
By Katsukiscore

267K 4.2K 1.5K

Our favorite loud blonde. More

My attempt at writing smut
13·♡·Mha react
14·♡·Class 1A react to Bakusquad
Part 2 of ·♡· 17
Part 3 of ·♡·17
°Part 2 of 38°
49°Izusuki or shinbaku°
°Part 2 of 35°


2.3K 48 6
By Katsukiscore

This was requested.

Double penetration is involved and quirk usage.

This sucks and I love making random ocs flirt with Katsuki.


Katsuki turns the light on, in his shop.

He hear the door dings when he's leaning down to turn on the light in the glass.

He stands up to greet whoever has came in, he stops when the man sat down. He has green hair in the back and he has a mask, sunglasses and a hat on, there's not much to describe him with.

Guess he's not ready to order yet, Katsuki thinks turning everything on.

Katsuki hears another ding and looks at the door, another masked man comes in and goes to the table with the first man.

Katsuki doesn't mind it and looks at the sign to make sure it says open.

He nods to himself when he see it does, the second masked man gets up and walks over to Katsuki.

Katsuki moves his eyes from the door to the man in front of him, he has a hat and a mask on. You could see his nice eyes.

"What can I get you?" Katsuki speaks smiling at the man.

Shoto then knew why Izuku didn't have the balls to talk to him, Shoto freezes at the smile.

"Um sir?" Katsuki brings him out of his state.

"Oh sorry, I was seeing if I could have a strawberry macchiato and a Caramel latte." Shoto responds.(wtf am I talking about.)

Katsuki nods typing it in,"That'll be 6.99" he smiles and receives the money.

"The Carmel latte is a great choice." He murmurs and Shoto feels kinda jealous that Deku picked that.

But he nods before leaving Katsuki to make the order.


Katsuki finishes and wonders how he'll call them but he just rolls with whatever that'll come out of his mouth,"Um sir's your order." They look to Katsuki who was damn near throwing up any meal if they continued to stare.

Katsuki walks to the back, his heart being the only thing he hears.

He calms down before walking to the front again.

He was glad when the two men had left.


The next morning, Katsuki opened up and turned everything on.

He was writing something down when the two men from yesterday came in and another customer behind them.

The customer comes to Katsuki to order.

"Good morning Katsuki." They greet.

Katsuki smiles,"Good morning Yukio where's your mom?" He asks typing their usual.

"She's outside on the phone." He smiles brightly at Katsuki.

Katsuki giggles,"Same order" he earns an excited nod.

He walks to the back and comes back with a pastry.

"Here little one let's exchange." He smiles at the child.

Yukio giggles as he gives Katsuki the money and receive his treat.

"It'll be ready in a minute." He tells him.

Yukio nods and signals Katsuki to pat his hair.

Katsuki does at what he was asked and smiles as the boy leans into his touch.

"Alright go sit down now and go wait for your mommy."


"Yukio go get your mom please." Katsuki has her usual order on the counter ready for her to take.

The little boy walks in with his mom behind him.

"He wasn't a problem was he?" She asks.

Katsuki giggles dismissing her,"He never is, I love when he comes."

The mom leaves and takes cute little Yukio with her.

The two at the table were blushing in their masks.

This time Deku gets up to order, he's still nervous but he gets up.

"Same as yesterday?" Katsuki asks.

The blushing villian was too stunned to speak, Katsuki was so much cuter up close.

"Sir?" Deku nods rabidly before quickly handing him the money, more then he was gonna ask for and he quickly walked back to the table. And he's supposed to be a villain, acting like this.

Katsuki gets the three dollar change out and dismiss the man and go make their order.

At the table sat a embarrassed Izuku and a ashamed Shoto, he had one job and he couldn't do that.

Shoto rolls his eyes as Izuku put his head down.

Katsuki walks to their table, causing the two villains to go stiff.

Katsuki let out a giggle before sitting their orders down and tapping on Izuku.

