A Pawn's Heart. (Slow Updates...

Per ZBX6779

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Issei actually speaks up regarding his hesitation to confess during one particular event after the graduation... Més

part 1: aw shit, here we go again.
part 2: Sairorg vs an angry Issei.
part 3: graduation day.
part 4: now you know
part 5: change and pain
part 6: bed rest
part 7: the liberated artist
part 8: birthday, learning & alone time
part 9: a new ally.
part 10: Aika's torture & Vali's loss
part 11: making a deal.
part 12: some relaxation
part 13: calm before the storm
part 14: first step to the truth
part 15: the storm approaches.
part 16: ........pain..
part 18: reunited
part 19: loving a broken soul
part 20: blood lust rising
part 21: family time with K/DA
part 22: the war within him
part 23: dates and intimacy
part 24: uncovered sins and truth
part 25: the enemy strikes
Kratos & Hercules play GoW
part 26: a traitor amongst us

part 17: burdened

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Per ZBX6779

With the Khaos brigade.

??: Damn it! I don't mind losing Diadora but his stupid plan went soooo far off the rails that it got Shalba and Diehauser killed! He said that both dragon emperors combined won't be enough but look at what he just did!! The red dragon emperor alone killed not just him but Shalba and Diehauser too!

???: Prince Rizevim Livan Lucifer, I understand your frustrations but you still have us, you also achieved one goal among many, Diehauser did his part but he also felt conflicted about joining us, as for the other two, too barbaric in my opinion, they only thought about their revenge and desires, never the grand scheme. Perhaps, the red dragon emperor did us a favour by eliminating them.

The man yelling is revealed to be Rizevim Livan Lucifer, a descendant of the original Lucifer, he has a small goatee and silver hair, he's waiting formal royal robes like the old devil kings did.

Rizevim: *sigh* ... true! You're right Apophis, thank you for reminding me of that. Did you send our 'friend' those two gifts?

The dragon, who is approximately a 100 meter long black eastern dragon with three eyes that emit a silver glow, there are gems all along his body that emit the same silver glow but his main body releases a dark ominous aura.

Apophis: I have and he says that it will take some time.

Rizevim: as expected. We'll have to stay under the radar for now.

Apophis: Azi Dahaka won't like that. He is so eager to fight, as are Crom Crauch and Ladon.

Rizevim: the least of our concerns, once they know of what I'm planning, they'll gladly wait.... *Sigh*... Hahahahaha.

Apophis: something you find amusing?

Rizevim: the white dragon emperor, Vali, he's still weak even with a longinus but he's his father's son, he was weak too. A reincarnated human grew to be more powerful than him. I'm honestly disappointed in him. A guess it's up to I, his dear old grandfather to help him.

Apophis: to be fair, it was an ambush and Diehauser did have the king piece in use.

Rizevim: that's also true. I suppose his loss is understandable. Oh well! Moving on. How are our other hostages?

Apophis: unconscious still, I'm afraid.

Rizevim: oh well, they'll wake up sooner or later. Right now, our spy is going to continue doing as he's told.

Scene change to team Cao Cao.

Heracles, a man in golden armour, comes in to a room with a expression of fear on his face, his teammates, Cao Cao, Jeanne, Marsilio, Perseus and George and Connla.

Marsilio is a young man wearing a suit, not much is known about him.
Perseus is a young man with neat short brown hair, he's wearing a green inspired armour. Connla is the guy who can manipulate shadows, Issei found him in Kyoto, Connla still has nightmares of the flames that burned him. All of them looked at Heracles when he walked in.

Cao Cao: something the matter?

Heracles: yes.... Diehauser Beliel, Shalba Beelzebub and Diadora Astaroth....were killed by the red dragon emperor!

All of their eyes widen, Connla started to shake as cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Jeanne: that's a lie!

Heracles: it's not. I can give you the details.

He sits down and tells them about how Issei went on a rampage, how he created a black hole to kill the creatures created by Leonardo and killed three devils even when he was seemingly hindered by Ophis's snakes, his current mental state is also revealed to the group as well as the cause, Cao Cao smiled at the last part but he had to admit, he's feeling nervous and slightly frightened. Connla and Perseus get up and start walking towards the door.

George: where are you two going?

Connla: we quit! That guy nearly beat us the last time and now he's completely unpredictable! He's a fucking dragon and we all know what happens when you hurt a loved one of a dragon! He's not pulling any punches! I'm done!!

He runs out the door.

Perseus: yeah, I'm with him. Sorry everyone but this is too much. This generation's red dragon emperor is beyond anything that's been seen since the war. I understand if you hate me but I'm quitting while I have a chance. Good bye.

He also leaves.

Cao Cao is pissed.

Cao Cao: damn it!

Jeanne: what do we do?!

Cao Cao: we're sticking to the plan. I'll take on the red dragon emperor, he's not going to win our next and final encounter no matter how powerful he is.

Heracles: Cao Cao....

Cao Cao: I have a plan, remember that. There's even a contingency plan. Once the dragon eater is released from Cocytus, it'll be a guaranteed victory.

Scene change to the grigori.

Issei is constantly shivering, twisting and turning around even though he's passed out but the nightmares are making his body react. He's sweating and crying, he sees that he's surrounded by the corpses of his loved ones, the smell of blood, their cries, the pain that shot through his body when Diehauser continuously broke his bones to force his body to use up it's magic to power His healing factor. His nightmares show him how he was forced to put down an old acquittance who became a stray, forcing himself to go through all kinds of training to get stronger, how he massacred the magicians, how it scared Le Fay, how he tortured and branded the two psychos who tried to hurt his classmate. He started to mumble, he repeated the same things again and again. His voice is now so hoarse, it sounds like his vocal cords have been scraped by a 180 grit sandpaper.

Issei: it was me... I did it. I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.

