Love Me Worse

By AlwaysInMyFeelings

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WARNING ⚠️ MATURE CONTENT ⚠️ Toxic relationships most of us been through em some of us still going through e... More

Once Upon A Time I Snatched A Nigga Soul
I Lust You
We Could Be
Not Feeling It But Im Feeling You
Bae Tingz
We Got Plans
This Is Deeper
Faster We Go The Less We Know
Pressure For You My Baby
I Did,I Don't,I Do
Whatever Make Us Happy
Than It All Went Left
Who's The Daddy?
Unburied Secrets
What Really Matters ?
The Proof Is In The Nigga
All Kinds Of Crazy
Things We Never Expected
Unconditionally Flawed
There Is No Perfect Love

Whats Done In The Dark Breaks A Heart

298 12 1
By AlwaysInMyFeelings

I wake up early in the morning and I see the nigga Q sleeping on the couch

I had on this little black pajama set

I woke him up

He opened his eyes and looked at me "wassup"

"Wanna smoke with me before Santana gets up"I asked

"Hell yeah"He said he got up and we went out on the balcony and I sat down in a chair while he leaned over the balcony

"You even know how to roll up"He asked

I giggled and said "Of course"

"Right Devante taught you"Q said giving me the weed and the woods

"Actually no one of my mama friends taught me he use to sell weed"I said

"Yo mama friend like a older nigga"He asked

"He was older than me I was like 16 the nigga was like 25"I said

"Of course You one of those"He asked

"I never fucked the nigga he just did shit for me like he liked me so bad"I said

"You must have that affect on niggas "Q said

I smiled and said "you know I liked you back tho right "

Time to start flirting

"Yeah ok"He said

"I mean you fine as hell who wouldn't like you I liked you alot and you fuck good too thats always a plus"I said

"You saying you liked me so much but you never answer my calls when I called you from prison"He said

"It was hard for me to talk to you in there it hurted cause I really wanted us to be"I lied

Oooo didn't know ya girl had game or this nigga just as stupid as I thought he is

"One phone call you could've just answered one phone call"He said

"I regret it everyday"I said looking sad

Inside Im dying on laughter cause this nigga was believing me

"So now what"He said

"Well im married with a baby....."I said

"Right"He said looking away from me

"I think Devante is fucking somebody else tho"I said as I tucked all the weed in the backwood

"Why you say that"He asked

"I just got this feeling and the nigga just acting weird as hell"I said

He just quiet

I took the lighter and lit the blunt

with my eye raised I asked "you wouldn't know anything would you"

"I don't know shit that man go to the studio and come to you and his kids"He said

I smell bullshit alot of it

I rolled my eyes and said "Makayla said you guys had girls over"

I hit the weed and this niggas start getting nervous like real nervous you can tell

"Um yeah but they was for me"He said

I shook my head "well something going on"

"I don't know shit"He said

"If you say so"I said passing him the wood

We smoked and got high as hell

We laughing and bullshitting "you really robbed a ice cream truck"

"Nigga yes I was like 14 that nigga ain't have no money on that bitch I think he had like 50$"Q said

"Of course he didn't they don't make that much money"I said laughing

"Yeah I probably shouldnt of did that dumb shit I know you did bad shit"He said

"I stole a nigga stash before like all his dope he was so stupid he never expected it was me"I said

"Yeah right what you do with the dope"He asked

"I gave it to my mama and she sold that shit"I said

"Damn you one of them hit a nigga for his stash"He said

"I did what I did "I said as I smiled

"Con artist"He said

"Used to be"I said

Than he just smiled at me

Devante came out pissed "you don't hear that nigga crying"

"Nah he crying"I asked Im high as hell right now

"Fuck is you out here doing getting high while yo baby screaming"He said

I took a deep breath and said "my bad"

I got up and walked in the kitchen I already had a bottle ready and warm

Devante grabbed me by my arm "the fuck you and that nigga was doing"!

