A Divided Nation:: A Divided...

Galing kay LoveIsAnOption

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[Silco X Reader] I strive for power. I always have. Especially since the city above treats us like shit. We... Higit pa

{1} Brand New Numb
[2] Now Or Never
{3} Believer

[4] Me Against You

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Galing kay LoveIsAnOption

[A few days Later]

Y/n's pov

I was sitting in my office, doing paperwork and arrangements. There was a knock on my door.

"I'm busy." I stated blandly.

"Too busy for us?" Mylo opened the door and let Claggor and himself in. Once they entered he closed the door.

"Of course not." I set my work aside. "What can I do for you kiddos? You liking your new clothing?"

"We do, and we appreciate it." Claggor began. "But, we've gotten curious. We found some old pictures in your old room."

I glanced at the two curiously. Mylo set a black box on my desk. I immediately recognized it as my memory box. "We're curious about the top two pictures." I opened the box up and pulled out the two pictures.

My heart dropped looking at the photos. "I was looking for these pictures..." I said to myself. I glanced at the first one. It was me and Mr. Singed. Or that's what he was preferred to be called. "This is me and the closest thing I had to a Parental figure. This man was one of the wisest people I knew. Although, he'd always be alone, life was different then." I switched to the second one. It was of Vander, Silco and I. "And this one-"

"We know it's you and Vander, but who's the other kid?" Claggor asked.

"Heh." It was a picture of our trio. We were young teenagers. Around 12 or 13 most likely. My memory isn't the brightest as it used to be. "This is of Us two, and Silco." We were somewhere in Piltover. We had cool hats on our heads, along with capes. "That day was precious. We named ourselves the 'Heroes of Zaun', and we stated that all that day, that we were saviors. and that we were going to save the day. "

"Okay, hold up. You knew Silco when he was younger?!" Mylo asked.

I nodded. "But that's all you need to know. It's as they say: Curiosity killed the cat. Some things are better left unsaid." I stated.

They nodded in agreement. "Yes ma'am." They said in unison.

"Great. It's time for you two to go eat lunch. Gen will be guiding you. She will also finish the remaining tour. After that I'll expect you two to choose your specialty. You'll be helping out around so much." And right on time, Gen walked in.

"Ma'am, you have a guest. Waiting. He's out in the hall. He says he knows you and has urgent business to talk to you about. And he said he had an appointment made ahead of time."

"Does he have a name?"

"He stated himself to be called 'V'."

Viktor was here. "Let him in, and have him escorted to my upper level office please. I will be there momentarily."

"Right away." She nodded and left.

"On second thought.... Why don't you meet my consumer? We've had quite the history."

"Really?!" Claggor beamed. "You'll take us on an important business meeting?!"

"Important business?!! Woah I wanna go too! Sure beats thinking." Mylo added.

"Sure. Why not. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two. Maybe you'll want to be my assistant in business." I smiled as I put documents away. I then walked to the door and led them out, securing my office. We walked to and entered the elevator.

"That sounds cool. What options do we have?" Mylo asked.

"Well, I have a vacancy open for Hospital Assistants, Assassins, Bounty Hunters, I could always use more inventors and scientists. Especially chemists. I have almost everything you could have ever dreamed of." I smiled as we made our way out of the elevator. The guard closed the painting door. "Money gives you access to anything you want, depending the quantity."

The boys admired the painting, as it covered the elevator. "Cool! I want to be a General for your army!!" Claggor beamed.

"I want to be an assassin. I'm all about that secret and stealthy mode."

I felt bad kinda, I shouldn't have mentioned that dangerous stuff. I don't want to lose them so soon. Yet alone toughen them up in a mind wrecking position. "Right." I nodded.

Mylo suddenly asked," where did you get all this cool stuff?!"

"When I was younger, this building was abandoned. I always would claim it to be mine, and after all this time it still is. I did have to modify it quite a bit." I chuckled. "I then legally made it mine."

"What about all the cool technology?"

"They're all mostly my creations. I've had other professionals check and improve my work. That's I've been getting more prototypes. And as for business, my income is the greatest. I'm one of the richest in Zaun." They both began to freak out and talk amongst themselves. We now have reached the designated room.

I knocked on the door and opened it. I entered and the boys followed. Viktor looked up and he smiled once he glanced at me. "Y/n. So lovely to see you."

"As to you Viktor. Since you're here, I thought I'd introduce you to my boys. Kiddos, this is Viktor. Viktor, this is Mylo and Claggor."

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you two." He smiled. It gave me butterflies.

"You too sir." Claggor nodded.

"Pleasure is all ours." Mylo added.

"So respectful as well." He smiled. "Y/n, I do have urgent matters of business to talk to you as well." I motioned for him to have a seat.

