The Fallen King and The White...

By Rye_Pix_Nox

663 173 29

The relationship between The White Princess and the Black King a.k.a fallen king VERIVERY × THE BOYZ × STRAY... More

The Birth #1
Baptism #2
1st birthday #3
Murdered #4
Grown up #5
First Encounter #6
White Princess meets King Black Major #7
Black Queen meets White Princess #8
Lost Diamond Ring 💍 #9
Zombie Exhibition #10
Sweet dreams King Black Major #11
Brainwashed #12
The King White Major's Failed Plan #13
Getting Drunk #14
Drug Test #15
Jealous or Overprotective? #16
The Princess Karens scandal #17
Back to the White Castle #18
Maze #19
Suspicion #20
King Black Major and White Princess' argument #21
•Hyunjae discovers Ryeona's real identity• #22
¶ White Princess forgives King Black Major¶ #23
🌡️High Fever 🤒 🌡️#24
♡Wonhyuk saves Bubble Pop♡ #25
Recovered 😇 #26
|A trespasser in the black castle | #27
The Forced wedding #28
King White Major gets exposed in the wedding #29
King White Major in mental hospital #30
Double date with Ran , Minchan, Lani, and Yeonho #31
Confession success! #33
Ghost in Gyehyeon's room #34
New's diagnosis result #35
Avi has been recovered #36
Drunk Avi #37
In the Beginning of New's downfall #38
Scary truth of King Black Major's Parent's death
Rules of the balance game
The Start of Balance Game
Successful balance!
The first date of the princess and the king
Dongheon interrogates Yongseung and the women gossiping about Gyehyeon
The snow ❄️🌨️
King Black Major admits that he likes White Princess
Taste the King's dish
Wrong move!
Song lyric prank
Be careful what you wish for
New Characters list
Cursed Greenland
The white mistress major is back
The Sorceress and the Fire fairy defended the white princess
King White Major's return
Prince Dongheon saves Princess Avi
Queen Black Major is back
The new members of the black majors
Drunk King Black Major
Taking care of King Black Major
3 Vampires reported the King White Major and King Black Major's mistress
Princess Honeydew meets Prince Hoyoung
King White Major's heinous pasts
King Black Major reunites with his uncle
Occasional Party but It's a Birthday Party
Battle between the Fiance and the Mistress
King White Major receives a black mail
The scheming woman is punished due to disloyalty
The scheming woman reveals her true powers
The White Princess's message to deceased Queen
The White Princess transforms into a Crystal Princess
The King White Major's arrival in the funeral
King White Major's change of heart
The scheming queen breaks King Black Major's hometowns
The Wicked Queen's last straw
King Black Major and White Princess' relationship exposed!
White Majors vs Black Majors
The Victory goes to Black Majors!

Polina and Yongseung #32

9 3 0
By Rye_Pix_Nox


❦Yeonho peeks in the black castle then shoots Lani with a love arrow❦

Yeonho: my target *evil laughs*

Lani: *screams* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh oh my god!!!!!!!

❦Yeonho immediately flies away in the sky while Lani was screaming inside the black castle❦


Yeonho: oh wow look at the girl brother

Minchan: oh I saw her now my target for today *evil laughs*

❦Minchan shoots Ran in the chest❦

Minchan: oops I'm sorry *makes a peace sign in front of Ran*

Ran: oh no what happened into my chest?!

❦Ran feels the effects of the love arrow❦

Ran: no way! Heart magic?! Oh my god

Minchan: hey princess are you okay?

Yeonho: oh no she's not feeling well

Ran: yes I'm alright

Minchan: are you alone?

Ran: yes I am alone

Minchan: Do you want to come with me?

Ran: oh yeah sure 😃 uhm where are we going?

Minchan: mall

Ran: I like malls

Minchan: same here

❦Lani was left in the sky flying❦

Lani: you guys wait for me

Yeonho: hurry up Lani

Lani: I'm coming

Ran: oh no please wait for Lani

Minchan: ok

❦Lani finally goes near to Ran, Minchan, and Yeonho❦

Lani: yes finally here

❦A few minutes later, they arrived in the royal mall❦

Minchan: guys do you want to eat?