And I just looked at him and smiled and said "Now who's insecure"

"What!"He said

I pulled my arm away his hand and said "I got to go feed my baby"

I went in Santana room and picked my baby up and sat in the the rocking chair

"Im sorry baby but I've got your bottle stink"I said as I started feeding him

Looking down at Santana thinking

This shit all fun and games untill my son is growing up without a family

That shit is what kills me

Every since I had my son all I ever wanted was to give him a family

I never had that foreal I always wanted that so I never wanted my son to want for that

Ask any single mother,no mother wanna raise their kid alone we're forced to do that shit

Once I get what Im looking for Im out aint shit the nigga can say the nigga can do Im out

After I fed Santana I get a call
From Ahmad school so I had to pull up with Santana

I got to the school Office Ahmad is sitting there with a black eye

"Who hit you!"I said grabbing his face

"Can we go now"He said

"No ! Ahmad who did this to your eye"I asked

The school administrator "Mrs.Evans we here at Stratford Academy do not promote violence"He said

"Look at his eye"I said

"Yes but Ahmad threw the first hit this is his 2nd incident the next one Im sorry to tell you that he will be expelled for this is a school of excellence and we will not accept anything less than that"He said

"How do you know he started it"I asked

"The whole incident was recorded would you like to see"He asked

I looked at Ahmad and he was just quiet I knew by his silence he was guilty

"Thats okay"I said

"We couldn't get in touch with his mother I assume it's something going on at home thats sparking this kind of behavior"He said

"you worry about what goes on in this building lemme take care what's going on in his home because I don't pay a 10k monthly tuition for you to assume anything"I said

I looked at Ahmad and said "Lets go"

He got up and follow me

I get to my car and Im buckling Santana carseat

"You got me out here with this baby because you wanna be Mayweather what is wrong with you you lost yo damn mind"I said

"You don't care about me ! "he yelled

I looked back so fast like who you yelling at

If I would've talk to my mother like that she would've slap the the bossines outta my tone

These new kids have no chill I mean none

I calmed myself down

"Why...why do you think I don't care about you"I asked

"You only care about Devante the twins and that dumb baby"He said

"Hey Dont talk about my kid !"I said

"Its the truth you don't even come around anymore"He said

I close the car down

I walked up to his little ass and said "you think you got it hard.....nigga you go the nicest school wear the nicest clothes you get everything you want ! Everything"

"I don't want everything! I want my sister back"He said

Damn that hit that hit hard

I smiled and said "Ahmad you have not lost me Its just hard Im a mom a wife I work Im sorry im not around as much as I use to be I been caught up in life"

"The twins get to be around you and Santana you don't even text me back"He said

I felt the world's worst sister like Im trash

"Im sorry Ahmad look me and you we gon start to have sister and brother day at least three times a month I'll even have Josh put it in my schedule"I said

"Your lying"He said

"Im not Im serious but you gotta straighten up in school you see how them white people looked at us today they want us to fail but we can't do that we must succeed and be all we can be"I said

"Well Im sorry"He said putting his downn

I held his chin up and said "Ahmad I am not a mind reader anything you feel you have to let me know otherwise how would I know"

"Ok"He said

"God that black eye makes you look so ugly now how did you let him do this to you "I asked

He smiled and shrug his shoulders "I don't know"

"You didn't see it coming did you"I said smiling

"No"He said laughing

"Cmon Im hungry lets go eat a nice fat juicy steak cmon you ride shoot gun" I said

Because Im the cool big sis period

After our lunch date finally caught up with my mother and dropped her son off because Noelle listening party was tonight

And I gotta look my best

I got home and my glam team is doing what needs to be done

Still rocking a little bit baby weight but still a bad bitch at heart

I took some pics for the gram than Devante jumped in some pics with me

Not to toot my horn but I was feeling like im that bitch and couldn't nobody tell me nothing

We bought the maybach out tonight

Im driving tonight he hopped in the passenger seat and sat back

"Don't be dogging my shit"He said

I smacked my lips "Sit back and relax"

