Divine Wind (OC x Yu-Gi-Oh! V...

By Niji_and_Zaka

2.9K 36 24

Link VRAINS. A world in the Network made specifically for people to have fun Dueling in. It has a beautiful... More

Link-2, Ride the Gale!
Link-3, Divine Wrath
Link-4, A Breath of Corrupt Air
Link-5, A Divine Beast

Link-1, Seize the Wind!

1.2K 11 8
By Niji_and_Zaka


A world in the Network made specifically for people to have fun Dueling in. It has a beautiful landscape, purples and blues in the sky with a major city full of people logged in dueling, looking around, shopping for cards and accessories. With a huge world like this it's no surprise that it attracted such a huge base of people, most of which joined because of the Charisma Duelists who all have their own fans and viewers of all their duels!

The Big 3 Charisma Duelists are what caused a massive spike in interest for LINK VRAINS in the first place, especially when their duels were broadcasted to those outside of VRAINS.

The first, Blue Angel, had the largest fan base not only for her amazing duels but also because she was the perfect Idol with her Trickstar deck!

The second, Go Onizuka, had rose up through his strong duel and wrestler like personality that was accentuated by his Gouki deck!

Finally, the third was the very first Charisma Duelist to hit mainstream because of his reckless style and Quick-Victorys. He was the one who even popularized Speed Duel, a name he coined, which are duels that have 3 Main Monster Zones and Spell/Trap Zones, along with a skip of Main Phase 2. The duelists would ride on D-Boards along the Data Storms strewn about LINK VRAINS, but as they disappeared he seemed to fade with. His name is-!

"Hito Fuki!"



"Ow ow ow!"

We cut to a boy in an average school uniform with messy lime green hair and light green eyes being awaken from his day dreaming by his teacher throwing a piece of chalk that hit him in the head. Kinda impressive considering the boy is in the far back of the class, seated next a girl who's face down asleep on the desk.

[Hito Fuki]
[I'm a bit of an airhead but I try my best]

"Pay attention in class please, and answer the question." The teacher said with an exasperated sigh.

"Right, the question... uh... the answer is 42!"

"That... is correct! Good job. Now-"

Fuki tuned out his teacher immediately once he got the answer correct, leaning back in his chair. He yawns, looking around trying to find something, ANYTHING to pay attention to other than the boring lecture being given out.

'I wish I could just be in VRAINS right now instead of this... so boring.' The lime head thought to himself, as he'd rather be dueling or even being interviewed by the random people of the Network than stay another second in class.

Fuki's eyes eventually landed on the girl sleeping next to him. She had the weirdest hair Fuki had seen. It was long and dark, with her bangs being a light blue with some pink accents in them. She too had a school uniform, with boring blue tie included although she had a cute heart pin put on it, given to her as a gift from Fuki himself when he first introduced himself.

[Fujiki Yusaku]
[She's stoic and sleeps a lot in class, but is still pleasant enough to talk to]

'Fujiki-chan... sleeping as always... how does she still have better grades than me?' The limehead thought while he stared at her sleeping form... was she drooling a bit?


"Ah, school is finally over!" Fuki stretched, letting the other students and teacher leave first as he slowly packed his stuff. Once everybody had left he gently shook Yusaku's shoulder.

"Hmmm?" Yusaku groaned slightly, being rudely awoken from her nap. She lifted her head to see what was so important to wake her.

"Morning, you slept through all of school, a new record!"

"Oh. Thanks, Hito-san."

"Hehee! Anything for my loner friend!" Fuki said proudly with a smirk.

"Jeez, thanks." Yusaku looked more blank than usual saying this.

"Maybe if you'd join a club or not sleep all day you wouldn't be a loner Fujiki-chan"


"Well I've got to head home now, see ya later Fujiki-chan!" Fuki sighed, grabbing his bag and giving one last big stretch before walking out of class.

"Goodbye, Hito-san." Yusaku said gathering her things.

《Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS: Divine Wind》
<Link-1, Seize the Wind!>

Inside LINK VRAINS it was an average day. Charisma Duelists sturing a crowd, people fawning over Blue Angel, and it was peacefully quiet.

With the less and less Data Storms appearing the last of the big three Charisma Duelists hadn't shown his face for a while, and people were starting to lose interest in him. His Duels were always about being fast paced and dangerous, but he always seemed to know what he was doing warning his fans to not attempt anything dangerous he does.

"I wonder why he hasn't shown up for a while, last time it was because he had to practice riding his D-Board to be more flashy." A boy said talking to his friend, both seemingly as generic as one could be.

"Maybe he gave up from the lack of Data Storms? He seems to need the rush of speed." The boy's friend replied.

"Don't even think that! He never gives up, not once!"

"Jeez, I don't get what your fascination with him is. Just watch Blue Angel like I do-"

As the two boys were speaking a blur of green, white, and gold speed past them blowing wind right onto them!

"WOAH-?!" The two boys yelled in shock, almost falling over onto eachother.

"Sorry about that!" A new voice responded, it was the one who blew past them with no regard. It was the third Charisma Duelist himself! His hair was long and gold with the underside being a light green. His Bangs were familiarly weird, being the same light green but with a few blue highlights. He seemed to have a somewhat regal looking outfit that was skintight, along with an old model green and gold duel disk on his left arm.

[The speed demon of Charisma Duelists, with most of his victories being within the first 4 turns]

"F-Zero!" The first boy yelled out in shock at the Duelist who had run past him, still running further away into the city's heart. "Can I have your autograph!?!"

"I'll sign something for you later! Got a duel with Blue Angel in a few as a big welcome back!" F-Zero yelled back with a friendly smirk and two finger salute.

F-Zero ran fast into the main city of VRAINS, taking in VRAINS beauty as he did. He stared up in the sky to really appreciate it all, the clouds, the sun, the firewall being destroyed, the skyscrapers. It was all so pretty- wait... firewall being destroyed?

The sky cracked as a black and green dragon broke through, with someone in white robes riding it's top!

"What the-?!" F-Zero exclaimed as he saw the dragon sweep through building destroying them! It was harming people!

"Where are you, Ignis?" The man in robes, a Knight of Hanoi, exclaimed!

F-Zero ran faster to where Blue Angel would have been waiting for their duel, she could be in Danger! As he finally reached the point to see Blue Angel the Knight of Hanoi had caught her first, and the dragon was shooting flames right at her!

"Blue Angel-!" F-Zero shouted, he couldn't make it in time!

A new figure appeared grabbing the Angel in Blue before leaping out of the way of the dragon's fire!

"We really went back..." a voice emanated from the figure's duel disk.

"Who are you...?" Blue Angle asked, after being set down safely.

'Uh, who it that?' F-Zero thought to himself.

"Who are you?!" The Knight of Hanoi asked.

"My name is Playmaker. The thing you're looking for is right here." She said raising her left arm, showing a purple old model duel disk. It had an A.I. in it!

[A Strange person who fights against Hanoi]

"Stop your attack on Link VRAINS! If you don't I'll delete this here and now!"

"Hey! Wait a second! You're holding the savior hostage!?" The A.I. didn't seem to like being threatened.

"This program has been turned into a duel program. If you want to get your hands on it you'll need to beat me in a duel." Playmaker said, ignoring the A.I.

F-Zero was more focused on her looks. Her hair and face looked very familiar... where had he seen her from before? That didn't matter at the moment as the Knight of Hanoi jumped down from his dragon in order to duel Playmaker.

"Um... Playmaker, Right? I feel like this is more dangerous than you should be doing..." F-Zero exclaimed, worried for the stoic duelist.

"I'll be fine." Is the simple reply she gave.

"If you say so, Playmaker. While you duel this Hanoi grunt I'll go help out with the damage and everything!"

F-Zero walked away, first looking for people who may be trapped under rubble and debris as he thought to himself.

