๐‘ป๐’˜๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ด๐’Š๐’“๐’“๐’๐’“๐’”: A Ha...

By MellowpieSweet

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A tricky Harry Potter fanfiction, Two siblings and their cousin get dragged into a different dimension. They... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 3: Sorting Hat
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Classes!!

Chapter 2: Oh my god

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By MellowpieSweet

Daphne's POV

We're at the Platform 9¾, bidding our parents goodbye, double checking our trunks if we left anything. "All of your luggages seemed to be all good, If you both left something, just owl me. I'll send it with some sweets" Mom said with a smile before kissing our cheeks, Astoria giggled knowing she would mail mom immediately for those candies.

"Okay kids, Be good in Hogwarts alright? Focus on your studies. I'm looking at you Tori, no running around the hallways, especially at night. Do your homework and essays" Dad said sternly as he gave us both a hug. I chuckled at Dad before we bid our last goodbyes and went off to the train leaving our luggages to some people who put them in a different compartment.

"Come on, Sis!" Astoria giggled pulling me in the majestic red velvet train, We jumped in and started heading to the Slytherin compartments. Astoria went off to find her friends as I went off to find mine. I saw Pansy and Milicent in one of the compartments, I went in and greeted them with a light smile.

"Hey Pans, Milicent" I said and sat down beside Milicent.

"Hi Daph, How are you?" Milicent said with a smile.

"I'm good, Had a great bonding with my family this summer. You?" I replied putting down the bag that was over my shoulder.

"As always, It was fine" Milicent said with a shrug

"Well, I had a better summer than you two. I spent most of it with Draco" Pansy bragged, I wanted to roll my eyes at her but I had to be polite to her. I smiled faking that I'm glad to hear that she spent her summer with the Malfoy's.

"That's great, Pansy!" Milicent said smilling happily for Pansy, I do not get why Milicent is always happy for Pansy on everything she says. Sometimes, I feel pity for her always following Pansy around. But of course, I also follow Pansy everywhere. "Isn't it Daphne?" Milicent added turning to me to her usual bright smile.

I nodded "yeah, Great" I said shortly before turning to the window looking outside. Kids were bidding goodbye's to their parents, It was almost time to get going on the road to Hogwarts any minute now so they were hurrying on the hugs and kisses. When the train finally started moving, Pansy started bragging about what she and Draco did while she was visiting their manor. I pretended to listen but I was mostly focusing on what will happen this year. Hopefully something new, I wish the lessons won't be too hard this year.

I didn't notice that I fell asleep, Or how long did I even sleep. I only knew that Milicent shook me awake to tell me we were nearing Hogwarts so she assured me to change into my robes, I noticed Pansy and Milicent were already in their uniforms so I quickly got my bag and swinged it over my shoulders and went out of our compartment heading to the nearest bathroom. I locked the bathroom door when I entered and took out my robes changing in them. I fixed up my tie and the wrinkles on my white shirt before putting the clothes I wore before, in my bag. I stepped out the bathroom letting another student in to change.

I started making my way to our compartment when I bumped into someone, I looked up with a glare at a Gryffindor girl, I think she's in fourth year too. "Watch where your going." She said as I scoffed rolling my eyes, She was the one who is in my way. She returned my glare as two other girls came from behind her looking livid at me.

"Leave before we hex the hell out of you" The first Gryffindor girl said taking out her wand pointing it threathingly at me.

"Why don't you leave her alone?" I heard a familiar voice from behind the three girls which made them turn and I saw the familiar blonde boy with his usual 'ill-kill-you' look or it's just a cold face with a death stare. The three girls muttered under their breaths before passing by me heading to the head part of the train. I turned back to Draco with an amused look and put a hand on my waist.

"Not bad, Malfoy" I said with a smile "thanks, even though I could've done that myself" I added as he laughed a bit.

"Yeah right, Greengrass" He replied as we headed to the Slytherin compartments. We talked along the way before we parted to go back to our compartments. I entered my compartment and saw Pansy fixing her robe and Milicent silently looking outside the window, The sun had just set as I took my seat beside Milicent.

"Where were you?" Pansy asked turning her head to me, I shrugged.

