Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die...

By imaidot_

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===== The story is In the Process of Being Rewritten/ Polished. 7/6/2022 9/25/2022. Starting to apply rewrit... More

Chapter 1: Duty
Chapter 2 Shield of the People
Chapter 4 Escape
Chapter 5 Rest
Chapter 6 A Loss
Chapter 7 Trackers
Chapter 8 Arrogance
Chapter 9 A Contract
Chapter 10 Shifting Times
Chapter 11 Promises and Lies
Chapter 12 Contemplation
Chapter 13 Duality
Chapter 14 Pride
Chapter 15 Agendas
Chapter 16 Desires and Sins
Chapter 17 Movement
Chapter 18 The First Ripples
Chapter 19 The Fences
Chapter 20 Delusion
Chapter 21 Chance
Chapter 22 Saints
Chapter 23 Making A Difference
Chapter 24 Progress
Chapter 25 Together
Chapter 26 Preparations
Chapter 27 Advances
Chapter 28 Taken
Chapter 29 Trapped
Chapter 30 Institutions
Chapter 31 Night Raven
Chapter 32 For Kallen
Chapter 33 Dead Calm
Chapter 34 Priorities
Chapter 35 Hope
Chapter 36 Onset
Chapter 37 Premonitions
Chapter 38 Pins
Chapter 39 Reality Filled with Despair
Chapter 40 Shattered House
Chapter 41 Another Miracle
Chapter 42 Dilemma
Chapter 43 Miscommunication
Chapter 44 Foolishness
Chapter 45 A Frozen Heart
Chapter 46 Selfish Failure
Chapter 47 A Few Steps Closer
Chapter 48 Future
Chapter 49 Irony
Chapter 50 Scars
Chapter 51 Fate's Cruelty
Chapter 52 Delay
Chapter 53 Reflective Solitude
Chapter 54 Manipulation
Chapter 55 Trees and Roots
Chapter 56 Measure Up
Chapter 57 The Beginnings of An Exchange
Chapter 58 Vulcan
Chapter 59 When it Comes to Her
Chapter 60 Only Human
Chapter 61 What Fell From Grace
Chapter 62 The Cracks On The Shell
Chapter 63 What Belongs To Her
Chapter 64 Restless
Chapter 65 Weakness
Chapter 66 Distance
Chapter 67 All Mine
Chapter 68 Convalesce

Chapter 3 Decision

884 43 11
By imaidot_

<Otto's Lab>

Otto sat in his lab. The lab capsule containing Eleanor's corpse stood in the center glowing ominously.

'How are you going to save her if you can't come to a decision?.'

"I don't want to hear it from you."

'I've been by your side for years boy, at least let me impart some wisdom to you, the process you wish for has been explored before.'

"I wish I could forget you existed."

'Hmph, you are still a child, learn to not refuse goodwill when it's offered to you. I speak rather sparingly-'

"Yet somehow everytime you speak I feel like shoving-"

'There's no need to get all riled up, I sympathize with your blight youngin I do.'

"Nothing good ever comes when you speak."

'You wish to mend your relationship with Kallen, while I haven't fancied a relationship for thousands of years I believe you would find my advice useful.'

"That's not important, stop using Kallen to obtain my body."

'But it is important to you, after all you haven't given up on her at making her happy.'

Otto paused and the voice inwardly smiled. Otto had been troubled ever since Kallen saved the playwright. Even Otto didn't know that his recent conflict didn't stem from Kallen discovering his experiments. They stemmed from watching Kallen smile after the playwright gave Kallen a mask. Kallen hadn't smiled like that for years and that's what was really bothering Otto. Has his friend been suffering all this time? What was he doing to make her unhappy? Kallen had told him many times before but due to his lack of compassion for everyone besides Kallen he couldn't understand it. The actions of Shicksal had slowly eroded Kallen's joy in life. She felt that she wasn't helping people by being part of Shicksal. For someone who derives joy from being on the side of justice Kallen was suffering from slowly realizing that she was indirectly making the lives of people worse. To Otto there were far more important matters to attend to than the common folk, eradicating Honkai to keep Kallen safe and making her happy.

