The Marriage Fuckers

By georgecantwalk

749 109 361

What happens if people from online start talking to each other, then they accidentally met up in real life? ... More

Please read!
1. New start
2. Feelings
3. Them...
5. "Date"
6. New person
7. Double date?
8. Her agian..
9. New kid?
10. Second "date"?!
11. Worried

4. Stranger

40 9 26
By georgecantwalk

Tw : swearing

-Maydays POV-

I was talking to Mia, but my mind kept going back to George their's just something about them but I can't put my finger on it. I think Mia noticed me spacing out, because she suddenly snapped her fingers at me to get her attention. "Hey was it about that waitress George." Mia said she sounded quite annoyed but I couldn't care about her feelings right now. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said and just walked off ignoring what Mia was saying.

As I was going to the bathroom I heard some crying coming from the workers only bathroom. I wanted to come in and help them but I was scared if I would get introble.. *Fuck it I'm going in! we only live once anyways.* I thought. I ran it the bathroom and said "Hello?" With a worried voice. That's when I heard their voice "Leave me alone!" George said, my heart broke by hearing Georges voice.. it sounded so broken... (#brocken😭😢😖🥀🖤🖤)  "Hey it's me.. sorry about my girlfriend, she gets jealous for no reason sometimes." I said with a calming voice. That's when George looked up at me, his eyes were puffy, tears were coming out of his eyes, and you can see some snot coming out of his nose. (Yk the clear one when you're crying) I walked closer to George and hugged him while saying sweet things to him, Trying to help him. George started to calmed down and said "Thanks for your help.." He said while trying his best to smile, I smiled back. *Gosh he's so pretty..* I felt my face start getting hot. George seemed to notice and said "Hey are you ok?" I started to feel my face get hotter *Their accent is so cute* (ayo George has an accent!?!?)

"Y-yeah I'm fine.." I replied. Then they started getting closer to me.. *Wh-what are they doing!?*. Georges face had a worried expression and putted him hand on my forehead. That's when I noticed that they had light freckles, you can't really see them unless you're so close to their face. "Oh sorry about that it's just that your face was really red." He said with a smile *Cute..* "It's fine.. I have to go or else my girlfriend will start getting worried." I said but then I saw Georges happy face turn into a sad face "Oh right.." he said "Here's my number if you ever wanna talk, you seem like a nice person to be around with!" I said what a smile.

Georges face turned into a happy once again and said "Thanks, see you later!" He said. I left the bathroom and took my seat "Oh hey baby! What took you so long?" Mia said "Something went wrong in the bathroom so I had to wait."  I replied "Hm well are you done, so we can go now?" Mia said with an annoyed voice. "Yeah I am." I said with a smile. *Gosh she's really annoying* I thought. "Great! Let's go now."

.-At the side walk-.

"Ok here's my house, wanna come in we could do something fun.." Mia said trying to sound sexy *she really thinks that she sounds sexy* I thought while trying not to laugh. "No thanks, I'm really sleepy." I said "Hm ok maybe next time.." Mia said *theres not going to be a next time.* "Ok bye!" I said while walking backwards. "Bye baby!" Mia said. *Finally! she's gone* I thought while walking to my house *Ig I'll listen to music* I thought.

While I was listening to songs I closed my eyes, I mean I know this town by heart so I know where I'm going. But I was wrong I get distracted that I bumped into a person.. then that's when I saw them.. the beautiful person I've seen *well also George..* "S-sorry I wasn't looking where I was going!" They said "It's fine no worries, I also wasn't looking where I was going." I said in a clam voice. I looked down and realized that their phone broke when we bumped into each other. "Hey how about I buy you a new phone and take you out to dinner, since I accidentally broke your phone." I said with a worried voice "That sounds nice.. ok deal!" They said "What's you name?" I said "Oh my name is Mack!" They said "My name is mayday." I said "That's such a unique name!" Mack said "You think so?" "YEAH!, I haven't met someone with that name before!" Mack said *Hm cute..*

"I have to go, tomorrow we meet here ok." I said "Ok, I can't wait!* Mack said *I love their energy and they're also so cute!* "Bye Mack!" I said "Bye!" Mack responded

-Georges POV-

*OMFG A HOT PERSON JUST GAVE ME THEIR PHONE NUMBER SK JSHAHH HE SCHSBSHWV KNVXHSHGSH AHHHHHHHH I MUST BE DREAMING!!!* I sighed *I should probably start getting everyone's order* I said while getting up from the bathroom floor and going out side. I walked up to a table and started saying my usual thing. Once my shift was done I left the little cafe and went straight home.

.-At Georges house-.

I still couldn't believe that I got someones number and they were HOOOTTT damn I'm super lucky today.


Breadb00: YOOOOO

Loser000Hollow: YOOO CONGRATS


I laughed at how they responded. My mom came in my room and said "voy a trabajar, cierra la puerta." I sighed, I was literally the only one in the house who cleans and makes food "ok, adios mama" I responded. I got off my bed and went to the front door to lock the door. I ran back to my room, and got a notification. *Hm I wonder who it is*

I opened the notification to see that it was from a random number *Weird..*

Stranger: Hello!

Me: Um.. who are you?

Stranger: Oh sorry for not saying my name first, my name is Mayday

Me: I don't know who that is

Stranger: yk the person who helped you, when you were crying in the employee's only bathroom

Me: Ooohh now I remember you!

Stranger: So what are you doing?

Me: well I was about to watch porn since there's nothing else to do
*I should probably change the name before I forget to do it*

Mayday <3
Mayday <3: Damn you're horny


Mayday<3: are you sure? because you were going to watch porn and were probably going to touch yourself, you horny bitch

Me: Well- FUCK YOU, I'm not horny!

Mayday<3: Yes you are

Mayday<3: well I'm going to sleep now, bye

Me: bye

I can't believe that they said that I was horny, I'm not horny.  Well I should probably go to sleep now, I have work tomorrow.


That's all for this chapter! I hoped that you guys liked it :]

1179  words

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