While he mumbles apologies and confesses to only he knows what, his parents stayed by his side, team Rias, team Sona, team slash dog, the faction leaders, Ravel, Yasaka, Bova, lady Phoenix, Bova, Baraqiel and Irina are in a near by room. Azazel and Vali are currently in his lab working on a way to help Issei. Baraqiel is currently holding Akeno in a tight hug, his hands are still slightly shaking. He's overjoyed that Akeno is safe but he's also worried about Issei, he's not doing so well and that's what's upsetting Akeno and everyone else.
Sirzechs called his parents and explain to them exactly what's happened in the past few hours, they wanted to talk to Rias and she spoke to them, she told her parents that she's okay thanks to team slash dog, Issei and Vali. Once the call ended, everyone went silent again, they could hear Issei mumble like a madman, Asia had enough and gets up, she's immediately stopped by Michael and at that very second, Azazel ran into Issei's room and calls for Saji, Sairorg, Kuroka and Bova.

They rushed over, Azazel asks them to pin Issei while Vali divides his strength, they ask the parents to stand outside and they moved to the other room. Kuroka promoted to rook, all four of them held on each of Issei's limbs.

Azazel: hold out his left arm.

Sairorg held out Issei's arm.
Ajuka comes through a portal while holding ascalon and he sees Azazel and the others restricting Issei's movements, his condition isn't favorable.

Ajuka: update me on the situation.

Azazel: they used Ophis's power to try and block Issei and Ddraig from using their powers, it's clashing with Issei's dragon aura and you can see what's happening to him.

Ajuka looks at Issei and has a look of determination in his eyes, he then looks at Azazel.

Ajuka: how can I help?

Azazel: I'm going to extract the foreign power and seal it away, I'll need you to subdue him in case he wakes up and acts violently.

Ajuka prepared a few spells that may help. Kuroka suddenly lets go of Issei.

Azazel: what are you doing?

Kuroka: I have an idea!

A purple magic circle appears and chains emerge from it, they are the chains of Gleipnir. The same ones that held Fenrir a little over half a year ago. The chains wrap around Issei and restricted his movements, Arthur, Le Fay and Bikou arrive and see what's happening.

Azazel: nice work, this will help. Ready everyone?

They all nod.

Azazel: Ddraig?

Ddraig: ready!

Azazel casts a spell on Issei's arm, Issei howls, it's so loud that everyone in the other room has to cover their ears, those in the room with him had to endure it, Kuroka could barely maintain her concentration. Azazel didn't stop casting the spell, he's having a lot of trouble right now, there's no sign of the power leaving him, several black serpents come out of his arm and coiled themselves around his arm again and then his shoulder.

Azazel stopped casting the spell, he asked the devil king next to him to try, Ajuka gives it a try, there appears to be some success at first but it failed. Both of them tried together but all it did was to make it unintentionally hurt Issei even more, it forced him into consciousness, the howling is too loud, he writhed in pain and broke free of the chains, he soon threw Bova and Sairorg out the door, they crashed, Saji uses the absorption line and Vali divided his strength, it only slowed him down but Issei started to fight them instinctively, Ajuka created a gravity spell to restrict Issei's movements but he finds that there's a sudden increase in gravity around him and everyone else in the room, he and the others fall to their knees and he looks at Issei, he stares back at them with glowing eyes and his dragon aura is manifesting from his wings. They can see into the observable universe that humans have seen so far. He understands how Issei is doing this. He looks back at Issei who is staring furiously at him in return, Ajuka stops using his gravity spell and Issei gets up.

Ajuka: it's okay Issei, I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you.

He growled at him and took back ascalon, he slowly started to lift the blade and is getting ready to strike until Ddraig spoke up.

Ddraig: Issei, this is reality! Come back to it!

Issei growled again and loudly, Sirzechs destroyed the wall to allow more space for everyone to see and help, Issei looks at them and he stopped growling, he shook his head, Rossweisse uses a spell to counter the gravity Issei is controlling, Vali gets up and uses divine dividing again, Issei tried to break free but Koneko and Rossweisse hold his arms, Irina, Ravel and Yasaka come closer and try to bring him back into a stable mindset, they also pry the sword out of his hands as he's acting purely on instinct right now. He's unpredictable at this point.



He immediately held his left arm as it starts to hurt again, even Ddraig groaned.


His power level returned to its previous state. Issei suddenly felt weaker and he fell to his knees, Sirzechs and Saji helped him up, Issei immediately freed himself and backed into a corner, he looked around frantically and his breathing is ragged, his parents tried to approach him but he started yelling.

Issei: stay away!!! Where am I?!!

They didn't listen, they walked over to him, Issei is taller than them, he barely even looks human but he's terrified like a child about to get scolded by unbelievably strict parents, his parents held out their hands, Issei closed his eyes and backed himself into the corner completely, his parents gently held his dragon like hands.

Gorou: Issei, you're safe. All of us are.

Miki: we're in this place called the Grigori. Our friends brought us here.

Lady phoenix: listen to our voices.

He finally opened his eyes and looked around, his breathing is less ragged, he has a flashback to what happened earlier, he remembers what Vali said about the corpses of his loved ones being nothing but copies. he breathes a sigh of relief and smiled but he immediately lost it.

Issei: wait... How do I know that none of you are copies?!

He immediately let go of his parents hands and started shaking again, he gets out of the corner and away from everyone.

Grayfia: Issei, this isn't another illusion, everyone really is alive and unharmed.

Issei: I don't believe you! I don't know what's real or fake anymore!

Michael and Gabriel step forward.

Michael: the only illusion that exists is the one in your mind.

Gabriel: believe what your eyes see, you went through something truly horrific but you're alive, everyone is.

Issei: ...... This isn't another trick...right?

Miki: no, it's not a trick sweetie.

Rias: use your soul reader spell. You'll know that it's us.

Issei uses his spell and looks around once more, he looks at team Rias, Irina, Ravel and Yasaka, the flashbacks of them getting raped and murdered tore through his mind again, he immediately got closer to them and inspected them for wounds, his legs trembled as he assessed the nonexistent wounds, he's so traumatized by Diadora's plan that he's almost seeing things even when his spell proved that they are alive and unharmed.

Issei: none...of you are wounded... Right? Asia! Did he touch you in any way?