Izuku slowly looks at to see a blushing Katsuki,"Here's your change." Katsuki hands him the money and Izuku feels as if he might explode as he watch Katsuki walk away.

Shoto snickers before sipping his strawberry drink.


The two villains would come everyday, it's been two weeks and they decided to do something bad.

Katsuki opens his eyes and it feels as if his mattress has changed, it's softer.

He sits up and tries to get up but he notices other people in the bed with him.

He doesn't know them, he doesn't even drink how did he end up in a bed with strangers.

He goes around the stranger who has split hair but is pulled back in the bed by two different hands.

He yelps when he hits the mattress again, he meets eyes with a familiar set of blue and grey.

He gasps when hands wrap around him from behind,"Who the fuck are you two?!" He tries to get out of the person's grasp.

"Guess" the one with familiar eyes grin.

Katsuki's eyes widen when he realizes.

"You're Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya."

"Such a smart boy." Deku chuckles but it comes out muffled.

"I've been talking and serving villains this whole time." He huffs,"Not only that but now I'm stuck with them." He continues.

"Are you gonna kill me?" Katsuki asks.

"Never" Deku mumbles.


Katsuki could barely sleep but he managed to get some.

He wakes up and see the two men getting dressed.

"Morning beautiful." Izuku smiles walking over to kiss him on the cheek.

Katsuki moves away after and wipes his cheek earning a frown from Izuku and a laugh from Shoto.

"Just for that you're not leaving untill you love me." Deku grins joking.

Shoto and Katsuki's eyes widen.

"That wasn't in the plan Midoriya, we would only force him to a certain extinct." Shoto tries to remind him.

Izuku rolls his eyes,"I don't give a fuck, We kidnapped him for a reason and that was because we liked him." He shrugs.

"B-but I have a business to run." Katsuki stutters out.

"Fuck your business." He walks out leaving a upset Katsuki and a disappointed Shoto.

Shoto walks out of the closet,"Sorry Katsuki, he didn't mean what he said. It's a good thing he didn't say anything too bad." Shoto sighs before kissing Katsuki's forehead.

Katsuki doesn't move after that and when they come back hours later, Katsuki is in the same position wearing the same face.

Shoto walks in and he curses before going to Katsuki.

"Snowflake can you go take a shower, Midoriya will be in there to help you." He speaks softly to try and sooth the boy.

"I don't want him to come anywhere near me." He scoffs and Izuku hears.

He basically snatches Katsuki off the bed and takes him to the bathroom.

Shoto sighs but leaves when he hears a moan.(Nothing happened.)


It's been three weeks

Izuku obviously apologized but he also made Katsuki apologize to him as well that night.

Izuku came to his senses after a week and finally let Katsuki work again.

"Oh sorry." Katsuki blushes in embarrassment as he looks up from the floor and sees the person he bumped into.

"No it's fine." The man smiles holding out his hand.

"Um thank you." Katsuki accepts his hand and gets pulled up.

"You're really strong." He compliments.

"Thank you sweetheart, I exercise daily." The man chuckles.

Katsuki looks him up and down,"Oh I definitely see that." He grins.

The man chuckles again before looking Katsuki up and down.

"You must be drinking good milk, it's doing the body good." Katsuki giggles and blushes at the compliment, he hasn't receive those lately.

"But you look familiar?" The man scans him again.

"Don't you own the coffee shop?" He asks.

Katsuki giggles while nodding his head yes.

"Maybe you/I should stop by sometime." they murmur at the same time.

They share a smile before heading different ways.

As Katsuki finished shopping and was heading towards the car the man from earlier called out to him, stopping him a couple of inches away from the car.

In the driver seat sat a mad Deku as he watched the two talk and as for Shoto his skin bubbled with jealousy.

"I was just wondering what your name was? I didn't catch it earlier." He tells.

Katsuki smiles,"It's Katsuki" he responds.

"Well Katsuki, I'm Kiru." He smiles.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow Kiru." He starts to turn around.