"Of course, I'm always all talk and open for business. As you can recall from the incident that happened a few days ago. I can assure you that my POH is now in better condition." I took a seat on my desk chair and faced Viktor. The boys each got comfortable on couch chairs in the room. "I also have new products if you're interested. They're mostly used for defense. Like, escaping from being sighted by Professors or Enforcers."

[POH: Power Of Healing—> it's the healing liquid.]

"Interesting. You'd have to include me more details on your new chemicals. I do intend on purchasing more POH."

"Of course. On our scheduled tour I can inform you more as well."

3rd POV.

The two adults began talking math, statistics and other boring stuff. As thought by the two boys. They wanted to pay attention but they found it not as engaging as they initially thought it would be. Y/n and Viktor were saying words that the two boys thought were fancy talk.

The two boys make eye contact, as they as are on opposite sides of the room. They notice how much Viktor is deeply looking at Y/n while she explains everything. He seemed like an extreme nerd to them. They continued to examine Victor. His features. It was almost as if something had clicked in their heads at the same time. Mylo scattered to find a picture of Y/n, a brown haired boy with a cane, and an old looking scientist type of guy. He quickly showed it to Claggor and he nodded.

"....Which is extremely important. I've come up with a few strategies to avoid going into a war. But if that is the last option I'm already ready." 

"You do have everything planned out, as I can remember-"

"Are YOU THE BOY IN THE PICTURE?!!1!!" Mylo blurted out.

Y/n and Viktor both turn to face the boy. "Excuse us?" She questioned.

"Is he the mystery boy?" Claggor added, standing to take the picture from his brother. He showed the picture to the two up closer. Viktor took the picture.

"Yes, that is me." He confirmed. "Y/n, you still have this picture?"

"I.... Guess I do. I didn't want to let you go just yet. And you were.. kinda my motivation to find my way back home. Although we did have trouble beforehand." She awkwardly laughed.

"I-" he was at a loss of words. "But I hurt you." He frowned.

"That doesn't matter now. We all make mistakes. I know it wasn't intentional." She argued. "We are living in the present, I'm doing fine forgetting the past."

"My darling, you are so strong." He placed a hand on her cheek in a loving way. It left the two boys in shock.

"Woah woah woah woah." Mylo spoke up. "Are- Are we missing something?"

"Yeah, what gives?"

"Oh, did I forget to tell you? He's my boyfriend."

"BOYFRIEND?!" the boys said in shock.

"Uh, yes. That is what she said." Viktor nodded.

"He seems too pretty. Definitely from Piltover. What are you doing down here with us?" Mylo questioned.

"Does that make you our dad?" Claggor said confused, still trying to process.

"I am from the Under City. I just... let's say moved to Piltover for secret reasons. And as for father-" he paused to think. He glanced at Y/n.

"I suppose it does." She nodded.

"So like- are you two going to get married or something?" Claggor asked.

"They can't get married! He needs to get a blessing or whatever from her dad. Or else they can't. Or something." Mylo thought about it.

That's when Y/n had a thought pop up. "Speaking of Father, how's Singed? Is he doing alright? Have you talked to him?"

"Oh! I thought you knew. He works for Silco." Viktor said casually. 

"WHAT." She screamed. "Why?! Why with him? Why didn't I know?" She groaned. She pulled a seat and set it next to Viktor's. She leaned her head against him. Mylo took the opportunity to sit in her seat. Claggor just pulled a seat next to his.

"I'm not sure. But, he is happy, at peace."

"No he's not. We're loners. We always were. And, you know how Silco used to be. We were supposed to stick together."

"He will never be an unforgivable man. I'm sure. But it is as you said. Focus on the future, the past will become irrelevant. You will show them. When you.... Left.... Thats when he-"

There was a knock on the door. "I have a spy. We caught him hiding behind a stone wall." Gen entered with Jayce in handcuffs.

The adults turn around in shock, as Jayce takes in his surroundings. "W-what's going on?!" He panicked. His anger then took over him. "What are you two evil monsters doing with them?! Let them go!" He demanded, targeting the two boys behind the desk.

Mylo took this opportunity to roleplay a bit before letting Y/n speak. "Yes, we are evil. We're monsters. And you walked into our trap." He laughed.

"Yeah! We're going to uh- keep you as a prisoner! And you're all from topside. Even better! Especially for marketing!" Claggor smiled evilly.

"Gen, thank you, please give us a moment." She nodded and left. "Jayce, please excuse my boys."

Y/n's Pov.

I stood. "Now-"

"I need answers." He demanded. I death glared at him, and he stepped back. I glanced back at Viktor. He shrugged. "And you had kids together?!"

I sighed. "You aren't supposed to be here." I walked closer to him. "And our children aren't your concern. I'm surprised you haven't been dismantled yet."

