Something About The Sunshine

By PoeticPhantom101

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Leah Rhodes thought Jordan Hayes was suppose to be her perfect man, attractive, smart, funny, most of all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty

562 28 2
By PoeticPhantom101

Damn, I had really out done myself tonight.

My shower hadn't taken nearly as long as I had thought it would, if anything most of my time had been spent looking for the right dress. For a moment I had even thought to raid Kyra's closet for one, but then I had found a nice little piece in the back of my closet. No doubt a gift for future me whenever I had the confidence to wear it.

I guess that time was now.

It was a ruched corset mini dress in baby doll blue. The light color of the blue and the shine of the satin like material made me skin look soft and glowy. I coupled the dress with a pair of white lace up platform heels and a faded, ripped jean jacket.

I kept my makeup like usual except the matching baby doll blue colored sparkly eyeshadow in the corner of my eyes to add as a pop of color and lip gloss covering my lips. I styled my hair half up and half down with a slight curl to the ends. I looked in the mirror and could barely believe it was me I was looking at.

It was times like these when I realized just how far I had come. Just how much I had overcome and how beautiful I was.

Grayson was right, I was a goddess.

Or at least... I definitely looked like one.

When I got a text from my uber saying they were outside I grabbed my I.D, credit card, and phone and placed them in a simple white purse. Then I sent a text to both Beck and Kyra to tell them of my whereabouts, turned off the lights in the apartment and went downstairs to meet my ride.

The ride with my uber was only semi awkward, the man who seemed to be in his mid thirties kept his eyes on me (or rather my chest and thighs) rather than on the road. I ignored it the best I could by scrolling through instagram.

Once he pulled up to Black Sun I was quick to get out the stuffy car and quickly strut to the entrance of the club. 

It was no surprise that there was a line almost two blocks down the road just to get into Black Sun. Grayson's club was always packed and just to get a V.I.P lounge for a night was a two month wait list. I tried not to let my nerves get to me as I picked my chin up and walked confidently right past the line, up the stairs, and to the two gold doors where the bouncer was.

I smiled as I recognised the bouncer as Vinny. Grayson's head bouncer who I had met quite a couple of times when coming here. He looked scary but he was really cool and was kinda like a teddy bear to the right people.

"Hiya Vinny", I smiled ignoring all the glares and murmurs my way at the fact that I had skipped the line. The next people in line next to me was a group of 3 girls with toothpick bodies and dresses that barely covered their nonexistent asses.

They glared at my side profile but one then whispered quite loudly that 'bitches like me who thought they could just bat their lashes at bouncers are the worst' and that 'it's gonna be funny when I get turned away'.

Then there was, 'what would Grayson Hart want with her ugly ass'.

Oh and my favorite was, 'black bitches think they're all that, but not even their own race wants them anymore. Talk about bottom of the totem pole'.

But I tried to tune it out as best as I could.

"Looks like the goddess has come to pay us a visit, boss know you're here", he asked in his deep voice as he smiled and unfolded his tattooed covered arms.

"Nope I figured I'd come and pay him a visit as a surprise. Anything I should know before I go in", I asked with a smile.

"We threw out 3 ladies already for getting too handsy with him, it kinda put him in a foul mood but seeing your gorgeous face will definitely make his night. I hope you know we're all really glad he has you", Vinny replied.

I wasn't surprised about women trying to be all over him. I knew it happened a lot but I also knew he hated it and that the only hands he wants on him are my own.

"Awe Thanks Vinny I'm glad I have him too. Could you wait a minute or two before you tell him he has a visitor downstairs", I asked before getting tired of the stares from those 3 girls that burned into the side of my face. God, could they not wait for like 2 minutes, they're literally next in line. I gave them a quick glance and rolled my eyes before looking back to Vinny.

"Anything for boss's little goddess. Also Zander's on comms and cameras, he's saying that if you and Mr.Hart don't work out he'd love to be next in line", Vinny smirked. Zander was one of the other bouncers and was quite the flirt and jokester.

"Tell Zander not a chance and if Grayson heard that he'd beat his ass", I smirked back before Vinny barked with laughter.

"Have fun inside Leah", Vinny said opening the doors for me.

"Tell that beautiful wife and daughter of yours that I said hello Vinny", I waved. I took a couple of steps in before a thought crossed my mind. I stepped back out enough to look at the group of girls in front.

"I hope you ladies can control your eyes and mouths inside, or else I'm beating your asses on the dance floor and not even Vinny over here is gonna stop me", I smirked with a wink before entering into the club fully as I let the bass-boosted music engulf me.

The vibration of the music seemed to pass right through me as 'Industry Baby' by Little Nas X played loudly in the packed club. I made my way to the bar and ordered 2 shots of tequila before my mind could over think it.

I didn't plan on getting shit faced but a little buzz would be nice. A little liquid courage would also deter me from backing out.

I took the shots back to back quickly and felt the warmth of the alcohol slither down to my chest.

