Manipulation Of The Fates

By RandomWrites1234

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When the past and present meets their fate in the form of the cinematic universe Enjoy! More



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By RandomWrites1234

'Nova Black get up! We need to go! We're going to Diagon Alley!' Andy called up to her niece.

Nova only rolled over in bed and snuggled back into her duvet. Dora had taken it upon herself to wake her younger cousin and walked in the room levitating a large bucket full of water with her wand.

'Oh hell this is going to go horribly wrong I can already tell.' Narcissa sighed.

Tonks poured the water quickly on her cousin but barely hit her at all because of how high up she pulled the duvet. In fact, once the water hit the duvet, some of it had splashed up and hit Dora in the face. Not only had she failed in ranking and waking up her cousin but she now had water all over her face.

Charlie laughed at his best friend's misfortune and ignored it as she glared at him.

Nova merely groaned. 'Did my duvet get heavier or something.' She mumbled.

'No you idiot I tried to wake you up by pouring water on you but you like being so hot it feels like you're in a sauna when you sleep that it went all on your duvet instead of you.' Dora explained.

'I thought I got colder.' Nova mumbled.

'You're going to die of heat under that duvet one day.' Dora muttered to herself and walked out of the girl's room.

'Alex always sleeps under her duvet even if it's like 23 degrees.' Marlene said.

'I like being warm.' Alex defended.

'Same. It's nice.' Nova agreed with her mother.

'It's like being in the Sahara desert that's what it's like.' Rebekah said.

Nova pulled herself out of bed and over to her wardrobe. She opened the wooden doors to show her packed wardrobe, you could barely move anything around inside it.

'Oh hell we have another Alex.' Lily groaned.

She pulled out a black jean dress with strappy sleeves and put on a dark green, short sleeve top on underneath it. She put on a pair of black converses and pulled her curly hair into a half up-half down hairstyle. She grabbed a jean jacket and pulled it on over the top.

'That is such a cute outfit!' Dorcas complimented.

'Thank you!' Nova said happily.

'Are Uncle Ted and Dora coming?' Nova asked as she ate her rice crispies at the table.

'No. Dora has auror training with Moody today and Ted has to work.' Andy said as she grabbed the Hogwarts letter from the fridge and read over the list of ingredients.

First year students will require:

Three sets of plain work robes (black)
One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
One winter cloak (black with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupils clothes should carry name tags

Other equipment:

1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales

Course books:

All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The standard book of spells (grade 1), Miranda Goshawk
A history of magic, Bathilda Bagshot
Magical theory, Adalbert Waffing
A beginners guide transfiguration, Emeric Ewitch
One thousand magical herbs and fungi, Phyllida Spore
Magical drafts and potions, Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic beasts and where to find them, Newt Scamander
The dark forces: a guide to self protection, Quentin Trimble

Students may also bring an owl or a cat or a toad


'I still think first years should be able to have their own broomsticks and play quidditch.' James pouted sadly.

'Come on lets go.' Andy grabbed her niece's hand and they disapparated and landed in diagon alley outside the quidditch shop.

'Oh look Auntie Andy! The nimbus 2000! The fastest model yet!' Nova looked at it in awe.

'I want one.' James and Young Sirius said. She mouths hung open slightly as they gazed longingly at the broomstick along with Marlene.

'Look how beautiful it is!' Marlene awed.

'Come on. First years aren't allowed broomsticks and plus when you are allowed to play quidditch next year they would have brought out a new model of broom and you can have that one.' Andy said.

'She makes a good point. A new one did come out the next year.' Fred nodded.

The two walked through Diagon Alley. 'I'll go get your books from Florish and Blotts and you go get your wand and I'll meet you there ok?' Andy said.

'Ok.' Nova walked through Diagon Alley towards Ollivanders but bumped into someone on the way there.

'I wonder who she bumped into?' Alex wondered.

'I guess we'll find out in a bit.' Regulus said.

It was a sunny day in London, a few clouds decorated the sky but it was nice. Boats sailed across the river Thames and red double decker buses drove across the bridge over the river. Big Ben said talk and proud in the background along with the Towers of Parliament and other buildings in London.

'All students must be equipped with 1 standard sized two pewter cauldron and May bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad. Can we find all this in London?' Harry read from the letter as he and Hagrid walked through the streets of London.

'Course you can! You can get anything in London!' Nova said.