"Who are you really?! You're not a professor."

"I never said I was, exactly." I crossed my arms. "It looks like you don't have any trust in your partner. Or me, for that part. I'll just cut to the chase. I'm a woman of high status. I'm a woman of power." He began to step back and I began to walk closer.

"She is future ruler of Zaun, perhaps an alliance can be made." Viktor offered as he came to my side. I nodded and calmed down.

"That's an excellent idea, although I am curious on what you have to offer."  I eyed Jayce curiously.

"You can negotiate with HexTech."

"I will not. Especially to-"

"Someone from the under city? You know, at some point in our lives we will have to step out of our comfort zones. And, who knows. Maybe you'll even like it here." I placed a hand on Viktor's shoulder. "I-"

"You're a monster. A lying rat. That's what you all are." Jayce began. "Let's go Viktor."

"What? No. You can't discriminate them, you can't-"

"Since when did you start defending these monsters-"

"I'm from the under city. Have you forgotten?!" Viktor began to get enraged.

"It seems you have overstayed your visit Jayce. I will set you free and out of this building. But if I see you come near here again, I won't hesitate to kill you. I have everything at my hands. Money. Weapons. Technology. POWER. If you tell anyone what you say or heard, you'll be done for. I will find where you live and kill everyone who's close to you. I can start a war and destroy your city of progress. Then you'll know what it's like to be in our place. " I walked over to my desk. I pulled out a 4 masks in the bottoms drawer. I handed masks to my boys, and they put it on without hesitation. I walked over to Viktor and he looked unsure.

"W-what's that for?!" Jayce ordered.

"Don't worry about it." I glared at him. I then turned to smile lovingly at Viktor. After a small moment, he took the mask and nodded in defeat. He knew what had to be done. He placed it on.

"N-no!! You're going to kill me!!"

"Why would I want to do that? You're still of use to the people above. I wouldn't want someone as special as you to go missing so soon." I placed my mask on and it slightly lowered by voice. "It's time to go night nite." I smiled then pressed the chip in my hand. It began to blink as gas filled the room. I stared him down as he began coughing, and eventually collapsed. I opened the door and Sevika stood there.

"Oh, what lovely timing."

"At your orders ma'am." She placed her mask on.

"I need this man escorted back to Topside. Unfortunately he wandered through the wrong parts." I frowned.

"Of course. I will return shortly to update you on the army."

"Thank you very much. I appreciate it." I nodded. She grabbed Jayce and slumped him over her shoulder. What a strong woman she was. Ray took the sudden action to fly onto Sevika's other available shoulder. She looked at me and I just shrugged.

"He'll keep you safe." I smiled. She nodded and left.

"Will, he be alright?" Viktor asked.

"Of course he is. I'm not a monster." I rolled my eyes. "The chemicals in the gas will create a reaction with the chemicals in his brain causing a small shortage. This, will create a short period of memory loss. He should wake up soon, 2 days tops." With the pull of a lever, a fan turned on to remove the gas.

"How we're you able to conclude to such theory? Are you sure-"

"Dude. It's not a theory. It's already tested and done." I lightly smacked his head. "Alright boys, I need you two to do something important for me." I took my mask off and they did too.

"I need you two to investigate what happened to the last Drop. I might be able to buy the place. In the meantime, you should grab personal belongings if you have any." I handed them guns.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Viktor interrupted.

"Giving them weapons? Duh. It's for self defense."

"What-" he was about to continue but I pecked him on the lips and he remained quiet.

"If anyone tries to hurt you, shoot them. I'll take responsibility and take over the legal shit. I will assign you each a personal guard. And while you're at it, get me something special from the market place. It's important you don't know what it is. Can I trust you two?!"

Viktor looked like he was about to faint.

"Yes ma'am."

"Of course."

They both nodded. "Great!" I smiled. I handed Claggor a folded piece of paper. "Give this to the guy on Werkern alley. His name is Gret. You know it's him when you see him. Make sure you don't look at what he gives you. It can kill you." They both nodded in understanding. "Cool." I walked out of the room and whistled. A group of guards came to my aid. "Alright. I need two guards. One for each boy. And, I need the rest of you to scatter through out the city. You'll be alerted when you are required for a assistance."

"Thank you for giving us this task. We won't let you down." Claggor smiled.

"We can handle this." Mylo added. I bent down a little to their eye level.

"Boys. I want you to remember something. There are so many people who want me dead. Who want you dead. Word has been spreading like a virus. They know you're my kids. There are people out there who think they will gain power by taking people who I have closest to me away. These adults, won't stop at anything to kill you. These aren't people with mercy. Don't give them the chance to kill you." I stood. "Understood?"

They both glanced at each other before nodding. "Understood." They said in unison.