I took off and hit the free way going fast as hell this maybach riding so smooth

We playing lil durk loud as hell

We pulled up at Noelle listening party and Valet parked the car and paparazzi snapping pics of me and Devante

Devante is really a star like he was in his prime he was at the top I don't even think he even realize and took time to take it all in he too busy working on the next big thing

Women love him we would be out and females will throw themselves on him like Im not even standing here

I had to check a few bitches but its just the fact that he really that nigga

I love him so much I may not show it like I should but I admire him and is inspired by him

He saw something in me that I didn't even see in myself

Its been nights I cried to him about my past trauma and he would just hold me so tight he wouldn't say anything he just hold me in his arms

Don't be confused don't get it twisted I love this man

We walked in and it was greeted by Noelle and her manager

"You guys made it we have a open bar and great chef"She said smiling

This bitch still gives me bad vibes

I could not get myself to like this bitch

She just to smiley and too happy

Its okay to be happy but this bitch take it to the extreme

"Album comes out in a few days how you feel"Devante asked her

She smiled and said "I Feel like this project is a dream come true I feel like the songs,lyrics and production is just right everything just came out right Im still nervous of how people are going to react to it"She said

"They gon love it it's definitely a classic one for the books"Devante said

This is boring I slide off to the bar and order henny on the rocks

Noelle friends or family whoever they are was in the corner staring me up and down

Just being very weird I got my drink and looked over at Devante talking to Noelle

And he blushing she's blushing

Imagine the man you love all in another female face making her blush while you his wife is at the bar drinking alone

Through out the night I met so many music people and I honestly think Devante forgot we was here together

Her people still staring at me with stank faces shit was uncomfortable because what is the problem

I went to the bathroom and FaceTime Josh

He answered "I saw you on the gram and you look so good"

He saw how I looked like I was on the verge of crying "Whats wrong Andrea"

I shook my head and I didn't say anything

I was hurt that he just forgot about me and I just wanted somebody to say its ok but Im not myself these last few days I have been so insecure worrying about Devante and what he's doing

"Its okay"Josh said mission accomplished

"This party is wack and the drinks watery and the food is cold Im ready to go"I said

He laughed and said "you drunk Andrea"

"I don't see how the bartender and lacing the drinks with water"I said

"Bitch you stupid"Josh said

"Is the Album good"He asked

I wanted to say no "Its good its real good every song she played is so good"

"I can't wait til she drops I need some good music to be in feelings to"He said

I took a deep breath and said "Yeah well lemme get back to this party"

"Be good bye"Josh said

I rolled my eyes and walked out the bathroom stall

One of her friends walked in staring at me with the stink face agt

"Something wrong with your eyes or something you be staring like you gotta fucking problem if you have issue do something cause staring at me don't scared me!l"I said

She rolled her eyes at me

"Thats what the fuck I thought"I said

Walking out back into the party

Noelle is on the stage

"Thank you beautiful people for coming out tonight this album is very big piece alot of blood sweat and tears literally I put it all on this album I cant stand here and not thank my label for trusting me and my creatively I wanna thank god for giving me the vision"

She continued "A very thanks to the guy who produced and orchestrated this whole album from track one through track 22 Devante Hits"

And everybody started clapping including me

"Now Im sorry Devante but you be testing me...alot of nights I would pour out my heart on a notepad and come back and show Devante and he looks at me like nah that aint it"She said

The room starts laughing

"And I be so hurt crying throwing tantrums and Devante like you can do better go harder go deeper he literally challenged me to go harder to step out of my comfort zones to try a different sound doing it all while still allowing me to be me and I can't tell you what that means to me....Devante could you come up and say a few words"She said