'If you know where to go.' Hagrid said, leaning slightly closer to Harry to avoid muggles hearing.

The two reached a building that was painted all black. A sign stuck out from the side of it and it said The Leaky Cauldron And it had a picture of a Cauldron on it. Hagrid opened the door and Harry walked inside.

It was dark inside the pub and light chatter was heard all around the room. Hagrid ducked slightly and closed to door behind him.

Lots of people were at the bar and tables and walking around and almost all of them seemed to be wearing strange hats and cloaks. Cloaks had gone out of style centuries ago in London so it was a peculiar sight. Light came in through a large window at the top and lanterns and candles were scattered around for extra light.

'It's always busy in there but it's nice.' Mary said with a smile.

'I haven't been there in a little while I might take mum and dad soon.' Lily said. My parents are fascinated by the wizarding world I love to take them around different wizarding places like diagon alley.'

Hagrid led Harry through the pub and they walked past a man that stood behind the bar talking to two people.

'Ah Hagrid. Usual I presume.' He said with a wide smile.

'No thanks Tom I'm on official Hogwarts business.' Hagrid turned down. 'Just helping young Harry here buy his school supplies.' He patted Harry in the shoulder. That was when the man at the bar seemed to notice Hardy stood with Hagrid.

'Bless my soul, it's Harry Potter!' The man, Tom said. This seemed to make the pub go silent as people stared at Harry in awe.

'Aww look he looks so confused!' Lily cooed.

'Mum I'm sitting right here.' Harry laughed.

Lily seemed to blush slightly at being called mum and James threw and arm around her shoulders with a laugh.

Everyone turned to look and people muttered to each other about his appearance.

'Welcome back Mr Potter. Welcome back.' A man shook his hand.

'Doris Crockford Mr Potter, I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.' A woman said in shock as she shook his hand.

'Harry P-Potter. C-can't Tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.' A man with a purple turban wrapped around his head stuttered.

'Hello Professor. I didn't see you there. Harry this is professor Quirrel. He'll be your Defense against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts.' Hagrid introduced.

'Won't be for long though.' James said.

'Oh yeah. Everyone knows the position is cursed.' Young Sirius added.

'No DADA teacher is ever at Hogwarts for more than a year. Either their resign, get fired, killed, hurt, something always happens that makes them go.' Young Remus agreed.

'You should know that.' Harry said.

'Why?' Young Remus asked.

'You taught DADA in our third year.' Hermione explained to the confused, 16 year old version of their professor.

'Imagine That Moony, Professor R J Lupin. I can see it now.' James said as he slung an arm around Remus's shoulder and moved a hand in front of their faces as if explaining a vision.

'It's ironic because you had a briefcase that said Professor R J Lupin on it.' Ron laughed.

'Oh my god. Maybe I should change Herbology for Divination on my time table! I can predict the future! I'm a seer!' James said dramatically.

'I'd hardly go that far mate.' Marlene said.

'Oh nice to meet you.' Harry said and stuck his hand out towards the man.

'Fa-fascinating subject. N-not that you n-need it a-aye P-Potter.' Quirrel stuttered as he moved his hands away from Harry's looking scared of his hand.

'Is he afraid of Harry's hand?' Bill asked.

'Seems like it.' Percy said.

'Weird.' Charlie said.

'Yes well best be going now lots to buy.' Hagrid chuckled as he looked around at the people staring at him and Harry.

'Goodbye.' Harry said before walking away, Hagrid following after him.

'See Harry you're famous!' Hagrid said.

'But why am I famous Hagrid? All those people back there, how is it they know who I am?' Harry asked.

'Oh he's so confused! That's so cute!' Mary said with a smile.

'How do you feel Harry? You're cute now.' Daisy asked laughing.

Hagrid led Harry out the back door where they reached a small back part where some bins were and it was surrounded by tall brick walls.

'I'm not sure I'm exactly the right person to tell you that Harry.' Hagrid admitted as he turned back towards the wall. He pulled out his pink umbrella and tapped the bricks in wall surrounding a gap in the wall with it. This caused the bricks to begin to move back and forth and eventually create an archway in the wall.

'That's always so cool every time I see it.' Theo sighed.

'Welcome Harry. To Diagon Alley.' Hagrid said.