'I won't ask for your body Otto, I'll give you this information free of charge.'

Otto immediately broke from his stupor.

"Nothing is free in this world."

The voice continued to speak but Otto ignored it. He turned his attention to his notes on his lab desk. There were two sets of notes representing two choices Otto could pursue in experimenting with Eleanor's body. He could research her transformation and learn to create Valkyries who could wield and resist Honkai. A path that would lead to the creation of powerful warriors that could rival the Kaslanas and eradicate Honkai. The other option he could take was to restore Eleanor's body to its previous state. The notes regarding this path included his cure for the Black Death, a disease spread and caused by Honkai. Both options had their own benefits to the common people and it was difficult to measure their value based on said benefits. But Otto was measuring the paths by an arguably more difficult standard, Kallen's life or her happiness. Humans don't live forever, neither would Kallen a short and happy life might be better for her. On the other hand, Kallen's life may be so short due to her savior complex that she would not enjoy it. Not to mention that she was most happy when she was fighting for the sake of people. Otto considered progressing down both paths at the same time after all they could coincide and weren't completely incompatible. but it would be inefficient and it was only a matter of time before Kallen charged into battle and risked her life once more. Otto needed others that could think like him but due to oppression by Shicksal science rarely ventured into the study of Honkai. It was only after Otto cured the Black Death that Shicksal became looser when dealing with Honkai. But it was impossible to erase centuries worth of superstition and reservations towards the study of Honkai. As a result, Otto was the only researcher in his field and frankly the only mind capable of keeping up in the field. Due to baring entry from commoners, the pool of intellectuals was small, so Otto had even less help to draw from. He wished his library was full of Honkai research from various prominent minds but what it was really full of was various novels, common scientific diagrams, history books regarding Honkai, and other miscellaneous things that would make Kallen see Otto in a very different light. Pioneers often suffered from a lack of colleagues and relevant material regarding their topic of study.

A knock on the lab door interrupted Otto as he reached for his notes of the Black Death. The voice inside Otto's head smiled.

"What is it? I told no one to disturb me at this time." Otto called calmly with dignity.

"Sir, Kallen Kaslana of the House of Kaslana has come to visit you."

"Ah yes, let her into my library. I'll be there in a moment."

"Right away sir!"

"Oh and Richards."

"Yes sir?"

"Please prepare a tray of desserts."

Otto smirked to himself before heading out of the lab to get ready. A shower, a change of clothes, he had to be presentable.

'To think there would be a time where she would visit me formally.' Otto thought sadly.

The venue, the procedure, and the attitude were the signs of changing times in their relationship. Had it been like before Kallen would never have gone through the trouble of knocking on the front door. A trouble maker by nature, Kallen's early childhood meetups with Otto involved her sneaking past the guards to tap on Otto's window at night. The first time she snuck into Otto's room caused Otto quite a fright. The Apocalypse mansion was alerted to kid Kallen's presence at the time and a servant fetched her father who came over immediately to take Kallen away. After the incident, Kallen's visits became more frequent, so much so that Otto would leave the window to his room open every night. An action that caused no shortage of problems for kid Otto, but that's a story for another time.

<Apocalypse House Library>

Kallen paced slowly around the library. Two floors, both filled with shelves and shelves of books with various desks and tables scattered around its sections. The Apocalypse family library was a waste of space. The family rarely used the library save for Otto, they had their own rooms stocked with books necessary for their studies. History, politics, and any books that would help the Apocalypse family lead Shicksal were all stacked in the rooms of Otto's siblings, cousins, parents, aunts, and uncles. These books were a symbol of status in the family, a sign of investment and privilege. Otto held no such books in his room, despite his outstanding achievements, his weak body and intelligent mind made him both their greatest asset and their weakest member. Simply put Otto grew up unloved by his family partially because they saw no potential within him, even after his great achievements and contributions to society they saw little strength in his mind. Much like how the Apocalypse viewed the Kaslana family as their soldiers, they viewed Otto as their researcher. To be loved Otto had to have a strong body, a sharp political mind, and leadership qualities. He displayed none of them on top of having no desire to become a leading member of Schicksal. He understood his family regarded him as less than trash ever since he was little. Unable to closely interact with anyone else save for Kallen, Otto only saw the worst in people. When he became old enough to go outside and explore the city at the tender age of ten Otto had already developed a disregard for any human life that wasn't Kallens.

