The Crystal of Resurrection.

Trinity: It's beautiful!

Sorakaji: It is. This isn't the one we're looking for though. We're looking for the Crystal of Memories.

Trinity: How come?

Midori: To give me my memory back.

Trinity: Huh?

Midori: I've lost my memory. When I met Sora, I had no memory of who I was, where I was from, or my life up until a week or two before we met.

Trinity: That's terrible!

Sorakaji: Doc couldn't find anything wrong and Tensai said something was blocking her memories and he suggested we try to find a crystal he'd heard of.

Trinity: Heh, good old Tensai, huh? So what'd he say after that?

Midori: He sent us in the direction of where he'd heard from a friend a crystal might be. It seemed like a little bit of a longshot, but after a bit of wandering, we fought off a cyclops and found it. I gave it to Sora after we got back to Fuego Heights as payment and we set off to find another crystal we'd heard was around here somewhere.

Trinity: I can't say I've ever seen anything like it.

*The group look at each other, slightly disappointed.*

Ryuuichi: I guess this means we're travelling through the rest of the region. Figures. When are these things ever in the first place you look for 'em?

Trinity: It's always the way, huh?

*Ryuuichi looks at Sorakaji, who sits quietly, looking distracted. Suddenly, Ryuuichi yawns loudly.*

Ryuuichi: Ugh, excuse me. I guess I'm feeling more tired than I thought. I might head to bed. Down the hall, right? *Trinity nods.* You feeling as tired as I am, Midori?

*Midori shakes her head.*

Midori: No...

Ryuuichi: Are you sure, Midori?

*Ryuuichi makes a "let's make ourselves scarse" motion with his head. Midori clicks.*

Midori: Well, now that you mention it, *Lets out a big, exaggerated yawn and stretch* I am.

*Ryuuichi gets up.*

Ryuuichi: Night guys.

Sorakaji and Trinity: Night!

Midori: See you in the morning!

*Sorakaji and Trinity wave. Midori and Ryuuichi pick up their bags and walk to separate rooms as Sorakaji and Trinity watch them walk off. After a brief silence, Trinity speaks.*

Trinity: So... roof?

Sorakaji: You read my mind. *Trinity leads Sorakaji over to a ladder against a wall, which leads to a window going out onto a small platform on Trinity's roof. We pan back to see it has a nice view of Cielo Amarillo.* Wow, this is cool!

Trinity: This is the best part of living where I live! *Trinity sits down, legs dangling over the platform. Sorakaji sits next to her.* You've got some really cool friends, you know.

Sorakaji: They're pretty awesome. I wouldn't give them up for the world. Then again, I've always had a knack for making awesome friends, huh?

Trinity: We're lucky as well. The only thing I regret about our friendship is that big 5 year chunk we missed out on.

*Sorakaji smirks.*

Sorakaji: Growing up, I never thought it would end, you know? I wondered... if everything would always be that real forever.

Trinity: And as you got older, you wondered if anything could ever be that good again?

*Sorakaji nods.*

Sorakaji: How'd you know?

Trinity: You're not the only one.

Sorakaji: Yeah. We had a lot of good times, all three of us. I've missed you heaps since you left. I wondered what became of you. I wondered if you'd stopped thinking of me or if you'd forgotten me entirely.

Trinity: I never stopped thinking about you either, goof.

Sorakaji: Really?

Trinity: If I didn't have work and a home here, I'd have come back to Fuego Heights a long time ago. I missed you like you wouldn't believe.

Sorakaji: You and me both. I missed you and Shiro. I wonder if the rumours about him are true.

Trinity: Who knows?

Sorakaji: I'll give him your regards if I run into him out there.

Trinity: That'd be great!

Sorakaji: I'll definitely come back once the quest is over and visit again.

*Trinity smiles.*

Trinity: You better.

*Sorakaji smiles as well.*

Sorakaji: I promise.

Trinity: So where do you go from here?

Sorakaji: From town-to-town until we find the next Crystal, I guess.

