Twin Things ~ Merlin x OC

By multifandomnerd365

445 11 13

The story of Camelot is long and complicated, and that's before the tale we are about to explore begins. The... More

Chapter 2 - 1.1.1
Chapter 3 - 1.1.2

Chapter 1

110 3 5
By multifandomnerd365


It is early in the morning. The sun is just rising over the horizon, the birds are singing. The townspeople are busy preparing for the hustle and bustle of the day. The younger prince stands at his open window, dressed and ready for the day, as he does every morning. He watches his people wake with the sun, allowing himself to enjoy the last few shreds of peace before he must start attending to his daily duties. But before he reports to his father, he needs to visit Morgana, so he reluctantly pulls himself away from the window. He leaves a short note on the desk for his manservant, Edgar, detailing the chores he needs to do for the day before heading in the direction of Morgana's chambers.

As he walks, he reminisces over an argument he had with his brother the day before, realising how dumb and petty it seems now. He really should apologise, but he is tired of always being the "bigger man". He wants his brother to understand that his actions have consequences, to know that he can't do whatever he wants and still expect people to follow him just because they always have. He just doesn't know how to make him see that, hence his visit to Morgana (and hopefully Gwen).

He knocks twice upon reaching Morgana's chambers and steps back politely, waiting patiently for Gwen to let him in. Only a second or so passes before his best friend opens the door with a dazzling smile. "Good morning, Leo. Did you sleep well?" She asks, remembering the many times he has asked her to drop the formalities when his father is not around.

"I did thank you, though I was wondering if I could get some advice from you and Morgana," Leo replies, matching her smile and bowing his head a little in greeting.

"Oh, just come in already, Leo. You know you're always welcome here, unlike that brute of a brother of yours!" He hears Morgana shout from inside the room, where she's just slipping on her dress behind the screen. Gwen giggles at this, moving out of the way to allow him to slip past, closing the door behind them.

"Funny you should say that Morgana, for it is that brute I need advice on." Leo quips, settling down on a chair as Gwen moves to help Morgana tie up her dress. "We had another argument yesterday. This one was about how he needs to stop treating people as if they're less than him if he wants them to respect him, and he just wouldn't listen, the stubborn-headed prat."

Morgana scoffs, "Well, I, for one, think it's incredible you're even still trying with him. I considered him a lost cause years ago."

Leo just sighs at that, "Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just holding on to the past too much. I mean, we used to be so close, and now the only thing we seem to agree on is which knights fight the worst!"

Gwen shoots Leo a look, "People change, Leo, you never know, you might be that close again. Besides, I'd much rather have you around than him - best friends aren't best friends for nothing after all." She states, smiling cheekily at the last comment.

Leo sends her a grateful smile, followed immediately by a smirk as he teases her, "Aww, Gwen, I never knew you thought so highly of me."

She gives him a mock warning look in reply, "Don't make me regret it."

They both glare mockingly at each other for a few seconds, but laughter is never far from the duo as they burst into a fit of giggles. Morgana smirked at them from the sidelines, "You two are so cute! I just can't wait for the wedding!"

The laughter immediately turns to spluttering at that as both vehemently deny it, Leo even stating, "She's like a sister to me!"

Morgana just laughed. "Oh, I'm sure. Anyway, how about we braid your hair today? It's certainly long enough for it." And she's right. Leo has always had his hair longer than Arthur's. It started as a subconscious way of making sure people knew the difference between the two boys born just a few minutes apart. He's never sure how much it works, as people still get the twins mixed up, but he's grown attached to the near shoulder-length hair he'd had for a while now. Morgana and Gwen have often taken advantage of this, offering to braid his hair to keep it out of the way during training and his other knightly and princely duties. He'll never admit it, but Leo really quite likes them messing around with his hair like that.

So, Leo replies in feigned annoyance as the girls take their seats on either side of him, "If you must, but only a strand or two. I have to meet with my father soon, and I don't want to be late. We're going over negotiation tactics to use on Bayard. You never know, we might actually finally be able to find some middle ground in this ego-fueled war."

"Well," Gwen states as she expertly twists small strands of hair around her fingers, forming an intricate braid in mere seconds, "if anyone can do this, it's you. You've always been good at dealing with people and forming alliances."

Leo smiles, "I certainly try. At least one member of this family needs to be able to find a middle ground." He sighs, thinking of Uther's logical blindness anytime sorcery is involved and Arthur's general demeanour.

"And this is why I would prefer you as a king over Arthur, you're so much more level-headed, and you always know what to say. Meanwhile, that brute of a brother you've got only seems to know how to bully people." Morgana complains, tugging slightly too hard on a small number of hairs, causing Leo to let out a squeak of surprise. "Sorry," she says, chuckling.

Leo shrugs it off, pondering her words for a second. "Maybe, but I'm not sure I do, Morgie. I think I'd much prefer just being an advisor, I don't really have the same charisma as my brother has, as much as it pains me to say, and I hate public speaking. No, I'm really much better being the negotiator, the one who works behind the scenes to point out loopholes and draw up drafts for policies."

Both girls share a look, silently agreeing but not wholly wanting to admit it. Losing the staring competition, Gwen sighs and tries to reassure him, "Well, whatever happens, I'm sure you'll be great. You are my favourite twin after all, Leo. That's got to count for something!"

Leo chuckles at her words, noting that both girls had finished by now, "I'd better get going - don't want to make my father wait for too long. Thank you for the talk, girls, and the braids. I'll see you both soon."

The girls smile widely at him, wishing him well as he leaves the room. He heads down the corridor towards his father's office, where he will be pouring over treaty documents. The only thing Uther asks for Leo's opinion on is negotiation, so they will work together to ensure this peace treaty benefits both parties without allowing either to break the terms. You know, normal father-son bonding.


(1228 words, unedited)

*~°○°~* A/N *~°○°~*

This would be a prologue, but I have heard that some people don't read those, hence naming it chapter 1. It sort of works as a first chapter anyway since it's primarily setting up the character of Leofwine and how he fits into this society.

I am in the process of writing a second chapter, which should be out soon, though after that I'm not sure how long it'll be before the next chapter is up (though I do have a plot line for it) Sorry!

Please don't be a silent reader, I wanna know how I'm doing - good or bad!

See you next time!

  - Peri :)

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