Love Hurts (first in Destiny...

By susansummers314

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Raven is the so-called emotionless one. Unable to be in a relationship, she does the next best thing that she... More

1) Things Change
2) Terra
3) Outdated
4) Confrontations
5) Confession
6) Tea and Tests of Faith
7) Raven Falls
8) Beast Boy's Decision
9) The Return
10) Revelations
11) Primal Instinct
13) Last Heroes Standing
14) Coma
15) The Kiss
16) Healing a Broken Heart

12) Beast Boy Falls

362 11 4
By susansummers314

(Chapter 11 from Beast Boy's point of view)

The pain of Terra's betrayal burned through Beast Boy's heart. He had trusted her. All of the Titans had. Except for Raven. Raven was the only one who had been wary of Terra.

Now she lay unconscious a few paces away from him because she had been right. Terra was a traitor. Beast Boy let out a frustrated bellow as he tried to sweep his way through the endless sea of Slade's minions.

It reminded him of the time Overload trashed the BestBuy closest to the Teen Titans Tower, and not in the best way. He watched helplessly as Terra advanced on his fallen team-mate. He had to stop her.

He wasn't going to let Raven suffer for his mistake. A blast of green energy blasted Terra away from Raven's unconscious form, and Beast Boy let out the breath that he had been holding.

He watched as Starfire launched herself onto Terra, pinning the geo-kinetic to the ground. Beast Boy felt a little bit more at ease. Starfire was not someone to be messed with. She was very capable of 'opening a large can of the butt-whoop' as she liked to term it.

"How could you do this Terra?" he heard her ask. The fury in the alien's voice cut through Beast Boy's heart like a knife. All of this was his fault. Terra had returned for him, she had teamed up with Slade to take down the other Titans when she thought that he was dead.

"I thought you were our friend." Tears blurred Beast Boy's vision. Blindly, he lashed out at the many robots surrounding him. He heard a crash, and the sounds of Starfire's star-bolts. Then nothing.

"You thought wrong," Terra replied. There was absolutely no emotion in her voice. Beast Boy shook a Slade-bot off of his head. He could see that Starfire was literally covered in Slade-bots, and unable to aide Raven in any way.

He turned at the sound of Cyborg's sonic cannon, and his heart sank to see the robotic Titan also surrounded by robots. Beast Boy looked frantically for Robin. Terra had sarcastically remarked that the Boy Wonder always had to be the hero, well now was his chance to prove it.

A blur of red and turquoise flashed in front of Beast Boy. He reflected bitterly that Robin always did have perfect timing. Always arriving just in time to save the day. A pang a jealousy shot through Beast Boy, and began to fight again with renewed vigor.

"You don't have to do this Terra," he heard Robin tell the traitor.

"Oh I think I do," was the response. Beast Boy heard a crash, and turned to see Robin jump nimbly down in front of Terra.

"You still have a choice Terra," although Beast Boy hated to admit it, Robin did have a better way with words than he did. "You don't have to fight for Slade. You don't have to be his apprentice."

"What if I want to be?" she challenged. "As you said, it's my choice. I'm not like you Robin. I'm not afraid of turning into Slade." There was a silence, and Beast Boy couldn't help but smirk as he imagined the look on Robin's face.

Terra had just stumbled onto the thing that kept Robin up at night pacing through the halls of Titan Tower. "That's the real reason you're so obsessed with locking him away." She had obviously realized that this was Robin's weakness, and she was preying upon it.

"You're afraid of people discovering just how similar the two of you are. You're afraid that one day the line that separates you from Slade will no longer be existent. You're afraid of yourself Robin. The potential that you have to be the very thing that you swore to destroy."

Beast Boy flinched. He knew how much these words would hurt Robin. Although he was jealous of the Boy Wonder, Robin was his friend, and he hated seeing his friends being hurt.

"Enough," he heard Robin practically scream. He turned and watched as the Titan's leader unsuccessfully tried to fight with Terra. His attacks were sloppy now because he was angry.

"I've at least come to grips with the fact that there's an evil side of me," Beast Boy barely heard her over the commotion of the surrounding battle.

"I've chosen to embrace it. You however can't come to grips with the fact that you have a darker side. Slade unnerves you because he is, to you, the manifestation of your darker side. You don't like to admit it, but you were actually flattered that Slade chose you to be his apprentice, and that flattery terrifies you."

Beast Boy listened to their fight. It didn't last long. Terra had hit the Boy Wonder where it hurt the most. He was lashing out without thinking, a rare thing for Robin.

Beast Boy heard Terra laugh, and assumed that she had defeated Robin. He couldn't really see what was going on because he was covered in Slade-bots. He was giving everything he had, and it still wasn't nearly enough.

To his horror, he dwindled down from the Tyrannosaurus form, which he had been fighting in, to his human form. Exhaustion overcame him, and he fell to his knees.

Glancing through the sea of Slade's minions he saw Terra advancing on Raven. He jumped to his feet, but was sent sprawling back down by one of the many robots.

He began to shake, his heart pounding, and his chest heaving. He panted raggedly, and watched in horror as the girl raised her glowing yellow hands above her head.

He had to do something otherwise Terra was going to kill Raven. Something that he had locked away since Raven became the portal awoke. The one form that would protect Raven no matter what.

Beast Boy shut his eyes. He had to protect Raven, no matter what. Nothing else mattered to him, all that mattered was protecting Raven.

He could feel his body beginning to morph, and all of his other mental processes begin to shut down as he unlocked the primal form that would stop at nothing to protect her. He unleashed The Beast.

He opened his eyes, and used his brute strength to tear through the robots. He raced towards Raven, and with a swipe of his mighty paw, sent Terra sprawling to the ground. The smell of blood caught his attention, but Beast Boy didn't care.

