Curves and Burns 2

By xflawlesss

97.6K 3.5K 1K

Forgive them even if they are not sorry. Love is a whole new woman this time around and finds true love in th... More

New Beginnings
Guh Tuck that Little Butt
Loving You Tonight
Dead Wrong
Not An Update
Bed Peace
Whose Calling the Shots
Just One Night...


7.9K 310 169
By xflawlesss


"Man shoot that shit" James said startling me. We been at the gun range for five minutes and he act like I'm supposed to be comfortable shooting a gun. 

"Just ease into. Ain't nothing to be scared of, you know how many niggas I popped in my lifetime..." his words trailed off when he saw the look on my face. "I mean not know killed them...just blew they brains out" he said laughing. 

"You such an asshole" I said giving him the gun. "So how are you and Teddy truthfully? Cause my mans seemed a little pissed off when I came over and he seem mad that you came out with me today. What he a little insecure or something?" James asked. 

Yes Teddy is insecure but what man would want his wife spending anytime with her ex. Let alone first love. I had to lie and tell Teddy we were going to be discussing Honesty's visiting arrangements just so he let me go out with him. Ain't no way he would be okay with me owning a gun and he would've been pissed to know that Solomon showed up to the ice cream place. 

"He not insecure, just care about me a lot. The fact that me and you kinda had a serious relationship is hard for him to understand. He doesn't want any man who he think may like me in my life. You were the same when we were dating remember?" I asked thinking back to old times. 

James was a like superman to me years ago. He was one of the first guys who actually noticed me and even took me through hell and back. Our relationship didn't go as planned but I can't say that I'm not happy I met James. 

"Come here and shoot this" James said grabbing my hand. He placed the gun in my right hand and held the trigger over my hand with his left. I can feel his body on my back and the coolness of his breath on my neck sent chills down my spine. "Look you just gotta focus and not be scared. If someone coming to hurt you or Honesty I need you to be prepared and ready. Just aim and shoot"

*Pow Pow Pow* 

I pulled the trigger three times and I could feel my body start to tremble. The gun still had smoke coming from it and I hit the target perfectly. "There you go Beautiful" James said looking into my eyes. 

Old feelings were beginning to come back so I know I had to break loose from him. "Yeah its your turn to shoot" I said putting the gun in his hand. "Just know when I shoot, I don't miss. And when I want something, I got and get it" James said shooting the target directly on the bulls eye. 

I didn't know exactly what he meant by his comment but I'm pretty sure he was referring to me. 


"You know I really don't understand you. How can you want out from this man but yet still come around him?' I asked Christine as she played with Honesty in my office.

"It's more complicated than it seems. Solomon just has a way of making sure he gets what he wants. Right now Solo wants your wife, so he's making me bring him around more" Christine said like it was no big deal. 

"What the fuck Christine! I'm trying to help you get out of debt with this nigga and you over here helping him try to steal my wife" I said getting furious. I swear if it aint one thing than its another. 

Honesty placed her hands over her ears. I almost forgot she was in the room. "Daddy no more cussing" 

"I'm sorry baby, daddy's just upset. I won't do it anymore. Matter of fact lets have you visit uncle Dre for a minute" I said seeing Dre walk past my office. 

"Ayee Dre keep Honesty for a few minutes while I talk to Christine" I said stepping out my office. "Boy you crazy if you think ima watch your daughter while you have a booty call, shit at least let me join" he said laughing. "Fool this ain't no booty call we handling business and I just don't want her around while I'm talking about this"

"Alright man but remember if you ever hurt your wife, I'll be there for her" he said being cracking up. 

I walked back in my office and told Honesty to go with Dre. "Look Ted, I'm not helping him get Lovely or anything. Solo is a very powerful guy and let's just say until I pay off my debt to him, he got a couple killers on my head. So if that boy tell me to fly to the moon, I just may do it. Any who where is your wife, I thought Honesty was usually with her when your working?" Christine asked. 

"She had to go talk to Honesty's dad, so I took her to work with me. But seriously Christine I wanna help you but you just gotta make sure that man stay away from my wife. I don't like the way he look at her and I gotta protect her and my daughter" I said wiping my face. 


"Trust me, I understand. You gotta understand though that Solo only keeps trying because Lovely is obviously sending him mixed signals. I mean guys like a challenge but no guys will keep pursuing a girl if they have to put in tons of hard work" I said putting a couple of false statements in Ted's head. 

"Naw I know my wife and she would never step out on me" Ted said a little unsure of herself. "I'm just saying its a possibility that she is. Your a good guy Teddy and I just don't want to see you caught in the cross fire. A lot of girls take advantage of guys like you"

Teddy began to look at his phone but I know he was processing everything I said. "Look everything will be okay" I said walking behind his chair and massaging his shoulders. "Ohhh why you so tense? You need to stop stressing. Does your wife give you massages?" I asked going deeper into his shoulders. 

"Sometimes but not recently. She been busy with our daughter" he said closing his eyes. "Lovely's needs to realize how good of a man she has. If I had a man like you I would treat him like a king" I said walking away from him making sure to switch my ass hard. 


