His little light

By vlm3002

275K 6.9K 784

This is the story is how a sweet small broken innocent three year old girl steals the heart of a mean ruthles... More

before you read!


23.2K 640 60
By vlm3002

November 14th


Lorenzo was the first to wake up, the sun rays having shined directly in his face from the window parallel to his bed.

Normally he wouldn't even bother shutting the drapes, him never waking up when the sun was actually up or rising, normally being completely dark.

He had gotten into a routine of waking up around four and immediately starting his day.

So he was immediately confused to the feel the warmth of the sun against his face.

It took him a minute to fully wake up, but when he felt a small amount of weight on his chest, he quickly opened his eyes and looked down, revealing the small child that had originally fallen asleep hugging his arm, was now laying completely on top of him.

Her small hand was wrapped around his neck, while her head was tucked under his chin and the other hand clutching his shirt.

A small smile formed on Lorenzo's face as he looked down. He moved his arm along the cover which had fallen off of him and Lillian, and moved it to cover most of her and some of his chest, leaving her head out so she could breath.

He grabbed his phone that was sat charging on the nightstand next to the bed. Quickly looking and answering back to people who had either texted or emailed him overnight about orders and regular business deals. He hated this part, but it was his job.

It took him a solid forty minutes answering back to everyone, making sure to get everything taken care of before he was to wake the sleeping child on his chest, making sure to be quiet and to not move as much as he could, wanting lillian to get as much sleep as she could for the day ahead of them.

Setting his phone down, he was quick to begin slowly waking up Lillian, rubbing soothing circles on her back slowly waking her up so she wouldn't be startled like she was the day earlier, as well as making sure not to press way to hard on her back from the bruises that he had seen yesterday giving her a bath.

Lillian stirred a few minutes later, lifting her head off of Lorenzo's chest, and moving to rub her eyes with her fist, which made Lorenzo quick to move. "No, No sweet girl, don't do that, it'll hurt your eyes."

Lillian let out a sleepy whine, before laying her head on Lorenzo's chest again, seeking sleep.

Lorenzo smiled slightly before moving the cover off of the both of them, making sure to keep secure,he stood up keeping her in front of him, making sure to support her as he laid her head on his right shoulder.

"C'mon sweet girl, let's go make some food, yeah?" Lorenzo whispered, pressing a small kiss on her head before making his way out of the bedroom and down the stairs into the kitchen.

At the word food, her stomach slightly growled where his hand wa a that was holding her, which caused him to chuckle before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

He had made sure to order someone to stock his fridge and pantry the night before, making sure he would be able to cook.

He quickly moved around the kitchen, grabbing a pan that was hanging from above the center islander, which had multiple storage as well as extra counter space.

Moving towards the stove, he was quick to turn it on, grabbing eggs, butter and some fruit from the fridge he quickly began cooking with one hand. Lillian ws watching his every move half-asleep, she was tired, but her curiosity took over wanting to see what Lorenzo was making.

If you were to look at Lorenzo in that moment, you would immediately think that he was a natural born father, that he had been taking care of the little girl in his arms for her entire life.

In a couple of minutes the eggs were done and Lillian was wide awake, grabbing a plate from one of the cabinets, he quickly plated them before moving the pan off of the burner, he rounded the islander, and sat down the plate, before sitting Lillian down.

"There you go sweet girl, eat up." Lorenzo said as he pushed her up as close to the bar he could get, placing a fork in her hand before placing a kiss on the top of her head and moving around putting some more eggs in the pan after buttering it up.

While they cooked on low, he began to chop some strawberries and a banana for himself and Lillian, wanting to boost Lillian's diet, he decided he would start introducing good and healthy food to her first.

He wouldn't admit it to himself, but he liked taking care of Lillan as a daughter.

As he was chopping up the fruit into tiny pieces, Lillian watched him, wanting to eat the same way like they did the night before.


So she sat patiently and waited until Lorenzo's food was done. He took his seat beside Lillian and looked over to see Lillian hadn't touched her food which made him frown.

"You don't like it, sweetheart?" He questioned turning towards him. Lillian didn't know how to answer so she moved in her seat, getting on her knees before attempting to crawl over into Lorenzo's lap.

Lorenzo was quick to react, moving his hands under Lillian's arms and pulled her over and sat her sideways in his lap because he didn't want her to fall off the stool.

"Sweetheart, you can't do that, you could have fallen."he softly told her, expressing his concern in a gentle tone because he didn't want to scare her.

Lillian looked up slightly, a frown on her face that she made him upset before looking back down in her lap, which made Lorenzo sigh.

Tilting her chin up to look at him he gave a gentle smile. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart, you just have to be careful, okay?" He said, which Lillian nodded to.

"Okay, let's get some food into that tiny tummy of yours."he said moving his hands to her sides tickling her slightly which made her release a tiny giggle before she started to move away from his moving hands.