The library double doors creaked open. The butler Richard walked forward to respectfully address Kallen with a bow. A maid followed close behind carrying a tray of desserts Otto ordered for Kallen.

Richard was a quiet man. He had served the Apocalypse household for forty years and the house had unquestionable loyalty in him. Richard was a man of modest stature. His face was stern but kind. A sharp jawline complimented his short mustache that covered his mouth and large bushy eyebrows fused with his glasses gave him the look of a grandpa. His gray hair cut short and combed back as was the standard for servants of the Apocalypse house.

"Miss Kaslana, Master Otto will arrive shortly please make yourself at home."

He directed Kallen to the sofa set that sat at the center of the library right under the massive and eloquent glass chandelier that lit up most of the library. The maid placed the tray on a coffee table next to the sofa Kallen decided to sit on. She stood by to prepare to serve Kallen.

"Thanks um butler, uh sir can both of you leave me alone while I wait?"

"But of course Miss Kaslana, we are so sorry for bothering you." Richard said respectfully as he bowed and then signaled the maid to follow him out of the library.

"If you need anything please ring the bell on the tray and we will respond right away Miss Kaslana."

"Thank you."

With that final word, both butler Richard and the maid bowed and made their exit. The doors closed with a slight echoing thud.

Kallen sat on the couch waiting patiently for Otto. Despite the grandeur of the library, the couch was rather plain. It was fur brown, soft, and comfortable to the touch. No intricate embroidery accented the couch and it had long been indented by long-term use. Otto had created this couch just for Kallen just before the Black Death hit. She would often come late at night to hang out with Otto. Otto's room was an unsuitable place to lounge around so they would often move to the library if their conversations lasted long. Kallen had slept on the couch so many times that she lost count. When Kallen didn't visit him Otto sometimes slept on the couch as well. The servants of the house including butler Richard had all rested on the couch more than a few times. Otto's family even begrudgingly acknowledged the amazing quality of the couch, though they avoided indulging in the nasty pleasure of resting on such a mundane piece of furniture. Kallen recalled all the times Otto hosted her in this library. They were pleasant times, this library was her sanctuary from her duties and Otto was its keeper. She slowly drifted to sleep reflecting on her relationship with Otto.


Otto had just taken a shower and changed into proper attire. His wound Kallen had given him was festering like never before and Otto did his best to hide his discomfort as he walked along the halls of his house. He would never show this weakness in front of anyone, especially not Kallen, he didn't want to worry her. Soon Otto reached the library's double doors. A maid stood beside the doors waiting for the bell to call her into service. She greeted Otto with a deep bow.

"Miss Kaslana is inside Master Otto."

Otto nodded and motioned her to open the door. As the maid opened the door Otto's stoic face trembled and his eyes betrayed uncertainty and doubt but he quickly regained his composure.

"Close the door and leave us. Do not stand by the door, this conversation is to be private."

"Yes, Master Otto."

<Apocalypse House Library>

The maid bowed and left the area as Otto stepped into the library. The doors closed with a dull thud right behind him. At the center, he saw Kallen sleeping peacefully on the couch. The dark background contrasted with Kallen's bright and beautiful features. If the title of Holy Maiden was given based on beauty alone Kallen would have easily claimed it. At least, that was what Otto thought at the moment. He sat down beside Kallen, careful not to wake her. He unconsciously sat in a position that made it easy for him to observe her peace while his mind drifted aimlessly pondering what to say when Kallen woke up. Before the whole chapel incident Otto would have taken some liberties. He has done so many times before. Measuring Kallen's build and frame, caressing her face, or patting her head. Habits that Otto picked up in their early years together and that Kallen didn't mind. Pain radiated from his heart and shoulder reminding him that their relationship had changed due to his actions.