She immediately jumped into his arms and held him tighter than she ever had before.

Asia: not a scratch thanks to you, Vali and team Slash dog. He can never hurt anyone ever again.

Vali and the aforementioned team smiled.

Issei: I'm sorry.. I'm sorry that I wasn't around to stop him from taking you, taking any of you...*sniff*... I'm so sorry...

He started to whimper, all of team Rias, Ravel, Yasaka and Irina hugged him. He wrapped his wings around them, Azazel asked Tobio to get Issei and the others some water or something to eat, Tobio asks his team to help out and they leave, team Sona also go and help out. Tsubaki looked back at Issei and her heart aches for him, a few months ago, the two of them were hanging out, having fun and forgetting their troubles, how Issei took down Vali on his own without any hesitation but right now, he's broken, traumatized. She wishes she could help him like he helped her but he needs professional help. As the group hugged, Issei's anger started to radiate from him, those who were hugging him had to back away.

Issei: ... I'm going to find him...

Rias: find whom?

Issei: Leonardo, when I find him... I'll make him regret everything!!!

His power flared, it's so dark and vengeful, Albion, Fafnir, Viritra and Bova are affected by this and become a little angry themselves but they control it. Dragons are emotional beings and their sense of empathy is comparable to a hive mind when a powerful dragon is extremely emotional and the cause is one that would have a mutual understanding towards. His rage is causing his regular aura to flare along with his dragon aura, it's giving of heat and it's slowly getting hotter, Lavinia and Grayfia has to use their ice abilities to cool down the room.

Sirzechs: Issei, we would do the same in your position but this could be another trap.

Issei: I'm the hunter this time! Mom, dad and everyone else, all of you are going to stay in the underworld where it's safe!

Rias: you can't ask us to sit by and let you go out there by yourself!

Issei: I'm not asking!.... I'm telling you! This time you're going to listen to me because I can't lose you, ANY of you ever again!!

Miki: Issei..

Issei: NO! I can't let anyone here get hurt or killed! I won't lose any of you ever again! I can't!!... I....I...*huff*... Not again.... How many times do I end up believing that Asia died right in front of me, this was the 3rd fucking time!!! I can't bare to lose any of you! Not even for a second!! I'll... Make the Khaos brigade pay for what they've done!... I'll...*sniff*.... I can't... let what happened earlier become a reality.... I can still smell the blood..... I can't get that sight out of my head...

Gabriel and Michael had enough, both of them stand infront of Issei and embraced him.

Gabriel: Issei... You're carrying such a heavy burden, let us help. You're in a state of shock, just breath and try to relax.

Issei: I have no time to be shocked and you can help by keeping everyone who was kidnapped to a safe place until the Khaos brigade is dead!!

Michael: we promise to keep them as safe as we can but you need to let us help YOU, not just everyone else.


Michael: NO!!

This is the first time Michael has raised his voice, it startled everyone including Issei. The two angels let go of him and Michael faces him directly.

Gabriel: brother..

Michael: Issei! We can't forget about you! We refuse to forsake you!..... You're putting too much pressure on yourself, you're not expected to end this threat on your own. You forced yourself to grow up and do things you weren't ready for, yes, people need to go through difficult times in order to grow but there's a time and place, you forced yourself to go through it.

Issei: ...I..

Michael: you're not fighting alone, the Khaos brigade is targeting everyone, not just you and your loved ones. They only attacked you to break your spirit because you're a threat to them, you're a symbol of strength and hope....but that's one of the many things that's causing you so much pain.... Isn't it.

Everyone focused on his words while their eyes fell upon Issei who looks guilty.

Michael: it's bothering you. It's a lot of pressure, talking about it helps. You want to, you need to let it out!... This is a safe haven for you... Go ahead. None shall judge you,

(A/n: play this in the background).

His lips quiver, hands tremble, he falls to his knees and looks down.

Issei: ......yes... It's bothering me. A part of me hates it because someone like me is put on a pedestal as an icon for the kids to look up to..*sniff*... Look what I did to them...to Ddraig, my damn obsession did so much damage.... I hate myself for that every second of every day because of it..... I wish I never met that random old man in my childhood.... He started it...*sniff*..... I could have been a normal guy if I had never met him.... I became obsessed with the opposite gender in a lustful way... Mom...dad... You were so disappointed in me... I would be too... But I hated lying to you for the past year... I hate to lie to you both about so much..

Miki:... That story about the girl attacking you...

Issei: I was attacked by a rogue fallen angel named Raynare, she killed me because of this.

He shows them the boosted gear and continued. His lips quiver, his eyes are blood shot.

