My Wildest Dreams

By fhsgctcusbf

95.2K 1.8K 441

Josh and Katie have been best friends since he first moved nextdoor midway through freshman year. They were a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

chapter 17

3.9K 70 21
By fhsgctcusbf

*long chapter and there's also going to be smut towards the end of the chapter.

After we came back from Disney, the wedding planning started. I wanted a simple but cute rustic wedding with burlap and lace. I know it's a bit odd to do a country wedding in Miami, but it's what we both wanted.

I found the perfect dress and shoes, found a really good hair and makeup stylist.

I only have a few bridesmaids, but I like it that way. One of my bridesmaids I met a month after Emma and I moved in with Josh.

They just moved into the neighborhood, a few houses down actually. We introduced ourselves and we hit it off with Sarah and Ryan and they have 2 kids around Emma's age. Addie who's 4 and Hunter who's 3, the kids hit it off immediately.

We hangout with them all the time, whether it's have a BBQ or double dates or just hanging out.

Her husband Ryan is one of Josh's groomsmen, and their son Hunter is going to be our ring bearer along with Emma our flower girl, unfortunately their daughter Addie got a cold, so she couldn't make it or else she would've been our other flower girl.

Sarah and Josh's sister-in-law Jess, have been helping me with planning for the wedding, I'm so thankful to have them help me through it.

The months went by really quick and before we knew it, it was April. We chose April 4th to get married. So currently I'm sitting in my childhood bedroom with Jess and Sarah having a bachelorette party/ sleepover the night before my wedding.

I wanted something low key for my bachelorette party, so we figured a sleepover would be perfect. We're watching classic romcoms, eating junk food, I know that's not ideal since I have to wear my dress tomorrow, but I have a super fast metabolism to I don't have to worry.

"So you ready for tomorrow?" Sarah asked.

"Yes. I've been fantasizing about it for many years, so I'm not nervous one bit, just excited and I can't wait to marry him."

"I was the same way with Ryan. He's actually my best friends brother and I've known him since I was 5. It took him awhile to reciprocate my feelings, but I wouldn't change a thing" She said wistfully.

"Aww that's so cute. I feel the same way with Josh. It took awhile to get where we are, but I wouldn't change anything. Hey Jess, how did you and Mike meet?"

"Ex boyfriends college roommate. We became friends and there was some serious sexual tension between us, but I was loyal to my boyfriend until he cheated on me, I hooked up with Mike one night at a party and I thought it was a one time thing except Mike had feelings for me and wasn't letting me go without a fight, a month later we were dating and the rest was history." She said with a smile.

"That's so cute, how long did he have feelings for you?" Sarah asked.

"He said when we became friends freshman year. He said he felt bad about having feelings for his roommates girl, but he said there was some type of pull that kept drawing him in and he couldn't stay away no matter how hard he tried. Nothing happened with us until junior year, so we were pretty close friends for 2 years" She said.

"Aww" Sarah said.

The rest of the night we talked about different stories about our guys, I haven't had a girls sleepover in a long time, so this felt really nice.

Around 10 we all passed out. I woke up at 6 since I was so excited for today. We're having our hair and makeup done at 8 then do pictures, so I wake everyone up and we start packing up everything we need and headed to the church.

The church has a preschool program so we'll be getting ready in one of the classrooms.

We get there and get to the classroom and my mom and Josh's mom put out breakfast for us, bagels and a big fruit salad and I saw a note with my name on it.

It pick it up to read and what I read makes me so happy

Dear Katie,

I know you have Loved my son since you guys first met, I know he was blind as a bat and it took him some time to get his head out of his ass, but he's finally the man you deserve. You've always been like a second daughter to me and I'm so happy for you guys. Welcome to the family sweetie.

Love your mother-in-law,

I started to tear up as soon as I read it. The girls come over as soon as they saw me tearing up.

"What's wrong?" They both asked.

"Nothing, just read this" I said handing them the note.

"Ok that's the cutest thing I've ever seen" Sarah said.

"Yeah I agree. I remember she wrote a note for me too, we really chose the right family to marry into" Jess said.

"Yeah... we did" I said with a smile.

We eat some breakfast and then wait for the stylist and photographer.

When they arrive we start getting ready, my mom drops off Emma so she can get ready too.

We finish getting all the hair and makeup done and then I finally get to put on my dress.

