My Guardian Nightmare

By Mondi06

47K 1.8K 1.4K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Chp. 1 - Visit
Chp. 2 - Cult
Chp. 3 - New Classmate
Chp. 4 - Lucid Dreaming
Chp. 5 - Cooking Time
Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion
Chp. 8 - Food and talking
Chp. 9: Just a mother coming home... Oh, and Pain.
Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock
Chp. 11 - Glück
Chp. 12 - Gifts
Chp. 13 - Planning
Chp. 14 - Reintroducing: The worst person possible
Chp. 15 - Breaking down
Chp. 16 - Visitors
Chp. 17 - A tale of persuading cats and swearing
Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside
Chp. 19 - Someone from the past
Chp. 20 - Disturbance
Chp. 21 - Quitting?
Chp. 22 - Father-Daughter-Reunion, I guess
Chp. 23 Nightly Visit
Chp. 24 - Bonding Time
Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom
Chp. 26 - Hospital
Chp. 27 - Eos
Chp. 28 - SOUL
Special - Birthday Party
Chp. 29 - Geno's Check-Up
Chp. 30 - Shadows
Chp. 31 - New Home
Chp. 32 - Office
Chp. 33 - Further explanation about the cult
Chp. 34 - King Nightymare
Chp. 35 - Crown
Chp. 36 - Crayon Queen
Chp. 37 - Similarity between mother and son
Chp. 38 - Spooder
Chp. 39 - Removing the drug
Chp. 40- Talking about trauma
Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing
Chp. 42 - Medicine Time
Chp. 43 - Meeting Family
Chp. 44 - Waking World
Chp. 45 - Demise
Chp. 46 - A teasing God
Chp. 47 - Magic?
Chp. 48 - Alptraum
Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure
Chp. 50 - Lovebirds
Chp. 51 - A crash

Chp. 7 - Ice Cream

1.4K 57 75
By Mondi06

Warning: Once again, terrible Google Translate French!
And also, hints for childhood crushes- Y'know. Like liking a puppy.

The door to the room of the three brothers slowly opened, after a knocking sounded through the room.
,,Hey, you three, are you ready for the park?" CQ hummed at the three.

"Yeah ma!" Error chirped as he then held Geno's hand while Fresh just nodded.
"Can't you even try to be enthusiastic?"
Error raised a brow in annoyance at his brother, who shrugged and then Error also grabbed his hand and began to walk.

Geno squealed lightly as CQ smiled and went down to the door from the house.
Geno looked at Error with an excited glowing eyelight.
Error then glanced back at Geno and smiled lightly, though he wonders when will Nightmare come back from... Whatever he did.
Soon enough, they got into the car.

CQ smiled at her sons, as she started the car and began driving in direction to the park.
,,Is it just me or do you have a  weird feeling of something bad happening too?" Geno asked suddenly.
"No not really." That was a lie and Error knows it.
"Dunno, how would ya even feel dat?" Fresh asked in confusion and Error shrugged.
Geno shook his head. ,,I dunno... I just feel like I should be terrified of something. But I don't know what? Eh, it's probably nothing."

"Probably." No need to worry his brother on one of the few days he gets to go out.
"Huh... Dunno how that feels like." Fresh just shrugged. "Sarreh, can't help ya der broski."
Geno giggled slightly. ,,It's oki, Fresh! It's nothing bad!"

Soon enough, they arrived by the park.
Geno squealed excitedly, as he looked out of the window of the car with a big eyelight.
Fresh just looked out with a blank stare, Error was glad that Fresh has shades or else it's gonna be real creepy for others in the park.
Soon enough, they then got off, Error quickly running around to help Geno off the car.

Geno giggled excitedly, as he went out of the car, the child looking around, as he was grabbing onto Error.
CQ smiled slightly at the enthusiasm of her son, before looking at the three children.
,,Now, don't go out of sight, yes? I don't want that you get hurt." The woman warned them.

"Okay ma." "Of course ma." Error hummed, he wonders when Nightymare is coming back in all honesty...
He then looked around curiously before pointing. "Ma! Geno! Ducks!"
He spoke while Fresh glanced over and blinked.
"Huh... Firs' time seeing them than just pics."
Fresh raised a brow, honestly quite 'intrigued'.

Geno squealed happily and ran into the direction of the ducks in excitement.
The birds looked up at the child and other visitors of the park, while swimming in a pond.
Some people were throwing bread crumbs to them, that the animals eat happily.
CQ sighed slightly and stood by nearly, watching her sons.

Error then watched in curiosity as the people fed ducks, wonder where they got the crumbs from...
If he had known that the ducks eat crumbs, he could've maybe brought some bread, so Geno could feed the ducks.
"Dey eat bread?" "I'm surprised too." Error murmured in confusion.