Ran: oh sure

Lani: wow yes

Yeonho: woah me too

Ran: let's have fun

Minchan: wow there's so many people here

Ran: yeah because this mall is really popular

Lani: yeah

Ran: let's take a picture of us

Lani: oh yeah sure

❦Lani takes picture with Ran and then Ran takes a picture with Lani ❦

Ran: wow so cool

Lani: yeah

Yeonho: oh men brother let's take a picture in here

Minchan: ok

❦Yeonho takes a picture with Minchan and then Minchan takes picture with Yeonho❦

Yeonho: wow so cool

Minchan: yeah

❦ Then Ran takes a picture with Minchan also Lani takes a picture with Yeonho❦

Ran: aw so cute

❦They posted their pictures in Instagram❦

❦Their group liked their posts❦

Me: oh my god I'm sure Minchan, Yeonho, Lani, and Ran having a double date today

Gyehyeon: yeah they were dating

Me: yeah double date

❦ Lani, Yeonho, Minchan, and Ran went inside the royal restaurant and sat in the chair ❦

Ran: Minchan are you going to order?

Minchan: yes I'm going to order so what are you going to order?

Ran: I like chicken teriyaki, sausage, kimchi rice , mushrooms, sundae, and lemon drink

Minchan: ok

Lani: Yeonho please order me mushrooms, kimchi rice, eggs, mozzarella, and lemonade drink

Yeonho: ok

❦Minchan and Yeonho ordered some foods and drinks❦

❦While Minchan and Yeonho were ordering foods and drinks , Lani and Ran start their conversation❦

Ran: Hey Lani

Lani: yes Ran

Ran: I have a doubt

Lani: what is it?

Ran: If Brinda and Nazia returned from the dead, they will high likely to survive until the end and live

Lani: yeah I hope they will get revived soon

❦A few hours later, Minchan and Yeonho finally got their orders❦

Yeonho: this is my order and your order Lani

Lani: wow thank you

Minchan: hey Ran this your order and we have the same order haha

Ran: wow thank you

❦They enjoyed eating their favorite food in royal restaurant❦

Lani: wow so delicious

Ran: these foods are really popular

Minchan: Definitely honey

Yeonho: It's always delicious

❦ They liked the taste of the foods in royal restaurant❦

❦A few hours later, they all finished eating❦

Minchan: ok guys I'm going to pay this

Yeonho: go ahead brother

❦Minchan pays the foods and drink that they ate❦

Minchan: *to waiter* thank you sir

Waiter: welcome sir

❦Part 32❦

Yongseung: Polina??

Polina: yes??

Yongseung: would you like to come with me?

Polina: oh yeah sure

Yongseung: sounds great

Polina: Where are we going?

Yongseung: *carries Polina* I'm going to teach you in the training room how to use sword

Polina: ok *blushes*

❦Yongseung carries Polina until they went into the training room❦

Yongseung: we were here now Polina
*Uses his bow*

Polina: Is that your bow?

Yongseung: yes and I will teach you

Polina: ok teach me

❦Yongseung teaches Polina how to use bow and arrow❦

Polina: ok *uses the bow and arrow*

Yongseung: first of all stretch the bow with an arrow

Polina: *stretches the bow with arrow* ok next

Yongseung: then close your one eye then after you stretch the bow with arrow, then shoot the box

Polina: ok *closes her one eye while stretching the bow with arrow* * finally shoots the box* oh I got it

Yongseung: wow good job honey

Polina: thank you so much I got it it was easy

Yongseung: yeah then shoot the 10 boxes near the board

Polina: ok

❦Polina shoots the 10 boxes using a bow and arrow❦

Polina: I get it now thank you * hugs Yongseung*

❦Yongseung and Polina hugged each other❦

Polina: *kisses Yongseung in the right cheek* oh oh oh oh oh oh

Yongseung: *blushes* *can't remove the kiss mark in his right cheek* ugh! I can't remove this!

Polina: *laughs* bye *laughs*

Yongseung: *chases Polina* you stupid princess!! Come back here! Remove this marks on my face!

Polina: no way jagiya! *Laughs* *runs*

Yongseung: *scares Polina* Ok if you get caught I will wrap your hands

Polina: ok do it! *Runs*

Yongseung: *chases Polina outside* ugh! Come here lady!


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