Trinity: I hope it's the one Midori's looking for.

Sorakaji: Me too.

*The two stare out at the night sky for a few seconds.*

Trinity: We should go back inside.

Sorakaji: Mm. I should try to get some sleep.

*Trinity looks at him and laughs.*

Trinity: You really DO need your beauty sleep.

Sorakaji: HEY!

*Trinity starts laughing harder.*

Trinity: Joking!

*The two walk inside. Trinity gives Sorakaji a playful push and the two laugh as they go inside and we pan up. We fade into the next morning and we see our heroes getting ready to head off.*

Ryuuichi: Thanks for giving us somewhere to crash, Trinity. We appreciate it.

Midori: Mm, thanks so much!

Trinity: Don't mention it! Any time.

Sorakaji: It was great to catch up with you again, Trinity.

Trinity: It was. *Trinity punches Sorakaji in the shoulder.* Don't be a stranger, OK?

*Sorakaji smiles.*

Sorakaji: I won't. Take care.

*Sorakaji waves as he and his friends turn to walk away. They get a little farther down the road, when suddenly a group of people in familiar white robes, this time with a snake design on them, show up.*

Elite: Attention, sinners! We believe you may have an artifact we require! You are to tell us where it is immediately!

*Ryuuichi, Sorakaji and Midori eye the Elite and his Cultists with suspicion as he barges through them.*

Townperson: What does this artifact look like?

Elite: A crystal necklace! A beautiful artifact and a blessing to us all from our lord Lojand!

Trinity: Lojand? What do you mean? Crystal? Wait, Sora, is that...

*The Elite glares at her.*


*We cut to a reaction shot of Sorakaji, Midori and Ryuuichi.*

Midori: *Low, quiet voice.* Did he just say-?

Ryuuichi: Uh huh.

Sorakaji: How does he...?

Ryuuichi: Beats me...

Elite: Our leader has told us there is a crystal around this area! Stop feigning ignorance and hand it over!

Trinity: Who's feigning ignorance? We haven't even heard of one of these crystals you're talking about!

Elite: Fine, have it your way. *Turns to his Cultists.* Begin tearing this place apart. You know what to do if you meet any resistance.

Midori: I don't like this...

*The Cultists begin to go about their business, breaking into houses, etc. A townsperson tries to stop one and gets punched out for his troubles. Sorakaji and Ryuuichi look at each other, nod and rush back, past the Elite and begin to attack Cultists. Ryuuichi pulls one out of a house by the back of his neck, hits him in the gut and throws him into another Cultist who tries to help his ally. Trinity looks on or a second before speaking to one of the other townspeople.*

Trinity: Tell everybody to hide. My friends and I will deal with these jerks.

*The townsperson nods and goes to relay Trinity's message, but one of the Cultists runs after him. Midori looks down at her holster, pulls out a laser scalpel and throws it at the Cultist! It hits him in the back, disabling him.*

Trinity: Nice shot!

Midori: Thanks! Hey, I'll go help look after the townspeople.

Trinity: You sure?

Midori: I can't fight, so I'll help them out!

Trinity: Alright! Stay safe!

*Midori leaves, picking up her scalpel on the way. We pan back to Sorakaji elbowing one Cultist in the face, knocking him out before kicking another in the gut, then uppercutting him in the face. Trinity punches one of the Cultists close to her before another grabs her around the neck with his forearm.*

Cultist: HEY! You two! Long hair and blondie! *Sorakaji and Ryuuichi stand still and stop fighting.* That's better. Now, leave and let us get back to work before I have to hurt this young woman.

Ryuuichi: What are we gonna do, Sora?

Sorakaji: Keep- *A cultist tries to attack Sorakaji, who simply raises a backfist and knocks him out.* going!

Ryuuichi: Dude, are you kidding, he's holding Trinity...

*Trinity elbows the Cultist in the gut and begins uppercutting him like a hockey player in a fight. Sorakaji looks at Ryuuichi with a raised eyebrow and a smirk before shrugging.*

Sorakaji: See?

