By Stilesjeepx

28.3K 698 146

She felt so drawn to beacon hills, she didn't know why and hated herself for giving in to her compulsion. She... More



2.1K 65 8
By Stilesjeepx


"An alpha?" Money repeats, sitting up straight and suddenly interested. "How do you know it was an alpha? Maybe it was just another werewolf?"

"I just.. know, it was like a feeling, like an instinct?" I lift my computer and place it on my desk.

"Well how are you gonna find this alpha?"

"Do you remember that girl I met who was like me?" I pick up the packet of skittles on my desk and rip them open. "Cassie?"

"Cora," Monet corrects, giving a shrug. "She was hot."

I roll my eyes and continue on what I was saying. "When she taught me how to mask my scent, she also mentioned being able to smell others like me," I drop a couple skittles into my mouth. "So all I gotta do is find someone with an alpha-werewolfy scent."

"And what does an alpha-wetewolfy scent smell like?" Monet looks at me scepticly.

I give her a shrug, "I'll figure it out. Well, what do I smell like?"

"On a normal day, Lynx body spray, on a full moon, you smell like complete and utter sweat."

"Hey, you don't understand how stressful it is to keep control on a full moon while living with my dad," I point my finger at her and wag it.

She laughs and swings back in her chair. "Just try and find someone who.. smells like you?"

"Someone who smells like sweat and Lynx body spray... so basically every teen boy in town?" We both laugh, Monet spins around in her chair.

"Monet! Get to bed!"

"That's my mom I gotta go," Monet sighs, turning off her desk lamp. "Night, puppy."

"Night, money."


I jumped off the school buss to see Scott and a couple of his friends talking, two who Iv never seen before but seem weirdly familiar, twins.

Issac steps forward like he's gonna punch one of them but Scott grabs his arm. I can't help but listen in.

"Sorry, but they don't trust you." Scott tells the twins. "And neither do I."

Scott walks away, followed by stiles and Issac who have smug smiles on their faces.

"What now?" One of the twins say to the other.

"Ethan," one taps the other, nodding towards me, they both lock eyes with me, one tilting it's head to the side.

Then it hits me, my face drops and I'm pretty sure I just shitted out my heart. My feet move before my mind tells them.

I'm running with this 20 pound backpack on my shoulders and converses that were made in the 2000 and are extremely worn down.

I make it into the school where this guy in a werewolf mask jumps out and me and growls. I quickly dodge past him and hide in the crowd of hormonal teenagers who are in desperate need of a shower.

I'm too scared to risk a glance behind me but then hands are grabbing my back and suddenly I'm thrown into an empty classroom on my stomach.

I spin around and see one of them twins marching towards me. I push myself back with my feet and protect the whimper in my throat.

"Please," I beg. "Don't hurt me."

He grabs my chest, pulling me up with such ease and slamming me into the chalk board, a loud grunt leaves my mouth with pain.

"Did Deucalion send you!" He growls into my face, I turn my head away and squeeze my eyes shut. "Answer me!"

"No! No!" I quickly spit out, "I haven't seen Deucalion since I left the pack!"

"Then why the hell are you here!" Ethan slams my back into wall again. "Don't even try lying to me!"

"My family!" I practically yell, "My family lives here! Please, let me go, I haven't done anything, please!"

"Ethan!" Aiden snaps, "put her down! She's not here for us!"

He throws me back to the ground, my back is aching but I can feel it healing meaning he's probably broke some ribs or something. He looks down at me like he doesn't trust me.

I focus and let and my eyes glow, showing him I'm not apart of the alpha pack. His and Aiden's eyes begin to glow too, but they're not the dark red I was expecting. They're blue.

"You're not alphas anymore?" I stand to my feet and take a stumbled step backwards to create distance.

I thought when I seen them it was them I heard in the woods, that they were the alpha I heard. But I guess not.

"A darach called Jennifer took that part of us from us," Aiden says, I can hear the sadness in his voice. "Your eyes aren't yellow anymore, what happened, Did Ducalian do something?"

I shook my head, "No," I couldn't conjure anything more to say.

"Aiden," Ethan whispers to his brother, "her last names McCall."

"You guys know I have super hearing?"