Geno laughed quietly in excitement. ,,This is so cool!"
He said, staring at the ducks with a wide grin. ,,They're cute! Right?" He then asked his brothers.
"Yep." "Mhmm." Fresh tilted his skull a bit when Error looked around.
Ah, there's an ice cream man... Sadly, he doesn't know if his mother has enough money.

Geno wanted to say something, but was interrupted by an enthusiastic call. ,,Error!"
Ink jumped out of... somewhere, grinning excited at the pixelexic child.
,,Salut!" Geno raised a bone brow and looked at Ink curiously.
,,Huh? Who's that?" He asked, Ink looked immediately at the sick child.
,,Oh! Oh! Uhm... Je- ... My... uhhh... name? Ink! Oui, oui, my name Ink!"
Geno blinked in confusion and glanced at Error helplessly.
,,Uh... hey? I'm- I'm Geno-" He said slowly.
Ink nodded excitedly, before seeing Fresh and looking immediately at the colorful child.
,,Ohh! Couleurs!" He cheered.
Fresh blinked lightly. "Hi."

A woman then sped walked towards them. "Ink! Ne t'enfuis pas comme ça!"
The woman scolded before blinking. "Ah, Bonjour."
The woman then softly greeted towards the family.
"I'm sorry about my son, he's easily excited."
The woman chuckled softly and Error blinked.
"Pretty outfit." Error commented, he liked how this woman dresses!
"Oh uh, thank you?" The woman couldn't help but laugh softly while Fresh blinked. "You talk weirdly."

Ink looked up at the woman, while Geno blinked in confusion. ,,Désolé, maman..."
The excited kid said, before running around the woman.
,,Mais Maman, Maman! C'est Error! Je t'ai parlé de lui!" Ink was pointing at Error. 
CQ walked slowly over, until she stood behind her boys. She seemed a bit worried.
,,Did something happen?" She asked.

"Oh?" The mother then looked amused now.
"Ah... I see, sorry. Seems like Error is my son's classmate."
The mother chuckled and Error slowly nodded.
"Yeah... We are classmates... I don't understand French though." "It's fine little one, I'll translate for you, assuming you're the one named Error?"
The mother raised a brow in amusement and Error blinked, nodding in surprise.
"Right... You're his mother then?" The parent smiled at CQ.
"You know them broski?" "I only know Ink." Error commented.

CQ nodded slightly. ,,Yeah... I'm their mother... My name is CQ." She introduced himself.
Ink looked up at his mother, before grinning again and looking at Error. ,,Ça- Uh-"
The kid thought for a bit. ,,Oh! How are you!"
He then asked, even if it didn't sound like he was asking it.

"I'm Comyet. Nice to meet tou, CQ." Comyet smiled gently and then offered a hand for a shake.
"Oh umm..." Honestly, he didn't expect that sudden english. "I'm... Okay???"
Error was just confused. "Real smooth brah." "Shut up."
CQ looked at the hand, before slowly stretching her own hand out and shacking Comyet's. ,,Nice to meet you too."

Ink giggled happily and seemed to cheer slightly. ,,Me okay uhmmm... aussi?"
The child looked up to his mother.
Comyet then glanced down at Ink with a hum.
"What is it hun?" Comyet asked.
"Au fait, ma chérie, si jamais tu as quelque chose à dire, mais que tu ne trouves pas les mots en anglais, je te traduirai, d'accord?"
Comyet smiled gently at Ink.

Ink looked up at Comyet and quickly nodded.
,,D'accord, maman, merci. Je ne trouve pas le mot anglais pour aussi... Je veux dire que je me sens bien aussi!"
"It's too, sweetie." Comyet chuckled. "Ink says he feels okay too."
Comyet smiled at Error, who blinked and awkwardly nodded.
Ah, social interaction, he hates it. "Anyways... Asides Error, who's the other two?"
Comyet then smiled down at Geno and Fresh.

Geno smiled up at Comyet. ,,Hi! My name is Geno! And this is my youngest brother Fresh! It's nice to meet you!"
The child giggled slightly. ,,I rarely meet someone new, it's cool! Well, I don't think I actually really met someone entire new... Oh well!"

"Nice to meet you two then... If you hadn't heard yet, this is my child, Ink." Comyet spoke.
"Oh! By the way, Ink talks a lot about you, Error."
Error blinked a bit. "He does?" "Mhmm..." It was honestly quite adorable.
Ink looked up, as Error's name was mentioned, confused about what his mother just said, but he shrugged it off.
Geno giggled slightly. ,,Does that mean he is your friend, Error?"

"I... I don't know...? He just one day talked to me an' haven't stopped since."
Error blinked lightly and Comyet chuckled.
"That's adorable honestly, don't you think?"
Comyet turned to CQ and smiled lightly.
CQ smiled too and nodded. ,,It really is... But do you like him, Ruru?"
She asked, looking at her second born son.