All that mattered was keeping Raven safe.

Beast Boy moved so that he was standing overtop of Raven. He growled at the girl sitting on the ground in front of him. Blood was running down her sides. She looked up at him with icy eyes. He could smell her fear. Beast Boy coiled his muscles, ready at any moment to defend Raven.

"Beast Boy?" her voice was shaking with fear. He knew he was Beast Boy, but that didn't mean anything to him. All that mattered was protecting the unconscious Titan beneath him.

Terra stood unsteadily, and took a step towards her. Immediately, he leapt towards her. He wasn't going to attack her yet. He was just warning her to keep away.

He stopped right in front of her and bared his teeth. This was his warning. If he felt that she was threatening Raven again, he was not going to hold back.

Terra seemed to get the message, and began to back away slowly. Beast Boy watched her every move intently. He wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to endanger Raven in any way.

His sensitive hearing caught movement behind him, and Beast Boy spun around to find another group of robots advancing on Raven. He didn't hesitate, and tore at their necks with his claws. As The Beast, Beast Boy didn't care how savage he was.

Protecting Raven was the only thing in his mind.

He sensed movement, and whipped around. He took a swipe at the girl, and sent her flying backwards. He had warned her already to stay away, now he wasn't going to hold back.

He jumped foreword, and slashed at her again. The force of his attack sent her flying into a nearby structure. She hit this, and fell to the ground. Beast Boy returned to his original protective stance overtop of Raven.

He watched as the blue eyed girl coughed. Blood spurted out of her mouth, but as The Beast, this didn't bother him. She was trying to hurt Raven, and he wasn't going to let her.

The traitor struggled to her feet, and coughed up more blood. Beast Boy watched her every move. She smacked her forehead, and her eyes and hands began to glow yellow.

As The Beast, Beast Boy just knew that this was a threat. He didn't know what though. He turned to see a barrage of boulders heading towards him. Leaping foreword, he took most of the boulders down with his brute-strength.

Pain seared through his side, as one of the boulders struck him. His own pain didn't matter. He would defend Raven until his last breath if he had to.

Beast Boy sprang towards the girl, and struck her again. He attack sent her sprawling to the ground. Immediately, he was upon her again, his claws tearing through her flesh. He heard her scream, but he didn't care.

She had caused hurt, and now she would experience hurt. Desperately, she tried to crawl away. Beast Boy grabbed her leg in his mouth, and began to drag her away from Raven. She continued to scream, as he bit through her leg, her blood gushing into his mouth.

He shook her violently, not caring about the blood that was everywhere. Finally he tossed her to the ground, and remained in pace a few paces away from her. Blood was everywhere, and he knew that she was getting weaker.

The girl tried to move, and let out a cry of pain as she tried to put weight on her leg. She coughed violently, more blood spurting out of her mouth and onto her shirt. Gritting her teeth, she began to pull herself along the ground.

Beast Boy reacted immediately. He jumped on her, pinning her shoulders to the ground with his massive paws. The girl screamed again, and he could feel her shoulders beginning to crush under his weight. He brought his face close to hers, saliva dripping from his fangs.

He could see that she was crying, her eyes wide with fear. The girl's neck was vulnerable, open to attack. All he had to do would be to tear through the skin of her neck, and she would no longer be a threat.

He hesitated. He didn't know whether or not he should finish her or not. She had caused so much hurt, she had tried to kill. Beast Boy narrowed his eyes, and snarled. His teeth were inches away from her neck.

"Beast Boy," her voice was barely above a whisper. "Please." He didn't understand what she wanted. He stared down at her, confused. Her frightened blue eyes stared up at him. Terra's eyes. The eyes of a traitor.

The eyes of someone who had stopped at nothing to get what she wanted. He wanted to destroy her, but yet he didn't want to be like her. He had already hurt her enough. His body began to morph, his massive frame dwindling back down into his human form.

The amount of blood everywhere disgusted him, but he didn't feel any remorse for what he had done. Terra had done so much to hurt the team.

It was about time she got a taste of her own medicine. Although, he hadn't been attacking her to protect the team. He had been protecting Raven and only Raven. The Beast's primal instinct was to protect her.

Only her. Whenever Raven was in danger, The Beast awoke in Beast Boy's mind. Most of the time, he didn't need to unlock his inner Beast, but today he had.

Terra's panting brought Beast Boy back to reality. He was straddling her, his hands pressed against her shoulders, still pinning her to the ground. She was pale, and seemed to be having difficulty breathing.

Beast Boy glanced down and saw that he had tore through to her ribs on one side. Terra's body shuddered, and she coughed up more blood. If she didn't get to a hospital soon, she could die.

Despite how much she had hurt him. The thought of him causing her death stung at Beast Boy's heart. He did still love her, even though he wasn't sure if it had ever actually been her that he had loved.

Terra was a lie. The girl he had loved had never really existed, but he still felt like she was right there in front of him in some respects. Slowly, he sat up, releasing her shoulders.

"I'm going to call you an ambulance," he mumbled. Terra gave a weak smirk.

"You always did have a weak spot for me," she whispered. Her eyes and hands glowed yellow as Terra summoned up her remaining strength. Beast Boy didn't have time to react before he was pummeled with a large boulder.

He felt the air forced out of his lungs, and watched as the world flew past his eyes. Pain stabbed through his back as he hit the ground, and his eyes watered. He tried to morph, unsuccessfully.

His body was too exhausted. Desperately, he looked over at Raven. She was still lying on the ground unconscious. Tears blurred his vision as he realized that he had let her down.

Terra was going to kill Raven, and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

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