"Girl I forgot my ex was the biggest flirt around and always had a way with words" I said to Taye as we sat on her balcony drinking Patron margaritas. "Bitch where the hell have you been! Since that last time we hung out you been MIA and I can't believe you said that guy Solo seem like a stalker. Girl he just probably wanna make you his" she said sipping her drink. 

"You right, I haven't seen you in a while we need to go out or something" I said thinking about how much fun I had with Taye the last time we hung out. "Shit lets do something tonight then" she said getting up. 

I should've known she would want us to do something tonight, Taye love to party. "Naw cause that mean I gotta go home and change clothes. Once I go home my baby girl gone want me to stay with her" I said trying to make up an excuse. 

"You should know I'm not taking no for an answer. Let's go shopping before the malls close and go find you something sexy to wear!"


"Nessa wait up! Ayee Nessa!" I heard Armani calling my name but I walked a little faster and pretended like I didn't hear him. 

The last few days I been kinda distant from Armani. We don't have lunch like we usually do and try to make sure I avoid picking up the same shifts as him at work. To be honest I don't know if he used Nisha's number after he got it but I just can't be around him knowing that I like him and that he will probably never like me. 

"Nessa, can you hear me?" Armani asked grabbing my shoulder. "Oh I'm sorry I had my head phones in" I said shrugging and pointing to my ear buds. "Oh that's funny cause I don't know how you could't hear me when your ear buds aren't connected to anything" he said grabbing the end of my ear buds. 

"Damn if you didn't want to talk to me all you had to do was say something" he said walking off. I know I hurt his feelings and that wasn't my attention so maybe I should go talk to him. 


"And one bitch!" I said dunking on my friend Steve. "Man yo ugly ass always tryna show out just wait until my ankle get better" Steve said taking the ball from me looking salty. 

"Nigga shut up, ain't nothing wrong with your ankles. And you already know I gotta show out" I said looking over at a couple cheerleaders on the other end of the court practicing. 

I went back to dribbling the ball until I saw Nessa walk in. 

"Can I talk to you?" She said with her hand on her hip. "Naw I got my headphones on" I said going back to dribbling. "Look I'm sorry can we talk?" she asked looking sad. 

"Aight bet. Wassup?" I asked walking to the bleachers with her. "I'm sorry for acting distant the last few days. It's just been a lot going on" she said sound vague. 

"Like what...?" I said confused. "Well I like this boy and I'm not sure if he like me back. Plus I think he talk to one of my friends so...I just don't know what to do"

I looked at her to see if she was joking and surprisingly she wasn't. This was my first time ever hearing Nessa even admit to liking boys. She never comments on them and refers to any boy at our school as hoes or dickheads. 

"So do my mans know you like him?" I asked her. "Naw he don't know I'm afraid to tell him" she said putting her head down. "Shit just ask him stupid. Whats the worst he can say. Naw he don't like you. And if he do say that just move on. Matter of fact let me hear you practice. Say, hey I like you do you like me?. Go ahead" I said lifting her head up. 

"I like you do you like me?" she said all shy. "See now was that so hard. Now lets go find this guy so you can tell him how you feel" I said grabbing her hand. "I just told him how I felt" Nessa said letting go of my hand. 

"Let who know?" I asked confused. "You." she said looking down. 

Aww shit I never knew she was talking about me this whole time. Damn what should I say. Wait do I even like Nessa. I mean she not ugly, just kinda big. She cool ass fuck though but she too insecure. 

"I mean...I like you...but..." I said before she interrupted me. "Forget it Armani, I'm sorry for telling you." She said getting all emotional. 

"Look come here girl, lets have a little movie night tonight, alright" I said grabbing her hand.


"Girl I should be at home with my angry husband, not at the club!" I managed to yell over the loud music. We held hands walking through the overly crowded club until we made our way to the bar. 

"Aww get over it. Your gonna have fun and let your hair down for once. You can deal with your hubby tomorrow but tonight we turning up. A friend of mines is supposed to be meeting us here and she is always the life of the party" Taye said sitting down. 

I looked at everyone in the club and noticed they were enjoying themselves and I know that maybe I should just relax a little. 

"Lovely I want to introduce you to Morgan. I been hanging with her since my college days" I shook Morgan's hands and admired her beauty. She was a beautiful short white girl with high cheek bones and long curly hair. Her butt wasn't the biggest but it sure was poking and her little maxi dress barely did anything to cover it up. 

"Hey Lovely, Taye has told me a lot about you. I know your not from around here so we have to show you a good time" She said handing me and Taye a shot. 

"What is it?" I asked swallowing the whole thing and then feeling a burning sensation in my stomach. "Just a shot of Patron. Yall better get ready cause we gone be taking many before the night over!" Morgan said ordering another round. 

The night was going way better than I expected. Morgan, Taye, and were getting a little drunk but we were having fun dancing and being silly. 