"Good. Be back before sunset. I'm counting on you two." They gave me a hug before exiting. They took their weapons and masks with them.

I closed the door. "You are trying very hard. Although there might be a few things to fix." He began. I sat on my Couch and Viktor sat next to me. I stared at my desk.

"Don't you remember what it was like to be children those times? Those times can't compare to what we're going through now. I need them to be as prepared as possible. It really did suck."

"I know what you went through was painful, but you need to take precaution in your actions. Don't compare the past to the future."

"I know. It's- I'm new to this mom thing. I feel like they're repairing, or at least making up, the damage that's been done in my life. Other than glorious change, I feel like they've given me a purpose in life. Something to look forward to live to. Aside from you of course." I placed my hand on his cheek. He looked tired. "I really want to keep them safe."

"My darling, you need to take things slow. I'm here for you now. I will never leave your side. I can promise you. You are amazing person. You will do fine." He tiled his head to burry it in my neck. I laid down and he was on top of me.

I began to play with his hair. "Thanks Dove. I appreciate it."

"Have I ever told you, you're beautiful?"

"Only about a thousand times." I rolled my eyes. He shifted his head and rested it on my chest.

"Well, you need constant reminder."

"And you need to be told more often that you're incredibly Handsome. I'm surprised you didn't have a significant other."

"I was busy and had lot on my mind."

"That's understandable." I chuckled. "How about we go to my room?"

"I like where this is going."

"To talk." I lightly smacked his head.

"That is also nice option, yes." He looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Okay okay. Maybe a quick round before I have to get back to work." I laughed.

3rd POV

"And do you know anything of this man?" Silco asked.

"No sir. Y/n had a guest and her two boys in the room with her. By the looks of it, he was a man of high status in the Upper City."

"Of high status? Interesting." He took a huff of his cigar. "She certainly is plotting something. Do you know who the other man in her office was?" He asked with curiosity.

"No. But I do have a description."

"H-Hey!" Powder walked in. She closed the door behind her. She had her stuffed bunny in hand, and a bunch of papers filled with drawing in the other hand.

"Hello Jinx." Silco nodded. "Write it down and save it for later. And what is that bird doing on your shoulder? It's absolutely hideous."


"Hey!" The blue haired girl interrupted. "It's not hideous!"

"Of course it's not." Silco corrected himself.

"It's Y/n's messenger bird!! Maybe I can send her a letter saying I'm okay!" She brightened up. Silco and Sevika shared a glance.

"No. You can't."

"What? Why not?" She frowned.

Silco bent down to her eye level and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Y/n is a terrible person. She isn't who you think she is. She'd lock you up once she has the chance. Do you really think she'd be happy to see you?"

"But.... She promised to-"

"Promises mean nothing. It's the course of action one has to take. She will never be here for you. She's too caught up in her own head. I, on the other hand, will always be here for you. We will show them all. Remember? It'll be just you and me." He assured.

"Why don't you like her?" She continued to question further.

"She did me wrong. I thought she was the loving woman I fell for. She betrayed me and hurt me. She is full of hate. Negativity. There is absolutely no place for that here." (How ironic 😭😭) He spoke sternly.

"Y-you liked her too?!" She was caught up in her thoughts.


"Vander liked her too."

"Vander isn't here. He isn't here for you. He's just as terrible as she was. All they ever do is hurt the people they're around. Understand?" Before she could say anything he continued," I see you have more blueprints. Why don't you run those over with Mr. Singed and I'll be over there momentarily. I just need to have a word with Sevika."

She frowned and held her head down. "Okay...." She held on tight to her sister's old bunny plush and made her way out. She closed the door. But, curiosity got the best of her. The door locked behind her.

'Why is she so important that I have to leave? What are they going to talk about?! Could it be me?' She thought to herself as she laid on the floor, with an ear up to the ground and an eye to peek under the door slot. She held her breath to fully listen to their conversation.

"Having that bird on your shoulder is giving me the ability to question your alliance."

"I serve you and only you." Sevika said loud and clear. "I can't remove him from my shoulder as he will report back to Y/n."

"Report back?" He stared her right in the eyes. "Kill the bird. Now."

"Excuse me?" Sevika was genuinely shocked.

"It's either Kill the bird or Kill Y/n. I know it'll be easy. So do one or the other."

The bird turned to stare at Silco. Sevika nodded. She grasped the bird by its body and began to tightly squeeze it. It began to squawk in pain. It began to bit her hand but her tight just became tighter.

Powder couldn't take it anymore. She began to jiggle the door. "Don't do it Sevika!!" She pleaded from the other side of the door. "Don't do it!!! Please!!"

Silco opened the door and glanced down at the girl. "Jinx!! Didn't I send you off to see Singed?"

"I felt left out." She looked down at the ground, not being able to make eye contact.