"Got a little fight with some Gryffindors" I said casually, She was waiting for more information. "It was three girls about our year. But before I could hex them, Draco came making them go away. " I said, Pansy's eyes lits up when I mentioned Draco. But before she could ask, the train pulled into a stop and we got up getting our bags and getting off the train, heading to the carriages. I got in first followed by Pansy and Milicent, Our carriage was already moving when Two more people jumped in, panting.

Pansy immediately puts her hands all around Draco when she saw him and Blaise came in, both out of breath. "Woah, What happened to you two?" I asked surprised that they just jumped in with tired faces like they were chased by hippogriffs.

"This isn't like the last carriage, Why are you guys in a hurry?" Milicent asked with a confused look.

"We escaped the two pigs with their handful of candies, They keep on munching like they haven't eaten for a year." Draco said as he looked at Pansy clearly annoyed, We all know on what he meant 'two pigs' are Crabbe Ang goyle.

Millicent stayed silent when Draco said the word 'pigs' turning to look outside the carriage door, Poor Milly, I just want to punch Draco in the nose sometimes. He can just be so insensitive.

I noticed Blaise looking out the window as I turned to where he is facing too. "What's up, Big man?" I asked in a whisper not wanting to get the attention of the others.

"Oh, I'm great." He replied with a sarcasm, I punched him lightly on his shoulder. He chuckled "you know how I am, We've been mailing every week." He said as I shrugged.

"Just wanted to lighten up your mood, dummy." I said with a smile as he sighed turning back to the window. "I'm sorry about your-... I mean about what is happening to you-know-what and where." I said putting a comforting hand on his shoulder with a sad smile. He just nodded accepting my apology as we chatted about normal things like what do we think about what will happen this year or who would be our new defence the dark arts teacher, most students liked professor Lupin last year but due to him being a werewolf, He didn't stayed at his position and had to retire. Even my parents doesn't want him to be our teacher! But he was harmless to us. He was the best teacher we ever had for DADA.

By the time the carriage stopped I got out after Milicent and I swear I saw this weird look Blaise gave me but I just can't put a finger on what it meant.


"Woah. A Tournament? Could this year get any better than having an ex-auror as our DADA teacher!" Milicent said with enthusiasm clapping her hands as Dumbledore sat back down and let us eat our dinner, It was about the Triwizard tournament and what Milicent was talking about that an Ex-auror became our DADA teacher is Mad-eye Moody.

"I know, right?" I smiled taking another bite of my roasted chicken, I had that and mashed potatoes and salad at the side. I was too full to sit for Desserts so I excused myself and got up walking out of the loud great hall, Most of the talking and laughing are from the Gryffindortable.Theiralways that loud and reckless, Sometimes it drives me nuts when I have a class with any of them.

I didn't know where my feet were taking me as I wondered around the corridors, Going up stairs, Sometimes turning randomly going back to where I walked then taking the stairs again. It didn't took me long to realized that I was in the seventh floor. "I wanna see knew things here, I'm so bored." I said my thoughts out loud.

One second after I said that, a huge door suddenly appeared that I didn't see there before. I stared at it for a minute thinking if I should go back to my common room or just explore in that room behind the door. I picked going in as I pushed the door open and closing it, It was more bigger in the inside. I saw stacked of trunks, Weird things that might be just stored here because it can't be placed anywhere. "Wow, there's so many stuff." I said to myself before I walked around, After ten minutes I had enough exploring and was about to head out this room, Which I figured out was the room of requirements. I saw this full body mirror placed at the side of the room not so far from the door, I looked at my reflection before examining the mirror, It looked old but still beautiful. It's green color is a bit faded and I noticed some patterns on the sides as I traced them with my index finger. This is so like an antique that should be in the Slytherin common room. It's green color fits in our theme, I already know where it should be placed.

I snapped back to my senses and tried to drag or carry it but I can't even move it from its spot without making a scarping sound from it's bottom. I just don't have the strength to bring it myself so I left it there and went to the Slytherin common room, looking delighted with what I have found. But I don't want to go off bragging about finding the Room of Requirements. No, That's pansy's thing, Totally not my intention. When I saw Blaise at the common room, I sighed in relief and quickly went to him. But, Alas. He isn't alone.

