•|Us Again (Completed)

By bini_writes

30.4K 1.9K 321

Kim Taehyung ♡ Kim Jisoo Former lovers Kim Taehyung and Kim Jisoo's path collide again after one night of mis... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

chapter 6

1.2K 87 9
By bini_writes



I turned around to turn off the toaster when it ding, as I place the french toast on side. With a tong on my hand I turn on the stove to cook kimchi fried rice.

It was Saturday morning when I woke up early to make breakfast with my family. The memories last night is like just happen seconds ago.

I maybe not a perfect guy but I can be better to be perfect to not waste the chance that Jisoo gave to me. I am a guy of my word, gaining her love again is now my biggest priority to build up our own family.

The thoughts gave smile on my lips as I continue to do my work, my son and wife (soon to be) is still sleeping upstairs.

Quietly preparing the foods as I arrange the table for us. Soon the rice has been cooked so I proceed to fried the bacons and eggs on another pan.

Carefully transferring the cooked foods on plates a cute voice greeted behind me.

"Good morning, Dad." My eyes lighten up as I turn around to face the other side, a smile crept on my lips as I gently put the pan back on the kitchen counter.

"Good morning, kiddo" I flashed a bright smile as I watch my son rubs his eyes with his tiny cute hands. "How's your sleep?" I ask when I lifted him up from the ground.

"Wonderful" he giggled as he yawned after, I smiled and mess his hair.

"You're so cute" I said, then I look behind him as my eyes search for someone "Where's your mom?" I ask him while putting him on one of the chairs in the dining.

"She's alrea—"

"Good morning" a sweet voice a familiar woman greeted us from behind. My smile widens when I saw her. Still looking cute on her satin blue pajamas.

"Good morning" I greeted with a smile, she smiled back and goes to our child.

"Hello there my baby" she picked him up as she placed a kiss on his cheeks.

"Mommy" Adiel laughed when his mom pinched his cheeks.

"You're cooking?" She asked when she turns to me seeing the messy counters. I scratched the back of my head.

"Almost done" I said, she smiled at me

"You cooks now huh?" She teased, giving Adiel a glass of milk.

I pouted while she raised an eyebrow, "I do" I said tailing her from behind when she went to the counters to make some coffee after leaving Adiel on the table.

"Showing skills, I see" she nods her head with a cup of  coffee on her hand, "Good at cooking, husband material" she added teasing.

I scoffed playing along with her tease "I have many more skills too, want to see and know  more?"  I wiggle an eyebrow, she choked on her drink as she coughed after.

"Hey are you okay?" I panicked

"I'm fine, I'm fine" she stops me with her hand raised as Adiel's little head peeks behind the counter.

"Is Mom's okay?" He tilted his head, adoringly cute with a little smidge of milk around his lips.

"Yes baby" Jisoo answered as she hit my arm after when Adiel turned around to eat his breakfast.

"Why?" I whined, rubbing my hurted arm.

"You and your mouth" she widen her eyes on me

"What I mean, I can do the laundry and clean the house too" I reasoned but smirked after as I crossed my arms and lower myself to have same level with her face. "What are you thinking huh?" I ask her with a teasing smile.

She gulped and pushed my fave away after "N-nothing" she stammered, having a sip on her coffee.

"You and your dirty mind" I copied the tone she used earlier to tease her.

"Yah, Adiel is here" she whispered-yell.

"What? I didn't say anything" I cocked an eyebrow. "Now give me my morning kiss" I grinned, she rolled her eyes.

"You wish" she even flipped her hair when she turned around with the coffee on her hand, leaving me there pouting.

I'm picking up the fried bacons and eggs from the pan on the counter, when an uninvited voices heard from the mouth of the kitchen door.

"Good morning!" The voices registered quickly on my mind as how annoying the guys voice are than the woman.

"Samcheon! Imo!" Adiel beams a bright smile to the couple.

Kai and Jennie entered the kitchen with bright smiles kissing and messing my son's hair.

"Unnie!" Jennie squeals as my wife giggles giving her a short hug.

Kai being Jisoo's cousin gaves him credits to visit whenever they want as Jisoo treats him as an older brother. And Kai being one of my best friend in business industry.

"Oh hey what a miracle Taehyung is cooking" gaves him a credits to tease me whenever he had a chance

"Don't you dare eat these, you shit" I hissed at him while he laughs as well our other friends who just enter the kitchen.

"Are those even edible?" He mocked and dashed behind Chanyeol when I threw him the tomato on my hand.

They greeted each other's as I saw Jennie proceed to the counters and opened the refrigerator but I don't mind as I took the plates of foods on the dining where the others are.

"Lisa you shit I swear" Jisoo said when Lisa kissed her cheek and run to the C.R, when I place down the plates besides them.

"Why?" I ask, she turns to me

"That kid says she gonna poop!" She whined like a kid, I laughed and dodge Sehun on my side, who just glared at me and followed her fiance. "I swear if my bathroom stinks like shit!"

"I'm sorry Unnie" I heard Lisa shouted as the door shuts. Laugh filled the dining.

"We're eating! You kid!" Jisoo yelled back, while Rosé and Chanyeol was playing with Adiel, pillow fighting in the living room already!

"You two I swear, if my child got hurt—" I widen my eyes when I saw Adiel attacking the two with a big pillow on his hand while the two keeps giggling.

Geez what's happening in our house?!! Disaster!

"Where's Jennie?" I heard Jisoo asked Kai as I turn to them.

"What?" Kai asked back

"Where is your girlfriend?"

"Inside the kitchen"


"What?" Kai repeated as Jisoo huffed a sigh, turning to the kitchen.

"Jennie! Get out in my kitchen!"

"I'm cooking Unnie!" Jennie yelled back


"I said I'm doing something!"

"I don't eat grass" Jisoo massage her head

"It's not a grass, it's salad" Jennie shouted back

"Whatever that was is, get out" Jisoo fired back. "Urgh!" She groaned in annoyance "Why do we have friends like them? All hard headed" she mumbled.

I laughed as she glared at me but laugh too after we made a eye contact.

A loud and happy house is better than the house I used to lived alone before.

And now the same silent house is turned into a new one with my home.


When friends are in house, expect for chaos!


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