Oli and V

By asstro11

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A story about the life of Oli and V, roommates to lovers, some Gay parts (sexual). They live with their child... More

Part 1
Part 2 (V) kinda short)
Part 3 Oli
Part 5 Oli
Part 6 (about a year later) Oli
Part 7 Oli
Part 8.. Oli
Part 9, Oli
Part 10, the next week, Oli, long
Part 11, one month later. Oli
This is purly a side story. This is not in the actual storyline

Part 4 Oli

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By asstro11

We almost get shot. I know how that sounds, but Finnic almost died. We were driving home from the grocery store after we picked up some essentials for Finnic. When we passed this big black truck. All the sudden, a pistol was pointed at Finnic in the back seat. He screamed and I swerved into the truck. We both ended up on the side of the road. I looked over and Finnic was shot in the arm. He groaned. Levi appeared out of nowhere and wove him bandage out of webbing, he used a spider to get the bullet and put the bandages around his arm. "Dammit" I said. I got out of the car and slammed the door. "First Oli and Nolan get kidnapped and now you shot my foster kid! Really??" I yelled at the car. I was wearing a crop top so I grabbed some disks out of my stomach. I walked to the black car in front of us. "Hello?" I asked as I went to the window. The tinted window broke as another gun was pointed at me. I held up my arm and created a shield. The bullet hit, then bounced off back at the guy. I peeked out from behind my shield. I got the guy in the chest. "Geez, you would think they'd have bullet proof vests" I commented. I opened the door, and pulled the body out onto the floor. I tried to climb inside, when I heard a clunk. I looked up and saw two scratches. "Damn my stupid horns" I whispered. I found his wallet in the center of the seat, which must have fallen out of his back pocket. I grabbed it and climbed out of the car. I grabbed his Id. "Ferris Kohl, huh?" I look through it more and found his mission papers. "Wow, you were supposed to kill me and my family, I wonder why. I guess you didn't do a very good job" I chuckled. I bent down and grabbed the guy's pistol and keys. I went to the back of the car and with my gun loaded I unlocked the door and opened it. There was a guard and before he could react I shot him between his eyes. I looked around. The walls were lined with guns and long tasers. There was a kid, she looked to be about 14 or 15. She hissed at me. "Hello, my name is V, what about you?" I asked. I got a good look at her. She had a mask on, a white one with nothing on it but big black eyes. She had grey bunny ears and short grey hair. She just had a bra and shirt shorts on. She didn't have anything below her knees. I guess they were cut off, but there were burn marks above where they were amputated. "I'll bet they hurt you, if you want you can come with us. You don't have to speak, you can just nod" I said. She nodded. There was a line going from under her face down her chest to her pants. I wonder why. "I'm just gonna take the guns first, I'll let you out and you can come with us after" I said. I grabbed the guns and tasers off the wall, there weren't a lot so I made one trip to my car. I put them in the trunk, and walked back up into the black car. She was padlocked inside her cage. I looked around, "hmmm, oh" I found another pistol on the person I shot. "Yay, this will make it easier" I said happily. The girl was huddled into the back of her cage, breathing heavily. I cocked the gun and put it onto the bottom part of the padlock. "Ready? One.. two.." and I shot the lock and she jumped at the sound. I opened the door and stuck my hand inside. She crawled on her hands and knees to my hand. I pulled her out and she looked outside. She looked amazed as she gazed at the cars driving past us on the highway. "Do you want to come home with us? You can get a bath, clean clothes, and fresh food, '' I said. She nodded, "I'm gonna pick you up, are you ok with that?" I asked. She nodded again. I picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to my car. I opened the back seat and set her in next to Finnic. They looked shocked and started signing rapidly. "She was in the back of the truck, I think she was going somewhere bad. She doesn't really talk, so you can see if she signs. I'm sorry all this happened 30 minutes after we decided to foster you. I guess now I'm fostering 2 people, does that answer most of your questions?" He gave me a thumbs up and nodded. I climbed into the front seat and sighed. "How did you learn to do all of that? Why were they after you?" He questioned. "I used to be involved with bad people. But they taught me to be prepared for anything" I said, and pulled back onto the highway. "Why?" Levi asked. "Why what?" I responded. "Why were you involved with bad people?" He asked. "They raised me. My parents sold me for a quick cash grab. The gang I was with used me to pickpocket people, or guilt trip them into giving me money. Does anyone want to listen to the radio?" I asked. "Finnic and the girl said yes," Levi responded. I turned the radio up so we weren't sitting in silence. We arrived at the house and I picked up the girl and took her to our apartment. "So, do you want to take a bath or shower? Do you even know how to use one?" I asked. She looked down. "I'll take that as a no, are you comfortable with me bathing you? Or someone else?" She looked down again. "Finnic, come here please" he peeked out of Oli/Levi's room. "I have two questions, how old