"Cmon"She encouraged him

He walked up on staged

"Give him some love"She said smiling

And everyone started clapping

"How yall doing tonight...Im a little drunk but I just wanna say yes me and Noelle did bump heads alot because this woman is incredibly talented I wanted this Album to be raw and true I wanted people to feel every emotion she sings about and together we made an great album people are saying this album is going number 1 in the first two weeks but if it don't Im just happy to experience the making of this timeless piece of work and she is just incredibly talented ima keep saying that shit because she is"He said staring at her

The way he was staring at her her the way she stared at him

I don't know about yall but I've had enough of this shit

I left

I got home and walked in on My nanny Sabria and Q kissing

She looked at me with her eyes big

"Mrs.Evans hey I helped the girls with their homework and gave them their bath Santana just had a bottle and Is sleep"She said as she stood up and fixed her clothes

"Thank you Sabria Ill see you tomorrow"I said

"Okay well have a great night Mrs.Evans"She said

"You call me"She said to Q

Q just grinned at her

She left and I sat down on the couch next to Q

"Where Devante"He asked

"Where he wants to be"I said

"Tryna smoke"He asked

I looked at him and said "I need you to tell me if he ever fucked Noelle" I said

"I already told you I don't know nothing"He said

I was so desperate

"Bullshit I know you know something"I said

I grabbed his hand with tears in my eyes "Please Q just tell me I can't take nobody lying to me no more tonight for the sake of my mind just tell me have he ever fucked Noelle just tell me that one little thing"

"Andrea"He said he looked like he didn't wanna tell me the look on his face told me everything but I needed to hear it

"Please just tell me Q"I said

"Yeah...he did I caught them kissing she was damn near naked when I walked in on him "He said

I didn't know how to react

I started kissing Q

Like really kissing him he started kissing me back

He paused and said "Andrea you just hurt you don't wanna do this and I don't wanna take advantage of you right now"

He stood up and said "Im sorry I aint wanna tell you you just keep asking and shit"

"I think I should leave"He said

"No Dont Im leaving"I said as I stood up

I was in complete shock

Truth hurts sometimes it hurts beyond words because I don't really have to many to say right now

I went into the bedroom and grabbed a bag and just started packing all my shit

Than I grabbed Santana a bag and started packing diapers wipes formula his clothes

I can't even think right now Im so fucked up in the head

As Im grabbing my jewelry I took some of his

Why stop there I grabbed a pair scissors and went in his closet and started cutting his shit up

I asked this nigga in his eyes was he fucking her and he lied in my eyes

Twice he cheated on me twice

Im praying he don't come through that door right now because Im afraid of what I might do to this nigga

Im raging with fire inside of me I could actually kill this nigga with my bare hands right now

I started cutting up his all shirts jeans brand new suits he never even wore

In the middle of me doing this Santana started crying

Thats my sign to get the lyft

20 minutes I was at my mama door

She opened the door with her bonnet on

"Ma"I couldn't even say it

"Come on get my grandbaby out this night air before he catch a cold"She said

I walked in and sat Santana down and sat down on her couch

She looked at me and said "I bet you wish you didn't get that prenup now"

"I feel like the biggest dummy in the world"I said

She next to me and said "Baby a man is only gon do what you let him do so if he makes you feel like a dummy it's because you gave that power to"

I laid my head on her chest and said "I believed in him"

I couldn't even cry you ever been so hurt that you couldn't cry

"Baby didn't I always teach you not to put yo trust in no man"She said

She did she really did I get with Devante and just forget all the lessons my mother taught me

"Now what you going to do"She asked

"Find a lawyer I guess I just don't wanna be attached to him in no kind of way"I said

I couldn't even sleep that night I stayed in my thoughts all night long

The next morning he called and called and called more

I blocked his number than he started calling from Makayla phone

I was watching my little sister while my mama went and got her nails done

Im on the phone with Josh and Kamarrii telling them everything

"This is crazy Noelle is Triffling she knew Devante had a wife and her pussy got wet for him still"Josh said

"Man Its Devante fault he the one that said vows to Drizz not Noelle she don't owe loyalty to Andrea Devante does"Kamarrii said