I still can't believe this is happening.

(Bridesmaids and flower girl outfits, hair and makeup)

I put on my dress and shoes, then I go out and show the girls, so we can get a reveal picture.

When I go to where the photographer wants the pictures, I see the girl with their backs turned so they can't see me.

"Ok on the count of 3 turn around. 1...2...3" the photographer said.

They all turn around, some are saying oh my god, Emma is smiling so big, and of course mom and Josh's mom are crying.

(Katie's outfit, hair and makeup)

"Oh honey you look beautiful" My mom said coming over to hug me.

"Thanks mom" I said hugging her back.

"Girl... are you wearing vans?" Sarah asked.

"You bet your ass I am, it's my wedding so I'm wearing sneakers, I want to be comfy when I'm dancing later."

She shook her head laughing. "Only you. They are really cute though" She said.

"I know right, gotta love Etsy."

I feel a little tug at my dress, so I turn around and see my baby. I bend down to her level, but being careful with my dress.

"You look so pretty mommy" She said.

"Thank you love bug, you love very pretty too" I said kissing her cheek.

"That's a perfect shot! Let's do a few mother daughter pictures then the bridesmaids" The photographer said.

She got a few good shots of Emma and I and my favorite is the one of her kissing my cheek. After she's done with those we do the bridesmaids.

All the pictures come out so good, the photographer we hired is amazing.

After pictures we sit around and wait since it's almost time. I'm sweating bullets, not from nerves, but from excitement.

I never thought this day would happen and I'd be stuck in the friend zone forever, but that didn't happen, not only did Josh fall for me, but for my daughter and when we come back from our honeymoon we're getting all the papers ready so Josh can officially adopt her. I swear I cried so much when he said he wanted it to be official.

"Alright girls, it's time" The wedding coordinator said.

Holy shit it's really happening.

The girls line up and walk to their place while I hang back with Emma waiting for my dad.

My dad comes around the corner and stares at me, starting to tear up.

"You look absolutely beautiful" He said coming over to hug me and kiss Emma's forehead.

"Thanks dad."

"You ready?" He asked.


"Then let's get you married" He said offering his arm for me to hold onto.

(Groomsmen and ring bearer)

We're all waiting in the hallway and finally the boys show up, pairing up with their wives. Hunter comes over to Emma and she grabs ahold of his hand with a big smile on her face and she's blushing like crazy.

Looks like my baby has a crush.

"Alright everyone, it's time" The wedding coordinator said.

It's finally time.

~~~Josh's pov~~~

(Josh's outfit)

The girls start coming in one by one, I'm a huge ball of nerves. I still can't believe this is happening.

The last of the wedding party comes down the aisle and then Emma and Hunter walk down the aisle. They both look adorable and I realize that Emma's holding a sign saying "here comes mommy" instead of "here comes the bride" that's a cute touch and I definitely know my Katie girl thought of it.

The door shuts and once Emma and Hunter are down the aisle, the wedding march starts and the doors open.

In walks my bride looking absolutely gorgeous, and when I notice she's wearing vans I can't help but chuckle.

Only my Katie girl.

I step close when they're almost to me. Chris puts Katie's hands in mine and turns to me.

"Take care of them son" He said making me notice he was tearing up.

"Absolutely sir" I said meaning every word because those girls are my life.

The priest starts talking and it's time to start the ceremony.

~~~Katie's pov~~~

The pastor starts talking, but I'm not even paying attention to him, all my focus is on Josh. He looks so handsome in his outfit, god I can't wait until it's just us.

The pastor keeps talking and once I hear him say it's time for our vows, I pay attention.

"Josh, you have been a huge part of my life whether you were my Best friend or more. I'm so thankful that we reconnected and I believe it's fate that brought you to my classroom that day when you picked up Melanie. More than anything I can't thank you enough to have excepted Emma as your own and I can't wait to start a family with you. I love you so much that I can't even express the words for my feelings for you and how much you mean to me."

Josh mouths the words I love you too and then he starts his vows.

"Katie girl, I want to thank you for giving me a second chance in your life, I know I messed up a lot when we were younger and I'll spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. When we first became friends I knew I wanted you in my life forever, it was like a magnetic pull and I didn't know it at the time, but that was me falling in love with you. I love you and Emma more than anything and I can't wait to start our lives together and start a family He said choked up.