'Why do I have so much trust in her dueling ability? I know she's done this stuff before, but I'm usually more against someone putting themselves in danger... Do I know her?'

Suddenly a large purple and blue wave of wind blew past his head, making his hair go flow around like wild!

"What the- A Data Storm!?" F-Zero said shocked looking at the new waves of Data fly all around the city.

Playmaker and the Knight of Hanoi surfed on the Data Storm with their D-Boards past him as he stared in shock! He suddenly had a huge feeling of excitement rush through his whole body as he ran along the wall of a nearby building to jump towards the storm himself, as a long thin green D-Board with gold accessories glided out of nowhere and under his feet.


He had a huge grin on his face, riding this wave came naturally to him. The rush from the wind in his face and the speed of his body gave him a feeling he missed, joy! He hadn't been this happy in ages! It's like an old friend came back to give him a hug! F-Zero's speed allowed him to catch up to Playmaker and the Knight of Hanoi in no time flat, it was the beginning of the third turn from how things seemed.

"Yo! Playmaker, Hanoi-chan, how's it hanging?" F-Zero said with a cocky smile on his face and a peace sign up.

"You're the one from earlier, why are you following us?" Playmaker asked.

"Oh! Well, seeing as your opponent got out a big monster on turn one I thought I'd ride with you to cheer! Kinda like a cheerleader, just for you! But less pom poms and skirts and more duel monsters and skin tight body suits." He said, giving a cheeky wink to Playmaker. "Plus it'd be bad for the one who popularized Speed Duels to not help out a newbie, ain't that right?"

"I suppose so."

"I activated my skill!" The Knight of Hanoi announced, drawing attention back to him.

"Eh?" Both playmaker and F-Zero were too focused on talking they forgot about the fuel at hand.

"Skill?" Playmaker inquired.

"You told me to keep it short so I left that part out." The A.I. said, getting F-Zero's attention.

"You should think about your future more seriously."

"Ah ah, I can explain! A skill is something that each Duelist can do once per Duel, they all have different effects like increase LP, ATK, DEF, drawing cards, and there are even Archetype specific Skills! It all depends on the duelist." F-Zero butted in before the weird A.I. had a chance to explain.

"I activate my skill, Double Draw!" The Knight said drawing two cards instead of the normal one. "I activate the Spell, DDoS Attack! By sending the other copies of it in my deck to the grave you take damage equal to my Machine monster's level times 100 for each copy!" (Cracking Dragon ATK 3000/DEF 0/Lv 8/Machine/Effect/Dark)

"Yabei! A big 1600 points of damage!" The A.I. screamed.

The spell card shot out a red arrow which hit Playmaker, launching her off her D-Board and into the air with her D-Board flying high into the sky.

Playmaker's LP: 3200 --> 1600

As she was falling Playmaker's D-Board was smacked back down to her by Blue Angel's whip who hopped off a roof top nearby just in time for Playmaker to grab on!

"Now we're even." Blue Angel said with a smile.

"I almost had to catch ya! Be more careful than that Playmaker!" F-Zero said in a somewhat joking manner with a light smile.

"Jeez, thanks." Playmaker got back to riding the wind next to F-Zero, closed eyes and a blank face.

'Now she's really starting to remind me of... wait a second is she actually-?'

"What is that?"

A tornado made from the purple digital wind of Data Storms raged near them, destroying anything in it's path, especially the building which shattered into blue particles.

"Eh? Oh, that's a Data Whirl!" F-Zero said with a grin going ear to ear.

"Data... Whirl?" Playmaker inquisioned tilting her head to the side a bit.

"It's just an out of control Data Storm, no idea why he calls it a Data Whirl." The A.I. said matter-of-factly with it's eye looking bored.

"I call it a Whirl because they're super fun to ride the inside of!" He had a massive goofy smile now...

"I set a card and change Cracking Dragon to attack mode!" Hanoi said, bringing the attention back. "Next I equip Cracking Dragon with Air Cracking Storm! When it destroys a monster it can attack again!"