"Oh- did you want to see?" He opened the door completely and the bird was loosing air. She looked up and she was about to loose it.

"nO!" She ran up to Sevika and pulled her hair. She let go of the bird. Powder took the chance to grab the bird and try to make a run for it. Silco grabbed the girl from under her arms before she got away. He sat her on the desk. Sevika closed the door once more.

"Look, sweetie, that bird is a threat to us. If you set it free, then Y/n will have the chance to come here and kill is all. You wouldn't want that, now would you?"

She hugged her knees, hugging the bird gently and facing the other way. "No...." She mumbled.

"Then you need to let Sevika kill it."

"No!" She said louder. "Y/n isn't a bad person. She made us all happy. She made Vi.. Mylo and Claggor happy... she made Vander happy-"

"They're all gone." He stated. "You have to go deep in thought. Did she really make you happy? Or did her gifts make you happy? You don't know who she is. She will never have the ability to make you smile, yet alone ponder where you might be. She just doesn't care."

The girl frowned and took a glance at the bird. She felt bad. She didn't even know Y/n that well. How would she know if she cared at all? She for sure didn't want the bird to die. But, she didn't also want to have Y/n come here by force. Maybe if she could just write a quick letter and have the bird set free to send it to her-

"Jinx. Look at me." He slightly bent over to reach her eye level. He placed a hand on her cheek and with his thumb wiped her upcoming tears. "You simply can't judge a book by its cover. I've known her for decades. She is the most cruelest person on this planet. She wasn't always that way, but-"

"People can change." She stated.

"For the better, or worse, yes. But understand, child, there is no use in trying to talk. I already have. She is unstable. If she knew you were here with me, she'd have us all killed. That's what I want to do. I want to keep you safe. Once we continue for our freedom of our own Nation, we will be more safe."

"....." she frowned and took in a deep breath. She took the bird and gave it a few pats on the head before getting up and walking towards Sevika. She held her arms up high as their height difference was quite a bit. "Here you go. Keep us safe."

Sevika took the bird and nodded. Without hesitation, she grabbed it by the neck with one hand and body with the other, pulling the bird apart. One simple crack was heard and it was dead. The girl frowned in fear and disappointment. After all, they lived in Zaun, and it's what had to be done. "You did good kid." She nodded. Jinx felt.... Better. She was being praised by the strongest woman she knows.

"Now Jinx, please head over to Mr. Singed this time. Sevika and I need to have an adult talk, yes?"

"Yes sir." She nodded and left for real this time; the current past events are still flooding her mind. She was going to talk to Singed about it.

"Sevika, now, you did bring something up earlier about her army. Please tell me more."

"Her army is becoming less human. She tells me she has plans to change the way her army thinks and I don't think it's anything human like. It has something to do with technology or implants or something I've heard."

"Interesting. Inform me when you learn more."

"Also. The boys. They're doing fine. They also saw me when Vander was brought in. What if they-"

"It's not going to be a problem, is it, Sevika? You already know what to do. Kill her if she begins to raise suspicions. It'll make it easier on all of us. You're free to go." He dismissed her in a manner of basically telling her 'get out.' He's heard what he needed to. He didn't need an adult complaining to him about childish things. That is what he considered it anyways.

Now, he was off to see how Jinx was holding up.

"I have her picture here with me. I haven't heard from her for a while. Things happened." He sighed as he held the photo of two children. In the picture, was of Viktor and Y/n when they were younger.

"Maybe we can find a way to reunite you guys!!! She's out there somewhere!" Jinx beamed. "My new Meowzer version can wait. We have to go now!" She urged.

"Go where?" Silco walked in just in time.

"Uh, No where!!"

"My daughter is still alive." Singed said in a serious casual tone.

"You never informed me that you had a daughter. Where did you find out she was alive?"

"This girl right here." Singed pat Jinx's back.


"My little Y/n is alive and well. She disappeared without telling me where. I don't know what happened or where she had gone."

Silco stood there in thought. He was in shock. Of fucking course she was his daughter. How didn't he connect the dots? 'Damn it.' He thought. "Well, isn't that lovely? I haven't seen her around you when we were younger." He thought out loud.

"It was quite interesting. You both lived busy lives. She was too creative and outgoing. Could be some of the reasons you two never had seen me at the same time."

"Silco says Y/n is a bad person." Jinx said casually.

"What." Singed stared down Silco.

"Those words were mixed in. I didn't exactly say-"

"Yes you did."

Silco took in a deep breath. "To be fair, I said it out of my experience. She didnt exactly take my liking." He grunted.

"I need to see her."

"The time will come when it's most appropriate." Silco declared. "You can go when your done with your project." He cleared his throat. "My little Jinx needs to upgrade her weapons."

"I have a new idea for Meowzers!" She beamed.