Issei: I died... But Rias saved me, I was then thrown into the supernatural world, despite the fun I had being with everyone, I had to train constantly, to get stronger because we were a constant target. We then met Asia, I couldn't save her in time and Raynare killed too, Rias saved her as well, I wanted to keep her safe and happy.... we were happy again but then we had to fight Riser, I was so weak.... But I managed to pull through and save her from a forced marriage...and sometime later... Kokabiel attacked along with that stray exorcist! Vali took him down but it only got worse, we were attacked during a peace conference, we barely survived and not too long afterwards, Loki nearly killed us! I still remember how Fenrir sunk his teeth into me, not matter how strong I got, it was never enough....*huff*.... It was only thanks to help from the Norse gods that we beat him and then Diadora rigged the rating game, we were ambushed and he took Asia... He was going to rape her infront of us, I stopped him and beat him up.... Then Shalba killed him or so we thought, he then sent Asia into the dimensional gap, we thought she was dead for sure... I lost it and used the juggernaut drive, I put Rias and the others in harm's way, I could only hear Raynare taunting me and see Asia dying over and over again... I only came to my senses when Vali saved Asia and then stopped my rampage...*sniff*...fuck.... It only gets worse.
Rias was kidnapped not too long after, she was put under a spell and she somehow had the power of the boosted gear.... I had to fight her because I was the only one who could.... I had to ask Vali, Kuroka and Arthur to help me get to her, they were our enemies at the time.... And I had to ask them for help... I couldn't do it on my own... None of us could... *Sniff*... I promised to protect her and everyone...but I couldn't... I always needed help... I felt so weak and helpless.... Things were finally looking up around the time we went to Kyoto... But we were attacked by Cao Cao and his team, they kidnapped Yasaka and put her under a spell, she attacked us and Saji managed to subdue her, Cao Cao took us down but with Ddraig's and Rias's help, I beat them... We finally had a victory.... Things were finally looking up but then one misunderstanding in the clubroom lead to me being angry, distant.... I left the team!!! I just abandoned everyone after I defeated Sairorg! If it wasn't for lady phoenix then I would have been a stray! I tried to get over it! I tried to get out there and learn, to grow, all I did was lie to myself because deep down I wasn't ready to leave my team!! I let my feelings ruin everything! I ignored you guys when you tried to talk to me! I don't know why you would after I left! After I hurt you! I barely gave you any time to even talk! I was only there to help you kill that stray!!!.... I knew him.... I worked with him... He was a good guy.... I was like a teacher to him... But I ended being his executioner!!! I HAD TO KILL HIM!.... I KILLED THE MAGICIANS IN COLD BLOOD!!! LE FAY COULDN'T EVEN SPEAK TO ME! SHE WAS TERRIFIED OF ME!! I THEN CARRIED ON AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED!! I TORTURED THE TWO GUYS WHO HELD MY CLASSMATE AS A HOSTAGE! I BROKE THEIR BONES AND THEN BRANDED THEM IN THEIR HOSPITAL BEDS!! I THEN HUNTED AS MANY CULT MEMBERS AS I COULD AND SLAUGHTERED THEM!! I WENT TO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND KILLED HUMAN TERRORISTS! I SHOWED THEM NO MERCY! I RISKED EXPOSING THE SUPERNATURAL TO THE HUMAN WORLD! I WAS TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD BUT NEARLY LOST MY OWN! WHY AM I, A COMPLETE AND UTTER FUCK UP A ROLE MODEL TO THE KIDS?!! EVERYONE SAYS THAT I'VE BECOME OF THE GREATEST RED DRAGON EMPEROR YET BUT WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO THE SO CALLED "GREATEST", WE DIE TOO SOON!... IS IT MY DESTINY TO DIE SO SOON?!!... MAYBE I SHOULD DIE! I COULDN'T.... I CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT! I COULDN'T PROTECT A FLY!!.... I NEARLY LOST ALL OF YOU FOR GOOD BECAUSE I BROKE MY PROMISE TO PROTECT YOU!

The armour manifested and Ddraig took control.
Ajuka immediately appears from behind Issei and both of them karate chopped him on his nape, Issei's aura disappeared, he went silent and he's losing consciousness, he uses the last few seconds of his consciousness to look at nearly everyone crying.

He then lost consciousness completely and his upper body fell forwards, Ddraig and Bova catch him.

Miki: Issei!

They lift him up on to the bed. Some eyes fall upon the armour that's moving on it's own, Ddraig looks at everyone and then back to his partner.

Gorou: is he okay?!

Ddraig: he's physically unharmed but light years away from recovery..... He's not going to be the same person all of you knew anymore....

Azazel: Ddraig, are the snakes having any affect on you or Issei in any way?

Ddraig: I feel weaker, as if a piece of my being has been ripped out, as for Issei, the snakes are acting as a power suppressor. I don't know whether these snakes serve another purpose..... I need to rest.

The armour disappeared.
Azazel started to blame himself, if he had given a damn about Kokabiel and his followers then he could have stopped them, Issei wouldn't have been a target.
He punched the wall and stepped outside where he saw team Sona and team slash dog, Tobio is the only one who isn't crying while everyone else are trying to hold back their tears, Tsubaki's hands are trembling. She's showing a stronger reaction than her team, Sona obviously noticed. Le Fay ran off crying, her brother, Arthur followed her and as did Bikou.

Team Rias, Irina, Ravel, Yasaka and Issei's parents are crying, Issei's true feelings lay bare and the suffering he has endured for a year is now as clear as night and day. Everyone is amazed by how he hid most of his feelings so well, only Gabriel saw through his facade, she is also crying as hearing the painful wailing of his soul is proof of his suffering. Even Vali couldn't think straight, Issei Hyoudo, a former pervert that has everything, is suffering a kind of hell that only one angel saw, no one else could even begin to imagine what he's feeling but after finally hearing it, he actually felt some sympathy for his rival. Team slash dog and team Sona come in and place the trays of food and drinks on the tables near the bed, everyone is almost completely silent for a few minutes, only the sound of tears dripping onto the floor is heard, Issei's parents finally had enough and demand answers in a ice cold tone.

Gorou: who put our son through do much pain?

Miki: we want the whole truth.

All eyes fell upon them, they may appear to be calm but they are far from it.

Azazel: there's an empty room near by, we'll fill you in on everything.

The angels take the parents to the empty room and team Rias is right behind them with a tray of food and drinks, Irina, Ravel and Yasaka stay with Issei. Team slash dog ask Vali to step outside to talk, the devil kings, Baraqiel, Azazel and lady phoenix walk out, they then enter a different room. Bova, team Sona and Sairorg stay with Issei. Saji punched a hole in a somewhat intact part of the wall that was broken down earlier. He's completely livid, his friend went through hell and he feels the same as everyone else which is helplessness.

With the devil kings, lady phoenix, team slash dog, Vali and Azazel.

Serafall: he went through hell itself.... He's not going to fully recover from this...

Ajuka: no...he won't.

Sirzechs: it's not your fault Ajuka.

Ajuka: but it is. My little brother did this to him. I should have stopped him the last time he kidnapped your sister's bishop. He was my little brother, my responsibility and I didn't stop him.

Grayfia: he may have been your little brother but he made his own choices. Don't blame yourself for the mistakes of others.

Ajuka: ..... He was the head of the Astaroth household.... The silver lining is that my niece can take over and restore the name.

Sirzechs: how is she by the way?