Harry looked amazed and he walked through the archway with Hagrid following. There were lots of people bustling around different shops in peculiar clothes and cloaks. Young people were holding letters and pointing with their parents following them. Owls flew above them and sign stuck out from shop walls to advertise different shops.

'Here's where you get your quills and your ink. And over there all your bits and bobs for doing your Wizardry.' Hagrid pointed at different shops as Harry looked around amazed.

There were women selling different things on small market trolleys outside of a shop called Madam Malkins. He scanned his eyes scanned different cages with owls in them outside of a pet shop. A bat hung from a small rod coming from the side of the shop.

'There's always a bat there. No one ever buys bats.' Marlene stated.

Harry directed his gaze to a shop on his right. There were long different colour robes with crests on them but in the window was what seemed to be a broomstick.

'Wow look at it! The new nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet!' A boy said as he looked through the window with a few other children at a shiny wooden broomstick with a golden handle coming from the bottom and three golden bands wrapped around the sticks on the end. At the front end of the broomstick the woods Nimbus 2000 was engraved in gold letters. 'Oh look Auntie Andy! The nimbus 2000! The fastest model yet!' Harry heard a girl say.

'That was Nova! Nova said that!' Alex said excitedly.

Harry looked at the broom in awe as he continued walking alongside Hagrid through the busy alleyway. 'But Hagrid How am I to pay for all this. I haven't any money?' Harry asked.

'Well there's your money Harry. Gringotts the wizard bank.' Hagrid pointed to a large building in front of them that was labelled with the words GRINGOTTS BANK. 'Aint no safer place, not one. 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.' Hagrid said.

The inside of the bank was large and fancy. There was three chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the floor was intricately patterned. What seemed to be small men were walking around dragging different carts while lots were sat behind tall desks writing with quills. Some had people stood in front of the desks while some didn't.

'Gringotts is so cool on the inside. It's so fancy.' Alice said. 'I love it!'

'I love it to. It's magnificent. And the goblins are fascinating creatures.' Daisy agreed with her mother.

'Uh Hagrid. What exactly are these things?' Harry asked.

'They're goblins Harry. Clever as they Come goblins but not the most friendly of beats best stay close.' Hagrid said. The two walked all the way down the bank to a large desk at the end where a goblin with glasses resting on the end of his nose, long fingers, pointy ears and a pointy slightly hooked nose sat with a quill in his hand. Hagrid cleared his throat a couple times to get the goblin's attention and the goblin look up at them.

'Mr Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal.' Hagrid said and the goblin redirected its gaze from Hagrid to Harry.

The goblin had sharp pointy teeth as well. 'Ah. And does Mr Harry Potter have his key.' The goblin peered down at Harry's short figure over the end of the desk after he put the quill down.

'That goblin is scary.' Nova shivered slightly fear.

'Tell me about it, I was 11 and that was the first time I saw a goblin I was terrified.' Harry said.

'Oh wait a minute got i here somewhere.' Hagrid said and began rummaging around in his pocket. 'Ah! There's the little devil!' Hagrid exclaimed as he pulled out a small golden key and placed it on the desk.

'Oh and there's something else as well.' Hagrid had lowered his voice now. He pulled out an envelope with a piece of string tied around it and it had been stamped with red ink by a stamp that read TOP SECRET.

'Don't pull out an envelope that says top secret on it in front of an eleven year old! He's gonna get curious!' Lily said.

'Not my finest idea I'll admit.' Hagrid said.

'Professor Dumbledore gave me this.' Hagrid said as he handed the envelope to the goblin.


The Head Goblin -in charge of all goblins,
Gringotts Bank,
Diagon Alley

The goblin gently took the envelope into his hands and read it as Hagrid spoke again. 'It's about you know what in vault you know which.'

'Very well.' The goblin said and Hagrid nodded slightly.

'That's a bit sketchy I'm not gonna lie.' Ron said.

Harry and Hagrid traveled last lots of vaults in a cart that ran along rails around Gringotts underground. They soon reached Harry's vault.

'Vault 687.' The goblin accompanying them said. Harry watched as the goblin climbed out of the cart. 'Lamp please.' He said. Hagrid handed him the lamp from the cart and walked towards the vault door, Hagrid and Harry following. 'Key please.' The goblin said again to Hagrid as he handed him the lantern in exchange for the key.

'They never say much and it always freaks me out.' Blaise spoke up.

'Same like they could make a little bit of conversation.' Nova joked.

