Oli and V

بواسطة asstro11

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A story about the life of Oli and V, roommates to lovers, some Gay parts (sexual). They live with their child... المزيد

Part 1
Part 2 (V) kinda short)
Part 3 Oli
Part 4 Oli
Part 5 Oli
Part 7 Oli
Part 8.. Oli
Part 9, Oli
Part 10, the next week, Oli, long
Part 11, one month later. Oli
This is purly a side story. This is not in the actual storyline

Part 6 (about a year later) Oli

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بواسطة asstro11

It was my 22nd birthday, and with my family's permission, I went to a bar. I went at about 7pm. I tried to hold back how drunk I got, because I didn't want to go home wasted. But then a dude about my age walked in and sat next to me. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm doing alright, what about you?" I responded. "I'm looking to take someone home tonight" he raised his eyebrows at me. "Make sure they're sober enough to consent," I said, taking another sip of my drink. "We will see where the night takes us" he had an evil smile. "Nice mullet" he commented, "thanks, just got it done today, actually" I smiled. I got it up to my shoulders, luckily I had thick hair so it looked awesome on me. "I really like it," he said, then went to touch my hair. I grabbed his hand, "you need to ask first before you EVER touch me" I said sternly. He looked surprised but quickly recovered. "You single? I think I should take you home with me" he smiled. "I am taken, so don't even try, I'm going to the restroom" and with that I ended the conversation. I walked into a stall and sat, fully clothed, on the toilet. I called V "hello! Are you still doing ok?" He asked. "Oh yea, I'm doing great, just wanted to let you know I was doing ok, and I might be home around 10-11, how are the kids doing?" I asked. "Oh that's alright, they're doing great, I was just about to send them all to bed, it is about 9:30 so I guess just the little ones" he responded, I could feel the warmth of his smile over the phone. "Are your friends still with you?" V asked. "Oh, they went to dance with girls, but I didn't join them. It's pretty funny, I should send you a video, haha" I laughed into the phone. "Zeke! Stop trying to stab your brother! What do you mean it was just for fun? Sorry I gotta go, love you," he said. "Love you to-" he hung up on me. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and went back to my seat at the bar. My drink was full again, "I bought you a drink" I heard the man say, I looked over and he had a huge, mean, smile on his face. I felt an arm wrap around me, I looked over to see my childhood friend, Matt. "Hey dude, who's he?" He pointed at the guy. "My name is Jack, nick to meet you" he shook Matt's hand, "wanna sit with me? I'll buy you a drink, ''I asked Matt. "Is it ok if Amanda sits with us? I just met her and she seems nice" Matt asked. "Sure, but I'm not buying her drink" I responded, Matt laughed and called Amanda over. Matt sat next to me, then Amanda next to him, and Jack was on the other side of me. "Hey, you guys should see how fast you can chuck your drinks," Amanda suggested. Matt smiled and held his drink up, I held up mine and when the bartender said go we started chugging. When I was done I slammed my drink on the counter, Matt close behind me. "Ah man, looks like you won," Matt patted my back. "Aww maybe you will get it next time" I smiled at him. I wanted to stop drinking after that one, but Jack ordered us all shots and I felt obliged to drink it. After about 10-15 minutes my vision started to go blurry, and my movements got sluggish. "I'll take Oli home, don't worry Matt" Jack said, getting me out of my chair. "Alright, I'm gonna take Amanda home with me, so get Oil home safe" Matt was Obviously drunk, but Amanda grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "Wait" I tried to call after him but Jack pulled me outside. It felt like I had no control of my body. I thought I saw Jack call an Uber, but he cornered me against the bar. He reached his head close to mine and grabbed my waist. "Your coming home with me tonight, I always get what I want" and before I could say anything back he kissed me. I bit his lip, and he pulled away, "n-no, my boyfriend-" I tried to say, but the Uber pulled up next to the curb. Jack put me in the car and got in after me. We drove about 8 minutes and pulled up to a shady house. "Here?" The driver asked. "Yep, thank you" he said after paying. Jack opened my door and pulled me out, "wait-" I tried to say, but he covered my mouth. "Have a nice night!" He called to the driver as he pulled away. I leaned on him as he opened the door, he walked me over to his bedroom. "Stop, wait, no-" I said, but he kissed me again. I tried to pull away, but when I did, he lay me down on the bed. I could feel myself passing out. I looked down and he was unbuckling my belt. "See you in the morning" he said, as I passed out. I woke up and shot my eyes open, I tried to sit up but it hurt to move. I lifted up the blanket I was under to see bite marks and bruises all over me. My whole lower torso hurt  and I curled into a ball. I was still naked as Jack groaned. "Oli? Are you awake?" He asked. I didn't respond. He fell back asleep, snoring. I got up and put my clothes on, I had to do it slowly and quietly. I put on my jeans and my tank top, but there was still part of my injuries showing. So I put on the jacket I brought with me. "Told you I would rape you" I looked over to see Pine sitting in the bed. "What? How..." I stuttered and ran away, I quickly grabbed my boots and flew out the front door. When I was high in the air I looked back. Pine was in the doorway. Smiling. I started to sob as I flew on top of our apartment building. I put on my boots and checked to see if my phone was still in my jeans pocket. I sighed as I pulled it out. There were several missed calls and texts from V, Levi, and Zeke. I started crying more as I shoved my face in my knees. I felt my phone buzz, I looked to see it was from Matt "I'm sorry" the text read. "I slept with Sophia" the next text came in. I left him to read and searched my pockets. I found one of my old black masks. I put it on and flew down to the doors. I walked up the stairs and opened my apartment door. I looked down as all my kids looked at me. I wished my hair was long again, so I could hide in it. V walked out of his room, he looked tired. We locked eyes as I shut the door behind me. "Oli! Where have you been! I was so worried!" He ran up and hugged me. I couldn't hug him back, I felt so guilty. I cheated on him with another man. "Oh sorry I stayed up with my friend drinking and decided to crash at his house. Do you mind if I take a nap?" I asked. "That's fine, but please tell me next time, I stayed up all night and I was worried about you. Why do you have a mask on?" He asked. Reaching up to pull off my mask, I gently grabbed his hand, sandwiching it between both of mine. "I'm just really tired, I'm sorry. I'm gonna go take a nap" I said. "Oh, well get some rest. I guess" he looked sad as I walked in my room. My children were silent as I walked past them. I locked