Did Otto regret his actions? If Kallen asked him such a question Otto would firmly refute the notion. He did what was necessary so that Kallen wouldn't have to fight alone so that her savior complex wouldn't kill her. A stance that would surely drive a bigger wedge between them. Time and time again Otto tried many ways to snap Kallen from her delusion.

"You can't save the world by sacrificing yourself."

Perhaps the only thing Otto would let himself regret in this world is not doing everything he could to protect Kallen, he would destroy the world if it meant that she could be safe. That was Otto's view of himself, his explanation for all his actions.

No one truly understands themselves completely. It would soothe Kallen's soul to know that Otto unconsciously regretted his actions. It would pain Otto to realize that he would rather have Kallen live a short happy life than a long sad one.

Kallen started to stir, she sensed Otto's presence. As she rose from her slumber she took in her surroundings. Through her murky sleepy vision, she saw Otto.

"Good morning Otto." Kallen said out of habit.

For a moment it felt like old times, after a long day of training or after a night spent conversing happily Kallen would rise to see Otto near her. Sometimes huddled in a corner seeking shelter from one of her sleepwalking episodes or asleep with a book open covering his face. Otto was handsome no doubt and Kallen would sometimes stare at him when he slept. Most of the time contemplated whether Otto was in deep enough sleep for her to draw on his face.

Those times had passed. Lies and truths had pierced through the subliminal illusion Otto set to protect her. Kallen's expression changed as she came to her senses. A cold frost set upon the room as the tension between Otto and Kallen skyrocketed.

Otto spoke first.

"So what brings you to see me, Miss Kaslana?"

The line was drawn and the conversation started uncomfortably formal.

"I have a proposition for you, Sir Otto."

A confused look sprouted across Otto's face. He struggled to maintain composure as his wound started to act up. Of all the things he expected Kallen to say, a proposal wasn't something that fell within those expectations. He had thought Kallen would have a tirade for him, to scold him, and to cut him off completely. But now she was making business deals under the Kaslana name? Despite his great intellect, Otto was grasping at straws to understand Kallen's thought process. His lack of emotional intelligence combined with his disregard for human life including his own made him incapable of easily grasping the thoughts of people.

"What proposal?"

Kallen took a deep breath.

"I'm going to Shenzhou and I would like for you to accompany me."

Otto couldn't maintain his composure any longer.

"Kallen, what are you thinking this is treason and an act of betrayal."

"I've already went against the archbishop, it's alread-"
"No, no it's fine I've worked a deal with the archbishop, you can keep the box, it's even recorded as a heroic act, everything is fine."

"Otto, everything isn't fine. The Shicksal I believed in doesn't exist anymore, all that's left is a corrupt organization that takes advantage of the masses."

" I-,"

Otto paused, unsure how to respond. Kallen took this pause as an admission of guilt and continued on.

"I should have known Otto, you never wanted to help me."

"That's not true Kallen."

"Yes it is true Otto, you hold a great position of power in Shicksal Otto. All those times I told you about my misgivings about the war and Shicksal,-."

"Kallen I had no such power."

"Yes you did Otto, you are an Apocalypse, the man who single handedly conquered the Black Death. You had the power to fix everything, to influence the entire organization."

"That's not how the organization works."

"Then change it, why couldn't you change it."

Kallen was shouting now, she felt the anger of living a lie, of not living up to her father's legacy and the anger of betrayal. It was unreasonable, how was Otto supposed to address any of the problems she had mentioned. He was first and foremost a scientist not a politician, in the realm of people's minds he was just but a pauper.

"For the longest time Otto I thought you were my friend, that you shared my dream of saving the world. Honestly, I don't know anymore, I want to believe that you still are my friend, I want to believe that in this lonely world I have someone on my side."

Otto was silent, his head dropped low as he felt the pain from his wound take over once more.

"We've already had this conversation Kallen, the night you stabbed me."

Kallen, who was prepared to let out another outburst of emotions suddenly stopped. She had tears in her eyes as she looked at Otto.

"I won't come with you Kallen, but I will set it as though you've gone to do some field research or something, give you some time away."

Otto winced as he stood up and began to walk away.

"Kallen I promise I won't experiment on the innocent any more. But I can't come with you."