"No??? Maybe?? I don't know in all honesty." Error confessed.
"Why's that?" Comyet couldn't help but ask.
"I hate social interactions." Comyet was taken aback by the bluntness, but couldn't help but laugh a bit at that. Now it made sense.

CQ smiled slightly and rubbed Error's head.
,,Well, at least you are not complaining about him, so I guess you think he's okay." She chuckled.
"That is true... Inky, ça te dérange si tu me dis encore ce que tu penses d'Error?"
Comyet smiled gently while Error tilted his skull at the mention of his name.

,,Oui, Oui!" Ink cheered and smiled.
,,Il est cool, intéressant et sympathique! Et il est aussi très mesquin, je n'ai jamais vu de squelette noir avant! Oh! Oh! Je pense qu'il aime le chocolat!"
"Huh." Comyet just chuckled softly.
"My son thinks your son is interesting."
Comyet couldn't help but grin knowingly, she can see a forming crush from miles away and this was definitely the case for her child.
So adorable... And most likely to turn out gay in the future, damn.

CQ blinked and looked at the brightly smiling French Toast Child.
Why did French sound like adoption?
She didn't know. She then chuckled slightly.
,,Well, Error, seems like you got a friend if you want or not."
She said and smiled slightly at her social awkward son.

"I know and I hate it." Error grumbled childishly and Comyet laughed a bit.
"CQ is right though, if my son is interested in something, he won't be leaving anytime soon."
"Sounds awful lot like Fresh." Error lightly glared at his brother, who shrugged.

Geno giggled slightly. ,,Well, at least he is friendly!"
He cheered and nudged his brother a bit.
Ink stared at Error, before tugging on his mother's dress.
,,Maman, on peut avoir de la glace? Et quelque chose pour eux aussi? S'il te plaît?" He asked.

Comyet looked down at Ink when he tugged on her skirt, before chuckling a bit and carefully scooping Ink up.
"Alright then... How about we all grab some ice cream then? My treat."
Comyet smiled while Error looked up at her in surprise.
"Fo real?" Error softly gasped. Geno and Fresh could finally taste Ice Cream!
He honestly loved it when Ink shared his twin popsicle with him during recess, so ice creams are a definite yum.
"Yes." Comyet chuckled softly.

CQ stared at Comyet. ,,Are you sure...? It wouldn't bother you?"
She asked slowly, while Geno got excited.
,,Really?! Yay! I've never eaten ice cream before!"
He cheered, running around Error, before coughing slightly.

"Geno!" Error whined childishly while Comyet looked concerned at Geno for a moment before turning to CQ and nodding.
"Yes, I'm sure." Comyet chuckled softly.
"Now come on." Comyet then began to walk towards the ice cream truck and Error then smiled, grabbing Geno and Fresh's hand and following excitedly.
Error looked quite adorable smiling as opposed to his neutral or grumpy look during school.

Ink stared for a moment at Error, his eyelights quickly changing for a brief moment, while CQ looked at Comyet, seeming a bit unsure and suprised.
The woman decided then to just follow her children. Geno was excited, squealing quietly.

Soon enough, they arrived at the ice cream truck and Comyet blinked.
"What would you two like? Et Ink, vous pouvez choisir ce que vous voulez."
Comyet smiled lightly. Error then glanced up at the choices and blinked.
So many flavors.... He rathers the chocolate one. Ooh, Mint chocolate chip?
But it looks expensive... "Oh, and don't worry about the price, choose whichever you want."
Comyet smiled sweetly. "You too CQ, I really don't mind."

,,Eh?" CQ said, blinking in shock and slight confusion.
Geno looked with big eyes up, his mouth wide open. ,,Uh... Can I... can I have... what's it called..."
Geno stared at a word for a bit, before saying: ,,Hazelnut? Whatever that is? Please?"
He asked, fiddling excitedly with his fingers.

"You heard me, CQ." Comyet chuckled softly.
"That Rainbow pop looks good." Fresh pointed and Error blinked.
"I umm... Is... Is Mint chocolate chip okay...?" Error softly asked and Comyet snickered.
"Everything is okay, really."
Ink looked up at his mother. ,,Je vais prendre de la glace stracciatella, s'il vous plaît!"
He cheered. ,,I- I guess I take Strawberry then-"
CQ said then, obviously still in shock and confusion.

"Alrighty." Comyet chuckled, then glanced at the Ice cream man.
"One hazelnut, one stracciatella, one mint chocolate chip, one rainbow pop, one strawberry and one rocky road please." Comyet smiled gently at the vendor.

