Deadly Gifted...

By CloudyXAutumn

408K 19.2K 18K

"I'm quirkless and you're all still struggling against me, how Pathetic!" Izuku was born quirkless but that w... More

middle school
Entrance exam
all might
Sports festival
What're The Chances?
Hero suit Upgrades
Taking the Bait
Kamino incident
Oh. Oh? OH!
Amateur Spies vs Expert Villain
Moving on Dramtically
Explosion 💥
Intensive Investigation
Upgrades People Upgrades
Quirk control
The Start

Quick Battle

2K 127 44
By CloudyXAutumn


"Let's begin"
Midoriya instructed.

The league jumped out of their hiding spots as they immediately went to attack the groups that were training.
It was all an attempt to find the main leaders.

Midoriya shot down the building re-destro lived in with the use of a large fire ball.
"If only that had killed him, my life would've been so much easier.

But oh well"
He sighed as he smoke cleared up.

"I was anticipating an attack from the league, but this soon...?

I suppose it has been 2 months"
Re-destro groaned as he stood up.
The only reason he had survived the blast was because he had seen the fireball coming 2 seconds before it struck, he had activated his quirk just in time.

Midoriya squinted his eyes, he saw Re-destro on the ground staring back at him.

"I'm here for a rematch, you're prepared right!?" Midoriya shouted as he flew in closer.
While re-destro may have thought that second part was directed at him, it was actually directed at Aizawa who was waiting for the signal patiently.

"I've been anticipating you, I'm fully prepared!"
He sneered as he charged at Midoriya.

Izuku grinned as he signalled to Aizawa to activate his quirk.

Re-destro transformed back into a regular person 3 inches away from Midoriya's grinning face.

He chuckled as he watched him fling back, he had activated the disc quirk.
"...huh, my quirk...-?"

"It's missing right?"
Midoriya sneered.

"What did you do!?"

"What didn't I do really? I came here prepared.

And I don't plan to have a drawn out Match when I can end this right here and right now.

It's so pointless to waste time."
He shot out his tendrils and staked re-destro.

He coughed up blood as he was dragged towards izuku.

"You can't do anything, it's hilarious"

Re-destro tried to swing a punch but he wasn't close enough for it to land, not to mention it hurt to move with where he was stabbed.

"Let's ends this."
Izuku went to deliver the final attack but something just had to stop him-

A failed attack.

Ice bounced off an invisible force, all of it was aimed straight for Midoriya's head.
He paused as he turned around, his eyes met the snowy eyes of geten.

"My attacks!? Why won't they land-!?"
He screamed in frustration.

Midoriya let out a sneerful hum, "there you are~
I'll kill re-destro first, then kill you."

Geten sent himself straight at Midoriya, he couldn't understand why there was an invisible barrier blocking him.

"Hm. how do you wanna die, re-destro?

Pick an option."
He activated Game of choice and gave re-destro 3 options.

"Die by poison"

"Die by burning to death"

"Die by drowning"

"You have only a minute, hurry up and pick one"

"I can't drown on land...

I'll pick that."

"Death by drowning.
Interesting choice, you like slow painful deaths?

Whatever, not my problem"
Midoriya chuckled as he teleported out of the mini domain he had put up.

Geten went to immediately attack him but he was stopped when a domain was put around him.
It stopped his ability to move.

"Dabi warned me that he can manipulate water into ice as well.
I'll have to make sure his quirk is deactivated."
Izuku shot Aizawa's quirk at him, since he had monoma's copy quirk it was relatively easy.

"So many quirks at once, he isn't showing signs of exhaustion or pain either.
He's doing better than I had anticipated"
Hisashi thought to himself as he spectated from the distance.

"Now then.

Let's drown you."
Midoriya removed the domain that was around re-destro and lifted him up into the air using some wind.

"You can't do that, we're on la-"

"Think again"

An orb of water formed mid air, it was larger than a house...
He stuck re-destro right at the center of that.

"Why can't I freeze the water!? No! Where is everyone else!?"
Geten thought to himself in panic as he tried desperately to disperse the water.

Re-destro gasped for air, but he was only met with water. The water filled his lungs, it burned as he coughed more and more.
He ended up passing out before he could even die.

"I'll make this quick and burn the corpse"
He snapped his fingers as the orb of water turned into a ball of flames.
He was burned into a perfect crisp as he dropped to the ground in ashes.

Geten screamed as he hit his hand on the domain walls.

"Ah, now for you.
Your quirk is promisingly strong.
So I'm going to take it and dispose of you after, hope you don't mind."
Midoriya flew over to the domain.


Midoriya rolled his eyes, "yeah yeah, shut up and freeze" he activated sirenic Paralysis and watched Geten freeze up.

He quickly removed the domain and activated toxin, it didn't take long for geten to be put to sleep.
"And now I just steal it.

How perfect"
He stole Geten's powerful quirk, it would be nice with Elemental generation.

Ice manipulation.
This quirk allows the user to manipulate any water source into ice and control the ice to their will.

Body Temperature may drop significantly.

"There, now just kill him off and we're done."
He burned geten to ashes as he brought Aizawa back from the clouds.

"Alright, 2 leaders down.
2+ more to go.

How are the rest of you? Have you run into any leaders?"
Midoriya said into the comm.