Being at the club by myself felt weird... but also kind of empowering. Usually it didn't, usually it felt like I was being constantly stared at and judged. I was always worried about what people thought when they looked at me. But tonight was different. Tonight I didn't mind the stares, because I knew I looked amazing. As I had walked to the bar I had seen more than a handful of men who had looked my way lustfully, even some women. Was it that they had sensed my confidence somehow and it had attracted them, or had I always gotten these looks and was just too in my head to even realize it?

It was only a few moments later when 'Have Mercy', by Chlöe came on. My favorite song for the last 3 weeks.

"Oh shit this is my song", I smiled to myself excitedly. I made my way onto the dance floor and once I found a spot big enough for me to fit, I took a deep breath and let loose.

I moved my hips and had my hands in the air as the neon lights seemed to bounce off of every surface in the club. It made it light enough not to be blind but dark enough not to worry if people we looking at me. And even if they were, who cared? Let them look, I was gonna have fun either way. I sang softly to myself as I let music take over my body. My eyes danced around as I did until they landed on the V.I.P balcony... Grayson's V.I.P balcony.

Where Grayson stood like a regal king watching over his kingdom. He looked so powerful up there. He was wearing a dark grey button up shirt with black slacks. The first few buttons of his shirt were left open, giving a peak of his broad chest.

Damn him for looking so tasty, no wonder those women were getting handsy.

Then almost as if he could sense me, his eyes met mine. I felt a jolt of electricity shock my body, but I kept dancing. If anything I put a little more sway and sexiness into my dancing as we kept eye contact.

He raised a one of his perfectly arched eyebrows at me, and feeling a little playful I winked, curled my index finger at him in a 'come here' motion, and then turned my back towards the balcony as I continued to dance.

I closed my eyes and continued my swaying as I ran my hands through my hair. A new song had just come on when I felt familiar hands on my hips and a chest pushing against my back.

"You, my sexy little goddess, are gonna be the death of me", Grayson whispered into my ear before nipping at my ear lobe.

"Surprise", I smirked as I turned around in his arms.

"Surprise indeed, it's gonna be a real surprise when I take that sweet pussy right here on the dance floor for everyone to see", he said as his blue eyes darkened.

He was dead serious.

"Grayson", I exclaimed softly as I pushed his shoulder slightly.

"What are you even doing here mia piccola dea, I thought you'd be reading at home", he asked, ignoring my playful glare.

"I got bored. It seemed that every time I tried to lose myself in my book, thoughts of you occurred instead. So I decided to come see you, I hope that's not a problem", I whispered softly as I leaned in close to his ear as we danced. His hands had now stealthily moved to my ass. Not that I particularly minded of course.

"Only if it's not a problem when I eat you out on my desk in 30 minutes", he smirked.

"I think I could take you up on that offer", I said before I pressed my lips against his. His lips moved passionately against mine as he released a low moan against them. Like he had finally gotten a taste of his favorite dessert.

Grayson then dipped me and I couldn't help but release his lips from mine as I laughed at his playfulness. I raised my knee up in the classic dipping pose as I had one arm around his neck and my other hand on his chest. Gray laughed along before leaving small little pecks all over my face, neck and chest.

He pulled me back up slowly and we danced for a couple of songs. It felt so good to relax and dance in his arms. He moved in sync with me and despite being in a crowd, it felt like we were in our own bubble. It felt so intimate just dancing, especially when our eyes would meet and a certain warmth pooled into his eyes.

It wasn't a lustful look, it was more than the kind of look you gave a hook up or fling. It was a look you gave your girlfriend, your lover, your wife even.

Like he could see his whole entire future in my dark brown eyes.

Afterwards we went up using the elevator to his personal balcony where he had been earlier. We walked through the sitting area and by the bar and to the elevator to his office. Once we were in his office Grayson was quick to push me against the wall next to the elevator and smash his lips into mine. His hands caressed any part of my body they could get to but then settled on the sides of my face as my hands held onto his biceps tightly.

He then picked me up into his arms so that I could wrap my legs around him. He grinded his hips into mine causing me to moan breathlessly. He turned and walked and I felt a cold surface on the back of my thighs as he placed me on what I could only assume was his desk. Our kisses then slowly turned from heated and full of lust to slower and more romantic and passionate. It was like we just wanted to take a moment to just lose ourselves in the feel of each other.

"None of my girlfriends have ever just... come to see me at work. None of them cared about what I did or how my days were... how I was feeling. All they liked was the money and fame I could provide. Some would even use my time at work to go cheat. But you? You Leah Rhodes, missed me while doing one of your favorite things, put on this sexy dress, got all dolled up, and came to surprise me and make sure I was having a good night", he spoke softly against my lips as we both tried to catch our breaths.

"Well of course. I like you alot Grayson and I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. For months you've been treating me like... well like a goddess. And if that's what I am then I want to treat you like my other half, like a god", I smiled.

But not like Zeus and Hera".

"Oh god no".