"Alright." He nodded in agreement.

Y/n's Pov.

I banged my head against my desk. "Fucking lord." I groaned. "Why did being responsible come with so many responsibilities." I sat back in my chair and sighed. "I'm almost done." The weekly paperwork was almost done.

There was a knock on the door. I took a chug from my tea mug. "Enter." I said blandly, not looking up as I continued my work.

"Hey! Y/n, we have updates!" Mylo beamed.

"We made it back safe." Claggor added.

"It's good to know you two are strong and responsible. I can now count on you for future missions. Now boys, what do you have for me?"

"We were able to sneak into the Last Drop, and grabbed personal belongings. We did find out that it has been bought. We don't know who though." Mylo began.

Claggor added," and we gave what you'd said to the guy. He gave us two bags. They're still sealed." One bag had a living creature in it. The other bag contained what seemed like glowing rocks."

"Thank you two." I smiled and pat their backs. "It's been a long day. You two get rest." They both nodded and headed towards their room.

3rd POV

Sevika was making her way towards Y/n's office. She saw the boys in the distance and began to slightly hide her face. The two, they eyed her skeptically. Where had they seen her before? They had to think about it.

"Y/n at your orders." She bowed down.

"Nice of you join me. Please give me the updates of the army. "

"They're almost done with their certification. Are you sure you want to-"

"I'm sure what I want to do." I slammed my hand on my desk. "I just need you to help me hand out documentation. I will need full consent of their lives."

"I will. Can I ask, why?"

"Sevika." She looked at the taller woman in the eyes. "Do you trust me?"

Sevika became flustered at the sudden action and kept her composure. She nodded, " I do."

"Good. Good." Y/n grabbed the stack of papers and a bag full of pens. "Then you don't need to worry about that. When the time is right, I will inform you."

"Right." They made their way to the training area.

"Everyone, I need your attention." She spoke. She was standing on the railing looking down at the huge crowd of people down below. "In order to step forward in our progress, we will need more power. I need you all to confirm your alliance with me. Together we will become one step closer to our deserved lands. Topside will no longer be our parent. This document will confirm that you stand with me. Anything that will happen to you, I will pay for any expenses needed. Of course, when we take action. I will also need 3 volunteers for an experiment. You will be rewarded handsomely if you'd wish to engage in the study."

Sevkia began to hand out the papers to everyone. It was a 10 page long agreement form. So, it was an incredibly large stack of papers. Pens began to scribble. No one questioned anything, nor bothered to read the fine print. They were all selling their lives to the woman in charge and they didn't know it. The pros outweighed the cons they didn't think of.

Y/n stood tall, smiling on the inside. Everything was according to plan. "After you are done with the agreement, you are dismissed for the day. Inform your families. And if you wish to volunteer, talk to the leader." She spoke loud and clear. Sevkia walked up to Y/n.

"I have signed mine." She held hers in hand.

"Oh! My love!" She gasped. She took the paper and carefully ripped it. "Not you. I can't risk losing you."

That made Sevika feel weird. But nice at the same time. She ignored the positive feeling. "Risk of losing me?"

"Perhaps I've said too much. We can talk about this soon somewhere private. I know you will always remain by my side. Everything has its time and place. I trust you, and I know I have your loyalty. Please do be careful with what you do. I can trust you, right Sevika?"

The words of Silco ran through the woman's mind. 'Kill her if she begins to raise suspicions.'
"Yes ma'am." She nodded.

"Good." One of the war leaders walked up to Y/n.

"We have the three volunteers. They were many but these three met the criteria."

"Oh! How lovely. Why don't we talk in the lab? We can discuss more of this study. Sevika, feel free to follow."

Sevika took any opportunity that was given to her. She followed behind the superior leader. Her heart pounded with every step closer to the lab.

Once they had arrived, there were 3 patient seats with straps on each arm rest and leg rest. It looked incredibly scary and it made the 3 people along with Sevika, uneasy. "Alright!! I need you three to fill these forms out real quick, then we can skip to the good part. Sevika please stand by the door."

Sevika did as told. She examined everyone in the room. There were 2 leaders. One of them was well known for expanding the army. He recruited, trained and balanced the emotion in every single soldier. Then there was the science leader. Well known for experiments and a really big contributor to bringing the Venom to a stability. Both leaders had heavy scarring all over their body.

Then there were what seemed like doctors. They had medical equipment on them, as well with uniform. By the hearing of it, they were talking about the procedure.

The 3 People were now ready as they signed away the paper work. They were instructed to sit on a chair as they were being prepared by the medical team.

Sevika didn't think Y/n could seem so evil. She valued Y/n so much. Yet again, Silco was worse; he had a firm hand and stood his ground. But, her loyalty stood with Silco.