Every time I turned around a guy kept asking me to dance but I kept shooting them down. One guy had the audacity to try and bend me over. He thought he was doing something until the back of my heel hit him in the nuts. 

"I'm about to go to the bathroom" Morgan said yelling in Taye's and my ear so we followed her. 

"Girl I'm about to really get this party started" Morgan said pulling out a couple of white pills from her purse. 

She popped one in her mouth like candy and tried to offer us one. "Naw girl you know I ain't messed with that stuff since college" Taye said checking her makeup. 

"Yeah I'm good too. Patron is enough of a drug for me" I said applying some more lipstick. "Well fine then party poppers just meet me at the bar, I'ma bout to go order us more drinks" Morgan said walking out. 

"Wassup with your girl and the crack pills" I said nudging Taye. "I don't know, they just Bars. We used to pop them back in college but I slowed down on them things when I got a little older. She just like to have a little too much. It's okay don't mind her" Taye said reassuring me. 

We walked out the bathroom and met Morgan at the bar. "Well here take this shot since you party poopers don't want to have no real fun" She said giving us the shots. 

Morgan watched us finish the whole thing and I felt like my whole body was on fire. The last couple shots of Patron we took was strong but this one had a little kick to it. "Damn that shit burned" Taye said grabbing her chest.

"Yeah mines did too" I said trying to sit down. "No! Get up yall, we still have more partying to do. I want to go to VIP" Morgan said grabbing our hands. 


"Same bitches new day" Ant said taking a pull of his blunt. "Ain't that the fucking truth" I said watching this little Spanish girl shake her ass on me. 

"Man I'm about to settle down and stop cheating on my girl. Forreal this time" he said grabbing on some girl ass in VIP. 

I looked at my right hand man and shook my head. Cheating was in this nigga blood. He can't go five minutes without talking about fucking. 

The club seen was beginning to seem boring to me and I know I got to find me a woman or something. Niggas get tired of gold digging ass bitches tryna milk you for every dollar you got.

"Aww shit bro, I think I just found a perfect bitch" Ant said tapping me. "Where nigga? And she bet not have an ugly face, I know how your drunk ass vision get impaired" I said laughing. 

He pointed in the direction of three girls walking into VIP and my dick instantly got hard. Shit anytime I even think of Lovely a nigga get to day dreaming. The fact that she so damn committed to her man make me want her even more. She dating a lame and I know she need some of this good dick from a king. 

"Naw sleaze, you can have the other two but the one with the biggest ass all mine" I said getting up to aproach them. 

"Wassup Lovely" I said grabbing her from behind. Her small frame fell into my body and I could tell she was drunk. "Who are you?" she asked turning around. She looked like she was sweating and she couldn't stop moving.   

"Right, who are you?" her white friend asked grabbing my arm. "The one and only Solo baby I'm the King" I said grabbing them and taking them to our section. 

Unlike the other drunk bitches in the club I could tell they was off a bar or something just by the way they was acting. 

"Shit...I'm horny" Lovely said leaning back on the couch. "Bitch I'm horny too" Ant said grabbing his crotch. "Nigga chill out calling her a bitch" I said pulling Lovely into my lap. 

"Daddy you on hard?" She asked rubbing my pants. She must've felt my bonner cause my dick was harder than a rock right now. 

"Ayee bro, what you think they off of?" Ant asked whispering to me. "I'onn know prolly a molly or bar. They tripping tho. Shit I'm about to get up out of here and take her to my crib aight" I said giving him a pound. 

Lovely relunctantly went with me to my car and I couldn't wait to get her in the crib. 

"Girl I been wanting yo ass since forever" I said rubbing on her thighs as she sat in the passenger seat of the car. She was going in and out of sleep but I know she would be wide awake when this dick go inside of her. 

The drive to my house couldn't seem to take long enough and getting her out the car was a task alone. Her frame might be small but shorty heavy as fuck. I brought her to the dinning room and decided the table would be the best place to fuck her. 

"Daddy come here" She said opening her legs revealing her wet shaved pussy. I walked over to her and started planting kisses all over her bare shoulders down to her hands. Everything was going good until I kissed her wedding ring. 

Fuck. I cursed to myself and felt a bit of guilt come over me. Fucking Love is one thing but fucking her while she like this is wrong. Nigga can fuck around and catch a case doing something like this. 

"What you waiting on baby?" She asked leaning back on the table. 

I felt like I was making one of the hardest decisions of my life. Love and I gone have our day but just not this way, shit I ain't even that heartless. 

I picked her up and decided it was just best to put her in my bed. Instead of leaving her in her clothes I went to get a t shirt and a pair of boxers for her but when I came back to my bed she was knocked out. 

Damn God, why you had to bless me with a heart. I just took my shower and knew it was time to ko for the night...

***Damn what yall think happened to Lovely? How yall feel about Solo not trying to have sex with her? How yall feel about Christine? Do yall think Armani like Nessa???...VOTE!!! COMMENT!!! SHARE!!! KEEP CALM AND READ ON.!o

                                                                XOXO TRICE.

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