are you, and what's your birth gender, and are you ok with bathing her?" I asked. He held up three fingers. "I know it was three questions" I chuckled. "But are you ok bathing her?" I asked again. They nodded. "Do you want me to help? Or do you want it to just be Finnic?" I asked. She pointed to me and Finnic and nodded. "Levi! We're gonna give the girl a bath! Stay out of Oli's manga!" I yelled to Levi. "No promises!" He yelled back. I sighed and took them to the bathroom, I put the girl on the toilet seat and started the bath. I looked back at her and she had taken her bra and shorts off. I looked away quickly. "Please warn me before you do that next time," I said. "I'm sorry" I heard a tiny voice say. I looked back at her, surprised. I couldn't see her face but I could tell she was embarrassed. "Do you need me to help you into the bathtub?" I asked, after it had filled up all the way. "Please," she said. I picked her up and gently put her in the bathtub. "You have to take your mask off to wash your hair," I told her. "Do I have too?" She asked. "I'm sorry, but yes" I responded. She took her mask off and handed it to me, I carefully set it on the counter. Her ears were down and she had big green eyes. There was a line going down the middle of her face, connecting to the one on her torso. And one going from the corner of her mouth to the sides of her face. "Awww, you have such a cute face!" I gushed at her. She blushed and put her face in her hands. I heard the door creak open and shut again. I looked back and Finnic was gone. "I guess Finnic left. I just realized they didn't answer any of my questions, oh well" I sighed. "It's alright, I trust you" she said. "Awww that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me" I said happily. I grabbed a bucket and poured it over her head. "Hey!" She said, "We have to wash your hair, bun" I said, scrubbing the soap on her hair. "Bun?" She asked. "Yea, you haven't given your name yet, so I'm gonna call you bun, as in bunny" I said. She smiled and I poured the bucket over her head again. She giggled as it washed all of the soap off. I poured more soap on a rag and handed it to her. "You just rub the soapy rag on all of your body, then when you're done, you wash it off with the water" I explained. "I have never had a bath before, this is fun!" She smiled. I must have looked shocked because she apologized to me. "What are you apologizing for? It's not your fault! Do you think you can handle the rest? Or do you want me to stay and help?" I asked. "I think I'm ok, but how do I get the water off?" She asked. "You use this, it's called a towel, you dry off like how you use a rag, then when you're all dry you can put in your clothes. It's just shorts and a T-shirt. And we only had boxers, so you'll have to wear those until we go to the store again" I said. "Okay! Thank you!" She said, "just come out when you're done, dinner should be ready" I said. I walked to the kitchen and pulled two boxes of hamburger helper out of the cabinet. "Levi! Come here please!" I yelled. He popped out of nowhere besides me. I jumped. "Haha! Got you!" He laughed. "Not funny! Can you please cook the beef while I make the beds?" I asked. "Yea sure, I'll tell you when it's done" he said. "Thank you" I responded as I headed to Oli's room. I walked in to see Finnic blushing with his face in one of Oli's mangas. He looked over at me with wide eyes and chucked the book at the wall. He was blushing so hard I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. He got up and ran out to the living room. I laughed and put the book back into the closet. I made the bed and then walked into my room. I sighed, picked up all the clothes on the ground, and made my bed. I walked out and I could smell the beef, "Oli! The food is done!" I heard Levi yell. "But I was only gone for like five minutes?" I said as I walked into the kitchen. The kids looked at me confused. You collapsed on your bed so we figured you should sleep" Levi said. "Oh, I'm sorry about that!" I said, scratching the back of my head. Finnic was sitting next to Bun, and Levi was setting bowls of Hamburger Helper in front of them. Bun was wearing Finnic's black sweatshirt, and Finnic was signing to her. "So this means please?" She asked them. They nodded and turned to eat. "Aww, you guys are so cute" I said, putting my hands on the tops of their heads. Finnic blushed and looked down at his food. I took my seat at the end of the table and Levi put a bowl in front of me. "Thank you" I said, as I dug in. Levi sat next to me, across from Finnic. I looked at the two empty chairs at the end of the table, Levi must have caught me staring. "Still thinking about them, huh?" Levi said. "Heh yea, I wish they would be here. Oli would have loved Finnic and bun" I said, looking down at my food. "Who is "them"?" Bun asked. I looked up at her, Finnic and Bun had confused looks on their faces. "We were also fostering a boy named Nolan, he had beautiful white wings that match his hair. Oli is my roommate, he's also one of the main heroes of this town. Oli got a call of a kidnapping, and who other than Nolan. That's when we took him home, his parents died and he had nowhere to go. So Oli took him here. About a week after we took Levi too" I said, smiling at Levi. "Oh, so what happened to them?" Bun asked again. "Please" Finnic signed. "They got kidnapped. We assumed it was the same people who tried to kidnap Nolan, but who knows. There are no leads" I sighed. There was a moment of silence before Levi spoke up. "There actually might be one," he