Ring Around My Heart (DreamNo...

By Littlefufferfish

559 44 41

-This is an AU (alternative universe) -Multiple ships may appear, but the main is DreamNotFound -No explicit... More

Newly Loved
Tired Of Loving You
Honestly I Love You
Lover's Concussion
High Love
Love Is Illegal
Let's Hope
All Or None
Vacation Or Evacuation
Bright Side
Inclusive Cookies
Just One Of Us
Safe With Us
Jump For Me
Don't Bleed Dry
The Disappearing Sap
Deceptive And Cold-blooded
Eliminate Or Be Eliminated
Home Is Where The Rights Is
Not Worth Death
Time To Go
Pure Love
Please Pretend To Love Me
I Did Nothing

Watch It Burn, Love

13 2 0
By Littlefufferfish

George was thankfully able to get a taxi to take him to the hospital. He needed to add getting a driver's license to his to-do list.

He met Dream in the waiting room, he looked a mess. George could see Dream shaking from a distance, as he approached him.

"Hey, I'm here...you alright?" George sat down, his heart exploding from the sight. The sight of seeing his husband emotionally fried.

Dream inhaled deeply, letting his breath out in a desperate attempt to stay calm. "Is this it? Is the world ending?"

"What? No, of course not!" George shook his head and rubbed Dream's shoulder. "How is she?"

"She's going to recover...but she's in so much pain." Dream let George know that Drista wasn't going to die or anything extreme like that. At least not yet, she was still full of light. "The world is over...what's the point?" Dream put up his hood and hid his face in the fabric.

"I understand what you mean...it does feel like that, doesn't it?" George fought off his urge to cry. "She'll be okay, you don't have to worry."

"It's not just her...our friends... they're dead..." Dream would never be able to shake off that fact. "They just died...no warning...no mercy. Just...death." Dream broke down and started sobbing violently, punching the wall behind him. Hard enough that he actually hurt his fist. Thankfully the walls were designed to take a beating.

"Dream!" George grabbed his arms so he couldn't damage anything. That's the last thing they needed. "I... I know, I'm sad too." He reassured Dream that he was not alone.

"Maybe it's time I give up..." Dream judged George for his destructive thoughts, but here he was now having them. "Everything is fucked."

George knew it might not be the best option, but he leaned in and hugged Dream comfortingly. He rested his chin on Dream's shoulder, hearing his heart beat rapidly from there. "I love you so much...I don't want you to give up, okay?" George teared up and began crying with Dream empathically. "Keep living, even if that implies without me." As much as he wanted his husband to love him, he wanted his best friend to stay alive.

Dream wrapped his arms around George, officially accepting the embrace. "I've been a bitch to you...our marriage used to be so beautiful. Now it's illegal, and we're toxic."

George rubbed Dream's back, while also trying to soothe himself by nuzzling Dream. "It's not illegal...as of now."

"We hurt each other, I hurt you so much." Dream continued crying like no one was around.

"I don't care. I deserve it, because I'm not the best husband either...can I move back in?" George sniffled and cleared his throat quietly. "If the world is gonna burn, we might as well watch it all go down together. There won't be time to start over..."

Dream's breath hitched and he whimpered before burying his face in George's chest. He was fully losing his grip on mental stability. "Watch the world burn with me..."

"I will..." George boldly lifted Dream's chin and kissed his forehead. "Come on, let's go see your sister. You're making my anxiety act up, love."


Dream sat in the seat closest to his sister. George sat down in a chair slightly further away.

"You still in pain?" Dream asked her softly.

Drista nodded slowly. "Hurts so bad..." Drista rubbed her face and cleared her throat. "When can I go home?"

"I don't know, hopefully in a couple hours." Dream rubbed her shoulder. He was glad to see her coming back to reality. For awhile, she was stuck in shock.

"Okay...can I tell you something?" Drista asked sleepily. She was so tired, but couldn't actually relax enough to sleep.

"Anything, what's up?" Dream sat back in his seat.