"Hey Daphne, Where were you?" Goyle asked as I just shrugged him off ignoring his question turning to Blaise.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked or did I ask? I just grabbed him and pulled him to a corner. "I just found something and I badly want to put it here." I said with a pleading look, He crossed his arms and put a hand under his chin, Like he was overthinking about it. I just slapped his arm "I'm Serious, Blaise!" I told him with a glare.

"Okay Okay, Fine. But what's the oh so special thing?" He said chuckling at first. I whispered about what happened and he seemed amused at all of the adventure I did in just the first day here. He just went on with my plan that, After curfew we will meet up here and go to the room of requirements to get the mirror. We will carry the mirror and place it at the space beside the Fireplace because I think it will look good at that place.  He bid goodbye and went to our dorms, It's just 20 minutes before our little mission and it went by like a flash, Faking that I fell asleep before going out making sure that no one is awake. Pansy was snoring away, Milicent is peacefully sleeping as always and our other roommate sleeping with her whole body under her covers. I was sure the coast was clear as I went down the common room And saw Blaise was already there. We both looked outside the common room making sure no one is wondering around before carefully and quietly walking to the moving stairs to the seventh floor.

We had our wands out and casted Lumos to light our way and luckily, We had reached the seventh floor without seeing or being seen by any teachers or prefects. I stood infront of the wall where the door appeared before and closed my eye thinking 'Show me the Room of Requirements' after a second, I opened my eyes and saw the huge door forming again, When it's fully done, we went in closing it again.

"Over there." I pointed where the Mirror still leaned on some trunks, the same position as it was a while ago. We walked over it and discussed how do we carry it to the common room.

"Wait a minute, We are wizards and witches." Blaise said out of the blue, I tilted my head to the side, clearly confused on what he meant. When he saw how I reacted to what he said he faced palmed. "We have wands! You could've just shrunk it and brought it to the common room yourself!" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I let out an 'Oh' sound before taking out my wand from my pocket.

I thought of the shrinking spell, It's not that hard to do. Why didn't I think of that before? "Reducio" I said waving my wand pointing at the mirror, By a flash it shrunk into a size of an apple. I put the small mirror in my pocket with my wand, nodding at Blaise we left the room of requirements going back to the Slytherin common room. We walked quietly so if filch is near he won't hear us.     

A few moments later, I heard footsteps from a distance, hearing it coming towards our way when we reached the main hallways. I panicked, but before I do anything stupid, Blaise pushed me in an abandoned classroom, making me gasp. He quietly shutted the door in an impossible quick motion. Blaise covered my mouth and placed a index finger infront of his, motioning for me to stay quiet. I briefly nodded and controlled my breathing so we won't get caught as we heard  footsteps passed the door and went away. Me and Blaise sighed in relief and I checked outside before we continued our way to the dungeons.  We went in the common room and hurried to the couches as I sat on the floor and Blaise layed down on the couch looking exhausted, I took out the small mirror and placed it on the side of the fireplace where it had a space that can totally fit the mirror. I muttered the spell that made the mirror back to it's normal size. I looked at my reflection and smiled, finally it's here and it feels right.

"Hey daph, now we got it here. Even though you could've done it yourself. I will go to bed, I'll go nuts if I keep my eyes open." Blaise said standing up, I nodded at him as he went down the boys dormitories. I looked back at the mirror and I noticed the carvings formed letters, But I couldn't understand it. It's in a different language, I went to my dorm, trying not to make too much noises and got my book that is a dictionary to what I think the language is on the mirror. After going back to the common room looking for the words.

"It's an encantation?" I said my thoughts out loud as I kept on glancing at the mirror then back at the book on my lap, I got two candles like the carvings said and lighted them up setting each one on the mirror's sides. I took out my wand practicing the wand waving and the spell. It just said to do that and nothing else. It said nothing on what will happen after the encantation, it just said 'Use this spell and you shall see the other me' at the end of all the nonsense. But hey, I live in a wizarding world. Maybe, just maybe, it will show me something that I would like? What does it mean that I would see the other her/him? It's so-... Confusing.