Kiru pulls him back, kissing his hand.

Katsuki stood shocked,"Later Katsuki." Kiru grins before giggling while walking off.

Katsuki don't know if his heart is beating because of Kiru or because he's gonna get yelled at, it's both.

Katsuki turns around to walk to the car and opens the door to the passenger side, when he gets in he brings the bag in his hand close to his chest.

Deku chuckles before pulling off.


"So wanna explain what that was?" Deku hits the breaks when they're at their place.

"No" Katsuki answers.

Deku hands tighten around the stirring wheel at the response.

"Take a deep breath." Katsuki mumbles.

Deku listens and he stops choking the stirring wheel.

"How would you feel if you're lovers was goggly eyeing with some other guy?" Deku speaks.

"If it was anything like us, I'd be happy. Then maybe you'd kidnap him and leave me the hell alone." He smiles.

Deku let out a giggle,"Will you stop that, stop acting like that." He scoffs.

"Stop acting like what?" Katsuki lifts his brow in confusion.

"Like we don't treat you right!" Shoto joins in.

"That's because you don't! You can't keep your hands to yourself!" He glares at Deku.

He looks at Shoto,"And you are always apologizing for his actions when you should be apologizing for yours, you're always watching and not helping!" He shouts.

Deku slaps Katsuki,"Watch your mouth." He growls.

Katsuki feels the sting on his cheek,"You should watch your hands." He scoffs getting out the car and slamming the door.

Shoto sighs realizing what he meant.


Katsuki put away the things in his bag and left to go to their shared room.

He walks in the bathroom and sees the red handprint on his face, he scoffs while taking off his clothes.

When he got out the shower and put his clothes on he walked out to be met with Shoto and Izuku sitting on the bed.

He rolls his eyes and tries to leave the room.

"Ka-" He turns around cutting Shoto off.

"Shut the fuck up, don't look at me, don't talk to me and don't touch me." He states before turning to walk out of the room.

The two in the room stare in shock, Katsuki has never tried to talk back, maybe because they were villains or maybe because Deku would shut him down.

Katsuki walked to another bedroom in the house, he shut the door, got under the covers and closed his eyes.

When morning came Katsuki wasn't shocked that he was in the bed with the two villains.

He got up to get ready and left.


He repeated his steps of opening up.

When he turned the open sign on and waited, two men came in.

Katsuki sighs when he looks at the men.

He makes their orders and hands them their drinks.

The two villains sit down at the table and wait.

The door dings and Katsuki looks up meeting familiar brown eyes.

He smiles at Kiru,"You came." He earns a nod and a chuckle.

The two villains just rolled their eyes.

"So what would you like?" Katsuki asks ready to type the order in.

"Anything with Caramel." Kiru responds.

Katsuki giggles,"Is a caramel latte fine?" He gets a nod in response.

He types it in,"That'll be 4.50." He gets the money and tells him it'll be ready soon.

Katsuki finishes the order and gives it to Kiru.

Kiru tastes it and hums in delight,"This is really good." He smiles to the shorter one.

Katsuki nods shyly smiling,"I tend to make carmel a lot more since it's my favorite thing to mix with caffeine." He responds.

"Really?! I love carmel things too." Kiru sips his drink before responding.

"I guess we have a lot in common?" Katsuki slowly speaks.

"Yeah and one of them being is we're both single." He grins leaning forward.

Deku rolls his eyes at what he hears.

Katsuki could feel his heart beat faster,"I'm actually not single." He lowly chuckles.

"What?!" Kiru shouts.

"Yeah my boyfriends are actually here, those two poorly disguised men." He sends a small smile to Kiru.

The villians could feel their heart explode.

"But we were flirting at the store yesterday." Kiru sighs.

Deku cocks his brow and looks over to Katsuki.

"Yeah I know and I was wrong for doing so." Katsuki mumbles.

Kiru nods and scoff before walking over to the door, he stops and look over to the villians.