"How about Hades and Persephone?"

"You do know he kidnapped her right", I asked smirking.

"But she fell in love with him by the end, right", he replied shrugging.

"That's besides the point".

"Fine... Isis and Osiris", he guessed with a shrug.

"They were siblings", I deadpanned.

"So were Zeus and Hera."

"How about we just be our own mythological deities", I smiled before kissing his lips softly.

"Sounds like a plan to me", he mumbled against my lips.

After another make out session I decided not to distract Grayson too much. He agreed but still wanted me close so he sat at his desk and worked as I sat straddling his lap and reading using a book app on my phone over his shoulder. My jacket and purse laid on one of the chairs he had in front of his huge dark wood desk. I hadn't come into his office since the first time he brought me to Black Sun, so this time I was able to take in a few more details about it. The walls were an ashen blue color and the floors were a wood of a deep brown color. The chairs in the room were black and so were the other pieces of furniture. Behind his desk was a built in wide bookshelf that hosted books, folders, plaques and awards Grayson had. The view outside of the window of the city was just a magnificent as I had remembered.

It felt so relaxing and reminded me a lot of that one time we went to Carina's cafe. How nice it was to just be in each others presence. No forced conversation, though our conversations never felt forced. Talking to Grayson always came naturally, like I was talking to a life-long friend. Like I was talking to Kyra or Beck, only difference was that I kissed Grayson.

Who am I kidding, we've done quite a bit more than just kissing.

We hadn't made love yet though, and I guess that was for the best since we weren't official yet. It wasn't that we hadn't had the opportunity, trust me, there had been plenty.
But Grayson always stopped us before we got carried away. He'd always say that he wanted me to be sure it was what I wanted and he wanted it to be special for us.

He was such the gentlemen when he said those things... then he'd eat me out and finger me until I was an absolute mess. He could go from romantic sweetheart to erotic dominant just like that.

I wasn't sure how long we had stayed like that, time seemed to blur and quicken any time I was around Grayson. But I had gotten probably about halfway through the book I was reading when my thighs began to hurt from sitting on his lap. I let out a yawn and I both felt and heard Grayson chuckle.

"Mia piccola dea, there is no need for you to stay up here with me this whole time. Why don't you go have fun downstairs for awhile, Oliver and the rest of the bartending crew already know that your tab is on me any time you come in. Go have some fun and I'll be down there to join you soon", Gray smiled as he pulled us apart and rubbed the pad of his thumb against my cheek softly.

I nodded and smiled before getting up and fixing my dress a bit.

"God, you look ethereal in that dress Leah", he mumbled in awe as his blue eyes raked up and down my entire body.

"Are you sure I can't talk you into staying at my place tonight", he asked with a pout, but his eyes didn't stop taking in my figure and outfit.

"Yes, now hurry down when you can", I smirked with a wink.

"Yes ma'am", he replied before saluting goofily.

I left Grayson's office and made my way downstairs with a little pep in my step. I had gotten some nice quality time with Gray and now I was excited to get another drink and dance some more. I kinda missed the dance floor.

Look at me, Kyra would be so proud.

Once I made it to the main floor I beelined for the bar and ordered a Malibu Sunrise from the bartender. Once I got the drink I took a few sips so the glass wasn't overflowing with the fruity alcoholic drink and my way to the dance floor with it.

'Woman', by Doja Cat came on and I smiled as I sipped on my drink and danced, letting the music take control of my body and moving my hips. I even had a group of 4 obviously tipsy girls near me who let me dance in their circle as we sang and let loose.

"Leah? Leah is that really you", came a male voice. It was almost familiar but I couldn't pin where I knew it from.

I turned to see who had called my name and felt my body freeze up as my blood turned cold.

Please no.

What the hell was he doing here?

He looked alot like how he did over almost two years ago. Tall and a bit lanky with medium length black hair and brown eyes. He was attractive to most I suppose, he had definitely had a history of sleeping around as long as I had known him. Taking into consideration who keeps as company, I wasn't at all surprised.

I tried to smile at him but I knew without even looking in a mirror that it was more of a grimace.

"Logan... what are you doing here", I asked uncomfortably.

"Here on a business trip and decided to check what the nightlife in L.A was like before I went back to Seattle. But the real question is... what are you doing here? We had heard down the grape vine that you had moved down here to L.A, but to be honest we thought it was some kind of joke or trick. We thought that you just made up a lie to be left alone after what happened. Imagine our surprise when we started seeing your face in Goddess Revolution pages. Jordan saw you doing good and instantly started having second thoughts about what he did, even tried to stop by your parents' house to apologise this past summer but they wouldn't give him the time of day", Logan explained.

"Can you blame them", I mumbled.

"He wants you back real bad you know, he regrets cheating on you with Tara", Logan said softly with a frown.

Are you fucking serious?! Was he really trying to wingman for Jordan to me, Jordan's ex-fiancee?!

But what else did I expect... from Jordan's best friend.

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