the door behind me and sat down, leaning on the door. I took off my mask and  sobbed, crying about everything that happened. After a while I heard V knocking on the door, "Oli? Are you ok? You've been in there for a while" he said. I got up and opened the door. "Oh my gosh are you ok? Why are you crying?" He asked. I pulled him in the room. "Oli..?" He asked again. I bent down and hugged him, crying on his shoulder. He hugged me, rubbing my back as he did. "We need to talk" I told him, after I got over myself enough to talk. "Oh ok" he responded. We sat on my bed. "I did something bad," I told him, looking down. He grabbed my face "it's ok, I will love you either way." He responded, forcing a smile. It quickly disappeared as I took my jacket off. "What happened?" He asked, grabbing my arms. "I think I cheated on you" I sobbed. He let go again and stared at me. "What do you mean you think?" He sounded distraught and angry. "Just tell me the whole story". "Well I was at the bar with Matt, and Matt went to dance with Amanda. So I was alone at the bar, when this guy named Jack came over, he asked if I was single which I told him no. But he made me uncomfortable so I went to the bathroom to call you. When I got back my drink was filled up again. Amanda and Matt came back and Amanda dared us to chug them. So I did, I wanted that to be my last drink but Jack ordered us all shots, so I felt obliged to drink it. After that I felt sluggish. Matt decided to take Amanda home with him. He trusted Jack to "take me home" but I had no control of my movements and could barely talk. So outside of the bar he made out with me. Then took me to his house. All I remember is him removing my pants, then I woke up. There were these bite marks and bruises all over me, especially down there. So I got up and put all of my clothes on and when Jack woke up, it was really Pine. He said "I told you I would rape you" I flew out of there and Matt texted me, he told me "Amanda" was really Sophia." I told him everything and teared up at some parts. He looked shocked as I cried more after I ended the story. He hugged me and climbed into my lap, "you're not mad at me?" I asked him. "No no I'm not mad, we need to go to the police. You got raped" he told me. I hugged him harder and cried into his shoulder. I heard the door open and We both looked over. All of our children were standing there, Levi held Nolan's ears closed. "We heard everything." Blitz said. V covered me in a blanket as he scolded them for listening in our conversation. "But Oli was raped! This is serious!" Millie responded. "It's ok guys, I'll be fine" I told them, they all looked sad but closed the door. V locked it behind them. "Can I see all of the marks Pine put on you? We still need to treat them" he said, pulling the first aid kit out from the closet. I took off the blanket and my shirt. He put rubbing alcohol on my wounds, and bandaids on the ones that were bleeding. "Alright I'm done with these, any more?" He asked. I nodded and took my jeans off. I'm glad I wore my long boxers, because the worst part of it was in that area. We sat down and I put my legs extended in front of me. I blushed as he made his way up my leg. When he was done he sat down on the floor in between my legs. He sighed, "anywhere else?" He asked. "Are you sure you want to help me down there?" I asked. "Well i've already seen it before Oli, and we better do this so you don't get an infection" he responded. We both stood up as I took off my boxers. "Damn, he really got you down there" he said, putting the cotton ball on my inner thigh. After he said he was done I quickly put my boxers on. He grabbed my face in his hands again. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, I'm glad you're safe and home now" he smiled. I relaxed in his hands and put my hands on his waist. "Can I kiss you?" V asked. "You don't have to ask," I responded. I pulled him in for a kiss. After a minute or two we heard a knock on the door, we stopped and listened "hey I'm hungry" Nolan said. "Alright we will be out in a minute" V responded. "Ok, thanks" Nolan said, we heard him walk away. V looked at me with a devilish grin, "I hope to see you later tonight" he said. I felt my whole face turn red. "Aww, you're so cute," he said, kissing my cheek. He gave me my jeans and one of his cat sweatshirts. "But this is yours," I said. "Why do you think I get it in your size? So we can share silly, '' he smiled. I felt warmth wash over me as he shared his smile. I smiled back as I put on the sweatshirt. "You guys wanna go out to eat?" V asked as we walked back into the living room. "Have fun?" Millie asked. "How do you always find out?? Anyway I'm taking that as a yes, Oli, take Nolan, let's go to that pizza place down the street" V sighed. I smiled slightly as we all poured out of the apartment. It stung to fly but we made it to the pizza place. We walked in and got one of those big tables in the corner, V was on the outside, next to him was me, Millie, Blitz, Zeke, Levi, then Nolan at the other end. We ordered 1 cheese and 1 pepperoni pizza. We all scarfed it down until there was one slice left, it was a face off for who got the last cheese slice. "Rock paper Scissors" Zeke said, holding his hand up. Millie ended up winning against everyone and proudly took the last slice. We paid and left, "hey, um, can we visit the pet store?" Nolan asked. "Sure, it's just down the road right? Let's walk there" I responded, telling everyone. "I wanna see if they have cats, we used to have them on my family's farm" Millie said. "Your family had a farm?" Blitz asked. "Well yea, that's how I got my legs cut off, by some farming equipment, so they sold me so they could make some money off me. But I like you guys better" she punched Blitz in the arm. We walked in and Zeke and Levi went to the bird section, Blitz and Nolan went to the reptile section, and Millie, V and I went to see the cats. There was this adorable litter of cats playing with each other. "I like the black and brown one," Millie said. "It kinda looks like beef" V commented. "More like dirt" I said. "Can we please get the black and brown one?" Millie pleaded. Then Blitz, Nolan, Levi, and Zeke appeared out of nowhere pleading for the cat. "I get to name it, but you guys have to take care of it" I told them. "Deal" Millie shook my hand. We got a litter box, water and food bowl, Levi went to ask the lady about kitten food and litter, we got some treats and catnip, some toys, and Nolan picked out a fluffy brown bed. "Can we have the brown and black cat?" Millie asked the worker. "Absolutely," the worker said. Blitz disappeared and came back with a cute little chain collar, "will this hurt the kitten?" I asked the worker, giving it to her. "Nope, it's really small and doesn't weigh much so it shouldn't hurt her at all" she smiled. She put the kitten in a box and recommended litter and food. We bought everything and Nolan pointed out a pet tag station. "What are you gonna name her?" V asked. "It's a surprise" I said, typing in the name. We loaded everything and eagerly headed home. I took the cat out of the box as everyone else unpack everything. "Welcome home dirt" I told her as I put her collar on. "You named our cat dirt?" V raised an eyebrow. "You guys said I could name it, and how can you say that it isn't a Dirt?" I held up the cat in his face. "Fine" V rolled his eyes, but I could see a smile tugging at the end of his mouth. We set up the litter box only to find out we accidentally bought two, we set one up in the living room and one in my room. We got her food and water bowl set up in the kitchen. She meowed as we all gave her attention, which made the whole family smile and go "aww". V and I held hands and watched as our kids played with the kitten. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked V, "hmm I'm not sure, maybe baked potatoes?" He smiled. "Aren't those your favorite?" I laughed. "Maybe" he had a devilish smile. "Levi, can you cook the bacon  and mushrooms while I make the potatoes, Millie, chop the lettuce, Blitz, cook three cans of corn, Zeke, cut the avocados, Nolan, set the table, and V can you grate the cheese, we're having baked potatoes" I announced. They all groaned. I got out about a million baked potatoes and V got the block of orange and white cheese and started trying to grate it while the plate under it had very badly cut cheese. I chuckled as I stabbed the potatoes. When I was finally done I shoved ⅓ of them in the microwave and put it on sensor heat. Then I went to help V, I walked up behind him grabbed his stomach "RAA" I yelled. He jumped and looked Offended as he looked back at me. "Hey what was that for! Hmf" he turned back around in a huff. I set my head on top of his and put my body behind his, "here like this" I told him, grabbing his hands and shaving down the cheese on the cheese grater. "Wait, you're on the wrong side! HAHA" I laughed and turned the cheese grater so it actually grated the cheese. I let go of his hands and grabbed his hips. "Stop flirting, I'm trying to make dinner" he stuttered. The microwave went off and I went over and changed the potatoes, I put the hot ones on the table. The corn, lettuce, avocados, plates and half the bacon were all on the table. I switched out the plates of cheese. "First come first serve!" I yelled into the house. I heard the patter of running feet and ducked behind V. Blitz, Zeke, Millie, and Nolan came barreling in. Millie got the first one and hogged the bacon as Zeke and Blitz tried to get some. Then Levi came with the second plate of bacon. "It's still hot, so be careful!" He warned. But Nolan reached over and full handed grabbed one. He quickly realized how hot it was and got his hand back to his body. Zeke burst out laughing as Nolan quietly got the last piece of the cooled off bacon. The last patch of potatoes were done and I cut them in half and put them on the table next to the bacon. "Go eat, I can finish this" I told V, "are you sure?" He asked. "Positive" I told him. I quickly finished grating the cheese and grabbed a plate. I put on bacon, mushrooms, and a whole bunch of cheese and sour cream. I saw Blitz feeding Dirt a piece of bacon. "Blitz!" I yelled. They jumped, then looked mad. We all laughed as they turned red in the face. "Zeke, you're on the dishes tonight, can you guys take everything away?" I asked my children "sure, there's five of us, it won't take long" Millie smiled. "Hey, don't talk with your mouth full!" I scolded her. She glared at me as she chewed and swallowed her food. Aggressively getting another bite. I finished dinner and put my plate in the sink. I sat on the couch and Dirt crawled in my lap and fell asleep as I put on a comedy show. V sat down next to me and started leaning on me. "Do you think we have enough savings now?" He asked. "I'm not sure, we will have to limit all of our spending money for a while" I responded. We locked eyes and nodded at each other. We both got up "we have to go somewhere, we will be right back" V told them. "Ok, we will see you guys later. Love you" Levi said, turning to help Zeke with the dishes. "Love you too" V and I said together as we walked out the door. We drove about 10 minutes away, in a different neighborhood. There was a lady in a suit and skirt on the sidewalk of this big, grey house. "Hello, my name is Maggie, nice to meet you, you must be Oli and V" she shook my hand. "That's us, thank you for seeing us so late" I laughed nervously. "Oh it's alright, let me show you the inside of the house" she opened the door and we saw a big living room, attached to that was a huge kitchen, with tall cabinets. "There are six bedrooms on the first floor, there's only one on the second floor, there is a bathroom attached to the one upstairs and there are two bathrooms down here, as you know, the school is just down the block" she smiled as she toured us the house. The bedrooms all looked about the same. Upstairs there was an officer and across from that, a bedroom "this is the master bedroom, it has a bathroom with a shower and bathtub" she said as she showed us. "I think we should buy it, seems perfect for the kids, you can use the office to get your work done, I think it's great" V looked at me. "Alright, let's get it" I gave Maggie my card. "I'll run this in the system, I have some paperwork you guys need to fill out, it's out In my car I will run and get it" Maggie said, walking out of the room. We walked into the master bedroom, I sighed. "What's wrong?" V asked. "I'm happy that we bought a bigger house, and I'm glad we haven't gone grocery shopping yet" I said. He put his face in my chest, I held his back as we sat there, hugging. "Still up for tonight? You're not still sore, are you?"V looked up at me. "The pain went away pretty quickly, thanks to you" I smiled. He put his hands on my back, slowly going to my lower back, then to my butt. "Hey, stop squeezing so hard," I said, kissing him. "Hey boys! I'm back!" We heard Maggie yell up the stairs. "We will be right down!" I yelled back, "let's finish this tonight" I whispered in V's ear. He blushed as we walked downstairs. "I just need you to sign some things, here's your card back, I already charged you" she smiled. I signed what felt like a mountain of paperwork. "You guys can move in anytime! The house is now yours, if you have any questions call me, I put my card in with your paperwork. I have to get home now, bye!" She said, Walking out, leaving us with a handful of paperwork. "Alright, let's get home and tell the kids, I'm sure they will be thrilled to have their own rooms!" V said. We walked to the car and headed home. "Guess what?" I said as we walked in the door. "What's wrong?" Millie asked. "Nothing! Pack your things, we're moving to a bigger house! You all will have your own bedrooms and everything!" I announced. There was a moment of silence, then happiness filled the kids' faces. "Really? I get my own room?" Nolan asked. "Yep, you all do, there's three bathrooms" I said. "Cool! Now we all don't have to wait to brush our teeth in the morning!" Nolan smiled. After we answered everyone's questions we watched a TV show. After it ended it was 9:30. "Alright kids, bed time" I told everyone. They all groaned. "I call sleeping with the kitten!" Nolan said. "Hey, that's not fair!" Millie