Toy-like blasters appeared around Cracking Dragon before it absorbed them into it's forehead.

"If you lose Cyberse Wizard you'll lose!" The A.I. said desperately.

"I know."

"Since I control Cracking Dragon I'm the strongest! Battle! Cracking Dragon attacks, Traffic Blast!"

As cracking dragon reared back it's maw with a green glow coming from inside F-Zero made a remark.

"Traffic Blast...? What kind of attack name is that? It sounds like something a car monster would do."

"Shut up. I activate my facedown, Three Strikes Barrier! I choose that my monsters won't be destroyed by battle this turn!" Playmaker exclaimed.

The Dragon let out a blast of energy at Cyberse Wizard, who blocked with it's staff.

"To the right, Playmaker!" The A.I. said making her turn to the right to avoid being blown away. F-Zero followed close by doing some fancy moves with his D-Board out of boredom.

Playmaker's LP: 1600 --> 400

"This duel is over." Hanoi said with a smirk.

"No. I still have Life Points."

"You don't seem to understand what I mean!" He chuckled.

Playmaker and F-Zero looked back to see the unbalanced Data Storm approaching them fast! It pulled them in causing Playmaker to fall off her D-Board again, but F-Zero caught her by the hand pulled her back onto it!

"It's fine! Calm down a ride this wind with me, alright Playmaker?" F-Zero said with a big grin, he hadn't felt this in ages!


F-Zero led her through the raging winds of the Data Storm, keeping them both balanced.

"You lead me here on purpose."

"You knew." The A.I. replied squinting it's only eye. "Never-before-seen monsters live inside Data Storms. The more powerful the storm the stronger the monster!"

"What's that have to do with right now?" F-Zero asked.

"You have to use your skill Playmaker, Storm Access! When you have 1000 or less Life Points you can add one random card from the Data Storm to your deck!" As the A.I. spoke Playmaker raised her right hand, the gold lines on her pointer and middle fingers glowing as she prepared herself. "Seize the wind, Playmaker!"

Parts of the Data Storm started to swirl around her hand, coalescing into a single point in front of her. The power of the storm was too much to handle at first, so she held her arm up with her left hand!

"There are three reasons why I have to win this duel. First, to regain the moments I've lost! Second, to save Kusanagi's younger brother from the darkness! Third, to meet the one that gave me Courage!" Playmaker yelled out to herself, steeling her will! "Storm Access!"

The Swirling Storm condensed into a card that Playmaker grabbed, holding up as it shined! Suddenly the Storm was cut in two freeing both Playmaker and F-Zero!

"Woah! That was so cool!!! Your burning passion has made me so pumped up!!!" F-Zero yelled out as he surfed next to Playmaker, stars in his eyes.

"Hm. This duel isn't over! It's my turn, Draw! I activate Cyberse Wizard's effect, Cyberse Algorithm!" Playmaker called out, having Cyberse Wizard shoot a blue beam at Cracking Dragon forcing it into Defense Mode. (Cyberse Wizard ATK 1800/DEF 800/Lv 4/Cyberse/Effect/Light)

"It's no use! I activate my trap, Pulse Bomb! All your monsters are forced into defense mode!" Hanoi said as mines surrounded Playmaker's field.

"Calm down. I summon Stack Reviver. (ATK 100/DEF 600/Lv 2/Cyberse/Effect/Dark)"

"How foolish can you be? Cracking Dragon's effect lowers it's attack by it's level times 200, dealing that damage! That's 400 points, the same as your life! Crack Fall!" The Knight laughed as Stack Reviver's attack was lowered, causing a red aura to surround Playmaker dealing damage.

ATK 100 --> 0

Playmaker's LP 400 --> 300

"What!? Why didn't you life end!?"

"Seems like you don't understand your own card's effect, Hanoi-chan!" F-Zero butted in. "Cracking Dragon only deals damage equal to how much the monster's attack is lowered, with Stack Reviver's attack being 100 she only took 100 points of damage!"