I reach over, wiping the tearing that started to fall down his cheeks. My sweet man.

After we finish our vows it's time for the exchange of rings.

After that's I wait for the pastor to say you may kiss the bride.

"By the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" He said.


Josh doesn't waste any time kissing me. It's a simple sweet kiss, nothing too crazy considering this is in front of our friends and family.

"I love you Katie girl" He whispered to me.

"I love you too."

"Let's get out of here wife" He said grinning.

"After you husband."

Holy shit he's actually my husband. 16 year old me would be shitting her pants right now.

He grabs ahold of my hand and we walk down the aisle. The wedding party follows and we stand in a line greeting guests and getting congratulated. Emma bolts for us and practically jumps into Josh's arms.

"I'm so happy!" She said.

"We're glad you're happy sweet pea" He said kissing her head.

The rest of the guests leave to go to the reception venue and our families stay for pictures.

Josh and I take pictures with Emma. My favorite out of them all is both of us holding her and kissing her cheek. We take pictures with both our families and then with our wedding party.

After all that is over it's just pictures of Josh and I and then we have our dinner. We decided to have a private dinner while everyone is enjoying cocktail hour. We'll arrive right after cocktail hour is over and when everyone else is eating their dinner we'll be taking more pictures at the venue.

We get to the venue and go to our private room where we have our dinner. We have a bunch of different foods since we went with a buffet. We got everything catered from our favorite Italian restaurant we always order from.

"How do you like everything sweetheart?" He asked.

"Everything is delicious."

"I'm really happy we did this, I just wanted to get you alone as soon as we were married" He said.

"Me too" I said leaning in to kiss him.

The kissing gets more intense and before I know it, I'm straddling my husband on the couch in the room, kissing the hell out of him.

"How much time do you like we have?" He asked breaking the kiss.

"Not much, 10 minutes if we're lucky."

Just as he's about to speak we get interrupted.

"Alright guys it's time to go out there" Our photographer said.

"Ok we'll be out in a minute."

"Ok" The photographer said.

"Well we better get going."

"You ready to dance like you never have before?" He asked.

"Absolutely my sexy husband."

We leave the room and meet with our photographer. We stand behind the doors and wait until we're being announced.

"Now put your hands together for the bride and groom, Mr. And Mrs. Josh Parker!" Our DJ yelled.

We run in dancing like idiots in front over everyone.

"All right it's time for their first dance as a married couple" The DJ said.

We slow dance to Blane Howard's "Promise to love her"

Josh mouths every word to me, making me tear up.

Our dance ends and we go into something up beat. Starting it off with the classic Cha Cha Slide. We danced to popular songs from when we were teenagers and did more classic wedding and school dance songs like The Cotton Eyed Joe, Wobble and Cupid Shuffle.

We have so much fun and I'm so glad I have vans on or else I'd be in a lot of pain.

We danced all night long, had our cake, cheesecake to be exact and no we didn't smash it in each others faces.

The night was finally over, it was like a party or prom more than a wedding reception. We said our goodbyes to everyone and got ready for our honeymoon.

We decided to not go anywhere since we have to watch our money since we're both on a teachers salary, so our moms rented us a hotel room for a few nights. It's a really nice hotel right on the beach and when we have the money we'll go somewhere tropical since that's what always wanted.

We get to the hotel and grab our bags and the room key. As soon as we enter the room, our lips are fused together.

We shed our clothes and we stand there looking at each other almost like it's the first time.

"Well my beautiful wife, I believe I owe you an orgasm since we got interrupted earlier" He said coming over and unsnapping my bra and sliding my thong down my legs.

Yes please.

"You are absolutely gorgeous, I'm one lucky man" He said.

"I'm lucky since I married such a sweet and sexy man."

Of course he blushes when I compliment him.

So cute.

He steps back bending down to take off his underwear. His hard cock spings up and his head is an angry pink color, dripping with precum begging for a release.

"Looks like someone is more worked up than I am."

"That's true, but don't worry about me, right now it's all about you" He said going over to the bed and lying down.

I follow him and straddle him thinking we'll pick up where left off earlier, but I was definitely wrong.

He grabs ahold of my hips and basically flings me up to his face.

"Sit on my face baby" He said.

"Are you sure? I could suffocate you."