Kallen gritted her teeth as she got up from the couch and stopped Otto at the door grabbing onto his shoulder. With a pained calm voice she spoke.

"I want to trust you Otto, but I can't."

Just as Otto started to respond Vera burst through the library door with the Oath of Judah slung over her back and placed it on the floor.

"Kallen onee-san it took a while but I've brought for you!" Vera said, panting, her face was pale.

She looked up at Otto and Kallen and at the expressions they had. Did she interrupt a moment of much-needed bonding? Whatever the case Vera quickly excused herself to give her surrogate elder siblings time to themselves.

"Sorry for intruding, I'll be off right away."

In and out in a flash Vera barely gave Otto and Kallen time to greet her. They both took some time to gather their senses.

"Why did Vera fetch.."

"Eleanor's body, I made an excuse that you were in danger."
"But, why do you need it?"

Kallen didn't respond and Otto turned to face her once more. This time it was Kallen who looked away.

"I'll tell the higher-ups that I need you to use it in my experiment." Otto signed.

Kallen clenched her hands making a fist. She walked over the Oath of Judah while Otto took a wary stance.

"You're never going to stop are you Otto?"

"Kallen I'm just,"

"Restoring Eleanor's body back to normal for a funeral."
"How did you-"
"Enough of you lies Otto. Just answer right now, are you coming to Shenzhou with me?"

Otto started to back up as Kallen lifted the Oath of Judah to a standing position.

"Kallen I won't I have to-."

Chains immediately sprouted from the Oath of Judah and quickly ensnared Otto.

"You're coming with me. Now do me a favor and leave with me peacefully. I don't want to make a scene."

Kallen was hopeful, perhaps she could fix Otto along the way. She knew that with Otto by her side he wouldn't be hurting anyone and Shicksal would be unable to continue his experiments. This way she could complete her duties as the shield of the people and wouldn't have to take Otto's life. If their friendship meant anything to him, Otto would cave in and leave with her. Such naive thoughts would later come to bite her in the back.

Otto felt an unknown emotion well inside him. It drew him in and tempted him, whispering inaudible words that seemed to put his mind in a trance. Sharp sudden pain drew him back to reality, Kallen was being far from gentle and Otto's wound started to ooze blood staining his shirt. Kallen ignored his pain, her blue eyes reflected a cold blade of ice within her soul, sharpened by betrayal.

"Otto, don't make me repeat myself."

The chill within her heart permeated from her body mixing with the room. Otto could feel a path closing in front of his very eyes. Fear and warmth crowded his throat, the feeling gained control of his body for just a moment and opened his mouth to speak. But another shockwave of pain coursed through his body and cleared his mind. He grimaced and then struggled to draw breath.


A tear of ice fell down Kallen's face as she coldly upholstered one of her pistols. She looked at those poison green eyes once more and raised one of her pistols in a backhand position. With a flick of her finger, the chains wrapped around Otto brought him before Kallen in an instant. In that same instant, Kallen swung her raised arm. She caught Otto's chin with the butt of her pistol, knocking him out instantly. Wasting no time she quickly undid her chains and slung Otto over her shoulder just as Vera burst into the room.

"Master Otto, Kallen, what's going on?"

Kallen didn't face her and instead ran towards the end of the library at full speed. As she neared the grand windows of the library that bore the crest of the house of Apocalypse she fired two bullets through the window and crashed through. The Oath of Judah hovered in the air behind Kallen. Kallen quickly fired a series of chains that fastened to the chimney of a nearby roof and formed a chain bridge. She quickly traversed the bridge and picked up a bag she lodged into the chimney beforehand and sped off.

Night had already fallen and the details of her figure were hard to make out. A drunk man who witnessed the scene could only make out something of a white beard as Kallen disappeared onto his roof. He quickly made his way into his house to make sure his roof wasn't damaged. His feet stumbled unevenly up the stairs. Halfway up a shattering crash followed by the jingling of coins sent him tumbling down the stairs knocking him unconscious. A tightly tied sack had fallen down the chimney knocking the unlit coals of the chimney aside. Kallen had no idea that she had just started a tradition that would be celebrated for generations to come.

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