Love Hurts (first in Destiny...

By susansummers314

7.4K 168 125

Raven is the so-called emotionless one. Unable to be in a relationship, she does the next best thing that she... More

1) Things Change
2) Terra
3) Outdated
4) Confrontations
5) Confession
6) Tea and Tests of Faith
7) Raven Falls
8) Beast Boy's Decision
9) The Return
10) Revelations
12) Beast Boy Falls
13) Last Heroes Standing
14) Coma
15) The Kiss
16) Healing a Broken Heart

11) Primal Instinct

382 11 5
By susansummers314

Terra stood with her mouth hanging open. Her blue eyes were filled with dismay. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. She must have misheard.

"Wh – what did you say?" Terra wanted to hear it from him that she had misheard. Beast Boy stood a few paces away from her. His fists were clenched and angry tears occasionally ran down his cheeks.

"I said 'You are going to have to go through me to get to her,'" Beast Boy replied. Terra couldn't, and didn't want to, believe that he was serious. The young man stood his ground. Terra glared at him, her blonde hair falling in front of her face.

"Fine," she said. Her eyes and hands glowed yellow, and she raised her glowing hands into the air. Before Beast Boy could react, a giant boulder smashed into him, and sent him flying into a crowd of Slade-bots. Terra smirked.

She knew that Beast Boy's animal forms were powerful, but the sheer number of Slade's minions would prevent him from interfering.

She made her way over to Raven's unconscious form. A blast of green energy knocked her down, and within moments she was being pinned to the ground by Starfire. The alien's green eyes were smouldering angrily.

"How could you do this Terra?" she asked. "I thought you were our friend." Terra's eyes glowed yellow again, and she hurled a boulder at Starfire.

The alien was thrown to the ground, but quickly recovered, and hurtled towards the blonde pelting her with star-bolts. Terra created a barrier, but Starfire's continuous attack finally broke through and sent the blonde flying.

Starfire floated towards her, fists encased in green energy. Before she could attack, Starfire was tackled by a group of Slade-bots. Terra got up and calmly walked towards the scene. Starfire was struggling with the sheer amount of robots.

"You thought wrong," she finally answered Starfire's question. She looked over towards Beast Boy. He was in his Tyrannosaurus Rex form, and sweeping the sea of robots away, but more kept on coming.

The green dinosaur let out a bellowing roar of frustration. Terra smiled, she knew that his Tyrannosaurus form was one of his most powerful, if not his most powerful, forms. If he could not get through the robots in that form, then there was nothing to worry about.

The sound of Cyborg's sonic cannon caught Terra's attention. Like Starfire and Beast Boy, he was overwhelmed with Slade-bots. With Raven unconscious, there was only one Titan left.

As if on cue, one of Robin's bird-a-rang's knocked Terra off of her feet. The Titan's leader nimbly caught it and made his way towards her. Terra scrambled to her feet, and prepared to face the Boy Wonder.

"You don't have to do this Terra," he said as he advanced towards her. Terra smirked."Oh I think I do," she replied, and hurled a rock at him with all of her might. Robin nimbly leapt onto, and over the boulder, and dropped down in front of her."You still have a choice Terra," said Robin. "You don't have to fight for Slade. You don't have to be his apprentice."

"What if I want to be?" she asked him. "As you said, it's my choice. I'm not like you Robin. I'm not afraid of turning into Slade." The eyes of Robin's mask narrowed, and his fists clenched.

Slade had once taught her to feed on people's weaknesses, and she had just found the weakness of the Boy Wonder. "That's the real reason you're so obsessed with locking him away." She said. "You're afraid of people discovering just how similar the two of you are.

You're afraid that one day the line that separates you from Slade will no longer be existent. You're afraid of yourself Robin. The potential that you have of being the very thing that you swore to destroy."

"Enough," Robin shouted. He sprang at the blonde. Terra dodged his attacks. His fury was making him sloppy. She truly had hit a nerve. Terra drove her elbow down onto Robin's back, forcing him onto the ground.

"I've at least come to grips with the fact that there's an evil side of me," said Terra. "I've chosen to embrace it. You however can't come to grips with the fact that you have a darker side.

Slade unnerves you because he is, to you, the manifestation of your darker side. You don't like to admit it, but you were actually flattered that Slade chose you to be his apprentice, and that flattery terrifies you."

Robin launched an attack at the blonde. His anger prevented him from properly thinking through his actions. He swung at her madly, but the blonde easily dodged his fists.

He swung his fist at her, and was surprised when she caught it. A smirk crossed her lips, and she drew back her own fist. Pain shot through Robin's face as she struck him. He felt the bone and cartilage of his nose break, and his eyes watered.

He looked up just in time for a boulder to knock him flying into a crowd of Slade-bots. He tried to get through them back to Terra, but they swarmed in, outnumbering him. 