"I value your participation. Together we will grow. We are making progress, we will become stronger." Y/n smiled widely. "Now, for now I will explain to you what we will do." Sevika made sure to pay attention. Y/n held a metal object. It had three white circles and a large back attached to it. Connected to it, we're multiple wires. "Prepare for the future! This device will be connected to your brain to enhance brain productivity and encourage more access to our brains." She explained. "With this device, you will also be able to react on command. Once these are implanted you will become stronger and more attentive."

Sevika felt uneasy. She knew Y/n wasn't telling the whole truth. Maybe that's what all evil masterminds do. It had only come to realization once Sevika realized that the three that volunteered was a whole family. A black haired woman, with a Blue haired male, most likely her husband, and their child. "We are just glad we are able to help out in any way." The woman spoke.

"You are. And you will be rewarded greatly. You will not have to worry about anything at all, you will be fine." Y/n reassured. "Other than that, sweet dreams."

[time skip]

Y/n's Pov.

I kept whistling, and calling out for Ray. Still no sign of him anywhere. I walked the whole area. Nowhere. He would've at least cried out to me. "Where is that damned bird?!" I mumbled to myself. I ended up at The Last Drop.

"Good question, isn't it?" Said an all too familiar voice.

I turned to see the person behind the voice. Silco. "Funny running into you here. What do you want?" I ask.

"Nothing. Especially from you." He walked up to me. He looked down, with his arms behind his back.

"Then? You're excused." I turned to face the Last Drop.

"It's a nice building, isn't it? It's all mine now." He huffed in a taunting voice.

"Y-You bought it?! You beat me to it?!" I was in shock. Anger. So many emotions. Of course he would.

"Of course I did. I was the first to get my hands on this beauty. Of course, I'll have to remodel. It does look a bit disgusting on the inside."

"Okay, you must really want something. You're pushing it." I began to walk towards the back of the building. He followed.

"I do. It seems as if you already knew."

"Of course I do. You're, well, you. A terrible person really. I don't want to converse with you. Like, at all. We've already talked. Bye. Go. Shoo." I tried to shoo him away.

He chuckled. "Oh, my dear. I just want to demonstrate that you don't mess with power."

"That doesn't mean shit to me. The amount of power, the difference in power doesn't matter." I ran a head through my hair. "Do you really hate me that much? What happened to you? Just stop it. You're not a kid anymore. Didn't you say you were reborn? I don't see a god damned difference."

"I don't hate you at all, where did you get that?" He shook his head. "No, you're just an obstacle." He pulls out a knife with a red handle, that looks like a miniature sword.

My eyes widen. I pat for my gun,  but it's not there. Neither is my spare dagger. It must've fallen somewhere when I was looking for Ray. Shit.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't use it just yet." He put it away. "I just wanted to demonstrate to you..." he pinned me against the ally wall. Arms above my head, and his knee in between my legs. "I'm stronger than you. You'd be stupid if you engage in a war with me. You're not fit to lead the under city. He inches his face closer to mine. I squirm but I can't move out of his grasp. His grip on my wrists tighten. I examined his face and his normal eye had changed to a purple/pink shade. It was breath taking. In the bad way. I knew what it was. He had a dose of shimmer. Of course he was stronger.

I could also smell a hint of alcohol. He inched his face closer to mine. I tried to push him away but I couldn't. "Get OFF OF ME!" I yelled. He covered my mouth with his hand. Leaving one hand to pin both of my arms.

"Shhhhh. We don't want to alarm the whole world, now do we?" He examined my face thoroughly.  "What does Singed see in you?" He thought out loud. He uncovered my mouth.

"I could ask you the same thing. He was supposed to be there for ME. Not you. I honestly don't get it. How did he not know I came back?! YOU took him from me." I felt a small pang in my heart. I had to keep my composure. I squirmed. I had to think of a way out. He was under the influence and had a bloodstream full of Shimmer. I had to think smart about this. It was incredibly hard to remain calm when his grip got tighter. "Just let me go already."

"No. I don't want to. Unless, you resign your position of power."

"Why? Just because I'm a threat to you, right? You can't have no one beat you. You want to feel superior. I do too. I'm not letting go of my throne that easily. Go fuck yourself."

"Not myself necessarily. You look fine enough to be my partner."

"Gross! For your information, I'm already seeing someone. And You're clearly drunk and on high amounts of shimmer. Who knew you'd stoop so low to come at a point like this." I frowned. "I know the old Silco will never come back. He's not in there. I thought... You'd be glad to see me return. It only made you upset and now you want me gone."

"That day you left, I waited for you to come back. I did. Vander became impatient. I didn't. I continued to wait patiently for you. It took me months to realize you were only bringing us down, you were bringing me down. I had to move on. Vander never did. He grew soft. You've seen him."