"From my hand I activate the spell card, Effect Cowl. When I control a Cyberse monster I take no effect damage this turn. Next I activate the Trap, Cyberse Beacon! Since I took damage this turn I can add one level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my deck to my hand." Playmaker announced as a card pushed out of her deck, which she grabbed. "Now I special summon Backup Secretary. When there's a Cyberse monster on my field I can special summon it from my hand." (Backup Secretary ATK 1200/DEF 800/Lv 3/Cyberse/Effect/Light)

"Keep gathering those weaklings, it won't matter!"

"Appear. The Circuit that guides the Future!" Playmaker said with a raised right hand, making a some circuitry looking patterns appear in front of it before they shoot into the sky creating a large hole with 9 blank arrows along it. Playmaker then jumped off her D-Board up into the hole as her monster's followed. "Arrowheads confirmed! The summoning conditions are 2 or more effect monsters! I set Stack Reviver, Cyberse Wizard, and Backup Secretary in the Link Markers. Circuit Combine!"

The three monsters flew turning into the top, bottom left, and bottom right arrows turning them red.

"Link Summon! Appear, Link 3 Decode Talker!" Playmaker chanted as the circuit turned into a large purple and blue warrior with a light pink digital sword. (Decode Talker ATK 2300/Link-3/Cyberse/Effect/Dark)

Playmaker and the new Link Monster flew out of a Circuit that appeared back on the Data Storm, Playmaker back on her D-Board.

"So cool! That monster is so cool!!! Hey hey, Playmaker, can we duel later?!" F-Zero had become her number 1 fan in less than an hour.

"Link monsters don't have a level and can't be in defense mode, so your Cracking Dragon and Pulse Bombs are useless. I activate Stack Reviver's effect, when used for a Link summon it revives a level 4 or lower Cyberse monster used with it in defense mode. Resurrect, Cyberse Wizard!" Playmaker said as a purple portal appeared on the Storm with Cyberse Wizard rising back out of it. "Decode Talker gains 500 ATK for each monster it's Link Markers point to. Power Integration!"

Decode Talker's ATK 2300 --> 3300

"3300 Attack!?"

"Go, Decode Talker! Now Cyberse Wizard's effect activates, Decode Talker can deal piercing damage! Decode End!"

Decode Talker raised it's sword high and brought it down onto Cracking Dragon's head, cracking it's body.

"But Cracking Dragon can't be destroyed by a monster with a lower level- Link monsters don't have levels...!" Hanoi said with fear present in his voice.

"Not like it matters, the damage will wipe you out either way Hanoi-chan." F-Zero said with a bored look due to Hanoi's incompetence.

Decode Talker's sword went all the way through Cracking Dragon, splitting it in two causing a huge explosion launching Hanoi off his D-Board!

Hanoi's LP: 3000 --> 0

"You have no right to call yourself a duelist!" Playmaker dramatically said looking back at the fallen Knight.

"So cool!!!" F-Zero had stars in his eyes again.

Both of the duelists hopped off the Data Storm and down to the Knight of Hanoi who was laying down on a rooftop.

"What's the identity of the Knights of Hanoi?" Playmaker Demanded.

"I'll never tell you. Instead I'll take you both down with me." Hanoi said with a smirk as the red eye on his mask started to beep periodically.

"Yabei! He's going to self destruct!" The A.I. said, before letting off a small purple cloud as it expanded into a large snake like form with six protrusions on the body that surrounded the Knight. The A.I. then split it's head to have a mouth before chomping down on the Knight who was screaming in fear. The knight's body turned into small blue particles which the A.I. inhaled before it went back to being a small eye on Playmaker's Duel Disk.

"Woah! What was that?" F-Zero asked.

"I protected you two. If I didn't you would have taken damage and your real selves would be in danger. Anyways, you should log out Playmaker."

Before either of them could ask why a large figure jumped onto the roof!