"It's my fault that this happened...I actually told them I might be non-binary. I shouldn't of said that when I was out alone with them." Drista blamed themself for what happened.

"Non-binary?" Dream furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"...Would this be a bad time to tell you I'm not sure if I'm a girl?" Drista turned their head away from him.

"I- Jesus..." Dream felt horrible, but he just didn't want his sister to end up being an even larger target. "so...what pronouns should I use from now on?"

"Them/them but you can still use feminine names for me. Like sister, I don't mind...I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or not." Drista turned back to him.

"Alright, I'll use them. I love you no matter what, but you have to be careful. Don't tell anyone outside of the family." Dream looked over to George. "George, are you listening?"

George nodded. "I'm listening, I'll use those pronouns for them too." He agreed to be supportive.

Drista smiled slightly. "Thanks guys, I know it's hard to encourage this stuff these days...with the cult and everything." They knew they were lucky to have people who would support their identity.


George got back to Ranboo's place, quickly packing his bags without really saying anything to the pair.

"Are you running away to join the circus?" Ranboo asked with a chuckle as he watched George quickly pack his bag.

"No- Dream is having a hard time, and wants me to come back home." George wasn't going to give Dream enough time to potentially change his mind.

"Oh, alright? Was Drista okay?" Ranboo asked, since he didn't get an update from Dream.

"A group of kids beat them up, stabbed them too but it wasn't that deep." George explained the situation as he zipped up his luggage.

"Oh my god!-" Ranboo shrieked, he felt accountable for that. He let them walk out of his sight with the suspicious group. "That's awful, is she okay?"

"They are doing okay. They are back home now with their parents." George let him know that they weren't in critical condition.

"That's good, that's good..." Ranboo wanted to ask about the pronouns, bit assumed it was none of his business at this point. "Need a ride back home?"

"Yes please, you guys have been lovely. Thanks for letting me stay." George smiled with gratitude.

"No problem. If you ever find yourself needing a place again, you're welcome to come back." George hadn't caused any problems during the week he was with them.


George got home and put the suitcase down. The first thing he wanted to do was hunt Dream down and force a cuddle frenzy. Though it was probably best to take it slow and not immediately cling to Dream again right away.

"Dream, I'm home!" George shouted while walking through the house. He checked everywhere and there was no sign of him. "Dream?" He kept looking for a note or some explanation. Dream's car, boots, wallet, and keys were all still there. Yet, there was no obvious signs of foul play.

His heartbeat became painful as he called Drista. Assuming Dream wasn't going to answer a call, because his cellphone was laid out on the couch. Hopefully he just got worried about Drista and was with his family again.

There was no answer the first time, so he called again.

"Hello..." A weak and sleepy voice picked up.

"Sorry if I woke you. Is your brother there? I came home and he's nowhere to be found. Car is still here and it seems like he left everything behind." George was praying for a sweet and simple answer. So he could just go to bed and see Dream in the morning.

"Uh, no? Where would he possibly go without the car?" Drista was groggy, and didn't sound too concerned. Not because they turned cold, but because they assumed Dream was either out in the backyard somewhere, or he went for a stress walk.

"I don't know...I figured maybe he didn't feel well enough to drive with all the panic going through his mind. He might of got a taxi, he could be on his way to your house." George tried to convince himself this was all a small hiccup. Dream just happened to get anxious, so he got a taxi to his parent's house. He would of had to he pretty out of it to forget to take his phone or his wallet though.

"George, that doesn't sound right..." Drista was slowly starting to wake up. "He always texts before he shows up. If he left everything, how would he even pay for the taxi?"

"Oh my god..." The fragile pieces of George's conclusion fell apart. "Fuck...do I call the police?" He almost forgot he was talking to a kid.

"I...I don't kn...ow? Is...Is Dream okay? Is he gonna get hurt?" Drista feared for their brother's safety.

"No, no! It's fine. I got to go, see you later." George hung up, throwing himself onto the couch. The last thing he wanted to think was that someone kidnapped and murdered his husband.

He jumped up again when he heard the front door opening.

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