"Nope, I got a good handle on your legs. Just hold onto the headboard and enjoy the ride" He said smirking.

"Clever" I said rolling my eyes.

"I thought so, just warning you, you'll probably cum in a minute or less" He said.

"I doubt that."

"You'll see" He said grabbing ahold of my legs, pulling me down onto him.

He doesn't waste any time eating and licking my pussy. I grab onto the headboard or else I'd definitely suffocate him.

God that tongue of his is talented.

He laps at my pussy, swirling all around, then making it to my clit. He sucks and licks it, making me moan.

"Fuck baby... don't stop" I moaned.

He speeds up getting me to my orgasm quicker, he wasn't kidding when he said in a minute.

I feel the pressure in my pussy getting more intense, feeling the pulsing.

"Fuck Josh I'm cumming" I scream.

My orgasm feels way more intense then it even has before, I swear I cum for almost a minute. Once I feel the pulsing stop I climb off his head.

I look down at him and I realize I squirted all over his face, he has the biggest smirk ever.

"You taste amazing baby" He said licking his lips.

I swear I didn't think he could get sexier, but I'm proven wrong time and time again.

I lay down next to him staring at him.

"Well I think it's your turn now or else it looks like you'll explode" I said pointing to his cock, that has so much precum leaking out, it looks like he was inside me.

He gets up and goes to our bag grabbing my vibrator and a box of condoms. Little does he know we won't be using them anymore.

~~~Josh's pov~~~

I grab a condom from the box and put the vibrator on the bed and just as I'm about to open the wrapper, she stops me.

"Baby, I don't think we need those anymore" She said.

I look at her and she has a smile on her face knowing exactly what she meant.

"Are you sure?" I asked trying not to get my hopes up in case she changes her mind.

"I'm sure. I want to try for a baby" She said still smiling.

"Well then let's get you pregnant" I said jumping on the bed making her laugh.

I hover over her kissing her lips.

"I love you Katie girl."

"I love you too Josh" she said.

I give her another kiss then move to her neck and down to her breasts taking her nipple in my mouth, tweaking the other, making her moan.

I do this for a little while until I know she's wet enough. I reach down and feel she's soaked, so I know she's ready for me.

I grab myself, stroking a few times then line up with her entrance. I lean forward to kiss her then thrust in, sinking every inch of me into her pussy.

Warm, wet and tight. Holy fucking shit am I a lucky man.

"Fuck baby you feel so amazing" I groaned.

I reach over and grab her vibrator, so she'll have some pleasure too. I hand her the toy and let her make herself cum while I'm pounding into her.

With the position I'm in, I have a front row seat to watch her play with the vibrator, and it's only turns me on more than ever.

I move faster, pistoning in and out of her while she rub circles on her pink swollen clit.

"Fuck Josh this feels so good" She moaned.

One of my favorite sounds.

I feel myself getting closer and closer with each thrust, so I grab the vibrator from her and keep is directly on her clit, not moving it.

"Fuck... I'm close" She moaned.

"Me too baby."

I turn it up to it's highest power, getting her there with me almost immediately.

"Josh, I'm cumming!" She screamed.

I nearly black out from the pleasure, she grips me so tight I barely can move, making me cum not long after. I fill her up with everything I have, hoping that I get her pregnant.

I grab ahold of her hips, turning us over so she's now on top of me, still inside her. I do this every time we have sex, not wanting to break our connection yet.

She lifts her head and kisses me very sweetly.

"I love you my sexy husband" She said making me blush.

I don't know what it is, but whenever she compliments me I blush like a school boy getting a compliment from his crush.

"I love you too my gorgeous wife. What do you say we get cleaned up and relax in the tub?"

"Sounds perfect" She said getting off me, heading to the bathroom.

We shower first then I fuck her up against the shower wall and then we relaxed in the tub and turned on the jets and I didn't realize she was sitting directly on one, so she came for the 4th time tonight.

We get out of the tub and dried off and got into bed. We fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up and I see she's still asleep, so I decide to wake her up.

~~~Katie's pov~~~

You see, what my husband hasn't realized is that I'm not actually asleep. You would think he'd catch on by now especially after the incident junior year, but no, he's clueless.

He starts rubbing my pussy and pinching my nipples, a moan escapes me, letting him know I'm awake.

"Were you awake the whole time?" He asked.