"I found you, Playmaker!" It was Go Onizuka, one of the big three Charisma Duelists! "Duel me!"

"You're moves were flashy!" A new voice came from the other side of the roof. It was Blue Angel who had hopped down as well! "Prepare yourself!" She said pointing at Playmaker.

"EH!? Hey hey! Get in line you two!!! I asked first!" F-Zero said upset at them for trying to steal his duel.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested." Playmaker jumped back onto the Data Storm and rode away, logging off.

"Aw... Oi, Blue Angel! Why don't we have that big duel now, but let's make it a Speed Duel!!!"

"I don't have a D-Board so no can do."

"Oh.... Go-!" F-Zero turned to look at the wrestling Duelist, but he was gone. He left after Playmaker did. "Oh... I just wanna Duel!!!!"

Fuki was walking to school with his arms behind his head and let out a big sigh.

'I can't believe I didn't get to duel a single time yesterday... Damn you Hanoi!' He thought to himself as he raised a fist to the sky, tears flowing out of his closed eyes.

Yusaku saw him doing this in the courtyard and decided to ignore him, easier to not get bothered by Fuki than comfort him over whatever nonsense he had in his head. Anytime she had listened before always ended in some wacky story that she could swear he made up.

During their later classes the teacher was speaking about... binary... and the Tower of Hanoi game... hmmm... as Fuki was spacing out next to an equally spaced out Yusaku someone had scooted next to Fuki.

"Hey hey! Did you two see what Playmaker did?" It was a duel enthusiastic boy with dark green hair. His name was Shima Naoki, he's a background character that loves Charisma Duelists and the likes.

"No." Yusaku responded immediately.

"And you call yourself a duelist?" Naoki said leaning over Fuki, who gently pushed him back. "I was actually there! Super inspiring!"

Yusaku being bored rested her chin on her left hand, which perked Naoki and Fuki's interest as she didn't have her duel disk.

"Hey, where's your D-Disk? You usually always have it with you." Fuki said.

"I left it at home. It's house sitting." Yusaku replied, blank face and closed eyes on as usual when being talked to.

"I didn't know Duel Disks could house sit." Naoki said with an inquisitive manner. "Anyways, I keep watching a live feed of LINK VRAINS! I don't want to miss when Playmaker shows up- Eh? It's Hanoi! A Knight of Hanoi!"

Naoki held up the screen for Fuki and Yusaku to see, but only Fuki was there.

"Sensei, can I use the restroom?" Fuki asked, before getting up and leaving.

'I swear, running out of class like that. How on earth does she have such high grades? It makes no sense.' Fuki rambled to himself as he made his way to the bathroom. He entered and locked the stall, pulling out his deck from it's holster on his hip. He slammed in into his Duel Disk as a mass of blue particles surround him.

"Deck, set! Into the VRAINS!" Fuki called out, hoping that nobody else was in the bathroom with him.

F-Zero launched out of a login portal and onto his D-Board immediately riding the Data Storm!

"Alright Hanoi-chan, where are ya?" F-Zero scanned the city from a high, speeding through trying to find the new Knight.

It seemed like he was going in one direction out of instinct, and the further he went the more chaotic the Data Storms were. He only took this in stride, keeping his balance and doing a few tricks for fun while heading further. It seemed this part of VRAINS was restricted currently due to the strength in Data Storms but he payed that no mind, going inside the Storm to avoid detection by SOL Technology. It was difficult to maneuver on a Storm so it's no surprise that even a master like F-Zero would almost fly off his Duel Board when delving into one!

"Grr... This wind is relentless! I love it!" The duelest yelled with a cocky grin. When he flew out of the storm he saw something interesting, four giant Data Whirls all surrounding something. F-Zero being the stupid man he is rushed head first into the center thinking whatever's inside must be what Hanoi wants! "Yoshaaa! Ikuze!"