retaliated. "Nolan called it first so he and Zeke get the cat, but you guys can have her tomorrow" I said. Millie walked to my room in a huff. Levi and Blitz soon followed her. "You guys, good for tonight?" I asked Zeke and Nolan. "Yep," Nolan replied, holding the kitten. "Alright then, we're going to bed, goodnight" I told them, "Goodnight". I headed to my room and took off the sweatshirt V gave me, then my jeans, "uhg im so sweaty" i said to myself, laying in bed. V plopped on the bed next to me, kissing my cheek. I held his back as I layed there. "Are you ready?" V asked, he had a gleam in his eye. "Yes, but be gentle please" I told him. He got up and locked the door, then climbed on top of me, kissing me. I kissed his back and put my hands on his hips. He stopped and started kissing my neck, I moaned quietly as he went down to my crotch. He pulled down my boxers and threw them to the side. He kissed my dick, making it hard, "oh, hard already" he teased, licking the side. I moaned quietly, he shoved my penis in his mouth, deepthroating it. I sat up and grabbed the back of his head, gently pushing it deeper, His horns brushing my stomach. He pulled back, gasping, "did your dick get bigger with your size?" He gasped, "maybe" I kissed him, pulling him on top of my lap. I pulled his shirt off, taking a break from kissing, he took off his pants and underwear. He put his hands on my shoulders as I grabbed his butt in both of my hands. I kissed his neck as he put his head on my shoulder. I laid my back on the bed frame, "you ready" I whispered in his ear, "y-yes" he said quietly. He lifted his body, positioning my dick to go inside him, then sat back down, moaning as he did. I put my hands on his hips and pulled him down harder on top of me. V moaned as I felt something warm on my stomach, I looked down and he had cum all over my stomach. "S-sorry" he said. He had stopped thrusting and I pulled him off of me, laying him on his back, "finished already?" I asked him, licking the cum off of his dick. "I wouldn't mind if you made it happen again" he said, lustfully. "Oh yea?" I asked, putting his dick in my mouth, he moaned as I made it go deeper down my throat. I grabbed the insides of his thighs, as he put his hand on the back of my head. I pulled away and started licking his lower torso, making it up to his neck, I kissed it as I repositioned myself. I pulled back and shoved my dick inside of him again. He moaned loudly as I kept thrusting, I put my hand on his neck putting little pressure on it. "Shhhh, the kids are asleep" I said. He moaned quieter and put his hands to his side, I grabbed his hip in my left hand and grabbed his hand in my left. He arched his back and moaned as I finished inside of him. I pulled out as we both breathed heavily. After we both got our breathing under control V smiled "ready for round two?" He laughed. I grabbed his face and kissed him, pinning him to the bed. I pulled back and turned him around, so his legs were hanging off of the bed, his arms outstretched on the bed. "Oli-ahh" I grabbed his hips and thrusted inside of V as I leaned over him, grabbing his horns and playing with them. "My horns are sensitive," he moaned. "Why do you think I'm touching them?" I whispered in his ear, I stopped thrusting, but was still inside of him. I touched his neck, slowly going up to his chin. I lifted it so he was looking at the ceiling "what are you doing?" He asked. I kissed his horns, they felt rough as I licked them. I felt them getting warm. I grabbed the hair on the back of his head and put my hand on his lower back. I started thrusting again, I quietly moaned as I put my hands under his arms, laying my torso on his back and grabbing his chest. I moaned in his ear and started kissing his back again. With my right hand I felt the bottom of his neck, rubbing it as I made more hickeys. With my left i made my way down his stomach, we slightly stood up so I could see what I was doing, I felt the top of his dick and played with it, he moaned as I started jacking him off. "I'm about to cum" I whispered in his ear. "Let go of me," he responded. I was shocked, I thought he liked it, but I pulled back and let go of him, he got down on his knees and grabbed my dick, he looked up at me with lovesick eyes. "Cum inside of my mouth, I wanna see what you taste like" he said, putting it inside of his mouth. I grabbed the back of his head and started thrusting again, after two thrusts I pulled out a little so he could breath. I moaned as I came into his mouth. He swallowed and smiled, cum all over his face. I wiped some off of his cheek and smiled at him. He stood up, "can I be top now?" He asked, I could see his dick getting erect. I grabbed it and pulled him close, "if you think you can handle it" I whispered in his ear, smiling. He grabbed my shoulders and made me lean down as he kissed me, tongue and all. He moved me and threw me on the bed, he was in between my legs as he grabbed my hips. "I'm more capable than you think" and with that he shoved it inside of me, I moaned as he thrusted. I loved the sound of our bodies hitting each other. He grabbed the hair on the back of my head and I moaned as he pulled harder. He grabbed my lower neck, "be quiet, my little puppy" he whispered in my ear, I could feel his body on mine, his skin felt so soft. I felt my insides get warm as he stopped thrusting. "I-I think I came inside of you" he gasped. "Yea I think you did too, but, you're lucky I love you" I kissed him. "Wanna shower?" He asked, getting up. "Sure" I followed after him in, and made sure Zeke and Nolan were still asleep. We climbed into the shower, and washed eachother off. I put soap in V's hair, trying to avoid his horns, but sometimes I would "accidentally" hit them. I got down and sat on my legs because V asked to wash my hair too. After he washed all of the soap out, he laid  himself on my back. He laid his arms across my shoulder and he laid his head on my left shoulder, relaxing his body and put his legs behind him. "I'm tired," he complained. I grabbed his wrists. "Do you need me to take you to bed?" I asked him. "Yesss, you tired me out tonight" he laughed. "You don't want one more round?" I asked him, he perked up, "I guess" he said sarcastically, I could tell he was secretly excited though. I turned around and grabbed his face. "You won't regret it" I whispered, and kissed him. I picked him up so his face was even with mine, I pinned him to the shower wall, his legs were sticking out and I grabbed the bottom of his thighs so he wouldn't fall. I grabbed his hips and turned him around, still pinning him to the wall. I shoved my dick inside of him, he moaned as I thrust him into the wall. I pulled his hair and licked his horns. The bathtub lined the wall, so there was an indent where he could hold onto as I fucked him. "F-faster" he moaned, I let go of his hair and grabbed his hips, using my arm strength to make me go faster into him. "O-Oli, harder" he moaned again, "oh don't worry, I'll go as hard as you want" I whispered in his ear. I covered his mouth and groaned as I came inside of him, he moaned, which made me glad I covered his mouth. We were both