"Did u like how I tried to wake you up?" He asked.

"Yes. For future reference, rub my clit to wake me up or lick my pussy."

"I'll definitely keep that in mind" He said reaching over to rub me again.

I stop his movements as good as it feels, but I have something planned for him.

"Hold on I have a better idea" I said getting off the bed and grabbing my vibrator from the bathroom.

I come back to the bed and he's sitting there looking sexy as fuck, cock hard as stone.

I prop the pillows up against the head board and lay back, spreading my legs for him.

"You ready for your wedding present?" I asked turning on the vibrator and moving it to my nipples, making me moan.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?" He asked, sitting up straighter.

"Yup, ever since you told me about your fantasy, I figured I'd save it for a special occasion" I said bringing it down to my pussy teasing myself, moving everywhere but my clit.

"Fuck baby you look so sexy" He groaned, gripping his thick cock.

"Stroke your cock, it turns me on."

"You mean like this?" He asked, stroking himself, making me even wetter.

"God yes" I moaned.

Finally I touch my clit making my hips raise off the bed.

"That feel good baby? Rubbing your clit while watching me stroke my cock?" He asked, picking up his pace.

"God yes" I moaned.

I picked up my pace, rubbing furious circles on my clit.

I feel myself pulsing, getting closer.

"Baby I'm close, turn it up so we can get there together" He said picking up his pace even more.


I turn it all the way up and just keep it directly on my clit, making me orgasm almost instantly.

"Fuck baby I'm cumming" I screamed.

"Me too" He said shooting cum on his abs.

We come down from our orgasms, and just sit there staring at each other.

"We need to do that more often" He said.

"I agree, it's really hot."

"Why don't we take a shower and then get something to eat" He said.

"Sounds good to me."

We take a shower, but not before having sex again, Josh is determined to get me pregnant, so we're fucking all day and night.

We go to the beach one of the days and relax, enjoying each others company.

We had so much sex that by the time it's time to go home, I can barely walk straight because my vagina is so sore.

We get home and everyone is already at our house, waiting for us. We have a BBQ with our family and friends.

We go back to work the next day. No longer am I Ms. Watson, now I'm Mrs. Parker and I wear that name proud.

~~~A month later~~~

I woke up this morning to having my head in the toilet, I've been throwing up a lot lately. My friends think it's a stomach bug going around, but I think I'm pregnant. I haven't told Josh anything since I want to surprise him.

After I eat breakfast I go to the store and grab a pregnancy test. I get home and luckily it's just me since I want everything to be a surprise.

I pee on the stick and when I'm done I start the timer, waiting impatiently for the 3 minutes to be up.

When the timers up, I grab the test with my shaky hand.

I turn it over and I see clear as day 2 pink lines.

Holy shit I'm pregnant again.

I immediately start sobbing like crazy, overcome with so much joy.

"Katie girl, where are you?" Josh yelled.

I'm just about to tell when I heard his footsteps coming to the bathroom. He comes into the bathroom and sees me crying, rushing over to me to see if I'm ok.

"Sweetheart are you ok?" He asked looking me over frantically.

I nod my head and point to the test on the counter. He grabs the test and it takes him a few seconds to comprehend why I'm crying. He turns to me and I can see he started to tear up.

"Are you really pregnant?" He said all choked up.

"Yes" I said continuing to sob.

He kisses me with so much emotion and I start to feel his tear falling onto my face.
He breaks the kiss and rests his forehead on mine, staring into my eyes grinning like crazy.

"We're really having a baby?" He asked.


"I love you so much Katie girl" He said.

"I love you too."

He leans down and raises my shirt, kissing my belly.

"Hi little one this is your daddy speaking, I wanted you to know that mommy and daddy love you so much and we can't wait to meet you" He said.

I swear if I wasn't crying before I was now. God I love this man so much and I can't wait to have this baby.

We're really having a baby.


Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter!

What did you think of the wedding? All the pictures are from my dream wedding Pinterest board.

I highly recommend listening to the song Promise to love her by Blane Howard. It tells a story more than just a song, I get chills everytime I hear it, so definitely listen to it.

I gave you a sneak peak for the sequel, meeting our new couple. Aren't Emma and Hunter the cutest? Just wait until you see what I have planned for those 2.

The next chapter is the epilogue.

Hope you guys liked the chapter, see you in the next update!👋

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