"I blame myself for letting shit go on right under my nose"I said

"You were working building a brand"Josh said

"While my husband fucking another woman"I said

"His loss tonight lets go out and turn up"Kamarrii said

"Yass I've been filling out applications all day for a place to stay"I said

"You should move in to my apartment building its not as nice Devante condo but its nice and we can be neighbors"Josh said

"You still ain't got a man huh Josh"Kamarrii joked

"Shut up Kamarrii"Josh said

"He keeps texting me"I said

"Oh now he wanna talk to Santana like a month old baby can talk this nigga"I said

"Y'all should talk yall do have Santana"Josh said

"Dont listen to Josh you let that nigga play with you enough its time for you to boss up and leave his ass alone"Kamarrii said

"My head hurts I'll text yall later hopefully I'll be in the mood to go out"I said

"Bitch we going out"Kamarrii said

"Yeah help get yo mind off things"Josh said

"Okay"I said

I hung up the phone

Got my little sister and my son settle

Both kids were napping

I laid on the couch scrolling through Instagram

When he called again

"What do you want!"I said

I answer the phone and said "Stop calling me !"

"Man fuck is wrong with you you gon take my son,steal my jewelry and fuck up my shit!"He yelled in the phone

I sat up and said "In that order!"

"for what!"He yelled

" you fucking Noelle right! !"I screamed in the phone

And he just got quiet

"Yeah nigga I know you a lying ass bitch and I don't want shit to do with you bitch " I said

"Where you at"He said

"Dont worry about it just worry about who will be representing you in court cause I want a Divorce nigga! "I said

"where you at I wanna see my son"He said

"You wasn't thinking about our son when you was fucking that bitch did you! You didn't give a fuck about us did you?"I asked

"Look I don't know who told you what but they don't know what they talking bout Im not fucking nobody but you"He lied

He was so calm it was pissing me off

"Oh so you still gon lie right!"I said

"Im not lying "He said

"Yes you are yo cousin told me last night he told me right before I fucked him!"I said out of anger

He starts screaming in the phone "What?! Bitch stop playing with me.....foreal Drizz My cousin tho ! My fucking blood cousin send yo location now bitch Im finna come beat yo ass now !"

"You fucked Noelle right we even stevens nigga"I said humorously

"We aint shit ! you telling me you fucked my blood cousin in my motherfucking house bitch its over for you now hoe Im breaking yo jaw bitch"He said

"You ain't gon do shit bitch ....ask yo cousin how my pussy taste because his dick tasted so good I might let him nut in me the next time damn Devante his got some good ass dick way better than yours"I said

" send yo location and say it to my face scary ass bitch"He said said

"Nah im good Im tired from fucking on your cousin I don't feel like fighting my pussy sore"I said as I laughed

I hear this nigga gettin the car

"Nevermind I got yo location Im on my way"He said

"You don't know where at"I said

"You at yo mama house "He said

And my heart started racing

"Oh you forgot we share a lyft account yeah bitch im pulling up now"He said

Fuck Andrea you stupid stupid bitch

"Im finna pull up and beat you ass you fucked my cousin in my crib bitch its up"He said

"Devante if you come over here the police will be meeting you here Im not playing with you today"I said

"And Im not playing with you! You finna see Im 16 mins away"He said

This nigga just sound like he on some other shit

I hung up the phone and went and locked all the

Literally 15 mins later he beating on the door loud as hell

"Open up!"He said beating on the door

"Bye Devante Im not you letting you in"I yelled loudly

Than this nigga started kicking the door yes kicking the door

I dialed 911 because he acting crazy

"911 whats your emergency"The operatior asked

"Yeah ima need a police assistance to come out my husband I mean my babydaddy is trying to kick the door in "Soon as I said that he kicked one more hard as hell time BOOM

The door busted opened

You could see the devil himself in his eyes

I tried to run in the back room and he grabbed me by my leg and pulled me back by my leg

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