gasping for breath as I set him back down on the edge of the tub. "My turn" he said, grabbing my hair and shoving it into his crotch. I kissed and licked it as it grew erect again. I started from the bottom and when I made my way to the top I shoved it into my mouth, it went deep down the throat, I grabbed the outsides of V's thighs and pushed them into my cheeks. I heard V moan and a bunch of liquid entered my mouth, I swallowed it and pulled back. "H-how did it taste?" He asked. "Delicious, just like you, I pecked him on the cheek and stood up. "Can we do the position we did earlier?" He asked. "Which one?" I got down to his height. "Where you pegged me and jacked me off at the same time" he blushed and looked at the ground. I picked him up and made him face the wall again, I shoved my dick inside of him, and V did a tiny moan as I placed my head on his shoulder. I used my left hand to choke him and my right to Jack him off and I fucked him. He "ah, that's good" he moaned. We both came again after a couple minutes. "I think four times in one night is enough" he laughed nervously as I sat him down again. "Aww couldn't handle it?" I lifted his chin up and kissed his forehead. His whole face turned red as I turned towards the shower head to wipe off my dick. I sighed as I got out. "Are you ok?" V asked, "did I wear you out too much? I'm sorry" he looked down, I hugged him, "your never the problem" I whispered in his ear, putting on my boxers and shorts. I carried V back to the bedroom and laid him on the bed. "I call little spoon, '' he grinned at me. "Fine, I guess I can be the big spoon today. '' I laughed, putting my arm under his pillow. I grabbed his stomach and pulled him close to my body. He pulled my arm up on his lower chest and hugged it as we fell asleep. I woke up hugging V, both of my arms across his chest. I still had my eyes closed, his hair smelled like honey as I hugged him harder. "We have to get up," V said, sleepily. "Hmmmm" I groaned, putting my head on the back of his. "Good morning!" Zeke yelled bursting in the door. "Five more minutessssss" I growled. "It's already 10am though," Nolan said. "You heard them, we have to get up and make breakfast" V said, trying to wiggle out of my hold. "But I like cuddling with you" I pulled him closer. Then something wet touched my arm, I opened my eyes and pulled away, causing me to fall off the bed. "HA" I heard Zeke and Nolan laughing. I looked up at V, he looked so proud of himself, sticking his tongue out and smiling. "Did you just fuckin lick me?" I asked him. "Maybe" he winked and covered me with a blanket as he walked out the door. I forgot about all my marks. Nolan, Zeke, and V all left, shutting the door behind them. I put on a plain black T-shirt, with a white long sleeved one under it. I put on my black skater pants and my favorite black belt. I fixed my piercings and walked into the living room. Millie smiled and opened her mouth, but I interrupted her before she could speak, "don't Even try Millie '' I glared at her. She had a devilish smile as she disappeared on the couch. I smelled the amazing smell of pancakes, "who's cooking pancakes?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. "We figured since it was your birthday yesterday and we didn't do anything special, we should make you pancakes," Levi said, pointing to an already made batch on the table. I got out paper plates and silverware, the syrup, and of course, whipped cream. We all devoured the plate of pancakes. It was delicious. "Those we're really good," I said, smiling at Levi. "Do you guys wanna go see the new house now?" V asked. Everyone perked up, "yea sure" Blitz said. "Levi, do you wanna take the bikes with me?" I asked. He nodded and smiled, we piled everyone in the car and I helped Levi with the bike again. We arrived and everyone gasped as we went inside, claiming their rooms and arguing about who gets which one. "Alrighty, do you guys wanna head home and pack some of your stuff?" I yelled in the house, they all ran to us when I yelled. "But we only use your stuff?" Zeke commented. "Then help pack the room you sleep in" I compromised. We piled everyone in the car again and drove home. I quickly grabbed my manga before anyone else walked in my room. "Don't pack my closet please" I told them, then helped with V's room. We put on music as we worked. Putting things in boxes and bags, I found a vibrator in V's closet. I made sure the door was closed "what's this?" I asked, holding it up. He blushed and grabbed it, shoving it in a box named "V" "we don't have to talk about it!" His voice cracked as he said it. I laughed and kept packing his clothes. V called a movers van and we packed our beds and all the big stuff in the back, with all the boxes and bags in the front. By the time we were done it was a little past dinner time. I sighed and wiped my brow. "It feels so weird moving, we have lived here since college" V sighed. I looked down and he was in tears. "Do we have to work at the club tonight?" I asked him, he leaned on me, grabbing my hand. "Sadly, yes" he said. "We could rent this place out so we can make extra money?" I asked. "Good idea, but let's figure that out tomorrow" he kissed me. "Uhg! Grosssss" Millie stuck her tongue out. "Oh shush Millie, you wish you had a relationship like mine!" I shot back with a smile. "Compared to what I heard last night, I never want to be in your shoes" she smirked. I smiled back "I wouldn't want to be grounded like you either" her smile quickly vanished. "Oli!" V punched my arm, "oh it's fine, I was just kidding" I ruffled V's hair. We drove the bikes and car to the new house. I put tarps over my bikes and helped take boxes out of our cars. "Hey I think there might be a problem," V said. "What is it, love?" I asked him. "The kids don't have mattresses, or bed frames" he sighed. I froze, I forgot about that. After we unpacked everything to its respectable room V and I took the truck and got twin sized beds and bed frames, we also got them all nightstands. This took a hit to my savings, but we will recover. We sold my mattress because we wouldn't be using it anymore. We set everyone up and started unpacking everything. "I'm glad we have a huge walk-in closet," V said, putting on all of our clothes. I set up our bed frame and put the bed on top, then a sheet with our blankets and pillows. Then set up our nightstands. "Come rest with me, we have had a long day" I grabbed V and cuddled him on the bed. I was the big spoon and put my head on his shoulder, squeezing him. "We have to leave for work soon" V said, checking the time, "we still have thirty minutes" I replied. He sighed and relaxed into me, "I had fun last night" he told me. "I had fun too, maybe we could do it again tonight" I whispered in his ear. "But we have work tonight, and maybe we shouldn't go as long this time, I'm a little sore," he said. "We still have thirty minutes" Oli said, V tensed up. "Maybe not right now" I would feel him blushing. I looked down, "well this bulge in your pants says otherwise" I said, touching the top of it. "Fineee, we have enough time, but can you lock the door?" He asked. I got up and locked