The goblin moved a part of the door to reveal a key whole and he out the key inside and turned it. Lots of different locks clicks as the door swung open to show stacks and stacks of galleons and gold. Harry looked in awe at the vault.

'Oh my god.' Ron said in awe.

'That's just your trust vault you know that right? You still have the entire vault of the house of Potter that you would've inherited when we died.' James said.

'That's a lot of gold.' Hermione said.

'Nothing compared to the Black vault. I've been with Nova when she's gone to Gringotts to get money out of her vault. It's amazing.' Harry told them.

'You didn't think you're mum and dad would leave ya with nothing now did ya?' Hagrid said.

Harry looked in awe at all the gold and once he had acquired what he needed, they moved on.

'Vault 713.' The goblin announced.

'What's in there Hagrid?' Harry asked.

'Can't tell you that Harry. Hogwarts business very secret.' Hagrid said.

'Oh don't tell him that!' Lily said with a sigh.

'This everyone was why our first year was such a mess. Because Harry is too curious for his own good.' Ron said.

'Other people spark my curiosity but saying things like very secret stuff or you don't need to know because then I want to know and I pretty much always will find out about it.' Harry defended himself.

'In other words he's a nosy git who can't mind his own business.' Nova joked.

'You're no better.' Harry said.

'Stand back.' The goblin called. He ran a finger down the door and hundreds of complicated locks turned on the inside of the door and the door slowly opened to reveal a tiny brown package with white string tied around it.

'That's really disappointing and pathetic.' Young Sirius sighed.

'It's so small! What is that!' James whined.

'That's what she said.' Nova whispered in Harry ear and watched as his shoulders shook in silent laughter.

'Best not to mention this to anyone Harry.' Hagrid said as he tucked the parcel into his pocket and patted it.

They excited the bank and continued to shop and they walked out of a shop holding lots of different parcels and boxes. Harry held the letter in his hand and scanned the list of equipment. 'I still need a wand.' Harry said.

'A wand? Well you'll need Ollivanders there ain't no place better.' Hagrid said as he pointed to a shop that read: OLIIVANDERS MAKERS of FINE WANDS SINCE 582 b.c. 'Why don't you run along there and wait. I just got one more thing I got to do I won't be long.' And with that Hagrid was gone.

Harry continued down the alley towards Ollivanders but bumped into someone on the way there.

'Ok I definitely think they've bumped into each other now.' James said.

'You don't say?' Young Sirius said sarcastically.

'Sorry.' They both said at the same time. Nova looked up to see a boy with black messy hair, round glasses, green eyes and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Harry Potter.

'Yay Alex our kids are meeting!' Lily said excitedly.

'It's ok I should've been watching where I was going.' Nova said politely with a smile.

'It's shocking how nice and behaved and polite she is in public when she so mischievous and playful back at home.' Older Sirius said.

'You know they say that if your kids play up at home but act nice and polite in public it means they were brought up well because they are polite to people and have dignity.' Molly said.

'That means you did a good job then Andy.' Young Sirius said with a smirk.

'Same.' Harry said. They stood in an awkward silence for a minute before Nova spoke up, 'I'm Nova Black. You're Harry Potter aren't you? I noticed earlier but I assumed you wouldn't want someone else ogling over you.' Nova introduced herself.

'Aw she's so sweet and thoughtful!' Mary said.

'Oh it's nice to meet you and yes I am.' Harry said.

'Assuming you're going to get your wand as well.' Nova said.

'Um y-yeah.' Harry said nervously. He had never had a friend before and he hadn't really talked to many people before let alone another witch apart from Hagrid of course.

'You seem nervous? Am I really that intimidating or are you just scared to talk to another witch your age?' Nova guessed.

'Observant. You'd make a good auror.' Moody complimented.

'Thank you.' Nova nodded.

'It's funny how she's so confident and polite but he's so nervous.' Lily laughed.

'Glad it amuses you.' Harry said with a soft smile.

'How'd you know?' He asked.

'Your face says it all. What house at Hogwarts do you reckon you'll be in?' Nova asked.

'I-I don't know any of the Hogwarts houses.' Harry stuttered.

'Oh. Want me to tell you?' She asked.

'O-ok.' Harry agreed. They had both ditched the idea of getting a wand for now to talk to each other.