The man looked at Comyet and nodded smiling, taking the waffles for the ice and the scoop thingy for the ice cream.
He put the ice cream into the waffle ice cream cone.
After he finished all the ice creams and gave them to the children and adults, he told Comyet the price.
,,That would be... 7.20$" He hummed.

"Thank you." Comyet then carefully sets Ink down once it was her turn to grab the ice cream.
Fishing out the money, she then paid for the ice creams and then glanced down at the children.
Error was currently enjoying his ice cream and Fresh was enjoying his, being the only one who had chosen the stick popsicle.

Geno was looking at his ice cream, his one eyelight a literal star as he licked lightly squealing.
He had a wide smile on his face, as he happily at the ice cream.
"You kids enjoying?" Comyet smiled softly at the children.
Error nodding happily while Fresh gave a thumbs up.
Geno nodded too, a happy smile on his face.
Ink just looked in confusion up at his mother, not understanding what she said.

Comyet glanced down at Ink and chuckled, repeating what she had asked in French while Error turned to Geno.
"Ice cream tastes good, right?" Error giggled softly.
Fresh nodding lightly. "Def broski!"
Geno nodded. ,,Yes! It is very delicious!" He cheered and smiled brightly at his brothers, having a bit of ice cream around his mouth.

Ink looked up at his mother, before nodding. ,,Oui, Oui, C'est vraiment délicieux!" He cheered.
Comyet then smiled at seeing her son enjoying it.
Error then walking towards Comyet and then lightly tugging at her dress. "Hm?"
"Uhmmm... How... How do you say thank you very mush?" Error shyly asked. "Oh, it's Merci beaucoup."
"Mer... Merci beecoup...?" Error blinked.
"Close enough." Comyet laughed softly and Error sheepishly smiled.

Ink stared at Error before giggling. And showing just his thumbs up at him.
Error then pushed his turtleneck up a bit, unintentionally making himself more cuter as he nibbled on his ice cream.
Ink blinked, as he stared at Error, before looking in slight embarrassment at his ice cream.
A small rainbow hue was on his face.

Comyet then glanced down at her child and covered her mouth to hide a snicker.
Ah, children getting crushes are always so adorable.
"By the way... If you don't mind, are you okay if our children meet up more often? Ink never really managed to make an actual friend tolerate him because he was apparently too noisy."
"He is." Error grumbled. Says the child tolerating Ink.

CQ blinked and looked at her son. ,,I mean... if Error wants to...?"
She said and looked at her son. ,,Error, what do you think of it?"
Error looked up at CQ and just shrugged.
"I mean... Geno and Fresh could use a friend from the ousside." Error spoke and Comyet blinked in surprise, before smiling softly.
"Your son cares a lot about his brothers huh." Comyet softly spoke to CQ.

CQ smiled and nodded. ,,Yeah... He always had a heart for his brothers."
She hummed making Geno look up.
,,That's because Erry is the best brother in the world!" He cheered. ,,And Fresh too, of course!"
"I mean, I can agree with Error being the best brother asides from Geno brah."
Fresh shrugged a bit. "Even though Error has sum unrad temper issues."
"Temper issues?" Comyet raised a brow.

Geno nodded. ,,Yeah! Sometimes he gets angry at no-"
The child stopped talking, as he had began coughing. He then cleared his throat.
,,-Nothing and Uhhh... yeah!" CQ sighed slightly at her sons.
"I do not!" Error was getting pissy now. "You just proved his point brah."
"You shut up." Error grumbled as he then shoved the rest of the ice cream into his mouth.

Geno giggled at his brother, while licking his own ice cream and nibbling at the waffle cone.
Ink tilted his head at the tone of his friend.
Comyet couldn't help but chuckle in surprise.
"Well then... Qu'en penses-tu, Ink? Vous avez parfois envie de venir à CQ pour jouer avec Error et ses frères-?"
Comyet smiled at her child, rubbing his skull a bit.

Ink gasped at that. ,,Oui! Oui, je veux! Ça va être amusant!"
He cheered and clapped lightly with his hands.
The child slowly went hyper, running excitedly around his mother.

Comyet then smiled at that. "Well, seems like Ink would like that too."
Comyet spoke. "Guess it's settled then... Here's my address if you guys ever went to come over to mine... And if it's not too much of a bother, may I also have yours?"
Comyet asked, pulling out a notepad from somewhere and then beginning to write.
Fresh was tilted his skull at that tactic. That was dope!

CQ nodded slightly and gave Comyet their address, not minding an excited Ink making her almost kiss the ground.
Error just deadpanned at Ink and then held him by his shirt to stop him from jumping all over the place.


Comyet and CQ finally met :D
And the kids got to know each other (better) :3
Wonder how the relationship between the Comyet family and the CQ family will evolve...

2952 Words

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