it, looking down at a box I saw his vibrator. I grabbed it and brought it back with me. "What do you have?" He asked. "You'll see," I said, climbing back behind him. I started playing with his dick through his clothes. I rolled up my sleeves and pulled down his pants so I could see. I put my hands under his shirt, lifting it so I could see his stomach. "We're gonna do it a different way this time" I whispered in his ear. I pulled out the vibrated and turned it on, the vibrator was pink and looked like a dick so I put the two tips together. He started moaning so I covered his mouth. "Do you want me inside of you too?" I asked him. He nodded, so I stopped and set him in a doggy pose. I stripped off my clothes and leaned over him, turning on the vibrator and playing with his dick. Then I shoved my cock inside of him, he moaned softly as I did. "Good boy," I whispered in his ear. After about five minutes V said "s-stop". I pulled out and turned off the vibrator, turned him around so we were face to face. "What's wrong?" I grabbed his cheek. "I want to suck your dick till you cum" he said as he licked his lips. I sat on the edge of the bed with my legs hanging off, V was on his knees in front of me. I spread my legs, he went in and started licking the pre-cum off of the side of my dick, and kissing it, teasing me. I grabbed the back of his head and shoved my Dick inside of his throat. He grabbed the outsides of my thighs and pulled them to the sides of his face. I moaned softly as it went deeper down his throat, I played with his horns so he could have some fun too. "I'm about to cum" I whispered in his ear. I grunted as I came in his mouth, it squirted all over his face. He looked up at me and kissed me, "I'm gonna take a shower" he said, as he walked to our bathroom. I tried to catch my breath as I cleaned off my dick. I put on my underwear when I heard. "Papa! Someone named ''Jack" is at the door for you!" Nolan yelled. I gasped and put on my shorts. I ran downstairs and pulled Nolan away from the door. "Nice to see you again, have fun the other night?" He asked, a sinister smile on his face. "Nolan go to your room, now" I told him. He looked frightened but made his way and shut the door. "Why the fuck would you rape me, then arrive at my house?" I asked. "Because I wanted to see you again!" He kissed me. I grabbed his face and slammed him on the ground. I put on one of my boots as he was getting up and slammed my foot in his face. He was bleeding this black goo before he dissolved, like literally dissolved into dust. "That fucker," I whispered. "Nolan! You can come out now!" I yelled. He ran into my arms as I calmed him down. "Are you ok papa?" He asked. "Yes bud, I'm alright, we have to work tonight so you will be here alone with your siblings, are you ok with that?" I asked him. He nodded and went to play with Blitz. I sighed then realized we had 10 minutes left "V! Ten minutes left!" I yelled. "Shit! Can you pack my bag?" He asked. "Yea, just hurry up!" I yelled back. I picked out a black speedo with a shirt that was long sleeved, but didn't have anything in the front, but went up like a turtle neck. I shoved them and a couple other outfits in his duffel bag. I got his boots that went up to his thighs and shoved them in the bag along with some clear high heels. I shoved in deodorant and body spray as he walked out of the shower, he frantically dried himself off and put on my boxers, shorts, and a t-shirt. He shoved in a couple other things. We made sure the kids knew how to make dinner and raced to the car. "We only have five minutes! Go!" V yelled as we sped out of the driveway. I got there in the nick of time with one minute to spare. We rushed in and V went to change as I talked with the other security guards before it opened. "What's going on in your life?" One of them asked me. "Do you really want to know all of the details?" I asked him. "Maybe a simplified version?" He looked empathetic. "Well I got a boyfriend, V, I got five kids, got kidnapped with one of them, finally got home, got raped on my birthday, moved, my assistant at my agency was the source of my kidnapping and rape so that's fun, but how was your weekend?" I smiled, I looked over and he had the most shocked look on his face. "Y-you got raped?" He asked. "Yep, roofied and raped" I pulled off my jacket to show him all of the healed bites. "Oh, I'm sorry" he looked down, I slapped him on the back, "oh it's fine, I'm glad I'm at work anyway, I get a free show from my boyfriend" I smirked. He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder, "if you need anything tell me, my name is west" he said. "I'm Oli," I replied. He had dark chocolate colored skin and big blue eyes, with a small Afro he was a couple inches shorter than me. The dancers came on stage soon after, I smiled as V was on the main stage, so I could watch too. Then he bent down like he was talking to someone in the front row, then he started plying with his ear, for us that's a sign he's either in danger, or uncomfortable, either way this guy needed to be kicked out. "I got it" I said, speed walking to V. I ruffled my wings and tried to make them more imitating as I walked up behind the man harassing V. "Just come home with me tonight! Your girlfriend won't care!" The man was drunk. "I don't have a girlfriend, I have a boyfriend!" V shouted back. He stood up, "even better! He doesn't have to know anything, does he even know you're here right now?" The man questioned. I grabbed his shoulder, "he actually does, know he will now be kicking you out, you will never be allowed back in for harassing the dancers" I growled. He looked horrified and scared, "let's leave now, shall we" I smiled at him. He stayed quiet as I walked outside with him. "Have a nice day!" I shouted at him as he walked down the street. I walked in and went back to my post next to West. "I thought you were gonna punch him in the face or something, you were glaring daggers behind him" he chuckled. "If he would have said something else to V he would have ended up on the ground" I responded, keeping my eyes straightened, not looking at West. When V and I's shift was done we packed up and I walked him to his car. "Are you going somewhere tonight?" I asked as I got in. "To your place, if you want," he joked. I kissed him as he drove us home. We quietly walked to our room and guess who we found on our bed, Dirt, sprawled out. "Hey, Dirt, how are you?" I asked her. "Mrow?" She replied, stretching. "Can we just go to bed tonight, I'm really tired" I asked V. "Only if you shave your face" he laughed. "Huh?" I said, touching my face, I guess I did have a lot of stubble, "fine" I said, kissing V again before he changed. I took of my clothes and changed into some shorts, I didn't want to wear a shirt. I jumped on the bed next to Dirt and sprawled out, imitating her pose, "Aww, you guys seem to be getting along" V chuckled. "Just come to bed" I complained. He laughed and turned the light off. "Can I be the big spoon? I want to hug you" I asked as he climbed into bed. "Sure" he said, slimming into my arms. I hugged him close to my body and he hugged Dirt as I fell asleep.