Ajuka: she's doing well. I should go visit her and help out soon.

Lady phoenix: lord Ajuka, do you harbor any hated towards Issei?

Ajuka: none.... He did what I couldn't. I owe him too much to hate him.

With team slash dog and Vali.

Vali: ....

Tobio: that was..... surreal...

Natsume, a girl with brown hair tied into a ponytail speaks up.

Natsume: it was... I finally get to meet my favorite celebrity and he's having a complete breakdown.

Shigune responds, she is a beautiful young woman with European facial features with dark blonde hair with double-ponytails. She has heterochromia, her right eye is light blue while her left eye is black.

Shigune:.... The way he cried out.... His existence feels like a struggle for him, I only ever saw him smile on screen but he was the complete opposite in person.

The last member of the team is Kouki Samejima, he looks like a delinquent and he has a white cat on his shoulder.

Kouki: it's natural to feel like that after seeing your family and friends be murdered, illusion or not.

Lavinia: .....they heard him. His old team.

Vali: what do you mean?

Lavinia: they were underneath the ground floor of the building, they were bound and gagged, they couldn't break free or call out to him but they could hear his cries and everything he said.

Vali: yeah.... *Sigh*.... I tried to tell him it wasn't real but he couldn't hear me, Diadora and Diehauser did some irreparable damage. They succeeded in a way.... Never thought I would feel sympathy for him...

Natsume: .... Are you feeling alright? You fought those guys as well.

Vali: I'm alright, Albion isn't feeling so well.

Albion: just tired... I feel like they ripped out a piece of me. Immediately be alright, I'm feeling better than before.

Tobio: ....okay.... did he really kill someone he once knew?

Lavinia: no one lies when they are truly emotional like he was just moments ago, he must have forced to do so at one point.

Kouki: this has been way too emotional for me, I'm going back to my room and get my mind off of it. Anyone wants to join me, go ahead.

He walks away.

Shigune: he's going to be asleep for a while so might as well do something to pass the time.

She follows Kouki.

Lavinia: ... Might as well.

She follows them as well.

Natsume: I'm going to go check on him.

She walks towards Issei's room and upon entering, she sits next to a crying Irina and tries to comfort her.

Tobio: want to get a drink?

Vali: at the bar you work at? Why not? I could use something to help me relax after that fight.

The two head out.

Scene change to the angels and devil kings who finished explaining the basics regarding the mythologies, the three factions, the dragons, sacred gears etc. They also revealed their true identities to the parents and apologized for keeping it a secret. They then continue to share Issei's story about how Raynare targeted him and Asia for their sacred gear, how she killed them and only thanks to Rias's help, did they live again. The story continues to include the details regarding how he endured four light spears, fighting Riser twice, winning the second time, the holy sword project conclusion and Kokabiel right after Irina and Xenovia arrived, Kiba, Irina and Xenovia give their perspective on it and confirmed the story.

The peace summit and the ambush, Vali's betrayal, taking in a piece of the dividing gear, the pain he endured while still maintaining his sanity when any one else would have lost it. Training with Tannin in the underworld, The appearance of Kuroka and Bikou during a party, Loki attacking and nearly dying again. How he was the only one among them who could lift Thor's hammer during the battle, the rigged rating game, the ambush and Asia's kidnapping, taking him down, Shalba appearing and presumably killing but Asia and Diadora, how he went berserk and believed her to be dead, he and the others went to Kyoto and ended up fighting again, surpassing his limits yet again. The argument in the clubroom that pushed him away from nearly everyone, winning the rating game against Sairorg, leaving the ORC and the team, being taken in my lady phoenix, forced to adjust to the new change yet again, conflicted emotions and thoughts, forcing himself to get stronger and learning as much as he can. Getting the people to respect yokai and see them as equals. Stopping Vali from attacking Kyoto, unlocking his own dragon aura, the treatment for his condition, trying to cope with the change, all of this while trying to keep this a secret from his parents, school, training, etc. His parents couldn't believe what they were hearing, they started to fear for his life until everyone started to praise him about how he was kind, supportive and caring to everyone, how the kids love him, his show, how he taught Asia and Koneko to swim, saved Kiba from becoming a stray and falling down the path of vengeance, helping Gasper to be brave, giving Xenovia a better out look on life, helping Akeno accept her past and fallen angel heritage, loving Rias and everyone for who they are. How he had a chat with Kuroka in radiator springs and cleared her name, even though they were once enemies, he helped her and now she's happier. How he's become a role model for so many people, giving Kouno a normal childhood, taking down terrorists, be they human, mage or devil. He didn't care, he took them down for good, he didn't let bullies and molesters have their way with anyone, he made an example out of them. He helped angels take down some of the biggest cults out there, he showed them no mercy, he left no proof of their remains as he burned everything. They didn't really question as to why anymore, they know that he's making the world a better place and he has, he pushed himself so others won't have to. He forced himself to grow up and do what he feels he can and should, he's taking the responsibility of being the Red Dragon emperor very seriously. Perhaps too seriously, he did his absolute best all the while he suffered, he shared so little about his feelings during this one year, he had to kill someone he once knew. Michael also explains that the bakery was set up Issei as a surprise, he didn't ask for any help, he used the profits he made from the show to start up the bakery, set up a security system in school, buy a car for his family to use and anything else that was needed. They became silent for a minute until Rias spoke up about the trip to radiator springs, how he dug out diamonds for her, how she and Milicus had the time of their lives, he was always there even when it felt like he wasn't, he was distant but never too far away.

Gorou: all of that ....in just one year.... How did he not lose his mind?

Azazel: your son is unique, his pain tolerance is extraordinary, his growth is honestly terrifying, judging by the carnage we saw earlier, he took on opponents that are Satan class and a small army while his powers were suppressed. He's now on par with the devil kings and I'm sure that he's not even close to reaching his prime. He could easily be as strong as..let say the entire Greek pantheon at the least but none of that really matters right now, he needs help, he's in pain.

Lady phoenix: what can we do to help?

Rias and her team get up.

Akeno: we're going to lift the burden he's carrying.