"You should treat him better." He glances at Katsuki one last time before walking out.

A sudden loud pop is heard, Katsuki looks over to see Deku's drink on everything in his area; his cup was squeezed in his hands.

Katsuki sighs as Shoto wipes his face.

"Deku learn to calm down." He scolds.

Deku lets go of his dismantled cup and grabs a napkin.

Katsuki goes over to help.

He pulls a rag out and wipe down the table as the two villains wipe themselves with napkins.

He gets a napkin when he finishes wiping the table, he goes over and help Shoto.

Shoto wraps his arm around Katsuki's waist as Katsuki looks down to wipe the rest of his face, Katsuki sends a small smile to Shoto when they make eye contact.

Katsuki grabs his face and kisses his cheek, Shoto whines and Katsuki kisses him on the lip.

He pulls away from the kiss when Izuku whines, he rolls his eyes.

"Looks like I have a pair of babies instead of villains." He jokes smiling.

He yelps when he was pulled away from Shoto to Izuku, when he was in Izuku's arm reach, he was pulled into a kiss.

Katsuki pulled back and watched as Deku smirk.

"Did you just use your quirk? You asshole." He asks still looking down.

"Yep, nice ain't it?" He continues to smirk.

Katsuki rolls his eyes


Katsuki closed early and was basically dragged with the two villains.

They went home and to their shared bedroom.

Katsuki sits down on the bed while the other two change.

Shoto finishes first and cuddles into Katsuki's side, Katsuki looks over to him and receives a kiss.

Deku joins them on the bed as they pull away from the kiss, he makes Katsuki look at him and leans in to kiss him.

Shoto kisses and suck at Katsuki's neck, Katsuki moans in the kiss.

Deku stops kissing Katsuki and removes Shoto from Katsuki's neck.

Shoto looks at him confused, Deku sends him a smirk and Shoto catches on.

"Our Katsu was being so good today." Shoto praises turning to look at a blushing Katsuki.

"What? I'm always good." Katsuki manages to get out.

"Yeah well today you were a good boy." Deku adds.

Katsuki looks at them in confusion,"I'm a grown man and once again I'm always good." He rolls his eyes.

Deku gives him a little glare, Katsuki shuts his mouth and just listens.

"Do you know what good boys get?" Shoto continues.

Katsuki nods thinking about Yukio,"They get treats." He mumbles his response.

"That's right and after what happened at the café, you deserve a treat." Deku speaks as Shoto covers Katsuki's eyes, Katsuki can feel his lower clothing being taken off, he can also hear clothes being dropped and feel another pair of hands cover his eyes.

Shoto takes off his clothing and get back on the bed. Deku removes his hands over Katsuki's eyes, Katsuki's eyes widen as he look at the two.Katsuki could feel his cheeks heat up again.

"Shoto what should we do to him?" Deku hums smugly.

"How about double penetration." Shoto suggests as Katsuki finally put two and two together.

"That's- are you crazy?!" Katsuki shouts,"You'll both break me!" He continues.

"Not if we prepare you right." Deku shrugs.


Katsuki shuts his eyes tight embracing any pain he is about to feel.

He groans when Shoto enters him first and gasps when he feels both of them in.

"You bastards! I can't believe I'm allowing this!" Katsuki shouts opening his eyes.

Izuku grins and moves, Katsuki and Shoto moan at the sudden move.

They thrust as the same time and Katsuki can feel little shocks where they're thrusting.

The two continue to thrust into Katsuki.

Katsuki can feel a burning pain and he moans in pain, he looks down to see Shoto using his quirk.

Shoto stops but he reaches and put his ice cold fingers in his mouth.

Katsuki grips on Shoto's wrist as their thrusts change.

The two moan as Katsuki's walls tighten around them.

Katsuki's moans come out muffled as he sucks Shoto's cold fingers.

He can feel a tight feeling in his stomach and throws his head back as he has his orgasm.

The two continue thrusting until they have theirs.

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