Terra shook her head and laughed. The whole situation was just so pathetic. The Teen Titans were being taken down. She felt a glow of pride at the fact that she was helping to take down the team that everyone depended on to protect the city.

Another bellowing roar caught her attention, and she watched as the Slade-bots continued to swarm the green Tyrannosaur. She shook her head sadly, and turned her attention to Raven's unconscious form laying only a few paces away from her.

New resolve flew through Terra to destroy the witch who had taken everything away from her. A smirk crossed her lips at the prospect of destroying Raven. The blonde rubbed her hands together eagerly. It was payback time.

- Scene Break -

Beast Boy could barely see Terra through the sea of Slade's minions. His Tyrannosaur form wasn't the kind of power he needed to get through the robots. He needed more. His body dwindled back down into his human form, and he fell to his knees.

Through the never ending swarm of Slade-bots, he caught sight of the blonde making her way over to Raven who was laying there vulnerable. He had to protect her. Beast Boy struggled to his feet only to be knocked down by one of the many Slade-bots.

His heart began to race in his chest, and his chest heaved as he panted. Terra was standing next to Raven now, her eyes and hands glowing yellow. He had to stop her, he had to protect Raven. He morphed accordingly, savagely tearing through the many robots.

He had only one thing on his mind, protect Raven at all costs.

- Scene Break -

Terra was about to crush Raven. Finally she was superior to the witch. She wished that Raven would wake up so that she would die with the knowledge that Terra had beaten her.

Raven didn't move. Terra shrugged. At least she would always be able to say that she had beaten Raven. She was just about to send the boulders down onto Raven when something hit her.

Pain shot through her side, and the force of the blow knocked her backwards. Her hands went instinctively to her side to try to ease the pain. This didn't really work so she forced herself into a seated position.

Upon looking down at her hands, she was horrified to see that they were covered in blood.

A growl caught her attention. Something about it made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. There was a degree of savageness that she had never heard before in that growl. Very slowly she looked up at her assailant, and her eyes grew wide in horror.

Standing over Raven was a green beast. She knew it was Beast Boy, but something about this form scared her more than any other form she had seen him use. The Beast snarled at her, his muscles coiled, ready for attack.

"Beast Boy?" her voice shook with fear. The Beast growled softly but didn't move. She took a tentative step forward. Immediately The Beast snarled savagely and leapt towards her.

Terra was frozen in place, too terrified to move. The Beast landed right in front of her, his teeth bared. She could feel his hot breath against her face. He was massive, unlike anything she had ever seen before. His powerful forearms had black stripes on them, as did his flanks, and black markings also surrounded his eyes.

A long mane traveled from the back of his head to his immense shoulders. His face was long, his lower jaw protruding out further than his upper jaw, and his top lip was also black. His ears were pointed, and had black markings on them too, but it was his eyes that frightened her more than anything.

They were just white, no pupils, and possessed a very wild appearance.

Terra slowly backed away. The Beast growled, but didn't advance. It seemed that he only attacked when she approached him. She stepped to the side, but still no motion from him.

Suddenly he whipped around, and decapitated a number of Slade-bots who had been advancing towards Raven. Terra's eyes widened, she had never seen Beast Boy so vicious. She took advantage of the distraction and cautiously advanced on Raven.

The Beast swung around, and struck her with one of his massive paws. Terra winced as his claws ripped into her skin. She hit the ground just to be struck again. The force of the impact sent her flying backwards into the structure on the roof.

She felt her ribs crack with the impact and winced. Gravity forced her back down onto the ground. Her lungs burned and blood spurted out of her mouth. Looking up she could see The Beast was standing protectively over Raven again.

Terra coughed, and spat up more blood. She winced and forced herself to stand up. She wobbled slightly, and stared at The Beast. His muscles coiled ready for attack. Terra smacked her forehead. In her terror she had forgotten her powers.

Now she used them to summon a barrage of boulders and sent them hurtling towards The Beast. He sprang to the attack, managing to destroy most of everything she had thrown at him. One of the boulders struck him, but this didn't seem to faze The Beast at all.

Instead, he sprang towards her, and sent her sprawling with another swipe of his massive paw. She had no chance of moving before he was upon her again, his claws tearing through her skin. Terra screamed, blood now streaming down her sides.

Desperately, she tried to crawl away. The Beast grabbed her leg in his mouth. Terra screamed again as he dragged her along the ground. He shook her violently, and Terra felt his teeth puncture through the bone of her leg.

Her throat was raw from screaming, and she was growing weaker by the minute with the amount of blood that she was losing. The Beast tossed her to the ground, and remained a few paces away from her. Terra could barely move. Tears began to stream from her blue eyes.

She knew she was dying. He was killing her. Beast Boy was killing her.

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