*Ryuuichi nods, impressed.*

Ryuuichi: Look at her go!

*Sorakaji turns around to a knee in his stomach from one of the cultists. Ryuuichi walks into a punch in the face. Ryuuichi stumbles backward and Sorakaji doubles over. The cultist attacking Sorakaji runs at Sorakaji with a knee aimed straight at the side of Sorakaji's head. Sorakaji moves, sweeps the cultist's legs out with his hand and as the cultist's momentum sends him flying onto his back, Sorakaji punches him in the gut. Meanwhile, Ryuuichi is on the wrong end of a barrage of punches to the face, which seem to be doing little more than annoying him.*

Ryuuichi: Oh, for God's sake.

*Ryuuichi exhales sharply and armdrags the Cultist when he throws another punch. Ryuuichi holds the Cultist's arm, then elbowdrops him. Elsewhere, Trinity jumps up and kicks a Cultist in the face with a back kick and as one throws a wild punch, she judo flips him into another Cultist.*

Trinity: That was pathetic!

*Ryuuichi looks at Sorakaji, who fights off three Cultists at once. Sorakaji then superkicks a Cultist who stumbles around, just as Ryuuichi spins around, who then collides awkwardly with the Cultist.*

Sorakaji: What the hell was that?

Ryuuichi: Argh! I was trying to nail him with a Dragon Riser as he turned, but I screwed up the timing!

Sorakaji: Um, it knocked him out at least, I guess...

Ryuuichi: We need to practice that next time we've got some time to train.

Sorakaji: Mm, we do.

*The Elite watches on as Trinity, Sorakaji and Ryuuichi continue to take out his Cultists with ease.*

Elite: Unforgivable!

*Trinity kicks a Cultist in the gut and sees another charging in at her. The second Cultist puts his knee out and Trinity moves the first in front of her to take the brunt of the hit! The second Cultist looks aghast at what he's done which is followed by Trinity jumping and kicking him in the jaw, putting him out of commission. The Elite comes hurtling in with a hard punch which Trinity barely ducks.*

Trinity: How many of you are there? Get the hint and leave!

Elite: Not until we have what we seek!

*As Sorakaji battles on, he sees Trinity take a swing at the Elite out of the corner of his eye and he turns. He watches as the Elite knocks Trinity down with a punch. Sorakaji's expression changes to one of pure rage.*

Sorakaji: Don't you ever-!

Ryuuichi: Wait, what?

*Sorakaji hurtles along and smashes the Elite in the face with a hard punch. Before the Elite can hit the ground, Sorakaji batters him with a relentless barrage of punches, followed by a solid kick to the head, so hard the Elite hits the ground, bounces and crashes through a house! We see Ryuuichi punch out the Cultist Sorakaji was fighting, punch out another, duck a third and drop him with a punch to the gut. We move back as Sorakaji tends to Trinity.*

Sorakaji: Trinity, are you OK?

*Trinity rubs the side of her face.*

Trinity: I'm good, I'm good. Ow... *Trinity chuckles.* I see you've still got a temper on ya. *A Cultist dives at her, she kicks the Cultist in the face. The Cultist drops.* Get lost!

Sorakaji: Heh, I guess!

*A cultist comes charging in at Sorakaji and Trinity from behind and as Sorakaji completes his sentence, Trinity drops down and hits the Cultist in the gut with a back elbow the same time Sorakaji hits him in the face with one too.*

Trinity: So why do these guys seem to be after the same crystal you guys are?

Sorakaji: I wish I knew!

*Trinity and Sorakaji stare down several Cultists coming at them. Trinity looks at Sorakaji with a smirk on her face.*

Trinity: Wanna see if we've still got it after all these years?

Sorakaji: I'm down if you are.

