Chapter 27: Fight Against Seven!

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Narrator: Last time on Legend of the Sixteen Crystals, our heroes made it to Oro Beso in one piece, where they ran into Sorakaji's former girlfriend, Trinity. After Sorakaji and Trinity caught up on things, the group went to leave. Their exit was stopped however by an invasion by the Neo Crystal Cult! Sorakaji, Trinity and Ryuuichi would fight off the invading Cultists but when threatened with retribution from the absent Seven, Sorakaji and Ryuuichi left, posthaste to try and meet Seven head-on and avoid any collateral damage! The fallout begins today on Legend of the Sixteen Crystals!

*We transition in to see Sorakaji and Ryuuichi walking briskly in the direction the Cultists ran off in last chapter.*

Sorakaji: I don't know where these guys came from, I just hope there's only one of them waiting for us.

Ryuuichi: Ah, you never know. This guy could just be another chump like the rest of them.

Sorakaji: I doubt it. Do you think those Cultists would have talked this "Seven" up like he was a big deal if he were nothing?

Ryuuichi: True.

Sorakaji: We'd be safer playing things like we have a big fight on our hands.

Ryuuichi: If we've got a big throwdown coming our way, I think Midori made the smart move staying with Trinity, don't you?

Sorakaji: Yeah. It was.

*We enter a flashback. Sorakaji finds Midori after the Cultists clear off.*


Sorakaji: Midori, you ready to go? We've got the leader of these guys coming our way and we don't want to have the people here get caught in the crossfire. Ryuu and I are going to try and meet this guy head-on.

Midori: Do you really think that's a good idea?

Sorakaji: Huh?

Midori: I can't exactly fight. I'll just get in your way.

Sorakaji: Well, I don't want you getting hurt, but you're part of our group. I don't want to leave you behind.

*Trinity pats Midori on the shoulder.*

Trinity: Don't worry about it, Sora. Midori can hang out with me for a while. I might even teach her how to throw a combo or two. *Midori and Sorakaji look at Trinity, puzzled.* Hey, I don't have to teach ya if you don't want me to. Either way, just hang back here with me for a bit, Midori!

*Midori nods.*

Midori: I'll meet back up with you two later, K?

Sorakaji: Alright. Ryuu, let's go.

Ryuuichi: Yes sir!

*Ryuuichi throws a sarcastic salute and the two leave. The flashback finishes.*


Sorakaji: I don't want her to feel like she's redundant, you know?

Ryuuichi: She shouldn't. It's just that when we need to throw down, she can't go toe-to-toe with these Cult guys like we go.

Sorakaji: She's bailed me out of trouble more than once though. I know that much.

Ryuuichi: I'm not saying she's not helpful, it's just she's not a fighter like we are. Anyway, I wonder what this Seven guy looks like.

Sorakaji: Just look out for a similar get-up to the Cultists would be my guess.

*Ryuuichi shudders.*

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