I had a horrible dream.
V was mad at me, saying I was cheating. Then I was teleported to the room I was raped in, there was us on the bed. Pine was on top of me and I was tied to the bed frame. He had crossed my wrists and tied them to the middle, then he gagged me. He kept touching my stomach, and messing with my dick. I watched in horror as he bit the insides of my thighs, then my legs and stomach. At this point in my dream I was sobbing, he stripped himself naked and climbed on top of me. He made me go inside of him, going up and down as he did. "Oh it's ok my little kitten, this is only the first part" he whispered in my ear as he stood up over me on the bed. "Open your mouth," he said. I kept my mouth closed, "open your mouth or else" he said, holding up a knife. I cried harder as he shoved his dick inside of my mouth. I couldn't bear it any longer, I looked at the ground and cried, then V appeared and took us to my old living room. Screaming at me about how I cheated on him with Pine, "I was raped!" I yelled. "You were hard! You liked it!" He screamed back. I stood there in shock, did I like it? Was I really not raped after all? I sat down on the empty floor, covering my ears and crying my eyes out. Then the dream changed. I stood up again, looking around, V was in front of me, he had a knife in his hand and a spotlight over his head. He looked miserable as he talked to me "how do you think I feel? Do you even care about me? Why would you even think about cheating on me with another man?" V sobbed, slitting his wrists. I ran over to him, I tried to yell and scream, but no words came out. I grabbed his lifeless body and hugged him. Gripping him tightly as I cried even harder, I screamed at the ceiling when I woke up. "Can you please let go of me?" V's voice quivered. I realized I was shoving my finger nails in his stomach, making him bleed. "Oh my god, I am so sorry" I said sitting up. He looked over at me, with a worried look on his face. "Are you ok? Why are you crying?" He asked, touching my cheek with his hand. I flinched at his touch, he wiped away one of my tears. I touched my face and realized I was crying in my sleep. "Are you ok?" He asked again, I pulled him in for a hug, "I'm just fine now" I whispered. We sat there for a while, hugging, I sat cross legged as he sat in my lap, his legs on each of my sides. He hugged my head as I pulled him close to me. "You know the kids have school tomorrow, right?" V asked. "Yep, I'll take them, I think we need to get a bigger car, I'll pick up extra shifts at the club, I think I'm gonna take a break from the agency. Degnuns is filling in for me" I yawned. "The beetle person? And I'll take a shift tomorrow morning, but Monday mornings always draw in bad people" he sighed. "It's ok, I'll be there to help you" I snuggled up close to him, "can you be closer to the stage? I need someone to come in quick if someone talks to me, and my shift starts at 11, let's get lunch before that" he looked at me, kissing my cheek. "Don't worry, I will make sure I stand close, and I can make you something for lunch if you would like" he sat up, leaning on the bed frame. I put my head on his lap and he was playing with my hair, "I won't complain if you make me lunch" he smiled. "Wanna head to bed now? I want to get a little sleep before we have to wake up" I asked. "Sure" V kissed my forehead. We laid down, facing each other, we both cuddled with Dirt in between us. V put his hand on my cheek as we faced each other, "you look cute, I love you" he looked so warm inside. "I love you too," I said, kissing him. "Do the kids take the bus?" I asked V, "yea, did you not know that? Haha" he laughed at me. "Whatever, what time do I need to get them to the bus stop?" I asked, "about 7:30, so we should wake up at around 7 or 6:45 to make sure the kids are up" V said. "WE aren't doing anything, I'll get up and make sure they're ready. You get some sleep" I smiled at him, "are you sure you don't mind?" He asked, "absolutely" I kissed his forehead. We went to sleep and I woke up to yelling. "What the hell" I said sleepily getting up, "whats happening?" V asked, he looked like he just woke up, I relaxed and smiled. "I think it's the kids, I'll go get it, my timer was about to go off anyway" I yawned and put on a shirt. I heard  Levi, Zeke, Blitz, Millie, and Nolan all screaming at eachother. "Hey, can you stop yelling?" I asked, they didn't hear me "can you stop yelling please!?" I yelled over them. They all turned quiet and glared at me. "What's wrong? Why are you all screaming?" I asked. "Millie won't stop wearing my clothes" Blitz piped up, "well I wouldn't have to if someone didn't take my gym clothes" Millie glared at her siblings, "Zeke took my water bottle" Nolan spat, "because Levi broke mine" Zeke tried to defend himself. "How was I supposed to know it doesn't go in the dishwasher?" Levi asked. "Whoever took Millies gym clothes needs to give them back, Millie, give Blitz his clothes back. "Levi, you broke his water bottle, it says it on the bottom, let Zeke use yours for the day. Zeke, give Nolan back his water bottle" I sighed. They all grumbled and got they're stuff, "are you guys gonna have breakfast and lunch at school?" I asked. "Yep, I think we're getting spaghetti today" Millie asked. "Why are you wearing jeans in the middle of summer?" I asked, "I don't want the other kids to know or be scared of my prosthetics" she said quietly. "When you get home we can paint them and make them all pretty for school tomorrow" I suggested and smiled. She smiled back as we all walked out the door, I watched as they headed down the street to catch the town bus and teared up. I sighed and headed back inside to microwave pancakes for V. When they were done I smothered them in syrup and headed to our room, I kissed V on the forehead "hey, Goodmorning, I made you breakfast" I said. He smiled as he sat up to eat. "I have a bad feeling. Like something horrible is about to happen" I confessed to V. "Turn on your work radio, then if something happens you will know and head to the emergency, if it even is one" V suggested with his mouth full. I turned on the radio and got dressed into my hero outfit. "Hey, do you think I should wear my mask today? I kinda want to wear makeup too" I asked V, "yea, I love when you do cool eye shadow, and today can be a practice round for your new mask" he said after he swallowed his food. I went to the bathroom and put on silver blending into black for my