said in a quiet voice. "What? Did you find something out?" I asked. "Do you remember when we went to that lab downtown?" He asked. "When you found that hair? Yea I do, go on" I responded. "I sent out one of my spiders. I found Oli and Nolan. They are being sent to somewhere in the forest right now." He squeaked out. "We should go after them, what do you guys think?" I said looking around the table. "I think we should go save them." Levi said. Bun nodded, Finnic did too. "We will go in the morning. Let's pack backpacks with a change of clothes, I'll bring canned food and stuff. When we're done we should pack and go to bed. We should leave early" I said, they all looked determined. We finished our meal and went to pack our bags. I looked in my closet and went to the shelf on the very back. I picked up my black leather jacket, and remembered the "Dragons Breath", I remembered all the people I hurt for just a little cash. I sighed as I picked up the pin next to it. There was a dragon's head with smoke going around it. I put the pin on the collar of the jacket, and pulled out my military boots. I got my jeans, some shorts, and shirts, and put them all in my black backpack. I went to the kitchen next. I got the can opener out of the drawer and shoved it next to my clothes. Then I grabbed cans of corn, beans, and cans of fruit. I got all 4 bags and distributed the cans among them. I grabbed a jar of peanut butter, a knife, and a loaf of bread. I set all of them in my backpack. "Are we done packing yet?" Bun asked. "Yes, you guys can go to bed. Where do you want to sleep? Levi is sleeping in my room and Finnic is sleeping in Oli's room" I asked. "Can I sleep with Finnic?" She asked. "Sure! Come on" I responded, leading her into Finnic's room. They were already passed out on the bed. "Go on" I whispered. She nodded and climbed up next to Finnic. I smiled and softly shut the door. I went back to the kitchen. And grabbed a bunch of plastic water bottles, then distributed those too. I grabbed everyone's deodorant and put them in their respective bags. By the time I was done packing everything it was already 12am. I sighed and set my stuff out for tomorrow, then collapsed on the couch.
"V!" Someone yelled. I gasped and shot up. "Woah, you ok?" Levi asked. "Yes I'm fine, what time is it?" "About 7 am, it should take us about 6 hours to get to where Oli and Nolan are. Wait, who's that?" Levi looked up, like he was looking through someone else's eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. He snapped out of it. "Oh it's nothing, we should get going," Levi laughed nervously. "Oh, well here's your backpack" I said, handing him his bag. I gave Finnic his, "here Bun-" I said, handing her the last bag. "Wait, I want to be called Millie," she said. "Oh, well, nice to meet you, Millie," I smiled. She had a wide smile as she put on her mask. I got everyone in the car and got out 2 pistols and a shotgun from the trunk. "Here, do you know how to use a gun?" I asked, giving him a pistol. "Yea, my dad used to take me to the shooting range all the time" he said, taking it from me. I put on 90s alt music and we pulled out of the driveway. We rolled the windows down and sang loudly down the highway. I looked into the back to see Millie singing and Finnic moving his head to the music. Levi was also singing loudly. I felt proud as Levi told me to take the next exit. After about 3 hours of driving Finnic and Millie were asleep on each other in the back. We had entered a backroad through a forest. "Keep going straight," Levi said. We went over a bump and it shook Finnic awake. I heard them snoring a minute later. "V! Stop!" Levi yelled. I looked back at the road and slammed on the brakes. We were inches from dead end signs. I looked back and Finnic and Millie were wide awake and gasping. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. Finnic signed "yes" and Millie nodded. "Well I guess we're gonna have to walk from here" Levi said, grabbing his bag and getting out of the car. I got out and put on my backpack. I opened the trunk and threw a bunch of guns and tasers in it. Something shiny caught my eye at the bottom. "Why the hell is there a battle ax in my car?" I asked, showing it to my kids. Millie took it from my hands and shoved in front of me. "Here it is," she muttered as she picked up two swords and handed them to Finnic. "You had a bunch of guns stored back there, I don't think it would be that surprising to have an axe and swords back there too" she explained. I could tell she was smirking under her mask. She pressed a button on the handle of the axe and it grew about a foot taller than her. "Now we're talkin." She said, resting it on her shoulder. We ventured into the forest and after about an hour of hiking we came to a clearing. "They're about 30 minutes away, walking distance," Levi said. I looked around at my children. Finnic was breathing heavily and Millie looked tired. "We should camp out here tonight, we need to eat" I said, I got out 4 cans of corn, opened and drained them, and gave them to the children. "I'm gonna walk around, there should be water bottles in your back packs" I said, getting up. I walked the edge of the clearing, where the trees meet the grass. When I realized that the clearing was a cliff. I looked down to see a huge ocean. It was beautiful. I walked back to tell everyone else what I saw, but when I got there they were all looking up at something. I looked at the sky to see why they were looking at it. "Is that... Oli?"

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