Koneko: his back must be aching after carrying almost all of us on it this whole time.

Rias: brother.

Sirzechs: yes Rias?

Rias: train us. We need to get stronger, we have to push ourselves and I won't take no for an answer.

Grayfia: what brought about this sudden declaration?

Rias: how can any of us ever face him after putting him through so much?! We were too weak to stop Diehauser and Diadora from kidnapping us! We weren't protecting Issei when he was there for everyone since day one! We need to do the right thing and get stronger to make sure he never has to worry about us ever again! He fought for us! We're going to fight for him!

Kiba: I agree! I can't call myself his friend and brother after I put him through so much! I lost his trust once before but I'm going to earn it no matter how long it takes!

Asia: it's time we help heal his heart!

Xenovia: we will stay by his side through everything!

Gasper: I want to make him proud! I'll be a real man and prove it!

Akeno: I'll bring down the mother of all lightning storms on anyone who tries to hurt him!

Kuroka: we'll give him every reason to believe that he deserves to love and to live! He kept his promise to look after us and we're not the type to use him for our benefits! I finally have a home and he's a part of it! We're not going to lose him!

Koneko: He taught Asia and I to swim while he was drowning in misery, he's never going to experience that ever again! He never stopped caring even when we were cruel to him, from now on, we're going to put his feelings above our own!

Tsubaki: what kind of friends would we be to let him fight alone? It's time we have his back, we side side by side.

Rias: to hell with what others think! Screw the council, consequences be damned! We need to be there for him and fight together no matter what!

Sirzechs, his queen and lady phoenix smile proudly, this is the growth they wanted to see. They have confidence and see the full extent of the error of their ways but Rias's last statements struck a cord within Sirzechs. The old team and Tsubaki immediately walk out of the room and so do the parents, they check on Issei and he's still passed out on the bed, Irina, Ravel, Yasaka and Sairorg didn't leave his side. Yasaka is using regular sage arts to help him recover his life force and reduce the fatigue he has after the one sided massacre.

Kuroka: need help?

Yasaka: yes, he needs the three of us.

Koneko hands ascalon to Kiba.
She, Kuroka and Yasaka start using sage magic on him. He'll feel better physically after he wakes up, his mental well-being is an entirely different story. They can see the tears he's crying even in his sleep, he then twitched and spoke even though he's out cold.

Issei: .... I ....failed...you..all..

They nearly started crying again. They stay by his side as well.

Gorou: why didn't any one try to stop him before?

Sairorg: we tried but given his mind set and the threat of the Khaos brigade, we couldn't and he would have only suffered even more. To out it simply, it's the butterfly effect, our action to stop him would have made him believe that we are against him and that the feeling of betrayal would have pushed him even further away, pushed him deeper into despair, which in turn would have made him weaker than his current level, he fought and won because of his current level against Satan class opponents, if he was any weaker then most of you would not be here.

Miki: ..... our boy... You don't deserve this.

Sairorg: No...he does not.

Ravel: .... Any ideas in when he'll wake up?

Irina: no... But we should let him rest.

Rossweisse: .... where's Bova?

Irina: he returned to the dragon territory, updating his father on recent events most likely.

Yasaka: ...we heard everything that all of you talked about... I didn't know he was out there hunting down terrorists, cultists and drug lords.

Rias: .... He really did make the world a better place. For everyone.

Irina: he did.... More people are praying as this felt like miracle from God himself, they turned their lives around.

The parents just look at their unconscious son and they can almost visualize the suffering he endured, the light spears impaling him, Fenrir sinking his teeth into him, how he cried out and begged fate itself to bring back his loved ones. It shows that he will do anything for his loved ones. This is their son, a boy forced to become more than a man, to become a warrior so others wouldn't have to experience pain like he did. His sense of empathy is that great. He rarely ever cared about himself and put the needs of others ahead of his own.

They held his dragon like hand, he's not that skinny kid they knew anymore. He may not be human but his heart sure is. They started to cry for him, their only son died one day and they didn't even know it. They can thank Rias for saving him.

Miki: Rias..

Rias: yes?

Miki: thank you for bringing our son back to us.

Rias: ... I..

They pulled her into a hug. Rias hugged them back and she saw Issei's left arm twitch, the same arm he gave up to save her. Images flashed through her mind, the first time they laid eyes in each other, he looked right into her eyes and that's how it started. Then the image of him laying in a pool of his blood and a gapping hole in his torso, the memory of him crying for Asia, for her when they failed to beat Riser the first time, Issei took a beating but he didn't give up, he came back to save her and he accomplished his goal. She remembers their first kiss, the memories of him smiling for everyone, crying and fighting for everyone, the pain he suffered, the wounds he got, she remembers how she felt when Fenrir but him and she believed him to have died in her arms, that's what Issei felt for her, for Asia and everyone else 10 fold when Diadora killed copies of them. She hates herself for not realizing this sooner, for forcing a confession when he proved his love, when he showed it daily, she hates herself for pushing him away and yet he still blames himself. Even though she hurt him, he still hung out with them every now and then, took some of them on a trip even. She remembers the time the two of them looked at each other while they were soaking wet behind the waterfall, he looked sexier than ever, the strong yet compassionate red dragon emperor, Issei Hyoudo, the love of her life, made her happy even after she pushed him away. Then the image of him wailing, his words, his suffering, pouring his heart out instantly ripped right through her, her chest felt like it was about to explode with the force of a t-sar bomb. She held his hand with her her own, she couldn't barely breathe, this giant dragon like hand is not as soft as they once were but she didn't care, she held on to his hand as if her life depends on it, she never wants to let go of him, Issei's left hand tightened around her hands, she sees that he's still unconscious but it feels like he's still comforting her even if he's going through so much more. She started crying without holding back, she opened her mouth to scream but not a single physical sound was heard. She jumped on to the bed and clung to him. The others started to cry once more.

Akeno thinks about how he was accepting of her despite the damage Raynare, a fallen angel did to him. He didn't take advantage of her even when she begged him too.