Lillian immediately froze, seeing as she made a sound which was something she wasn't allowed to do. But when she walked the growing smile on Lorenzo's face she relaxed a little bit.

Lorenzo saw her freeze, but didn't say anything, he knew it would take some time to adjust from her old situation to being able to have her own free will. He couldn't wait for the day she would eventually talk to him and realize she didn't have to wait to be told to do anything, as long as it wasn't a danger to herself.

He grabbed Lillian's fork and put a small bite on it, before bringing it to Lillian's mouth, she hesitantly took the bite, before her eyes perked up at the flavor.

"Good?" He questioned, to which he got a nod from lillian.

Lorenzo eventually gave Lillian the fork so that she could feed herself while he ate. He made sure she was eating carefully and not taking many bites at once, he didn't want her to choke.

He finished before her, but he waited patiently as she ate the last bit of her fruit. That was until the doorbell rang out causing Lillian to freeze and look up at lorenzo.

Lorenzo smiled down and picked her up and placed her on the seat, making sure it was pushed up close to the bar so she could still reach her food.

Walking out of the kitchen, he made his way to the door, opening it to reveal Marco and Luca.

"I thought I told you to take time with your families?" he questioned with a straight face, his deep tone coming back the minute he realized it wasn't Lillian who he was talking.

"Well we figured we would see how you were handling our niece." Luca said moving passed Lorenzo and walking inside, Marco following him. Since they all treated each other as brothers, they figured she was part of the family now.

The most excited was Marco, having known Lorenzo longer, he could easily tell that Lillian already had Lorenzo wrapped around her tiny finger, and no doubt himself and Luca would be too.

"Fucking idiots." Lorenzo mumbled as he followed the two. The two were both looking through every room that they passed looking for the tiny girl.

"She's in here." Lorenzo said in an annoyed tone, walking back into the kitchen to find Lillian still eating.

"Lillian, this is Marco and Luca." Lorenzo told his voice somewhat softer, gaining her attention Lillian turned around and looked at the two men whom she somewhat remembered from the morning before.

However, Luca and Marco couldn't help breaking into a small fit of laughter because of Lillian's appearance. It seems the two minutes it took Lorenzo to open the door and let Luca and Marco in, a small hungry beast awoke in Lillian, and she couldn't help but fill her mouth with food. There was a mix of eggs and strawberry juice all over her face, a little dripping off of her chin.

Lorenzo couldn't help the corners of his lips turn up as he walked up to Lilian and wiped her face clean with a paper towel that was set aside.

"Sweetheart, no more big bites, okay you have to take your time, there's no need to rush." He said just above a whisper he wasn't wanting to show that she had affected him that much, however with everything that had happened in the last two days there was no doubt that Luca and Marco already knew about him being an entirely different person when it came to lillian.

Lillian slowly nodded, chewing a little. She could tell by the tone of Lorenzo's voice that she wasn't in trouble, that it was sorta like a warning, and although she had a small tremble of fear that she was in trouble the small smile Lorenzo gave her, she knew she was safe.

One of the two men cleared their throat causing Lillian to just now notice the two men that sat there with soft smiles adorning their face. Even though she was introduced to Luca and Marco, she was far too focused on food at that time.

Lillian's eyes grew in fear of new people, she immediately shrunk in her seat all while grabbing Lorenzo's pointer finger in the process. Lorenzo knew this would happen, which is why he didn't want anyone over for the next week or so, wanting Lillian to adjust. But of course these two idiots would show up.

Lorenzo looked down at Lillian before looking back to Luca and Marco.

"Office." He said before turning back to Lillian picking her up and adjusting her on his hip. He grabbed the two plates since Lillian was finished with her food and put them in the sink, before making his way out of the kitchen.

He made his way through the hallways and into the main entrance going towards a room that was in front of the main entrance

The office was huge, it wa slathered enough to have bookshelves lined against the wall, smaller ones underneath the windows, and books upon books filled each slot, in the middle of the room there was a large oak desk sat in the middle, two large armchairs sat in front of it while a large throne looking chair sat behind the desk.

The main theme was black, just like the rest of the house, besides the desk, everything was by Lorenzo's design, he loved reading, therefore he filled the room with books.

Luca and Marco were sitting in the two armchairs, waiting for Lorenzo to come in.

The minute they entered to room, Lillian immediately looked around before setting her eyes on Luca and Marco.

She couldn't help but to hide her face in Lorenzo's neck as he walked into the room and sat directly in his chair. Moving Lillian to his front so that she would be sat comfortably, he moved his hand up and down soothing her slightly before looking at the two men before him.

"So what's the problem?"


Thank you all for being patient with me updating slowly I recently started school and another side business making shirts and decals for my surrounding area so I'm trying to adjust to where I have time to write and work and do school at the same time!!!!

A big thank you to everyone who answered my questions it was helpful!!!!!

The next chapter will be posted once written!!!

Plz comment and vote!!!!


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