'Well first There Slytherin they're known for being cunning and ambitious, my whole family's been in Slytherin, then there's Gryffindor they're brave and chivalrous, one of my friends are going to Hogwarts this year and all his siblings have been in Gryffindor, then there's Hufflepuff, my cousin was in hufflepuff, they're mainly kind and loyal and just, then there's Ravenclaw, they're incredibly smart and witty.' Nova explained.

'That is actually very accurate.' Young Remus said.

'I pride myself in being very precise.' Nova said.

'In other words she's a book worm like Reg is.' Rabastan translated.

'What house do you think you'll be in?' Harry asked.

'Probably Slytherin. Or Gryffindor. My dad was Slytherin but my mum was in Gryffindor so I could be either really. But I suppose I don't really mind.' Nova shrugged. 'We should probably get our wands now don't you think?'

'Oh yeah sure.' Harry agreed. He followed the girl into the shop and they stopped before a large desk.

There were shelves and shelves of boxes no doubt filled with wands everywhere and a few pieces of parchment and paper around along with some stairs on the far left of the room to access the higher up wands.

'Yay we get to watch them get their first wand!' Alex said.

'Calm down love you'll burst from all this excitement.' Regulus said to her with an adoring smile.

'I'm going to burst as well. Burst of needing the bathroom I'll be back in a bit.' Daisy said as she stood up.

'I'll come. It'll save some people asking questions. I mean you got called to the great hall and all of a sudden you're leaving? Come on let's go.' Nova said as she stood up and she and Daisy walked out of the hall.

'What's up with those two?' Young Sirius asked.

'They're best friends I share a dorm with them. In our dorm it's me, Daisy, Lavender Brown And Pavarti Patil. Daisy is almost never in the dorm though she's always in the Slytherin dorms with Nova. I go with her a lot of the time but she's over there a lot. They're thick as thieves since first year its sweet actually.' Hermione explained.

Harry softly placed his stuff he held down on a shelf by the window and walked further into the shop. 'Hello? Hello.' He called into the shop. All of a sudden there was a thud and they snapped their gazes up to see a man stood on a sliding ladder. Ollivander

'I wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr Potter, Miss Black.' He said with a grin. He had grey hair and he was wearing black robes. He quickly climbed down the ladder and walked over to a shelf full of wands and looked at them as he decided which ones to pick. 'It seems only yesterday your mothers and fathers were in here buying their first wand.' Ollivander said. 'Ah.'

He slid two long black boxes from the stack and walked over to where the two eleven year olds were standing. He opened the box and handed one of the wands to Harry and one to Nova. 'Here we are.'

'This is exciting.' Alex whispered to Lily.

'I know! It seems we didn't get to do this with them in the future so seeing it now is better than nothing.' Lily whispered back.

Harry held the wand in his hand looking at the man unsure of what to do with it. Meanwhile Nova had waved her wand, causing a lamp to fall over off the desk.

The Potter boy followed in example and when he waved it, lots of different draws were pulled out of the shelves and pieces of paper flew everywhere. Frightened, he quickly placed the wand on the desk.

'Apparently not.' Ollivander said. 'Why don't you switch.'

Nova handed the wand she held to Harry and she picked up the one Harry had put down. This time Harry was first to wave the wand but it caused a glass flower pot to shatter. Nova waved hers and a wand box flew out of place and almost hit Ollivander in the head if he hadn't ducked.

'This is actually quite funny.' Ron said with a small laugh.

'Maybe for you! You didn't pretty much trash the whole shop.' Harry said.

'No no definitely not.' Ollivander said and he walked away to put the wands back.

'I feel sort of bad breaking all these things.' Harry whispered to the girl next to him.

She turned to him and laughed softly, 'Don't feel bad he puts all these glass things around and all that so that when wands fail they have something to break. The wand chooses the wizard as they say so it's normal.' Nova explained to the nervous boy.

'She's like his big sister and I love it it's so cute.' Alice said.

'I agree.' Mary nodded.

'You two always agree.' Lily joked.

'No matter.' Ollivander pulled out another wand box and looked at it curiously. 'I wonder.' The man turned to look at Harry and brings the box over. The handed the wand cautiously to Harry and a golden light appeared and wind blew around him. He had found his wand. Ollivander looked nervous at the results. 'Curious. Very curious.' He said.

'What's curious?' James asked.

'Sorry but what's curious.' Harry asked.