Once he landed he saw a tomb of sorts, which he entered. It was lit up by torches and the hallway was long, but not too long to make him turn back. As he walked out the exit he saw... a Duel Field? Wait, there was a Knight of Hanoi dueling something! F-Zero couldn't make out who it was but he could tell it was guarding the giant door behind it.

"You're finished!" The Knight yelled out. "Go, Gale Rider Sailing Wind! Attack!!!"

"Trap card, open. Magic Cylinder. You take damage equal to your monster's attack." A robotic voice came out of the opponent who activated a trap causing two large Cylinders to appear, one absorbing the attack.

"W-What?!" The Knight yelled out in shock as he was hit by a burst of wind from one of the Cylinders. "GAAAAH!!!"

Hanoi LP: 100 --> 0

The Knight dispersed in a mass of particles. Then the field was wiped, only for it to be set with a few cards. The favor was definitely on the opponent's side, they had two facedowns one being Magic Cylinder. They also had the monster advantage, two large 3000 attack beatsticks of Tokens on their field, one equipped with a spell card. F-Zero hopped down and stood where the Knight used to, getting a better look at his opponent. They were a strange humanoid A.I. from the looks of things, they donned green robes with a wind like pattern on the center, baggy pants and pointed shoes. It only had part of a face, a nose mouth and chin.

"My designation is Echo. If you wish to gain the Wind Cyberse's Deck, you must complete this simple challenge. You have completed Test 1 of entering through the raging Data Storms. Test 2 is this Duel trial." It said with a high pitched voice.

"Alright, I can handle that!" F-Zero said with a smile. His duel disk accepted info of the challenge and made his Hand, Deck, and Field appear. He has three cards in hand, one set spell and three monsters Gale Rider Sword, Shield, and Skates. Sword was a simple green blade made of wind, current was a shield formed by green wind and Skates was, well, a pair of green Skates.

Echo LP: 4000

F-Zero LP: 100

"I see, most of the trouble comes from not taking any effect damage!" F-Zero claimed. "Alright, then I'll start with this! I activate Gale Rider Shield's effect, by tributing this monster I take no effect damage this turn! Now I activate Gale Rider Copy's effect from my hand, I can discard this card to summon a Gale Token to my field with the attack of your strongest monster! (Gale Token ATK 3000/DEF 1200/Lv 2/Cyberse/Token/Wind)"

A small green idol rose up from the ground to F-Zero's field. It gained an aura of wind around it as it gained the opponent's attack.

"Now I summon Gale Rider Current (ATK 1200/DEF 500/Lv 4/Cyberse/Effect/Wind) to the field, which adds one Gale Rider from my deck to my hand. I'll add Gale Rider Rocket!"

A body made of wind appeared onto the field who raised a hand at F-Zero's deck, causing a card to shoot out into his hand.

"When Rocket is added to my hand except by drawing I can special summon a Gale Token to your field in defense mode! (ATK 0/DEF 1200) Now I'll activate Rocket's second effect, by destroying a Gale Token I can special summon it! I destroy my Gale Token! Come, Gale Rider Rocket! (ATK 700/DEF 1500/Lv 5/Cyberse/Effect/Wind)"

The large Idol on F-Zero's field exploded in a burst of wind as a large blue and green Rocket took it's place.

"Appear, the Circuit that Rides the Wind!" F-Zero shot his hand forward as a green arrow shot into the ceiling creating his circuit. "Arrowheads Confirmed! The summoning conditions are two or more Effect Monsters! I set Rocket, Current, and Skates into the Link Markers! Circuit Combine!!!"

His three monsters jumped into the top left, bottom, and bottom right arrows turning them red.

"Coalescing from a simple gust into a brighter star, we set sail! Come, Link 3 Gale Rider Sailing Wind! (ATK 1800/Link-3/Cyberse/Effect/Wind)"

As F-Zero finished his chant the circuit turned into a ball of wind that expanded into a humanoid form, it had green lines around it's black body and a large Sail in hand instead of a weapon. It looked suspiciously similar to Playmaker's Decode Talker, only green instead of purple.