"I was literally shoved through a portal. I didn't leave. I was forced away. I suffered for years, trying to find a way back home. But it took YEARS. I'm glad you're telling me this. It'll give me less pity for when I plan your assassination."

"Oh don't say that." He hummed as he placed a hand on my cheek. "You're beautiful, you know that right? You could always join me, for real. I need someone like you by my side."

"Are you fucking kidding-" I took in a deep breath. I could see the satisfaction in his face. I can't let him get to me. "You had your chance. We talked. It didn't work. You might be eager to form an alliance, because you're afraid of what I might do."

"The only thing you should be afraid of, is what I might do to you." He shoved me to the ground and pulled his blade out and stood his stance.

"Oh, you want to fight? You could've just said that instead of sugaring it up. And pining me down. Like, dude, that's just weird and perverted." I cracked both sides of my neck and prepared myself in a protective stance. "I won't fall for you. I won't fall for your tricks. So, might as well fight to the death, right?!" I laughed crazily.

"Yes. Just like when we were children, correct?"

"We're gonna fight to the death!" I laughed. I had my sword made out of cardboard. Silco had his and Vander was the guardian. He would tell us who'd won.

"Even worse. Don't act like you enjoyed my company." I was first to strike. I threw a punch to the scarred part of his face and he groaned. Now that I was close to him, he kicked me and I fell back onto wooden boxes. That was going to leave a mark.

"Okay, if I win, I am the leader for a week!" I said proudly.

"I did. You were easy to manipulate." He towered over me.

"But it I win, I'm gonna be leader for ever! I'll be king!" Silco laughed.

I kicked his shin and knocked him back. He didn't fall. I was quick to take my stand. I grabbed a nearby piece of glass. It was small but it had to do. "Of course you would say that." I was able to punch him to the ground. I straddled him and continued to blow punches.

"Yeah right! I'm not gonna let that happen." I laughed.

"You were never one to communicate." He groaned. He caught me by surprise and gave me a punch to the jaw. Then he proceeded to poke my eye. I raised the glass to strike but he harshly slapped it out of my hand, causing it to cut through my palm. What a stupid move. That was on me. He pushed me off and I landed on my back. I grabbed nearby dirt and threw it at him. He whined in pain before raising his dagger.

"Just stop the talking!" Vander cried out in annoyance. "Here we go. 3."

I swooped down and swept him off his feet and kicked him in his ribs. I took the chance to kick his face. I heard his nose crack and I'm pretty sure I broke that. I picked him up and slammed him on the ground. While I did that he managed to cut my arm. It was deep, but I'll live. It hurt like HELL. The one place I knew I'd be going.


I stood there grabbing my arm as my arm began to drip with blood. He groaned and forced himself up. I had a cut arm, bruised eye and a cut hand. Bruises everywhere. But Silco- no. He looked WORSE. He's getting what he deserves.


He gripped his dagger tightly, and began to sprint towards me.

"Go!!" Vander's young voice began to fade away.

Before I knew it, I couldn't breath. I felt a stinging sensation and I touched my neck. It was bleeding. I fell to my knees. I felt the scar on my eye grow. I felt weak. My mind was loosing focus. I began to cough up blood. I fell flat on the ground.

I heard a loud noise that hurt my ears. It was the sound of a blade falling to the ground. I opened my eyes widely and took this as an opportunity. I grabbed the dagger and slashed his shin. He stood back in pain and hissed.

"Y-you stopped." I choked out. "You're not as a strong as you think you are." My head was pounding. "Monsters aren't born. They aren't inside all of us. They're created. You create the monsters we believe are there. It's no surprises that you're your own monster. You sick fuck."

"OVER HERE! She's down!!" A deep voice yelled.

Silco remained in silence, shocked at what he was able to do. Lots of footsteps were heard to be louder. I began to flutter my eyes and people rushed to my side. "Are you okay?!!!" He questioned. "The rest of you make sure Silco doesn't leave. Give me a bottle of POH. We need to stabilize her."

I don't know what happened but I heard voices and many black and white lights. I could feel my heart skipping beats.

Not too long after, I began to feel numb. My throat was improving but not that much. "Do we kill him?" My guard asked.

"Do it and see what happens." Silco tempted.

"No. He stays alive. This ain't over. This is just the beginning. I want to see him suffer. I didn't want this to happen, but we're at War."

And that was the beginning. I don't know what runs through his mind. He's messing with me and I can't fall for it anymore. I hate him. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HIM.

"Silco, you're going to know the true meaning to fight against power. It was a mistake to ambush me on your own. Be a good messenger boy and tell your people. Because when I'm through with your army, there'll be nothing left." I was helped up and both arms slung against two males' shoulders.

"You chose war."

8157 words excluding these.

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