James blushed slightly, having said the same thing as his future son.

'Like father like son I guess. Curious.' Older Sirius teased.

'I remember every wand I've ever sold Mr Potter. It's so happens that the Phoenix who's tail feather resides in your wand gave another feather. Just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when it's brother gave you that scar.' Ollivander explained.

'What! Who gave you the scar!' Lily asked.

'You'll find out in a second mum.' Harry assured.

'And who owned that wand?' Harry asked.

'We do not speak his name.' Ollivander merely said.

'Surely it can't be.' Bellatrix said.

'Not him. Really?' Regulus wondered.

'Who?' James and Lily asked but they didn't received an answer.

'The wand chooses the wizard Mr Potter. It's not always clear why but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, he who must not be named did great things. Terrible yes but great.' Ollivander said.

'Did he just compliment you know who?' Marlene asked.

'I think he was talking more about the magic than the person.' Hermione explained.

'That makes a lot more sense.' Ron admitted.

'Course it does. Anything Hermione says makes sense to you. You hang onto her every word.' Harry teased.

'Shut up Harry.' Ron said.

'Do I detect a couple in denial?' James whispered to his son.

'Definitely not a couple but definitely in denial about their very obvious feelings for one another.' Harry whispered back.

'Well we'll just have to do something about that won't we.' James smirked.

'I think we will.' Harry smirked a matching smirk to his father and they leaned back in their seats.

'I don't like this look you two have. You're up to something.' Lily said, squinting suspicious but then she leant towards them, 'I'm pretty sure it's about Ron and Hermione's feelings for each other so I want in.' Lily said.

'And In you shall have my gorgeous flower.' James kissed her hand.

'Disgusting.' Harry faked throwing up and his mother slapped him round the back of the head causing others to laugh.

'Anyone else think Daisy and Nova have been gone for a while?' Older Remus asked.

'I'll go see if I can find them.' Hermione suggested.

'Yeah I'll come to. We can get into the girl's bathroom without it being suspicious and also if somethings happened we should go in a pair.' Ginny said and with that the girls left the room.

'Where could they have gone?' Hermione asked.

'We could try Myrtle's bathroom that's the closest one. See if she's even them at all.' Ginny suggested.

'Good thinking let's go.' Hermione said and the two ran off to Myrtle's bathroom. They pushed the door open and a familiar girl ghost flew from one of the stalls in front of them.

'Well well well. I thought Dumbledore had sent everyone to their dorms. Naughty naughty.' Myrtle giggled.

'Myrtle you haven't seen Daisy and Nova have you?' Hermione asked.

'Black and Longbottom?' Myrtle asked.

'Yes them.' Ginny confirmed.

'Oh no not since yesterday. They came in here together and they were sitting over there in the corner just talking seemed secretive though they were whispered and I couldn't hear.' Myrtle pouted at this.

'Did you happens to hear any of what they were saying?' Hermione wondered.

'I did hear the Black one say something about a relationship.' Myrtle said.

'Between Who?' Hermione asked wide eyed.

'I couldn't be sure.' Myrtle said and with that she disappeared down one of the toilets.

'Damn it!' Ginny pounded her fist on the wall in slight anger.

'Don't worry we'll find them. For now I want to know who's in a relationship.' Hermione said.

The girls went from bathroom to bathroom before the only place they hadn't checked was the room of requirement.

'It's the only other place that could have a bathroom. They wouldn't go back to the common room they'd get asked too many questions.' Ginny suggested. And so the two girls trudged up the stairs to the seventh floor and paced back and forth in front of the bare wall until a large door appeared. She pushed it open to see a large bathroom with Nova and Daisy sat in the floor. The two girls both had slightly smudged mascara and eyeliner and their eyes were slightly red as if they had been crying.

'Have you two been crying?' Ginny asked softly.

Nova frantically wiped beneath her eyes with the back of her palm only ruining her makeup more. 'No no no I haven't.' She denied.

'You don't need to be embarrassed. Besides everyone saw you sobbing earlier into Sirius's shoulder at the beginning of the film.' Hermione said with a smile.

Hermione and Ginny walked over and sat either side of the girls. Ginny besides Daisy and Hermione besides Nova. 'What's wrong. Come on let us be your therapists for a bit.' Ginny joked.

'It's just strange.' Daisy admitted.

'What is?' Ginny asked.