Asia and Koneko think about the time he promised to protect them, he kept his promise even if Issei doesn't believe it, the time he taught them how to swim

Michael and Gabriel go to the human world and survey the lands, Issei's actions have brought on a positive change but something is different, they look up and the universe feels dull and sad. They really want to help Issei in any way they can. He may be the strongest red dragon emperor but his heart is still that of a human. No matter how much he has grown since he became a devil, what he had to endure took a toll on him, both angels want to repay the dept they owe him. People are praying more, a single devil has helped people turn to God and see the miracles of life.

Many hours have passed, everyone who is by Issei's side has fallen asleep, he finally wakes up and doesn't know what happened, he looks around and sees everyone sleeping, he slowly gets out of bed and walks outside, the memories of recent events come flooding back and he instinctively ran, he ran all the way outside of the facility and started to have a panic attack, he stopped running and fell to his knees. He then falls to his sides and the flashbacks of what Diadora did continue to ravage his mind. He's brought back to reality when Tobio and Natsume grab his arm and lift him up.

Natsume: glad to see that's you're awake.

Issei: ....who...are you guys?

Tobio: I'm Tobio and this is Natsume.

Natsume: hello. It's nice to meet you..... I'm a huge fan.

Issei: ....why?

Natsume: .......

Tobio: he didn't mean it like that, right?

Issei takes a second to process what he had just asked her.

Issei: I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude.

Natsume: oh, I know. Just caught me off guard for a second. Well, I'm a fan because you inspired me along with others.

Issei: ...I...I...see, you're part of team slash dog, the ones who saved my parents and friends...

Tobio: yeah.

Issei: ....I owe you guys... Thank you.

Tobio: you don't owe us anything, we're just doing our job. Come back inside and have a drink with us, it's your birthday after all.

Natsume: oh yeah! Happy birthday!

Issei couldn't even muster a single smile as he noticed something about Natsume.

Issei: you .... Share some resemblance with Irina...

Natsume: yeah, she and I had a nice talk earlier. We do look somewhat alike. Our personalities match as well.

Issei: .... I noticed.

Tobio: come on you two, lets get back inside.

They go back into the facility, Issei is trying his best to not break down again, they enter a large room, he sees a lava lamp that's creating a chill vibe.
There's a large number of beds, sofas, a few arcade games. This is clearly someone's man cave.

Issei: ....cool.

Tobio: everyone here uses this took to relax after one of Azazel's shenanigans. They are all occupied so this room is free to use, just relax here for a bit.

Issei: .... don't... Don't trouble yourself. I'm okay.

Tobio: no need to be so modest, just relax.

He didn't respond and sits on a bed, Tobio goes to get him something to eat, Natsume follows him. Issei just looks at the lava lamps, they're having a calming effect on him.

He just stared at them for about a minute, he heard his phone go off and he checked both of his pockets, he finds his phone in one and feels a few lumps in his other one, he pulled out both items, his phone was just reminding him of something out his daily routine but Issei finds that he was carrying a bag of weed in his other pocket.

Issei: ....why do I have this?

He then remembered that he was destroying a drug den and kept this as evidence, he completely forget about it, he stared at it and the light from the lava lamps is having a trippy effect.

Issei: ....*sigh*.... Why not?

He plays some music on his phone and spreads his dragon aura on the surfaces of the room for added effect. Staring into the universe, music and lava lamps. It's exactly what he needs.

Issei just listened to music and cried, the colours reflect in his eyes and his tears, outside, his parents and a few of the others woke up, they don't see Issei on his bed, the wake up everyone else, they all gather and when Azazel shows up, he was informed by Tobio and Natsume of his whereabouts, they go to the room Issei is currently in, they enter, Issei doesn't notice them come in, they can see him sitting on his bed, he's hugging his legs and is silently sobbing. There's just the sound of sad songs playing. His parents and Azazel walk over to him. They sit on the adjacent bed infront of him, he noticed them at last and he nearly started to cry again, he feels like he's being judged, Koneko snuggles up to him and forced him to stop hugging his legs. She sat on his lap and hugged him. He honestly doesn't know how to react, having Koneko on his lap is something he was used too but right now, it feels forbidden to him, he feels unworthy of this loving gesture.

He gently grabbed her hands and Koneko held on to him even tighter

Issei: ... please...

Koneko: I'm sorry... I never should have said that you're the enemy to all women, you're a true friend and lover to all women.*sniff*.... I'm sorry.

Tears well up in his eyes.

Issei: ..... *Sniff*.... I'm not....

Rossweisse: yes you are, why do you say that?

Issei: ....

Irina: .... Darling...

Issei: Irina.... I think you should find someone better to love.

Everyone immediately cut him off.

Irina: what are you saying?!

Miki: why would you say that?

Yasaka: think about what you're saying!

Issei: I have. I'm not the person you're engaged to, I'm not the same man you love, I'm not even a man or even a human anymore, I'm not strong... I'm not...

He was cut off by Irina kissing him on his lips, it was a passionate one. She breaks the kiss second later but she made him look directly at her.

Irina: don't you ever doubt yourself like that again! Issei, you said that you didn't want to lose us. Guess what, our lives are meaningless if we lost you. We love you and you love us, you wouldn't have cried for us, mourned us, don't throw it away just because you have doubts. You always go above and beyond to make others happy and help them. We're going to do the same for you, I'm going to be your wife one day so I'm sticking by you for better it worse.

Kuroka: She's right, you're the reason all of us are together like a family. I thought Shirone was my only family but you and everyone else in this room are family too.

Rossweisse: you didn't fail anyone, you would have saved us even if team slash dog didn't. There's no doubt. We blame ourselves for not being strong enough to even free ourselves. You're my first and only love, I'm going to protect and support my man through it all.

Asia: we're the ones who put you through some of the suffering you endured. We're the ones who should be begging for your forgiveness... When we pushed you away, it felt to empty everytime you weren't around.

Kiba: Issei, I promised that I would have your back, I nearly became a stray if you didn't save me but I ended up hurting you, betrayed your trust but you still care about us, we are going to earn your trust again no matter how long it takes.