"Scott," Aiden looks like he's just had a lightbulb moment.

"What about my brother, and how do u know him?" I look between them with a look of confusion.

Ethan goes to speak but Aiden stops him. "Parker, are you in a pack?"

I feel a rise of insecurity rise in me. "Um, no.. I'm an omega..."

"She doesn't know," Aiden whispers to Ethan.

"Still got super hearing guys."

They both look at each other and nod like they have some hidden thing they aren't telling me, "Me and Ethan are gonna join back highschool, we don't know many people so Maby you could introduce us? Maybe get us in with your brother, heard he's a big deal around here."

"Not really," I shrug. "But okay."

I just don't want to turn into twin-monster-werewolf meat.


I'm placing books into my locker when Aiden appears behind me, a grin on his face. "What now," I sigh. "I said I'd introduce you to my brother, what more do you want from me."

"I was just wondering," He begins, turning his head to the side like an innocent puppy "Does Scott know what you are?"

I freeze, my breath catching. "No, please, don't tell Scott, I said I'd do anything you want." I beg.

"I'm not gonna tell him," He shakes his head and I feel my body relax. "But screw us over and I will."

I'm about to reply when my father, in his usual funeral style uniform, comes storming down the hall followed by what feels like hundreds of cops.

"Dad!" I slam my locker, leaving Aiden behind as I chase after him.

"Not now Parker!" He snaps.

"Dad! What's going on!" I try squeeze threw the police officers who pretend I'm not there.

"I said not now!" He's practically running away from me, I sigh and look around when I spot stiles who's just finished talking to his father.

"Stiles!" I jog up to him, he looks like he's about to walk away at first but stoped to listen to me. "What's going on? Why's the police here?"

"Ask someone else," he takes a step back but I grab his arm, he looks down at my hand confused, like he didn't expect the strength.

"William Barrow was spotted near the school," He finally gives in, wiggling out of my grip.

"The shrapnel bomber?" I practically yell, Stiles hushes me and pulls me by the shoulder to the side of the corridor, I lower my voice this time, "I thought he was in prison?"

"He was in the hospital for surgery, my dad said he escaped and Injured some of the staff."

My eyes go wide, "my mom," I go to run away and call the hospital but he pulls me back by the hood.

"She's fine, if you would let me finish," He rolls his eyes and I feel like slapping that smug face. "Just keep this on the down-low, we don't want hell breaking loose."


I was walking past the history class, trying not to panic and just escape back home, not home here, home with Monet, away from this stupid town.

It felt so strange, I didn't want to leave, but I do, like this part of me is drawn here, an instinct maybe.

"You must have some friends by now," I heard Mr Yukimura say.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I had a lot of friends back home." Kira responds, and I can't help but listen in. "But here it's like every time I open my mouth, I just start rambling like an idiot."

"Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Mr Yukimura quotes.

"Are you quoting Samuel Beckett to me?"

"I thought that was yoda." I can't help but chuckle to myself, I could hear Kira laugh too.

"Someone will show an interest," He says to her, "You're a beautiful girl. How could they not?"

I feel a pang of guilt, Kira has tried to talk to me and be friends and Iv been so rude to her for no reason.

"The only one who's shown any interest in me is a rabid coyote." Kira responds.

"Maybe you could date the coyote?"

"I don't want a date, and I definitely don't need a boyfriend." She says, "I just want to make a few friends."

I look up, seeing Scott standing at the other door to the history class, it looks like he's listening in but he's too far away to hear anything.

He doesn't notice me so I quickly make my escape down the hallway.

Friends, I could try friends.

"Friends?" Monet laughs, I roll my eyes at my computer screen and spin in a circle on my chair. I left school early since moms working late and so is dad.

"Dude, the only reason we are friends is because I talked to you," She shoves a handful of chips in her mouth. "You are hopeless at making friends."

"Thank you, for the vote of confidence." I nod, giving her a sarcastic smile.

She gives me a thumbs up. "Welcome."

"Fine," I slam my hands on my desk, "She is going to be my friend wether she likes it or not!"

"Weirdo approach, but you do you," She laughs out-loud.

Suddenly all the lights go out, my computer shuts down and I'm in pitch black. "What's the fuck?"

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