'Seeing them here, interacting with them, seeing them so happy. I'm glad they're here but it's just weird because we grew up without them and they're pretty much complete strangers to us, I have no idea how to act around them why do you think I sat next to Uncle Sirius and Harry. What if they don't like me or something!' Nova ranted.

'How could they not like you. You're Nova frickin Black. Princess of Slytherin, fashionista, stubborn, amazing, smart.' Ginny listed. 'Plus they're your parents, they'd love you if you stole a car.' She smirked.

'We don't speak of that.' Nova laughed slightly.

'How about you Dais?' Hermione redirected the conversation.

'I've never really met my parents. Sure I've seen them at St Mungo's but they don't even know my name in the state they're in. They don't know who I am but now they're fine and ok and I just don't want to get close to them only for them to be back in that state again when this is all over.' Daisy said sadly. Tears welled up in her eyes and one ran down her cheeks and she sniffed.

'It's ok to want your parents to be ok and I understand your reasoning but if you don't get close to them now you'll hate yourself fo not doing it when this is all over. We have no idea what's going to happen after this. Whether things will change, stay the same we can't tell. But I can tell you that both your parents are in that hall, alive, sane and ok. If you don't at least talk to them you may never get to.' Hermione said.

'Damn Mione ever think about being a therapist professionally.' Ginny laughed.

'Maybe I should.' Hermione shrugged.

'You be so good at it.' Nova nodded.

'You would.' Daisy agreed.

'Come on everyone'll be wondering where we are.' Nova said as she sighed and stood up. She held her hands out for her friends to grab and they all stood up from the floor and dusted off the back of their skirts.

The four girls walked back to the hall to see everyone in separate conversations laughing and joking with the film paused.

'Hey we found them!' Ginny announced.

Neville quickly got us and hugged his sister, 'Where did you go!' He asked.

'Sorry we were just talking we didn't realise it'd been so long.' Daisy admitted sheepishly.

'Finally! It's been ages!' Rebekah complained.

'Come on lets finish the film.' Nova said and everyone turned their attention back to the large screen and replayed the film.

'Now for you Miss Black.' Ollivander turned his attention to the girl. He grabbed a box gently from the pile and took it out the box before carefully handing it to her. She gave it a wave and a faint golden light appeared around her and wind blew her hair behind her slightly.

'I had a feeling you might have a wand such as this.' Ollivander grinned.

'Most women in the Williams family owned wands that were the same wood and core. Resin with unicorn hair. Your Aunt Narcissa owns the same type of wand as well.' Ollivander informed her.

'That's true my wand is resin with unicorn hair, 8 and a half inches.' Alex spoke up.

'Mines the same but 7 and three quarter inches.' Nova told her.

'Harry! Harry!' A frantic tapping on the window was heard and he turned his attention to the window to see Hagrid stood with a metal cage in his hands. 'Happy birthday!' Hagrid said. He held up a large metal cage with a snowy white owl inside.

'That's such a pretty owl!' Mary gushed.

'Wow.' Harry said.

'Well I guess I'll see you at Hogwarts then.' Nova said as she turned her attention to Harry.

'Yeah see you then.' Harry said.

'Till next time Potter.' Nova smirked and walked out of the shop giving Hagrid a polite smile and he gave her a slightly shocked look in return.

'We all know they'll meet again! And when they do it's going to be amazing!' James said excitedly. 'They'll wreck havoc across Hogwarts.'

'I don't think they will thank you.' Lily shook her head. 'You don't do you?' Lily asked her son.

'Depends how you define havoc.' Harry said.

'Oh no.' Lily sighed.

Hagrid and Harry sat in the Leaky Cauldron with bowls of soul in front of them and all the things they had brought next to them in piles.

'You Alright Harry? Seem very quiet.' Hagrid asked as the fire crackled in the fireplace.

'He killed my parents didn't he. The one who gave me this. You know Hagrid I know you do.' Harry asked. Hagrid set down his spoon with a sigh and turned towards the boy.

'First and understand this Harry because it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad, a few years ago there was a wizard who went as bad as you can go.' Hagrid explained. 'And his name was V-. His name was V-' Hagrid didn't seem to be able to say it.

'He won't say it there's no way.' Young Sirius said.

'2 galleons he'll say it.' Young Remus betted.

'Go on then.' Young Sirius agreed. They both returned their gazes to the screen eager to discover who'd win the bet.