"He gains 500 attack for each Gale Rider I control!"

Sailing Wind's ATK: 1800 --> 2800

"Next I activate my spell card Double Gale from my hand, doubling Sailing Wind's attack this turn but destroying him during the end phase of your turn!"

Sailing Wind's ATK: 2800 --> 5600

"Now I activate my Gale Rider Sword's effect! It let's my Gale Rider Link monster attack twice this turn, but it's the only monster who can attack! Battle! Sailing Wind attacks your Gale Token! Sword makes all Wind Cyberse monsters deal piercing damage!"

"I activate my trap, Magic Cylinder." Echo said in retaliation.

The Cylinders appeared again, absorbing the attack and launching it back at F-Zero. Thankfully Gale Rider Shield came back to block the attack, nullifying any damage that would have been dealt.

"That's fine. I attack again!"

"I activate my second trap, Equip Shot, equipping one card equipped to my monster onto your's, then those two monsters battle."

"Not if my Quick-Play Spell, Cyclone can do anything! It destroys your equip spell!" F-Zero said with a big grin.

"When Black Pendant is sent to the grave you take 500 damage."

"Useless thanks to my shield~!"

From F-Zero's facedown came a small typhoon that destroyed the equip spell, causing it to let off a black lightning bolt at F-Zero which was blocked by Shield once more.

"Now, the finally! Sailing Wind attacks your Gale Token! Sailing End!!!"

As the monster stabbed the idol with it's sail it shot a huge blast back at Echo, sending it flying!

Echo LP: 4000 --> 0

"Yahoo! I won!" F-Zero pumped his fist in the air and hopped around a bit, excited at the easy victory.

As Echo vanished a bridge formed where the Duel Field used to be, giving F-Zero access to the now opening large stone door which he calmed down to look through. He skipped his way to the new room and... saw a ball? It was green and floating, a bunch of code mashed into it.

"Well... mine now!" F-Zero did the rational thing and grabbed the ball. It was almost instantly absorbed into his duel disk which took in the new Data with open arms. "Alrighty, guess I should log out now... hopefully I didn't miss all of school, bad for my grade."

After Fuki walked back home he had realized something that basically confirmed his suspicions. Yusaku didn't return to class and Playmaker had dueled Go Onizuka, winning. The strangest thing is that Playmaker appeared at about the time it would have taken for Yusaku to get home and grab her duel disk.

"I swear, if she isn't Playmaker I'll eat my old deck!" Fuki said to nobody, as nobody replied-

"I agree, it's way too much of a coincidence for Fujiki Yusaku to not be Playmaker." A new voice came from Fuki's duel disk. It was calm and relaxed, not too worried about anything. Fuki slowly and shakily looked at his duel disk only to see... an eyeball? It was an A.I. similar to the one that Playmaker had!!!

"....WHO ARE YOU!?!?!" Fuki yelled out in shock.

"Calm down, calm down. I'm the Wind Ignis, like the Dark Ignis Playmaker has."


"Just call me Windy."

"Right... how do I have you?"

"When you gained the deck I made you also gained me. I'm going to help you fight against Hanoi, but first we should just relax and take our time. Get to know each other, right?" Windy said... why was that name and voice familiar to Fuki? He doesn't remember having an A.I.

Fuki sighed, and set his duel disk on his desk next to a card printer which was currently making his new deck physical. His life just got way more difficult...

AN: Yo! Thanks for reading Chapter 1 of this book, I managed to reach a good 5884 words and want to make a 4000 word minimum for my chapters so please be patient if I can't get them out fast. Fuki's life is starting to become even more interesting than it was as a Charisma Duelist! He's even got his own A.I. partner now, Windy! However somethings bugging him... why is Windy familiar? Also why did he just trust Playmaker immediately? He usually hates letting people get in trouble! Even if she's Yusaku he wouldn't just let her go and get in trouble without trusting her a bunch! Guess he's gonna have to wing it like always and figure things out on the fly, especially next time.

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