eyeshadow, I put on cat eye eyeliner and showed V. "That looks amazing, you're so pretty" he said, heading out of the room to put his plate in the sink. "OLI!" I heard V scream from upstairs. I ran upstairs to him looking horrified, staring at the radio. "School shooting at 304 Maple way, all units, I repeat all units, head there" the person said over the radio. I grabbed my mask and opened the window, flying out of it. It was a two minutes flight to the school, I saw a bunch of police cars out front. "Bloodlock! We're glad you're here, would you be willing to head inside?" The chief said. "Absolutely, I'll radio if I get the shooter," I said, before heading inside. I put my mask on before I opened the front doors. Standing there was pine, in his white lab coat and goggles, smiling. "We figured since you were being difficult, we would get your children instead" he laughed. I was pissed, I shot my blood so a million tiny spikes were surrounding him. He lit a cigarette "it's too late" he laughed again. I heard gunshots and children screaming to my left, the middle school. I ran and changed my settings on my mask, "hellooooo? Any more children looking to be shot?" I man's voice said. I hid behind a wall leading to the bathrooms. "H-hello? Can someone help me?" I said in a little girls voice. "Of course little missy, after I help you we can play a game" he said, walking to my hiding place. I walked out and faced him, "sure you still want to help?" I asked him, smiling. He looked at me in horror as he pointed the gun at my forehead. I looked into his trama, "nice parents you got there" I smirked. "You bastard-" he said as he fell to the ground. I walked to the first classroom and knocked once on the door. The police man told me one knock ment it was someone good, not a shooter. A scared looking teacher looked up at me and pulled me in by my sleeve. I looked around the dark classroom, "are you here to help us?" The woman asked, still holding my sleeve and looking up at me. I turned to face her, "do you happen to know where Nolan's classroom is?" I asked the teacher. "R-right across from us" she looked scared. "Thanks" I said, going to the window and grabbing my radio. "The fourth window from the doors, the classroom is cleared. Are they safe to evacuate?" I asked into my radio. "Yep, thanks Bloodlock" the woman said. I turned to the teacher again, pulling open the blinds. "Do these windows open?" I asked her. She shook her head no, "alright, children, close your eyes and mouths, or the glass will get in there" I said. They all covered their eyes as I punched the window, it shattered against my hand. "Alright, you guys go, I'm gonna go back in the hallway, lock the door behind me" I told the teacher. She nodded and followed me as I opened the door. I walked out and I heard the click of the door locking again. "Nice to meet you, Bloodlock" I looked to my right to see a girl, maybe Levi's age, just standing there. "Do you need any help?" I asked her. "Yes please, it should be quick" she smiled at me. "Ok so what do ya need?" I asked her. Her smile quickly turned into a frown as she lunged at me. "Shit" I said as she grabbed my neck. We both struggled, I pulled out my knife and stabbed her in the stomach, then pulled the knife up to her chest. She fell on top of me and bled out on my clothes. But I'm her final moments she bit me, of all the things she could have done. My arm bled as she slowly released my arm. I looked at the wound and cringed, so many bad things were in people's mouths. I sighed and stood up. "Children!" I yelled. "Papa?" Nolan asked as he turned the corner. My eyes widened, he had drawings of an "X" over his eyes and mouth. "Nolan? Is that you?" I started walking down the hallway towards him. "Papa!" He smiled under the X and started running towards me. I ran to him and hugged him, "Nolan! I'm glad you're ok! I was so worried, where are your siblings?" I asked him. "We're right here," Levi said. "Guys!" I hugged them all, but when I looked back at them there it was again. The black X. "Are you ok?" Millie asked. "Y-yea, are you guys?" I asked them. "Yea I think we already got everyone" Zeke smiled. I sighed. "Stop right there!" I heard someone shout, I prepared myself as I turned around. But it was just the police, "I am BloodLock, it's fine, these are my children" I gestured towards them and smiled. "Go wait outside" they rolled their eyes. We all walked outside where V was waiting, he pulled us all into a bear hug and cried into my arms. "V, I-" I stopped as he looked up at me. The black X, I looked around, everyone had an X on their face. I started breathing faster and rubbing my eyes, why was this happening? I held V's face in my hands. "Are you ok Oli?" He asked. "Oh yea I'm fine, here you have something on your face" I tried picking at the X on his mouth. V grabbed my hands and pulled them away, "Oli! Stop! What's wrong?" He asked again. I hugged him again, "I was just scared" I lied. "Alright, I think you have to talk to the cops before you can come back home" he mentioned. "Alrighty, I'll talk to them" I answered, and I walked over to one of the police. "So are me and my kids good to go, or do we have to stay" I asked. "You have to give your statement of what happened, your children too, then you guys can go" he answered. I had my statement, and after everyone else, we finally went home. I made sure everyone was ok before I walked upstairs and flopped on my bed. V walked in and rubbed my back, "are you sure you're ok?" He asked. I looked up, it was still the same, "I think I need to go to the doctor" I admitted, "oh, why?" He asked. "Every time I look at you, or anyone for that matter, there is a black X over your eyes and mouth" I sat up and looked at him. "Oh" he looked down and rubbed his eyes. "You're still beautiful, a X couldn't change that, it's just weird when I look at people. I'm tired, wanna take a nap before lunch?" I asked. He relaxed, "absolutely" he responded. I hugged him as we fell asleep. "Papa!" I heard someone scream. I jolted awake and accidentally kicked V off the bed. He laughed as I apologized, then I went downstairs to see what was wrong, "can we make Mac and cheese?" Nolan asked. "Yea? Levi knows how to make it, you don't have to ask" I said, then I went back upstairs. "Is everything alright?" V asked. "Yea, they're making Mac and cheese" I laughed as I climbed back into bed. V kissed me as we cuddled.

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