"As I cast this spell on Mir (I think it's the name of the mirror) I will see the one I desire. As I wave this wand, Alexandra will appear. Setwich!" I said the long encantation as I waved my wand and lastly I pointed it on the mirror, the tip of my wand brought out green and yellow color. Odd.

The mirror became foggy, The candle's turned of. Oh please, This whole thing is freaking me out. I kept looking at the mirror as my reflection faded then the scene changed like it's a movie, it showed me three persons. Two girls, The younger one is in the same age as me. She had long black hair that reached her waist, dark brown eyes, that held such happiness as she laughed at the two who are playing rock paper scissors? I couldn't hear what they were saying so I just watched. The other girl, Has short black hair that has curls at the end, she had the same eyes as the other girl and she is, I think, A year older. She wore blue skinny jeans, white shirt and Blue ripped jacket, She has a gold locket that is shaped and looked like a full moon. The locket was so beautiful, and so is the owner.

The girl with medium lo hair stood up and left the room, or she's just out of the mirror's sight. I couldn't tell, The other boy took out a small rectangular mirror thingy that glows, what in Merlin's pants is that? He turned to the window with the thing on his hand. I looked back at the girl who is looking at... Me? Does she see me? This girl was just staring, I don't know what is she seeing, Does she know I'm looking? Or is it just a plain mirror infront of her? This is driving me nuts.

The girl was just looking, doing nothing else. I just had the most crazy idea as I tried to touch the mirror but instead of touching glass, My hand went through the damn mirror! I pulled my hand back. I wanted to laugh, This is amazing. I started putting my hand in and out the mirror that I didn't notice the girl looking frightend.

I looked at the girl as I felt a somewhat force to grab her and pull her out the mirror, I almost screamed when she went through! But when she landed on the floor with me we both screamed for a few seconds before we both covered our mouth.

"Sino ka?"

"Who are you?"

We both said at the same time, her eyes were looking at mine in horror. She looked around then we heard another person went through the mirror and fell beside us with a thud.

"Ella!" She yelled as she passed through the mirror, She was the girl with the moon locket! Woah, DID I JUST BRING THEM HERE?! OH NO NO NO! Before I could explain what happened to the two girls, The boy went through the mirror too. Wow, okay the more the merrier?

"Nasaan Tayo?!" The boy yelled as he looked around horrified.

"Shh! You'll wake up the others!" I whisper-yelled at him.

I was about to say sorry and explain about the mirror, but when I looked at the magic mirror, it showed my reflection. The candles were lit again! "No no no no" I said repeatedly putting both hands against the mirror. The girl with short hair made me turn around as she grabbed my shoulders tightly, she looked angry.

"Sino ka ha?! Kung ito isang prank, Lagot ka sa akin!"

3rd Person's POV

Abby grabbed Daphne by her shoulders looking livid, She didn't like what was happening. Was this girl trying to kidnap her cousin.

"Sino ka ha?! Kung ito isang prank lang, Lagot ka sa akin!" She yelled angrily, Stella was looking around in curiosity. She wasn't really angry, just curious and shook on what happened. She's processing everything, she saw the mirror glow and shine, then a hand went out then back in a couple of times. The hand grabbed her now she saw this girl with blonde and blue eyes. She doesn't look like a mean person, It kinda looks like her cousin was the villain now. The blonde girl looked beautiful and in her age, she doesn't look like the person that intended to kidnap her.

"Okay kalang ba? Abby tigilan mo nga yan" Jacob asked his little sister then broke his cousin and the mysterious girl apart before his cousin kills the girl. Stella nodded at his brother assuring she's Alright.

"Eh tinatry nya i-kidnap si Stella!" Abby said angrily glaring at Daphne. Stella walked over to her cousin Abby, patting her shoulders with a smile.

"Ate Abby, di nya ako kinikidnap Jusko Naman. Okay lang ako" Stella said to her elder cousin, Abby sighed then turned to Abby still glaring.

"I just wanna clear things, I don't understand what you guys are talking about, do you know how to speak English?" Daphne said truthfully, Stella giggled a bit but answered "Yes"

Daphne sighed in relief then her lips curved into a smile "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm-" but before she could finish Abby cuts her off on her mid sentence.