Akeno: you accepted me as I am, you didn't care if I was a half fallen angel even after what the fallen did to you, you didn't judge me because of something I couldn't control while I judged you that day in the ORC for what wasn't your fault. You were honest with me and told me the consequences of my urges. Those urges really would have caused you pain, you did experience that during the graduation... You always learned and matured faster than us but we didn't. We were too reliant on you, this time, you can rely on us as well.

Xenovia: exactly. We're going to fight together, you won't have to worry about us ever again. I'll fight and prove to you that I'm worthy of being your knight.

Gasper: I can't call myself a man if I can't fight, you trained us and taught us do much, more than we ever did for you. I don't care how small I am, I'll lift the burden you're carrying.

Ravel: all of us will. As your future bishop, I'll support you till the very end.

Tsubaki: you're not alone, you never were, you have us by your side, your family, friends....lovers too. Not just the ones that you are already dating..

She accidentally let it slip out that she has feelings for him but no one could dwell on her confession because Yasaka spoke up.

Yasaka: exactly, you are not worthless, Raynare was wrong about you. She didn't know like we do, you're not weak, you've been strong for yourself and everyone else but you've been forced to be strong too soon and too long. You don't have to hide your feelings. We're here for you, you're the reason our lives are so much better because you're in it. Even my daughter loves spending time with you. You gave her the childhood I couldn't.

Saji: I can't call myself a dragon when one of us if suffering, it's thanks to you that I unlocked balance breaker and we kept the underworld safe.

Azazel: Issei, if you want to blame someone for pushing you into our problems, blame me. I should have stopped Kokabiel and his followers, I could have prevented Raynare from attacking you. I'm sorry, for using your old urges to make you stronger, I manipulated you in that regard, I even helped with the show I didn't know you hated.

Issei: ......

Miki: sweetie, we're sorry for judging you. If we had known about everything then we could have helped you in some way. You've carried such a burden in such a short time. So much pain and we made it worse by making you doubt yourself. Doubt if you're capable of love. We should have respected your relationships, all of you are consenting adults and our opinion doesn't change that.

Gorou: you wanted to talk about it, you wanted to let it all out. You tried to share but you couldn't say much because you wanted to protect us. You sacrificed your arm, your life multiple times. You even mourned your enemies.... When you were born, we were so happy, we were over the moon... But never could we have imagined you being so powerful, compassionate, artistic, a celebrity, a protector and so much more. You said that we deserve a better child, wrong! We don't deserve such an amazing son but the gods blessed all of us by bringing you into our lives. We're going to do right by you, we're going to be better parents.

Miki: who knew my son was so kind hearted? Well, lady Gabriel did obviously. You gave everyone happiness and peace at the cost of your own, enough Issei. You've given so much. Leave the rest to us.

Rias: .... Issei....

He slowly turned his head towards her and Rias bowed to him and his parents.

Akeno: Rias?!

Rias: I hope you three can forgive me! I'm the one who's responsible for Issei becoming a devil, if I had known that the fallen were in my territory then I could have stopped them. Issei and Asia would've been unharmed, they could have had the choice to join us of their own free will..... You were traumatized by what Raynare did, I was there and I had forgotten about it, I tried to make you confess because I was selfish, I pushed you away because I was jealous, I acknowledged that most of the women here are still in love with you... I am too but I was so damn jealous.... I was too immature to see that you also tried to make them happy like you made me... I was the one who put the spell on you two so that you wouldn't notice the supernatural and get caught in the mess..... I'm the one who told Issei to follow my orders because he was my pawn at the time. Issei.... I made you lie to your parents.... Hate me instead. I said something cruel to you just before the rating game.... I understand that the spoiled part of me was disappointed in losing to Riser the first time but I had no right to feel that way after all the effort you and everyone went through... I only made it worse that day... I made you doubt yourself.... I... I'm sorry. All this time I tried to lift you up but I brought you back down in that instant... And yet you fought for me... You nearly used the juggernaut drive again....I pushed you that far... You lost most of your life force using it the first time... You could have died the second time... I understand now, we should have told you the truth, you would have been kept safe and Issei wouldn't have feared or experienced the worst..... Issei.... We heard how you cried...... I was reminded of the day we fought Loki... You had used yourself to shield me and then you got bitten by Fenrir... You almost died in my arms if it wasn't for the Phoenix tear Ravel gave you...*sniff*... But today... You went through that times 15!!....I was the ones responsible for not being strong enough to train my team, to protect your parents.... We should have trained with my brother, not on our own, we could have been strong enough to at least hinder Diadora's plan..... *Sniff*.... He doesn't bare any ill will towards you, lord Ajuka doesn't hate you. Don't blame yourself.... Blame me... I'm the one who ruined your life.... You just wanted to have a normal and happy life.... I really am the princess of ruin.... I'm sorry....

Issei: .... Rias...

He's on the verge of breaking down completely. He almost choked on by simply saying her name, if he had even thought about saying another word, he would have lost little control he has.

Rias: you can hate me if you want but I'm going to be by your side, I'm going to make things right no matter how long it takes. I'm not going to force you to accept my feelings. Thank you for teaching me to be better... Thank you for everything..

She started to break down, Issei couldn't take anymore and got up, Koneko let go of him. He lifted up Rias and hugged her.

Issei: please.... No more....no more.

They cried as they embraced each other.

Issei: ... Let's go home.

Koneko gave Issei his sword, he took it and put it into his gauntlet.
Issei, his parents, team Rias, Ravel, Irina and Yasaka teleport to the Hyoudo household. They stuck together and didn't leave the room. Later, Ajuka himself goes to Kuoh and places a large number of barriers around the whole town. This is his way of making sure Issei and the others are kept safe as as a thank you.
Issei's phone rang and messages started to come in, he pulled out his phone and checked that his school mates are wishing him a happy birthday, he cracked a small smile because it is a good day because everyone is back safe and sound.

Ddraig: happy birthday partner.

Issei: thanks Ddraig. Thank you.

Continua llegint

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