*One cultist rushes in and Trinity and Sorakaji spin and take him out with a pair of back elbows to the face. Another pair rush towards them, get a back kick in the gut each as Sorakaji and Trinity turn around. As the Cultists kneel, favouring their abdomens, Sorakaji and Trinity jumps and use them as springboards to flip over. They land on their feet and superkick the same Cultist in the face. We pan over to Ryuuichi who looks impressed.*

Ryuuichi: Damn, not bad.

*Without changing expression, Ryuuichi strongarms a Cultist trying to dive at him from behind. Sorakaji and Trinity stand back-to-back, looking around for more Cultists trying to start trouble. The few that are standing around who haven't been beaten up yet look at each other, intimidated by the trio and look at the Elite, very slowly pulling himself up.*

Elite: Rrrrrgh... We... we are done here.... *Stands up, holding the back of his head and favouring his abdomen.* We are to report... *collapses down to one knee as two Cultists help him up.* back to Seven. *He adopts a confident, but evil smile.* You're going to regret this! You'll wish you'd... given us what we asked for... *winces* politely.

Ryuuichi: We're so scared.

Elite: You will be.

Ryuuichi: Feh. If your back-up is anything like you, it's just one more punching bag.

Sorakaji: I'd leave if I were you. You've been embarrassed enough as it is.

*The Elite sneers as his Cultists help him hobble off. Slowly, the others get up and follow their Elite out of Cielo Amarillo.*

Trinity: They'd better not come back.

Sorakaji: I don't think they'd be foolish enough.

Trinity: *Looks at Sorakaji with a serious expression.* So, I'm going to ask the obvious question: Why were they after one of these Legendary Crystals you guys are after as well?

Sorakaji: They called themselves the Neo Crystal Cult, right?

Trinity: Yeah, they did.

Sorakaji: Oh no...

Trinity: What?

Sorakaji: Our master told us the story of a group called the Crystal Cult who tried to collect all of the crystals in order to take over the world.

Ryuuichi: He said that if you collect all 16, some dude named Lojand who apparently made the crystals will allow the collector to remake the world in whatever image they want or something.

Trinity: This sounds like some serious business.

Sorakaji: If this story is true, I'm more than a little worried.

Ryuuichi: We need to get out of here and deal to the rest of these guys.

Sorakaji: If this Seven or whoever is coming here, we'd better cut him off before he gets here. I'd love to stay and repair the building I wrecked with that Elite, but we need to get Midori and get the hell out of here ASAP.

*Trinity smirks.*

Trinity: That whole "I wreck it, I fix it" thing doesn't have to extend to all the way out here, Sora. I'll get Midori. Get ready to go.

Sorakaji: Thanks, Trinity. C'mon, Ryuu. Let's grab our stuff.

Ryuuichi: You got it.

*We fade out as our heroes move to gather their things. We fade in to see a discretion shot of a bored looking Seven killing off a villager. The villager drops and Seven sighs.*

Seven: Ugh. What a waste of time. *The beaten and sore Cultists of Seven's hobble into the town and Seven looks at them, unimpressed.* Oh, come on! What is this?

Elite: Apologies, Master Seven. We met some unexpected resistance along the way.

Seven: Resistance? They look like they got beaten senseless. You look like you were kicked through a building.

Elite: Well... nevertheless. Did you find anything here?

Seven: Apart from a small handful of people who thought trying to pick a fight was the smartest option, (obviously it wasn't.) I have not as such, no. Let me guess: you want me to come with you and beat up the bullies that schooled you, right?

*The Elite looks down, ashamed.*

Elite: Not in those words, but yes...

*Seven sighs.*

Seven: Fine. Ugh, I have to do everything for you guys... Stay here, you've been roughed up enough... *Seven begins walking away from the town he's in and starts muttering to himself.* Can't believe this group of idiots. Can't throw a punch, can't take a punch, can't follow orders... what good are they? Yeesh. Lojand give me strength...

Narrator: Seven of the Neo Crystal Cult is on a collision course with our heroes! It's only a matter of time before he goes head-to-head with Sorakaji and Ryuuichi! What happens when Seven steps up to fight? Find out next time on Legend of the Sixteen Crystals!

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