"I need help, she's making my life impossible!" Toga yelled through the comm.

"The same person from before?"

"Yes! I need help, her quirk is making it impossible for me to walk somewhere without exploding!
I'll die at this rate!"

"I'll be there in less than a minute, I see you from the sky"
Midoriya sighed as Aizawa just sat beside him.

Midoriya sent himself straight down to the scene, he made quite an entrance.

"Aizawa, go look for any other leaders.
I have your quirk copied so I'll be good for now."


Aizawa ran off as izuku activated his quirk on the blue skinned lady.
Toga let out a relieved sigh, she could finally step without exploding.

Midoriya glanced over, Toga was in a horrible state.
Blood was dripping down her forehead and she had multiple gashes all over.

Though despite this, she wore a psychotic sick grin. Her fangs bared as she stared down the news type lady.

He sighed, "there, now your minor injuries are healed."

Allied heal.
This quirk allows the user to heal their allie's minor injuries from a 20 foot distance.
In order for major injuries to be healed, the user has to be 1 foot away from their ally.

Quirk can't be used on self.

"Ah I feel better now!"
Toga grinned as she stretched, she had been covered in bruises previously and they were slowing her down.

"My what's this!
The Silencer?! I heard a lot about you~

A kid born into a villain family, you were born into darkness! Your father's the number 1 villain and your mother was the masquerade!
You grew up never knowing right from wrong, murder was the answer to your problems with people!

And you were born quirkless! Though despite this you were successful as a villain from that weird gift you have! You introduced it as duality and it lets you fake an entire personality with incredible lying skills!

You infiltrated UA, tricked everyone, assisted in all might's death, shut the number 1 school down, moved onto Shiketsu and repeated!!

Though because of this, you made yourself an enemy!
Neito Monoma-
He ended up killing both your mother and brother! But you got revenge and killed him.

And from what I know now! You inherited several quirks!!!"
Curious explained in creepy detail.

"How the hell did you learn about all of that...?"
Midoriya uttered, he couldn't help but ask.

"I'm an aspiring news reporter, I know everything!"

"She's insanely nervous for someone whose able to put up such a good front. From what I already know, she's a able to set bombs in anything she touches.

I want that quirk- it'd be useful.
Let's get this over with"
Midoriya thought to himself as he deactivated deduction.

"You're so stressed that your front is crumbling beneath you" he sneered as he activated weighted words. He knew they'd impact her strongly.

She immediately fell to the ground, unable to keep standing.

"Why am I all alone??? Where are my troops!?"
She thought to herself in a panic as she laid crushed on the ground.

"You're probably asking where your mini army is.
Short answer- they're dead.
I don't feel like giving out a long answer" he yawned.

"How!? It's impossible to take on over 5000 people at once!?"

"Hm not really.
I just checked them super high up into the sky.
Most of them plummeted to their deaths in some other city.

It's not my problem"
He sneered as he jumped off the rooftop and stood before Curious.

"How dare you!"

"Blah blah, shut up.
It'd be easier if you were knocked out now that I think about it, your blabbering is giving me a headache"
He sent posion through her system that made her fall asleep on the spot.

He quickly stole the quirk and killed her off.

This quirk allows the user to make anything explosive upon the touch of it. In order for the explosion to go off, impact has to be made with the new explosive.

Hands may go numb or hurt after overuse.

"...that was fast" Toga peeped out.

"I wasn't expecting her to know so much, I understand what you meant now.
Hm, you don't have an serious injuries from what I'm seeing.

Though her quirk could've easily let you break your bone.
You must've avoided a good majority."
He commented as he used deduction to check if she was still hurt.

"...I avoided a majority...?
That's not possible-"


"I know for a fact I stepped on at least 10."

She set up over a hundred."

"How do you know that???"

"Deduction, it let me see what she had done with her quirk."

"...okay then..."

"I'll be off.
Inform me if you find any other leader"

He flew off, "anyone encounter any other leaders? 3 are officially dead."

"I don't know if you can hear me, I can't tell if this mic has been damaged or not.

I need h-elp."
Spinner forced out, it sounded like he was being crushed by an intense amount of force.

Izuku spotted him from the sky, he was being dog piled on.
He sent out a blast of wind that dispersed the large crowd of people.

Spinner gasped for air as he sat up, he looked at Izuku who was looking at someone else.
To be precise it was Trumpet.

"Look at you, you're so weak that you had to call for help from someone younger!" Trumpet sneered.

"Age isn't a very reputable way of estimating someone's level of strength.
You should already know that considering I've already killed re-destro, some blue skinned woman, and an ice user."
Midoriya hissed as he teleported to Trumpet and trapped him in his tendrils.


He screamed in rage as izuku dragged him into the air.

Hm, I need to figure out how to get more info.
Using Game of Choice will be pretty useful."

"I'm presenting you with 3 choices.
You have to pick 1 under 2 minutes"

"What!? I'm not doing that you prick!"
Trumpet screamed in fury, it didn't help that Izuku didn't answer his initial question.

"Shut up.
I told you to pick 1.
If you don't, I'll force you to pick the 1 I want."

"Explain to me who skeptic is"

"Tell me who's in the group that  leads the meta Liberation Army"


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