"Yeah yeah, Before introductions. Where the hell are we?" Abby said crossing her arms as she looked around, the others followed her gaze except for Daphne.

"Oh, this is my common room. The Slytherin common room" Daphne said casually but Stella and Abby's eyes widened.

"What did you-.... say?" Stella asked with her eyes wide. Abby had the same expression, While Jacob was just confused on how his cousin and sister reacted.

"This is the Slytherin common room?" Daphne said again, but sounded like a question. Abby and Stella looked at each other.

"Is this a prank?" Abby asked to Daphne, Stella was in her own thinking mind. If this girl is saying the truth, then she would be more delighted to be in Hogwarts.

"No? This is the Slytherin common room" Daphne repeated with a serious look. "Are you guys alright?" She asked tilting her head to the side. Abby and Stella are taking in that they are in Hogwarts! They believed or WANTED this to be real, they hope to get to see their favorite characters. But, the serious matter that they know what will happen in the future is getting to Stella's head, she shook it off and just focused on how they got there. Obviously, it started with her grandmother's mirror. But, How did it get magic? She needs to remember all of her grandma's story about it so she would find out if she mentioned anything about magic.

" 'wag kayo magpahalata na Alam natin Yung mangyayari, Dapat chill lang" Stella whispered to her cousin and brother, they both nodded.

"Uhm, nevermind that. How can we get back?" Jacob asked Daphne but she was speechless and shrugged slowly. "You don't know?" Jacob breaths heavily looking around. Daphne turned to the mirror and touched it, hoping her hand goes through again. But she just touched the glass, the scenery was already gone.

I could try doing it again, Daphne thought.

"Well, I could try what I did again." Daphne said before lighting up the candles with a flick of her wand which made Stella and Abby believe that they're really are in the wizarding world. Jacob just stood back waiting to get back to their house, or somewhat wake up from this dream. Daphne sat down then recitled the incantation again but nothing happened. "W-what.. I-i can't open it?! I just did it a second ago!" Daphne said angrily then turned to the three people she just dragged in. "I'm sorry.." was all she could say to them.

"It's fine.. well not really but It's fine" Stella said which made Abby snicker.

"I'm sorry again, But while we try to figure out how to get you all back. You guys can stay here, We might need to tell professor Dumbledore first. I'm sure he knows what to do." Daphne said hopefully, Wishing she won't get punished at what she had done, But she didn't know that all of that was real and she would pull the girl in their school. The thought of them being muggles didn't came through anyone's mind. "Before anything... You guys are Witches and wizards right? Since you could see everything in here, Muggles can't see Hogwarts." Daphne asked but clearly she answered it by herself.

How can we see Hogwarts.. if we are muggles? Abby thought, She'll just check if she has anything to do to know if they could do magic. That would be amazing.

"Daphne? Who are those?" Daphne, Stella, Abby, and Jacob turned to see Malfoy walking up to them in his pajamas, his usual cold self giving them death stares.

"Uh-" Daphne couldn't think of a way to lie, Especially that Malfoy knows when she is lying or telling the truth. Good thing that Stella and Abby came to the rescue with their ideas whenever they get to go to Hogwarts so they got this in the bag.

"We just transferred here!" Abby exclaimed

"From where may I ask?" Malfoy asked with a stern look, almost like a glare

"From Ilvermorny" Stella said with a confident look using her best American accent, Even her brother was surprised at her sudden change of accent, She would've said Beauxbatons but it would be obvious that they are not from there because they don't look like french people, and their accent in french is horrible.

"Ah, I see. Why did you all just came now, and not at the feast yesterday?" Malfoy asked with a 'not-really-buying-this' look.

"Be-.. Because our train was delayed! My cousin here wakes up very late and we forgot time at going here is much earlier than it is on America!" Abby said pointing at Stella who glared at her.

3602 words

Hello! Okay I do not know why I keep saying hello whenever I do an ending for a chapter but I guess I'm just used to it. Anyway, Here you go chapter 2 it took longer to post than I thought. Sorry for posting this so late but I wish I didn't messed it up too bad. That's all please like, comment and Share! Bye!


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