'Maybe if you write it down.' Harry suggested.

'No I can't spell it. Alright. Voldemort.' Hagrid whispered the last part.

'Voldemort?' Harry said slightly louder but Hagrid quickly shushed him.

Young Remus smirked triumphantly as Young Sirius placed two galleons in his hands and tucked them into his pocket.

'It was dark times Harry, dark times.' The screen change to a different scene.

A figure in a long cloak with his hood up is seen walking along a path towards a house.

'Voldemort started to gather some followers.' Hagrid's voice was heard in the background. 'Brought em over to the dark side.' Hagrid explained.

The figure reaches and house and brings out his wand casting a spell at the handle causing light to stream through the key hole.

'Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead.'

The door swings open and the scene changes to a woman with ginger hair with a baby in her arms.

'I-is That me?' Lily whispered sadly.

'Your parents fought against 'im.'

'I think this is how we died flower.' James whispered to her.

'Oh that's awful.' She cried quietly.

'I know. But we're gonna change it because that's why we're here.' James reassured as he kissed her head lightly.

She quickly closes the door on the man and walks to the other side of the room, holding the baby to her chest. The door is blown off its hinges with a bright light. A green light is cast at the woman and she falls to the floor screaming. Green lights shines through the windows of the house and the woman screamed loudly.

'But nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em.'

A small baby is sat as a wand is pointed at his face.

'Nobody not one. Accept you.'

There is a bright light and Harry is seen wide eyed about Hagrid's story. 'Me?' Harry whispered confused. 'Voldemort tried to kill me?'

'That's ridiculous why would he try to kill a baby?' Marlene asked.

'That will all be explained Miss McKinnon.' Dumbledore said.

'Yes that Ain't no ordinary cut in your forehead 'arry. A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse and an evil curse at that.' Hagrid explained.

'What happens to Vo- to you know who.' Harry asked.

'This is news breaking ladies and gentlemen.' Nova said loudly.

'Absolutely shocking.' Ron joined in.

'What are they on about?' James asked.

'They're just being dramatic honestly.' Hermione scoffed.

'A Black being dramatic? Who would've guessed that!' Young Remus commented sarcastically.

'Haroldino Jameson Potter said you know who instead of Voldemort. I think I'm gonna faint from shock. Ronald catch me.' Nova said dramatically and fake fainted into Ron's arms placing the back of her hand on her forehead.

'Knock it off will you?' Harry said but he was very clearly amused.

'Well some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope. I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one things absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous, that's why everybody knows your names.' Hagrid explained. 'You're the boy who lived.'

'Very original.' Harry commented.

'That's true like they couldn't have thought of anything else?' Nova wondered.

'It's straight to the point I guess and obvious.' Hermione pointed out.

'Yeah but it's bloody boring.' Ron said.

'What about that girl I was with earlier Hagrid, you looked at her confused. Why.' Harry asked.

'What'd she say her name was?' Hagrid asked.

'Nova Black.' Harry told him.

'Yes of course. The a few nights before you know who gave you that scar, Alexandria and Regulus Black died.' Hagrid explained.

'Died? Harry asked.

'Everyone thinks I died.' Regulus said.

'You did just disappear one day it was probably the simplest option to pronounce you dead.' Moody said.

'Didn't they even try look for him? What about us! Surely we would've tried to find him.' Rudolphus asked but no one answered him.

'Regulus was the youngest heir of the ancient and noble house of Black, one of the most famous houses in all of the wizarding world. His family were known for being loyal followers of you know who. His brother Sirius Black was in Gryffindor, got himself disowned, everyone said he never became a death eater but he went to Azkaban and only a few know the real reason why. Regulus was believed to be a death eater but people say he died trying to defeat you know who.' Hagrid told Harry.

'Did you know who kill him?' Harry asked.

'No one knows what happened to him. One day he disappeared and never came back.' Hagrid said.

'So he could still be alive?' Harry asked.

'See! Thank you Harry for believing there is a chance I could be alive and not giving up!' Regulus said happily.

'You needn't concern yourself with these things Harry, there are things about the wizarding world you don't know. Things you shouldn't know, you don't need to know, things you aren't ready to know. Alexandria Black was his wife and she was killed by one of his followers. The Black's are a very famous but dangerous family Harry. You must be careful.' Hagrid advised.

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